Member Reviews

Thank you to the publisher for the ARC, in exchange for an honest review. This was a short, thought provoking insight into Minos, I just wish it had a bit more action and drama.

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A really enchanting read. Great plot line that kept you want to go on.

Thank you to the writer, publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this book.

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Once A Monster by Robert Dinsdale. A modern reimagining of the Minotaur myth, this was a tale about the orphan Nell who found more than what she possibly could have imagined on the riverbank in the washed up body of the mysterious Minos. The book had a Dickensian feel to it, and Dinsdale did a great job in setting the scene. I enjoyed the character of Nell, though I struggled to really connect to any of the other characters, including Minos. Whilst the books opening was super interesting and drew me in, I found that the writing dragged a little in places which made it hard for me to remain interested, though it did pick up at the end. I would’ve enjoyed this more if it was shorter. I just think it wasn’t for me, which is okay. I would still recommend giving it a try if you enjoy modern twists on old myths, historical settings and slower reads!

2/5 ⭐️’s

Thank you to NetGalley UK and Pan MacMillan for giving me the opportunity to read this ARC in return for an honest and fair review. This book will be published on the 21st of September 2023. This cover photo was obtained from Audible.

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rating : 4.5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨

I don’t think I’m the first person to say I didn’t expect the Dickensian vibe, but it was such a nice change from my usual reads! I absolutely fell in love with Minos, that final chapter had me BAWLING.

It definitely wasn’t the usual mythology retelling that I love, but more of a reimagining. It was still AMAZING though. I do think it was a little long in parts, but with so many twists and turns I just needed to keep going! All of the characters were so richly written, especially the main characters Minos and Nell.
I also enjoyed the way it kept mirroring back to Minos’ past, especially with the original myth. The antagonists were incredibly written, with what I would say semi-redeemable qualities and showed they had a human side, but ultimately were extremely dislikable despite this! All in all this was a truly excellent read ❤️

In three words: enthralling, atmospheric, unique

📖 Book details:
Page count: 512
Setting: London, 1861
Release date: 21st Sept 2023!

Thank you to Pan Macmillan and Netgalley UK for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. This review is crossposted on Goodreads, Netgalley UK & my Instagram @literarlo .

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It definitely wasn’t what I expected - but the Dickensian setting and characters were certainly the best part. This isn’t quite a Greek retelling, it is more of a reimagining and I did enjoy the way it twisted expectations.

This one just felt a little long. There were so many perfect points to end the story, but it just kept going. For me, it was hard to keep reading at times due to how the story seemed to be overflowing with twists and turns.

It was hugely original though with characters you can’t help but love. Villains were truly dislikable, our protagonists were lovable and you wanted the best for everyone. Though I’d have preferred a slimmed down version, the core plot was amazing.

Definitely a great book worth a read!

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I absolutely loved The Toymakers so was very excited to review this book by Robert Dinsdale. I loved the historical research and detail of the period, you are really transported to the bleak, dank and foggy backstreets and river of London. The fictional account of the Minotaur is magical and unique, but I did find some of the in depth mythology a little hard going and slow, but the ending picked this novel up for me with its heart warming finale. Thank you to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for the advance review copy.

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A fun historical fantasy which takes you on an adventure. I loved the mix of myth/magical elements and historical fiction which makes the book even more intriguing and hooks you into these really diverse characters. This was really well written and I enjoyed seeing how the Greek mythology would come to play in this and although it is quite slow paced it worth sticking with as the plot is amazing.

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Robert Dinsdale so effortlessly combines fluid prose with wonderful storytelling that you barely notice turning the pages in his books. You are so absorbed in listening to his voice.

"Once a Monster" combines myth, history and imagination to bring us a story set in London in the 17th century when men laboured deep underground in utterly wretched conditions trying to tame London's many underground rivers. Meanwhile, young children [mudlarks], above ground, spent their days sifting through the silt and dirt on the banks of the mighty Thames.

Our story centres round Nell Harper, a 10 year old mudlark, who works for the wonderfully named Benjamin Murdstone - a septuagarian master who lives in hope that one of his mudlarks shall one day unearth a treasure.

It is Nell who discovers what she at first thinks is a huge body floating in the river. She and the other mudlarks are all ready to strip it of anything valuable when Nell detects a sign of life. It turns out she has rescued Minos - better known to us all as the Minotaur of ancient legend. Yes, Dinsdale retells the myth as if Minos had survived the attack by Theseus in the labyrinth. From this point onwards Nell's friendship with Minos brings her into terrible conflict with Murdstone who can only see Minos as a potential treasure.

Dinsdale's imagination now takes his reader on a truly mesmerising journey where we experience the best and worst of human behaviour played out against the grime and bright lights of 17th century London.

"Once a Monster" is an adult fairy tale, complete with a morality message and a happy ending. But, don't let that put you off. It is a wonderfully enjoyable read. We all need to escape reality sometimes. Highly recommended.

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Nell is a mudlark who makes a decision to save a strange looking man, who has horns, from dying. This decision changes her life. I enjoyed the novel and the character of Nell was well drawn. Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for giving me a copy of the book.

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This is not the first Dinsdale book to have a slightly magical feel about it.
The bond between Nell and Minos was heart warming.
It mixes the drudgery of child labour, and Greek myth perfectly, which you wouldn't really think possible.
Some classic characters, that bring cold dark miserable London to life.
A very enjoyable read.

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Review in progress and to come.

I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review

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Once A Monster has a Dickensian feel, set in London in the 1860s with poor children scavenging for survival in the mud of the Thames and finding the body of a giant man washed ashore. There are elements of ancient myth mixed with the terrible conditions of London’s underbelly as the story of Minos unfolds. A slow starter, the story builds pace and holds your attention right to the end. I enjoyed this book.

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have enjoyed several of the authors previous novels and was pleased to see this new novel on NetGalley
The book has a rather bleak Dickensian feel to it throughout which was atmospheric but I felt rather slow going particularly in the first half when it struggled to keep my attention
I was invested in the young girl quite quickly wanting to f in d out what happens to her and found the section where she yearns to be a ballerina sweet and compelling .However iI never really felt like I believed in the Minotaur character .I never came to care for him
Whilst the story does speed up and become quite exciting particularly exciting in the sewer bit at the end and there was a particularly good ending I felt it had all come a bit too late for me
I read an early copy on NetGalley uk the book is published in the uk on 21st September 2023 by Pan MacMillan
This review will appear on Goodreads ,NetGalley uk and my book blog

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Thank you netgalley and the publishers for allowing me to read this amazing book. I absolutely loved it, the world building, the plot, the characters all so amazing and magical. I couldn't put this book down, and to say I have a 8 month old I read threw this pretty fast. Absolutely amazing. 4.5 out of 5 stars. Highly recommended to anyone and everyone

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'Once a Monster' by Robert Dinsdale is a captivating and thought-provoking novel that explores the nature of humanity and what it means to be a monster. The story is centered around a young girl named Nell, who accidentally discovers a body on the shore while mudlarking. It’s not the first corpse she’s encountered, but it certainly turns out to be the strangest.

One of the strengths of 'Once a Monster' is the way it balances the fantastical elements of the story with very real, relatable emotions and themes. The characters are complex and fully realized, and their struggles with identity, family, and love are universal. Dinsdale's prose is both elegant and accessible, making the story a pleasure to read.

Another strength of the novel is the world-building. Dinsdale has created a rich and detailed mythology that intermingles with the more realistic yet dreary representation of Victorian Britain. The way he weaves this mythology into the story adds depth and texture to the narrative - a richness that easily holds the readers attention.

Overall, 'Once a Monster' is a beautifully written and emotionally resonant novel that will appeal to readers who enjoy both fantasy and literary fiction. Dinsdale has crafted a story that is both entertaining and thought-provoking, and his characters and world-building will stay with readers long after they've finished the book.

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