Member Reviews

An amusing and out there read, I listened to the audiobook which was great for listening on the go commuting and made the morning train something to look forward to. You can tell the author pulls from some real life experiences and you keep thinking how can this person dig a deeper hole and yet they manage.

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DNF’ing unfortunately. Not anything really against the book itself but I’m just not invested in the plot or the characters, and I’m not finding myself drawn back to listening to it. I did enjoy the narration though.

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This was an interesting one. Definitely a unique premise and I enjoyed the slow spiral of Frances becoming more manic and desperate. I also liked the queer representation and the open stream of consciousness style of writing. But I have to say all the characters were completely unlikable (which I assume was the point) but I struggled to care about any of the characters and their problems.

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I thought this book was absolutely hilarious. I don't know if it's just my sense of humour, but I laughed out loud multiple times, especially during the early stages of the book.

On the face of it, this book is about an unlikeable character makes a series of bad decisions which results in her sedating her girlfriend because she finds her incredibly irritating. However I read it as being about how a challenging upbringing can leave a lasting impact on who we are as adults, but if we recognise that we have issues and ask for help, we can start to deal with our issues. I really enjoyed it.

I received a copy of the audiobook from the publisher via Netgalley. I thought the narrator was really good and captured the humour perfectly. In fact she was probably a big part of why I enjoyed it so much, especially her characterisation of Elaine immediately after she was drugged. All in all, a very high quality production.

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The writing was very beautiful and dark and the story, or two stories since we follow two very separate storylines, were very interesting. I didn't see a real correlation between them as only Elaine is in common in the two. I really liked how we saw her in both parts of the book and how the other characters interacted with her.

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I giggled while I read the blurb for sedating Elaine. Sometimes you just want a book that has no massive meaning behind it, but that's entertaining and keeps you reading. That's this book! The storyline is funny, the characters are relatable and the book is just really enjoyable. It's the first time I've reviewed an audiobook too, and I have to say having it narrated to me really made the story pop.
Thanks to Bolinda, Dawn Winter and Netgalley for the advance copy.

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Thank you to the author, publisher and Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to listen to this audiobook in exchange for my honest review.

I honestly don't know how to feel about this book. I mean it was funny with a very dry humour every now and then, but not extremely from my point of view. There were parts that were a bit boring and you were just waiting for the whole action to move further so that maybe it will become more interesting.

I was very curious to see how everything ends for Frances as obviously, she doesn't seem to be the best person. Also, I was intrigued to see how Elaine would react to all that was happening, but until the end, so many things happened.

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Sedating Elaine by Dawn Winter was a bit of an eye opener for me. I guess that I am not exactly the target audience for this novel but once into it I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this rather wicked and somewhat twisted story.

The cover will give you the basic intro to this novel but be prepared to be tossed and turned from loving our lead character for loving Elaine to standing aghast and giving all your sympathies to Elaine no matter how annoying she seems.

Prepare to have your eyes opened and enjoy this truly original and thought provoking tale.

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I'm glad I listened to this, because I would never have finished it in book format. I was drawn, of course, by the premise (admit it, we've ALL wanted to sedate someone at some stage, just a little bit), and the promise of comedy, as well as a presumed similarity to the wonderful My year of rest and relaxation. Reader, this did not touch any of the above. Except, possibly, the sedation bit, which I would definitely have been had I read it.
Absolutely none of the characters, bar Frances' kitchen boss, are in any way sympathetic, but then, most of them are horribly two-dimensional (poor Elaine's parents: even the wealthy don't deserve that kind of caricature); but Frances herself takes the cake. Unfortunately, this is where any potential the book might have had is lost in the abyss of the heroine's neuroticism, and there is zero humour anywhere to be found (apart from the banana on the cover). In fact, this book would do its greatest good in the world if force-fed to people who JUST CAN'T GET OVER THEIR EX.
My thanks to Netgalley for the ARC, all opinions are my own.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Knopf for providing me with a free copy of this audiobook!

I was so eager to read this, the cover is fun and different but most importantly the blurb was alluring. A neurotic main character is definitely my bag, plus this is a queer novel and humour was promised!
Sadly I couldn't find any redeeming qualities to the main character, Frances, and while an unlikeable character can sometimes work I don't think many people will be able to see themselves in this one. The constant jumps back in time were tiring also. Highlighting Frances' past did not work for me because I don't think anything she's been through justifies what she's doing to Elaine or even the way she was acting upon first meeting her previous partner. The ending was also underwhelming.

Thankfully the narration was very well done by Marisa Calin and there are some funny bits which are the only two things that kept me listening. Was I reading this in paper book form, I doubt that I would have ever finished it. On a brighter note, there is of course room for improvment for the author as this is only her debut. The execution was flawed but there are good ideas there.

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Sedating Elaine is a jolly farce featuring Frances, who owes two grand to her dealer, trying to extract the money from her super-annoying girlfriend. Error compounds on error in this comic novel.

Running alongside the farce, there is a (slightly) deeper story about Frances trying to come to terms with her troubled childhood and her previous relationship with Adrienne. This can become quite dark at times, offering a good counterpoint to the comedy in the foreground.

I listened to this in the audio version - the narration was engaging and clear.

This is not a literary novel, it is a light entertainment. The characters are cartoonish and each grotesque in their own way. There are no insights into the human character or meaningful allegories. It's a holiday read that serves its purpose well.

Recommended for a plane ride or a beach cabana.

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Deeper and more layered that it first appears, funny for a story about sedation, obsession and drug dealers.

Frances has 'fallen' into her relationship with Elaine. She never meant to do more than attempt to forget the love of her life in her bed, but now, somehow, she's not only somehow gained a girlfriend, but one who's moving in with her. And does she even LIKE Elaine?

With mounting drug-debt problems, promising money she doesn't have, there are several days until Elaine's rent money comes through. Rather than suffer her company, incessant sexual demands and even presence until she can pay the debt off and rid herself of this annoying woman, Frances decides she will... sedate her. Drug her into quiet for a few blissful days.

You'll be shaking your head, as I was, reading that. I mean - what can possibly go wrong?

The premise gives Frances the chance to not only set off a totally mad few days in her life, having to cope with the downside of drugs, nosey rich parents and unforgiving dealers, but a few more heartfelt moments, scenes and issues.

Visiting a doctor, looking back at her lost love and relationship, and still further back at her parents and a childhood trauma, the story opens up to become more than the farce it first appeared to be.

I loved the voices created by the audio narrator, Frances comes across and quite young and vulnerable still, Elaine - depending on the viewpoint - can seem sweetly annoying or annoyingly sweet, and there are male voices you forget are being housed inside a woman's throat. It's very well done and a great book to listen to.

Some slightly graphic sex scenes, just to warn you. But a good heartfelt story of facing up to loss, mistakes and the past surprisingly emerges from the initial ridiculous concept. A very entertaining listen.

With thanks to Netgalley for providing a sample audio copy.

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I listened to this audiobook, well read by Marisa Calvin about Frances, a woman insecure in herself and her life.

Frances hides in booze and drugs which can only lead to trouble, especially when you owe two grand to your dealer.

I cannot say I loved this book as it contained far too much sex for me to listen to, but a good storyline with more and more problems as the story progresses.

You must make up your own mind by reading or listening to this novel yourself.

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Frances. Messed up, still obsessed with her ex and with a fear of abandonment, hooks up with Elaine and after she discovers her to be very wealthy she asks her to move in on a total whim, with the plan that she can use her rent money to pay off her debt to her drug dealer.

Elaine is in love with Frances, who very quickly realises she can’t cope with sex-mad, energetic and bouncy Elaine and her mountains of possessions, and so decides to sedate her. Obviously! 🤷🏻‍♀️

What Frances doesn’t consider though, is that a sedated Elaine can’t get to her money and so chaos ensues.

There was a lot of unnecessary “filler” which I feel could have been better used to develop the characters further. I disliked both of them, but that’s quite possibly the author’s intention.

Believable? Not really. Fun? If you like that kind of thing, I guess!

I really hoped for a great ending, that might make up for some of the unnecessary waffle throughout, but sadly, it was not to be.

Thanks to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for an ARC in return for an honest review. 2 stars from me, but that’s generous really.

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I was lucky enough to listen to Sedating Elaine in exchange for an honest review.
Dawn Winter is funny and the calm way the book was narrated added to the books appeal. I am fairly new to audio books, but I am a big fan. Having the right narrator is key, and this was definitely achieved here.
The book is fresh, modern and quirky - all things I like. Francis was a complex character and my views on her changed throughout the book, which is a good sign that the author has written a believable character. I don't want someone I consistently like. My views swung between annoyance, sadness and empathy and shock at her behaviour. By the end I cared what happened.
* * * * Four stars from me.

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Frances is not over her ex girlfriend when she meets Elaine. She finds her an annoyance but starts sleeping with her anyway and finds she can't get rid of her. Frances owes a lot of money to a drug dealer and Elaine is well off so she asks her to move in with her, lying about the cost of the rent to cover her debt. To deal with Elaine, Frances buys some sedating medication from her dealer with the hope of knocking Elaine out for a few days while she settles her debt and sorts her life out. It's morally questionable to say the least but its a very enjoyable and funny book. I enjoyed it as an audiobook and thought the narration was great.

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I wasn’t expecting to find a story about a woman sedating her needy girlfriend while she waits for money to come through to allow her to pay off debts to her dealer this funny and emotional. This quirky audiobook comes out in early May and is worth grabbing if you’re after something a little different =)

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Darkly humorous, madcap and unexpectedly poignant.

Frances is still under the spell of her ex-girlfriend when she meets Elaine, who instantly falls head-over-heels in love with her. Despite feeling smothered and still yearning for her ex, Frances invites Elaine to move in with her so she can surreptitiously raise the money to pay her drug dealer. When this makes Elaine even more amorous, Frances decides the only way she can get some peace is to sedate Elaine.

Events quickly spiral, and we follow an increasingly desperate Frances as she heads towards rock bottom before seeing her relationships in a new light and eventually coming to terms with her past.

An entertaining, engaging and surprising listen, with great narration.

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A Wry Exploration of a Dark Life

🧡 This story delves deep into the mind of a prima facie unlikeable character and asks two questions: 1. Can you excuse someone’s actions because they’ve had it tough? 2. Is everyone redeemable? I think it does this effectively and compassionately.

💚 Whilst I didn’t find myself laughing aloud, I did smile to myself at times. The humour derives from the detachment of the main character from reality. As in, if you refuse to engage in social norms and/or the consequences of your actions, does a tree fall in the woods?

🎧 Beautifully narrated by Marisa Calin, whose performance is a mix of airiness and vulnerability.

Big thanks to NetGalley and Bolinda Audio for providing me with an ALC in return for an honest review.

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Francis is a very unique character, heartbroken yet being smothered by another partner. She doesn’t really know who she is. Drugs, sex and alcohol - none of which help her escape her heart break or overbearing lover. Francis needs a solution to her life (mess). There are sad moments and laugh out loud moments- a nice easy read. The audiobook version was a real bonus, the narrator’s voices were perfect for each character.

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