Member Reviews

Lisa was having her typical dinner moment with her small, loving family, but a knock on their door changed the cheery atmosphere of their precious little home. Victoria's husband, Russell, was hit the other rainy night by an unknown driver, with broken limbs and all that, and to her surprise, Lisa was the first suspect in the crime. The Guilty Mother switches back and forth between Lisa's arrest and Victoria finding evidence that her husband was killed with intention. However, mystery stuff aside, this story is all about a mother's love for her children.

This was marketed as women's fiction, which is indeed correct. The Guilty Mother was not a heavily plotted thriller read; it's not embedded with shocking plot twists because most of the surprises in the story were obvious. Despite that, it was satisfying to witness everything unfold according to what you were expecting. Pace-wise, it was slow but engaging. The first chapter started with a bang that hooked me in instantly. The author's engaging writing style added to the immersive start and to the flow all throughout. However, I found it repetitive sometimes, and the ending lacked for me but could definitely work for others.

It would be a perfect read if you want to get into a small-town mystery and if you want a gossip-y flow to the story! Watch out for trigger warnings, though!

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I can’t resist a mystery with two viewpoints, and thought I was pretty used to the sub-genre. However, this was my first experience with neighbors as the narrators, and I loved it! Lisa is the ideal stay-at-home mom, spending her days taking care of her family, and enjoying her life. Victoria is her childless neighbor, catering to her husband’s every need. The story starts with Lisa being arrested in relation to a hit-and-run that killed Victoria’s husband. But Victoria seems convinced Lisa had nothing to do with his death. We get an intimate feel into how Lisa and Victoria feel about each other, their husbands, and their small community as they each grapple with changes in their lives.
I really enjoyed this story, with wonderfully written relationship dynamics, a compelling and quickly-paced plot, and descriptive phrasing that made me feel like I was perched on the fence between the families’ yards. The only thing that felt slightly off was the internal pacing for Victoria. Her motivations were completely aligned with her character in the beginning and the ending. But in the middle, it felt like her motivation was being changed quickly to push the plot without allowing the character to catch up. However, both Victoria and Lisa are such complete and irresistible characters that even the pacing couldn’t deter my interest in them. Overall, a quick and enticing read that keeps you on your toes to the very last page.

For a more detailed review (with spoilers), check out my blog,!

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for sending me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Now this was the kind of domestic noir that I jist can't get enough of! It's well written, there are so many amazing twists and turns that you absolutely do not see coming!! The writing style flows really easily and it feels like a really original plot line rather than a version of something you've read a dozen times. I loved the characters and how well written they are. You can't help but get invested from the start and I wad literally up half the night still reading.... and then I may have multitasking to keep reading through my morning at work. If you like domestic thrillers then don't miss this one

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The Guilty Mother by Sam Vickery is one that grabs your attention from the moment you open it and doesn't let go until the very end. There were so many twists, I was kept on my toes, trying to figure out how it was all going to end. A very intense, gripping read that I would recommend to anybody who loves a good suspense.
A dark, gripping and emotional page-turner full of family secrets and lies.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and Bookouture for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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In this book we meet the neighbours Lisa and her husband and Russell a d his wife Victoria. They are both on friendly terms and have been friends for around 17 years. Going through lifes ups and downs together.

It is on one fateful day that the police arrive at Lisa's door. Wanting to arrest Lisa for the death of Russell. As Lisa's children and husband watch on in disbelief as the police cart Lisa away. While Victoria watches on form the safety of her own home.

As the story unfolds it is clear to see that there are multiple.secrets being hidden. Lots of twists, turns and drama to unfold. It also becomes clear that one woman wants what she can never have and one is willing to fight and protect what's hers even if it means she has to lie and betray everyone near and dear to her.

This is a very good book, very well written. The drama unfolds straight away as you open the book and keeps you gripped all the way through.

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Firstly I would like to thank bookoture and the author Sam Vickery for access to the guilty mother.

The review I am going to make is an honest review regardless of the access I received for this book. It should be noted I was not paid for this review and ensure honesty in all my reviews.

Imagine being blamed for something you know you didn’t do but you have secrets you are hiding.

This book is fast-paced and hard to put down from beginning to end it’s engaging you. The two narratives of Lisa and Victoria makes it very hard to determine who to trust.

I would have preferred if the chapter let you know which characters view point it was from just to make the reading of this book easier.

I have now bought another book by this author and excited to see where the read takes me.

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This was an excellent domestic thriller that kept me wanting more. It kept me on my toes and kept wanting to see that happened next. The ending was definitely satisfying and I recommend this read!

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Heart pounding thriller that left me on the edge of my seat. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. Definitely one of the best books this year.

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The Guilty Mother starts with a punch and doesn’t let up. It’s fast-paced and binge-worthy, full of family drama and long-held secrets.

I wasn’t sure who out of the two narrative voices to trust, Lisa or Victoria? Lisa is protective mum who would do anything for her family and Victoria is a long suffering widow who would really like Lisa’s life. This results in secrets and lies between the two!

I think it did end rather hastily but it was an enjoyable read.

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The Guilty Mother was overall an enjoyable read.
I knew i was really getting into the story when i found myself becoming angry with the neighbour's behaviour and knowing i would not have been as kind as Lisa.
I did guess quite early on the majority of what had happened but i was still kept up reading until late.
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my early copy.
Worthy 4 star read.

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Lisa and her family have loved opposite Russell and Vic on Dragonfly Close for a number of years. Regularly socialising together until Vic dies and Lisa is accused of his murder. I enjoyed this book even though I found parts to be predictable and slow in places. It did keep me engrossed to the end so I would rate it 3.5 stars. Thank you to NetGalley, Bookouture and the author for the chance to review.

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The Guilty Mother by Sam Vickery was such a page turner. Stayed up all night to read it & then I couldn’t fall asleep haha but I would definitely recommend this one if you like a good, easy thriller.

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This was my first book by Sam Vickery and I did enjoy it. It did keep me guessing until the very end. The non linear time line and multiple view points did get a little hard to follow at times. It would have been helpful if each chapter let you know who's viewpoint it was from.

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Thank you Netgalley, Sam Vickery and Bookouture for the early copy to read.

The books follows two neighbours Lisa and Victoria following the death of Victoria's husband Russell.

As a mother I know I would absolutely do as Lisa did. Sadly I didn't love the book though. I saw the twists coming and found it a slow but easy read.

I wish the epilogue could have been from Holly's perspective.

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I could not put this page turner down!! What a ride and I loved every last word of it. I left me thinking about it for days afterwards. 6 stars if I could.
I just reviewed The Guilty Mother by Sam Vickery. #TheGuiltyMother #NetGalley
[NetGalley URL]

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Imagine your dream in life is to create delicious meals and provide a warm, family centered home. You have a wonderful husband and two children who are close to leaving the nest. You have become best friends with the neighbors across the street. One day, you sit down for a meal of a lamb roast with your family when a knock at the door interrupts your perfect bubble. The police have shown up to arrest you on suspicion of a hit and run accident that killed the husband of your best friend. With your stunned family looking on, you are taken for questioning.

Lisa wasn’t sure why she was thought to be a suspect in the death of Vic’s husband, but trying to right the wrong in her world was puzzling and exhausting her. Meanwhile, Vic is unsure why anyone would suspect Lisa. Lisa is the person who let a homeless man live with her family for months before being able to find housing for him. But like an onion, we start to see the layers peel off characters in Sam Vickery’s The Guilty Mother. Vic sees a way to have the family she always wanted but never had. Lisa tries to protect her family at all costs without giving the police a reason to charge her with the murder of her neighbor.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the advanced copy. Opinions expressed are my own. This book is set for publication on April 28, 2023. ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5

#netgalley #arc #bookstagram #samvickery #theguiltymother #bookouture

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Thank you for allowing me to review this book it is the first I have read by Sam Vickery. Now I want to read more. The Guilty Mother had me gripped from the beginning, the ending was unexpected. The story is told from the perspective of Lisa, the mother of Holly and Jack and the neighbour Victoria. Both characters are interesting and well written. They are complete opposites.
I won't write more in case I spoil the plot for readers. I can recommend this story to those who enjoy thrillers.

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Slightly different from this author's previous books which I have read them all. What a brilliant book this is all the characters had their own part to play. I was hooked from the very first page, just fantastic with a great ending too.

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for this ARC which I have no hesitation in recommending and I look forward to the next one from this author.

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📚First I’d like to thank NetGalley and Bookouture for allowing me to read The Guilty Mother by Sam Vickery ahead of its release in return for my free review.

✨The novel opens quickly and engages readers right away with an arrest.
✨Lisa appears to be a normal mother who has just made a roast dinner for her family Sunday meal. She is enjoying the meal and quality time with her husband and two children when there is a knock at the door. The police have come to arrest Lisa in the hit and run of their neighbor Russell. As the police handcuff Lisa and lead her out of her home, her family watches in a stunned silence while Lisa gives directions to her husband for the dessert that has yet to be finished.
✨Across the street, Victoria is watching the events intently from inside her home. Victoria and Lisa have been neighbors and friends close to 17 years. Lisa was the first in the neighborhood to welcome Lisa and her husband Russell to the area. Lisa’s children refer to Victoria as “Auntie” and Vic loves them as her own. Now Victoria watches as Lisa is hauled off for questioning in the hit and run of her husband, Russell.
✨ As the story progresses, it becomes obvious one woman wanted what she couldn’t have and will manipulate everyone around her to get it; the other is willing to stop at nothing to protect and fight for what is hers even if it means lying and betraying those closest to her.
✨One never knows what secrets and horrors happen behind closed doors. When those secrets are revealed, there are deadly consequences.

✨I would give this 4.5/5 stars so I will round up to ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. This is my first novel from this author and I’m certainly excited to check out other works. I loved that I kept wanting to flip page after page to find out what would happen next! This was certainly a “one more chapter” read, for me so I highly recommend it!

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Lisa and Mike have lived across the street from Victoria and Russell for quite some time. There have been many barbeques, drinks, and laughs shared in their backyards. Lisa's children even call Victoria 'Auntie'. When Lisa is arrested for the hit-and-run that kills Russell, everyone is beyond shocked. Victoria doesn't believe her friend could be guilty; there must be some dreadful mistake.

As she sits in the back of the police car, Lisa can't stop thinking about her kids. She also can't stop thinking about the last time she and Russell met up in secret and the argument they had. Lisa refuses to cooperate with the police and won't give an alibi for the time of the crime. Meanwhile, we learn from Victoria just how cruel and overbearing Russell was. As she turns her attention to Lisa's family, especially her husband Mike, to offer comfort, one has to wonder exactly what her motives her.

This was an excellent domestic thriller full of red herrings that kept me turning the pages until I got to the shocking end. Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for this early read. THE GUILTY MOTHER releases April 28, 2023.

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