Member Reviews

This is, in my opinion, A. A. Chaudhuri's most ambitious novel yet. Focusing on six main characters and including different timelines and perspectives, combined with so many different versions of events, makes this a complex and gripping read. She has absolutely nailed it when it comes to pulling this one off.

In true psychological thriller style, I was quite taken aback by the darkness that I encountered in what should be a beautifully flawless setting during a happy, meaningful reunion.

Of course, the reunion is far from happy due to the 'countless lies' and unexpected connections that we uncover. This is a book that slowly gathers pace and packs a real punch at the end.

It explores some really interesting themes and ideas, including that of privilege, appearance vs reality, family ties and loyalty. It considers what we, as members of a supposedly civilised society, are willing to hide or do in order to protect our reputation and social standing.

Overall, a dark and addictive read that I would recommend to psychological thriller fans everywhere!

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With a lightning-fast pace and twists around every corner, this thrilling narrative is an electrifying journey that will leave you stunned.

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First of all , this cover is awesome. Love a reunion story. Told by multiple POV's I love when a book has you second guessing. The setting made it for me.

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Ah, the perfect book for your summer reading list! The back drop of Sorento, Italy was brilliantly drawn. I was Googling holidays shortly after I finished this.

Multiple POV’s and timelines, I did have to concentrate to keep up. This book starts with a bang but then slows down and steadily builds up the tension.

Everyone is lying, everyone has secrets. There are enough twists to shock every reader. I had no clue where this was going. And I have no clue how to tell you more without giving spoilers!

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Prepare to immerse yourself in a web of mystery and intrigue with 'The Final Party' by A.A. Chaudhuri. From the very first page, this book captures and maintains your attention, keeping you guessing and yearning for answers until the very last chapter. The premise of a group of old friends reuniting in Italy for a 40th birthday celebration sets the stage for a thrilling and nostalgic journey.

Chaudhuri's storytelling prowess shines through as she skillfully weaves a complex plot, unveiling a series of events from 18 years prior that were believed to be buried in the depths of time. Through mysterious text messages, each character is drawn into a puzzle that they must piece together to solve. The author's ability to keep readers engaged and on their toes throughout the story is commendable, making it a true page-turner.

The book's strength lies in its ability to create a vivid sense of atmosphere, immersing readers in the sights, sounds, and tastes of Italy. The descriptions of the picturesque landscapes and the ambiance of the final party add an extra layer of allure to the narrative.

'The Final Party' delivers an enjoyable reading experience. Fans of suspenseful novels will relish the twists and turns that keep them guessing until the very end. If you appreciate stories that blend nostalgia, mystery, and a touch of psychological suspense, this book is well worth your consideration.

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The book was okay. There a lot of times where the story captured my attention, but i did find it to be quite slow in places. There were times where i was surprised by the turn of events which was great. It was really tense in places and i enjoyed the characters. I liked the multiple POV too. I didn't have a clue who to trust which kept me turning the page. I just wish it was a little more fast paced.

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This is a great thriller with plenty of twists and turns throughout. I loved the multiple POV chapters and it always makes me enjoy a book more, seeing the different perspectives. I loved the setting, I always think it makes a thriller seem that much more mysterious when set abroad!

Anyone who is a fan of psychological thrillers will absolutely love this.

I ended up reading The Final Party in a single sitting, which is highly unusual for me.

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This book wow, I couldn’t put this book down I was hooked right from the start. This just took my breath away. I really liked the build up, the character development, and the writing.

I felt like I was there with them at times when they went exploring and going for meals.

This book also got me hooked because I am going away soon and it will be my 40th but going to Lanzarote with my brother.

I also loved the fact you get to know each character and see what they heard or saw because as with all things in life not everything is as it seems even when looking at the same thing because everyone has different perspectives/angles and not all will tell the same story.

I can’t wait to read more of her books..

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The story is told in two timelines October in Oxford University 2001 and the Sorrento, Italy, August 2019. It’s told from each of the character’s points of view from the past and in the present. I love a good reunion story where lots of secrets emerge. I always enjoy the facinating world of Oxford university too. Overall, good twists and an enjoyable read.

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I loved the sound of this book…….3 couples gathering for a 40th birthday celebration in Italy but by the end of the week, one of them is dead. Who was it and why! I found this book rather slow to get into not helped by being given a lot of information very quickly which was not fully explained. The story being told from so many different points of view made it hard for me to follow and I found the writing style made it difficult for me to get drawn in.. However lots of good twists and turns!
Many thanks to Netgalley for giving me the chance to read this book.

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this book is about a group of 40 year old "friends" who pretty much all hate each other's guts and are determined to act like people less than half their age, and for this reason i disliked almost all of them except padma. there were a few too many pov's to keep track of and none of them really had a distinct enough voice to separate them. characterization was also kind of lacking because it felt like each person had one or two things that defined it and that was it. the thriller aspect was interesting, but the action really only started to pick up in the last 25%, and without spoiling anything, i think the culprit got off too easy. overall this was a quick read that didn't end up being too fulfilling but was fun regardless.

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Unfortunately I was not able to read this in time before it became unavailable. The cover and description sounded interesting so I’m disappointed to have missed it. Rated 3/5 to give midway based on the above

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This book really just took me for a ride. I loved the build up, the character development, and the writing. I would definitely read more from this author!

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I love a story about old school friends getting together for a reunion - secrets are always spilt and loyalties tested after a few glasses of wine in the sunshine. There's something about the unfamiliar setting and flowing alcohol that does it every time

The Final Party delivered everything I needed, from the captivating cover that made me wish I wish there (maybe without the dead body!)

Told from multiple viewpoints, we can see the storyline from different angles and perspectives, seeing how the characters interact and what they secretly think of each other.

There are multiple timelines too so you can get some of the back story to build up our knowledge of the characters.

The psychological twists and turns kept me hooked and I was keen to find out what was going to happen next. A great holiday read!

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Thanks to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for allowing me to read this ARC.
This is my first title by this author and will read more in the future.
I requested this book as i was drawn in by the cover and thought it looked interesting.
I found this book to very gripping, interesting and very twisty.
Very well written.
Will recommend this to anyone looking for a thriller.
Thanks again for allowing me to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
5/5 stars

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Twisty, gripping and extremely clever. A quick read which left me breathless. My thanks to. Netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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Man! Get you pen and paper ready you’ll need to take some notes!! This book has so many secrets and so many twists and turns you will be blown away! Usually, I am not a fan of a book that has multiple point of view. It can sometimes be frustrating and hard to keep them straight, but I was determined to read this book so I took some notes in the beginning where the chapters are a little longer after that I had pretty much gotten to know everyone or so I thought……. It took off and was a complete non stop thriller! You think you know? You don’t! This was such an incredible story all the way around so if you’re like me and you don’t care for multiple POV don’t disregard this book because if you do, you are missing out on one heck of a story you never saw coming! Thank you Netgally and Hera books for giving me access to this incredible book!!!

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The Final Party is a slow burn, psychological thriller packed with vivid and descriptive scenes and characters.
The story follows multiple POVs, and we follow six friends who are all interlinked not just from going through college together but by secrets and lies too. I loved that this was set in Sorrento, Italy (a place I would love to visit one day) and I was quickly drawn into this story and wanting to discover what the secrets were, who was hiding what and why. The final twist was well plotted and executed. I'd say this book is a mix of mystery with psychological thriller mixed together. A perfect read for a holiday or summer beach read.

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Set in early August 2019 in the gorgeous Italian location of Sorrento, The Final Party tells the story of six friends (three couples) who have known each other for years. They’ve gathered at a stunning villa to celebrate Vanessa’s upcoming 40th birthday.

Padma is married to Nick, Vanessa (Ness) is married to Marcus (who she met at work), and Lana is married to Johnny. Four of them were at the University of Oxford together: Johnny, Nick, Padma and Vanessa. Lana and Padma were at primary school together and Johnny and Vanessa are childhood friends. They’re all very connected and know each other well – Johnny is also Padma’s ex! Two of the three couples have children.

In their final year of university, in 2001, something bad happened to Padma and it still affects her now. This period of time has particular significance in the story and there are regular flashbacks to the events that took place. The story is told from the points of view of each of the six characters, which gives the reader a great insight into what each of them has been up to and their deepest, darkest thoughts and fears.

Right from the start, the atmosphere was awkward and unpleasant and the holiday seemed destined for disaster. I was surprised that everyone was still friends – most of them didn’t seem to like each other particularly, even the couples! They were all hiding secrets, with varying degrees of severity, from each other and, over the course of a few days, the tension rose and things reached boiling point very quickly! The majority of them had spent the last 18 years beholden to each other, lying to/for the others and hiding secrets; such a stressful way to live.

I was a little confused by all the different characters at first but, once I’d worked out who they all were, I was transfixed. This was such a tense and gripping novel and so twisty – there were lots of shocking revelations; most of which I was totally surprised by!

Overall, this was a cleverly plotted and well-paced story and very engaging! All the characters were pretty horrible and there was so much tension, lots of seething emotions and so many unsaid words. I couldn’t put the book down as they all fascinated me and I was curious to put all the clues together and find out how everything was going to reach its dramatic climax and who was going to end up dead!

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This book was a little hard to get into at the beginning but do not stop reading! The twists and turns that come within are great and the suspense is high!

Going away for a 40th birthday celebration, what could go wrong? Friends turn on each other, husbands and wives cannot trust each other. Just wait until it all comes to close at the end!

Thank you Netgalley, the publisher and author for my ARC!

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