Member Reviews

Michael has always dreamed of being famous and is excited to discover, one day, that he can read minds. His search for fame and fortune takes him from Snuffles-by-sea to Hollywood, in this fun filled book about friendship and perseverance.

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What a really charming story. Michael thinks he deserves his own show in Hollywoof, so he does what he can do get one and takes his assistant, Stanley Big Dog, to help. It's funny and it made me chuckle out loud in places. I really liked Michael and his get up and go attitude. This would be a great story to read aloud to a class of children and I can imagine there would be a lot of discussion at key points. The way they've 'doggified' everything made me smile (a round of ap-paws, Hollywood etc).

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Fabulously funny, packed with pawtastic puns and doggy delights. The perfect book to challenge newly confident readers. A wonderful debut from Terrie Chilvers, I'm excited to see what Michael gets up to next! Tim Budgen's illustrations are lively and witty. I will be recommending this to all the children at my school.

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Such a great read for all ages. We love sausage dogs so this was a must for us and we were not disappointed.

From the outset this book is funny and made us giggle at the doggy (dodgy) puns.

We loved Michael’s growth as a dog and how he learns to care for others along the way.

A great book for any kids library.

Thanks to Graeme Williams for reaching out about this book! We are so glad he did!!

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Michael has expensive taste in clothing and is determined to find fame and fortune, especially as he is unimpressed by the peanut balancing ability of the previous winner of the talent contest. When he accidentally finds out he can read other dogs' minds - well, one other dog at least - he decides that this will be his route to achieving that goal. But when his show is threatened with cancellation, how can Michael and the rest of the canine stars reverse the decision? With plenty of humour provided by the narration of the wonderfully self-deluded Michael and a cast of idiosyncratic doggy characters, this is a funny and engaging novel that will attract a good readership on our library shelves.

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Little dog goes in search of big dreams in sweet canine caper.

Michael the sausage dog is by far the most talented pooch in Snuffles-by-Sea. No other dog has the paw-er to read minds. Teaming up with Stanley Big Dog, the local talent competition is the paw-fect opportunity to show the world his amazing ability. He’s got the sequinned waistcoat and the glittery bowtie; nail the act and Hollywoof awaits. But cracking into show business is no walkies in the park and it’ll take more than just mind-reading to go from underdog to top pup…

Bursting with pork chops, an adorable cast of dogs and plenty of attitude (from big-headed Michael and his nemesis, Susan the peanut-balancing Chocolate Labrador), Michael The Amazing Mind-Reading Sausage Dog is deserving of a hearty round of apawse. Told through the voice of a very endearing and egotistical sausage dog who is determined to crack his way into show business and become the most famous canine in the world, the witty and lively story will have everyone howling with laughter.

Packed with doggie puns, pup-tastic artwork and important messages around perseverance, chasing your dreams, valuing others and not being self-absorbed, it has all the ingredients to entertain kids and will have everyone feeling those positive vibes.

Fun, heartwarming and feel-good reading. Four paws up from me!

Recommended for 7+.

With huge thanks to Firefly Press for the copy I received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Lively read for chap-book audiences, of a dog's autobiography as he tells us of his growth as a mind-reading dog. The first time he discovers the craft it's with a ridiculously goofy mutt, and their first entry into a local talent show doesn't go down as perfectly as planned, but surely things will swing around to justify the book's title? The book could have laboured its moral, of collaboration, perseverance, and having the drive to stick to your own talents no matter what other dogs say, but luckily that's all done lightly enough, leaving the heavily anthropomorphised world of canine talent shows to be wrung for as much quippage as possible. Daft kind of cliffhanger ending, however, which almost drags this down to three and a half stars. I'll pretend I'm more generous than that, mind.

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For any mind-readers out there, I don't need to tell you that we thought this chapter book was hilariously funny and you should absolutely DEFINITELY get hold of a copy. For those of you out there who do not have the same mind-reading skills as Michael the Sausage Dog, let me fill you in on why this is a great choice for the 5-8 age-group...

Michael is a small dog with a big ambition. He wants to be a su-paw-star and a Hollywoof legend.
So when Michael discovers he can read the minds of other dogs, he knows it's not long before all his dreams will come true. But will the other residents of Snuffles-On-Sea be as quick to recognise his talent? It seems that the path to Hollywoof for Michael and his side-kick, Stanley Big Dog, might not be as smooth as he thought!

Told in the first person, this is a chapter book full of fantastic characters, big personalities and, as you can see from the blurb, lots of doggy puns. Michael's unusual talent, combined with his bold ambition, brings a lot of laughs and his side-kick Stanley Big Dog brings even more. This is a story that teaches young readers to dream big, to never give up hope but also to be prepared to fail before you succeed.

Living in the shadow of super smug Susan (another hilarious character), Michael never fails to pick himself up, dust himself off and push himself forward. There's some knockbacks and disappointments and even some EPIC fails but kids will be hooting at Michael and Stanley's antics along the way. Perfect for dog-lovers and those who love a good laugh, this definitely gets a round of a-paws from us and we're definitely hoping to see another one in the series.

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We loved reading this book together and hope there are more stories about Michael.
5yo son was able to follow the story and made him laugh in parts. When he randomly spoke about Michael during the day, I knew we were on to a winner.

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We absolutely ADORE this book; both adults and both children agree… for once! This is such a fun and imaginative story, featuring dogs that act like humans in some ways (eating in cafes, designing their own waistcoats) and like dogs in others (fetching sticks, digging and peeing on trees). Michael has a memorable and distinctive narrative voice as he recounts his adventures directly to the reader, but his assistant Stanley Big Dog steals the show repeatedly and to great comic effect.

And that’s another thing we all agree on – this book is really funny! From the toilet humour (the aforementioned weeing on trees, for example) that tickles Babybows and Mr Shine, to the tongue-in-cheek wit and punny word play that entertains myself and Minishine, this book has some funny to spare for everyone.

Here’s what Minishine (10) and Babybows (7) had to say about the book:

Minishine: It’s FUNNY!!! Stanley Big Dog is THE BEST!!! It’s a bit crazy because the dogs wear clothes and stuff. I would give it 5 stars though, because it is really funny!

Babybows: It is funny, silly and very, very, very, very more funny! I like how Michael the Sausage Dog tries to show off and I like his assistant Stanley Big Dog and his stick, and how he does what Michael says but also thinks about his stick and food and he wees and scratches his bum!

Mr Shine: [nodding] It IS funny. I like Michael best. Because he is funny.

Clearly our eloquent analysis speaks for itself about this book and I can confirm that we have now purchased our very own paperback copy to keep. Because it is funny!

Review by Steph Warren of Bookshine and Readbows blog

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I am usually not that keen on books featuring anthropomorphism, or animals acting like humans. I often find those stories a bit difficult to grasp, especially not ones in which animals have dreams that are more commonly found among humans.

This book is an exception though. It is very well-written with a lot of humour and puns. It is about Michael the Amazing Mind-Reading Sausage Dog (who else could it be about??!) discovering his special talent and his search for stardom in Hollywoof.

It is a book that both children and adults with a childlike heart would enjoy.

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Michael The Amazing Mind-Reading Sausage Dog tells the hilarious story of a small dog with big dreams. This hilarious, pun filled adventure takes Michael and his sidekick, Stanley Big Dog, from the small town of Snuffles-by-Sea to Hollywoof!

Sausage Dog Michael wants to be famous but he doesn’t know how. When he meets Stanley Big Dog in the park he accidentally discovers that he can read Stanley’s mind! Michael enters a local talent show with Stanley Big Dog as his assistant but his attempt to read another dog’s mind is unsuccessful. A chance meeting with Stanley’s Uncle Humphrey leads them to Hollywoof but when they get there Michael is dismayed to learn that he won’t be mind reading. He’ll be assisting his rival, Susan, the chocolate labrador in her peanut balancing act. But after all the dogs in the show get kennel cough things start to change…

Ambitious Michael reminds us of Buster Moon in Sing and Sing 2, he’s determined to make it big but his road to fame doesn’t go smoothly and his initial experiences in Hollywoof are frustrating. His attempts to make his dream happen drive the story and show that with enough persistence and determination even a small dog can make it big!

Tim Budgen’s black and white illustrations are fabulous. The body language and the expressions on the dog’s faces are brilliant and evoke so many different emotions. We love the gold waistcoats and snazzy bowties that Michael and Stanley wear for their act.

Michael the Amazing Mind-Reading Sausage Dog, a heartwarming story of friendship, rivalry and pork chops., is a fun story for a beginner reader who is transitioning from picture books to chapter books.

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I'm sorry, but a book with a sausage dog as the main character? I'm in!

Goodreads says the audience range is 7-9 years old. And I'm nearly 30. And I don't care! There's only so many thrillers you can read before you need a story about a magic dog.

My 8-year-old nephew has a sausage dog and I think this book would be perfect for him.

My digital version only had a few illustrations in it, and I'm assuming the finished copy will be full of Tim's gorgeous images, but even what I could see showed they were very cute and I think kids are going to love it.

It's not the heaviest of plots but it really shows the importance of friendship, perseverance, and believing in yourself, even if the odds are stacked against you.

It's quick and easy to read, I think or all ages, particularly youngsters, either to themselves or with a grownup, or even a sibling or friend. It's fun and funny, heart warming, hopeful and slick. It's a very original plot, especially with the book written from the dog's perspective.

I think grownups are going to have great fun picking out all the parody words such as supawstar, Hollywoof and Snuffes-by-Sea.

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Michael the Amazing Mind-reading Sausage Dog is a delight from start to finish, Full of delightful dog-based puns and with a fabulous central character and his adorable best friend, this is a laugh-out-loud adventure that is beautifully paced.

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Amusing pun-filled dog-lover's dream.

He's always dreamed of being a big star, and now sausage dog Michael discovers he might have a way to manage this - he can read the minds of other dogs!!

Accidentally reading the slightly vapid and meat-filled thoughts of Stanley Big Dog one day, he sees his name in lights and enlists his bemused sidekick into entering a competition with him. Surely nothing can wow an audience and scouts more than a real-life mind reader?!

Let's offer our apawse (get it?!) at this stage for the many groanable doggie-based puns throughout, which my six-year-old thoroughly enjoyed spotting, spelling out and laughing at. I think he also understood that Michael is a rather self-absorbed and selfish animal to start with, but a few incidents provided him to have at least a little heart, conscience and need for friends more than sparkly waistcoats. Just about.

We read this over a few bedtimes, the few illustrations there are were welcome and gave personality to the featured characters.

The question of just HOW Michael develops his talent is never considered, but it didn't matter in the slightly of course.

Silly, enjoyable fare with the requisite lessons about teamwork, friendship and sausages.

For ages 4-9.

With thanks to Netgalley for providing a sample reading copy.

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As someone who up until relatively recently was really frightened of dogs, whenever I encountered them I would only be interested in whether or not they were heading in my direction, rather than what breed they were. Having seen the light, and now in possession of my late mother’s dog, I take far more notice in those that I see while I’m out and about and tend to categorise them into those that I find unattractive and those I would happily take home with me.

Dachshunds most definitely fall into the second group – there is something about their little legs, floppy ears and big eyes that gives them the aww factor in abundance and I know I am not alone in thinking this, they seem to be universally popular. With animal protagonists – especially cute dogs – in books always popular, the appeal of reading this after I saw Tim Budgen’s cover on Twitter was one I found hard to resist and I’m so glad I didn’t because it really is the most tremendous fun.

Reflecting on his position as the Amazing, Mind-Reading, World-Famous Sausage Dog Sensation, Michael tells us that he has not always been the super-talented individual that he is now and takes the reader back in time to when he discovered his talent. Joining him on a rainy walk in the park, we watch as he bumps into another dog – Stanley Big Dog – whose voice he can apparently hear despite his mouth being full of stick.

Chasing after Stanley, Michael reassures him that he won’t steal his treasure and surprises him enormously by explaining that he can hear his thoughts. It is soon Michael’s turn to be surprised though when the bigger dog tells him he wants to be friends. Practising his new-found skill with Stanley to improve it, it isn’t long before Michael spies a poster for a canine talent show and determines not just to enter but to win.

Things do not go to plan at the show, however, and a disappointed Michael vows to try again in the continued hopes of finding fame and fortune. With his mind firmly set on reaching Hollywoof, can our furry friend and his trusty assistant overcome the obstacles put in their way to find success on the stage and launch Michael’s career as a global superstar?

Michael is such an optimistic and positive character. He is determined to succeed and goes out of his way to try to do so with the sort of perseverance that we could all do with at times. With Stanley at his side, he does not let the many obstacles that he finds himself facing crush his confidence but looks at each situation rationally and plans his next moves accordingly. For young readers, many of whom might have far less resilience, the story shows very clearly that the goals we have in life that are important to us will take effort and there will be barriers to be overcome – success doesn’t generally just happen.

Hiding this important message within the book’s pages is a huge amount of fun and humour, whether that be in the form of the – at times dreadful – puns and slapstick humour in Terrie Chilvers’s writing, or Tim Budgen’s fabulous illustrations which will delight confident readers in Year 3 upwards or those in Year 2 as a shared read.

I very much enjoyed this title and am looking forward to seeing what Michael and Stanley Big Dog get up to next. As always, my very great thanks go to publisher Firefly Press and to Net Galley for my advance, virtual read. Michael the Amazing Mind-Reading Sausage Dog publishes June 8th.

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Micheal - The amazing mind reading sausage dog
By Terrie Childers
Published by Firefly Press Ltd

What a fabulously funny, chapter book this is!
Full of “doggie” wit and puns to temp and tickle your “paw-fect” reading experience.

Michael - a sausage dog of small statue has big dreams. Not only to be “su-paw”famous but to be part of the “Holly-woof” hero’s. But becoming famous is no “walkies” in the park... Not only does he need to discover his talent, but he needs to prove his worth. And as we all know becoming famous has its ups and its downs. So with the help of his trusty sidekick, Stanley Big Dog, Micheal discovers his mind-reading talent!! What can possibly go wrong?

Well there are a host of difficulties along the way. Not to mention some tricky characters who want the lime light for themselves. So it is with true grit, determination and companionship, that Micheal follows his dream.

Will he find fame and fortune?
Will he be that amazing mind reading dog he dreams of?
Or will the pit falls dampen his spirits?

A “paw-fect” read for all dog lovers!
A page turner of a chapter book for young readers that will keep you and your audience laughing out loud!

Joanne Bardgett - teacher of littlies, lover of Children’s literature.


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A very funny and whacky story of mind reading dogs and the perils of show business and the hollywoof (!) dream

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