Member Reviews

Yu is one of us - a kid with perceived monumental pressure and high expectations from his father and for himself - how could he ever be Spiderman? All he thinks he can do is hit that like button and carry on with his meager existence. But fate has a different plan and Yu rises to the challenge over and over again not with ridiculous acrobatics or glorified hero-antics but by doing what he can with what he knows. Beautiful artwork cohesive story, easter eggs throughout for the superfans. In full color this is gorgeous.

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For me, this one was just ok. I love the question of self and self worth and identity that it raises. But it's just not enough to really wow me.

The art is ok. A bit more fan service than I like.

The part that stood out to me the was how Yu dealt with Emma's confession. He was support and thrilled that she felt so comfortable for him, and he'd made her feel safe, and that he had an amazing friend.

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Yu, a teenage boy is having a hard time fitting in at his new school. But when he finds Spidey's suit abandoned in an alley, he winds up taking up the mantle while Spiderman is among the missing.

This seems to be yet another Spiderman reboot, with another new Spidey diving into the fray while Peter is MIA. What happened to Miles? My son is a big fan of Spiderman, which is why I grabbed this galley without much more thought to the storyline.

It's interesting enough, I suppose, But I'm not sure if I really loved this as a whole, especially if it's starting a whole new kid's journey into the Spiderverse. Sure, having an Asian-American kid involved in the world is cool, but why do there need to be so many guys in the suit?

I received an Advanced Reader Copy via NetGalley in return for sharing my thoughts on this book. Thanks to the author and publisher for this opportunity!

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I think this book and the Into the Spider Verse film would make good companions. Both stories feature a strong theme of "anyone can wear the mask" and taking up the mantle because the main hero is out of commission. Yu is an interesting example, because he really is just a kid trying to do the right thing when he happens upon Spidey's costume in the trash. Styles and themes mix well. This would be a good title for someone who maybe wants to try reading a manga, but doesn't want to veer too far from the familiarity and tropes of American comics.

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Yu is struggling in high school, striking out academically and socially. He'd rather be hanging out at the rock climbing gym than going to classes. Everything changes one day when he finds Spider-man's suit behind a dumpster. Once he puts on the suit, he can't help but play superhero while running around the city. An apartment fire or helping
someone cross the street is one thing. But what happens when the more powerful villains start popping up? And where is the real Spider-man?

With the real Spider-man nowhere to be found, Yu finds himself taking on tougher battles. After all, no one else is stepping up to do the job and he's the one donning the suit.

I really enjoyed this book. It appears to be a stand alone title, but I wouldn't be opposed to a series with this character. It touches on taking on responsibilities and pushing forward in the face of doubt. Our main character is completely out of his element, but the circumstances are forcing him to grow as a person and move outside his comfort zone.

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Swinging into adventure with this volume of Spider-Man! Nothing I love more than watching a person stumble there way into being a hero. Readers will love the origin story of this Spider-Man and become crazy, webs-slinging fans for the rest of their days.

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Interesting story set in the Spider-Verse, I would love for the story to have continued to see how his life was effected afterwards.

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Interesting take on the Spider verse in a manga format. The art and story are both good and entertaining. For old-school fan or newcomer! A fun read!

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