Member Reviews

This was the perfect book for me right now (and probably at any time, honestly). There is so much awfulness in the world right now that doesn't make any sense to me. and this was such a gentle reminder to just stop and take a moment and rest. I think the way it was framed also really spoke to me as an "outdoorsy" type (and someone originally from the Southeast). It was nice to be reminded that it is okay to literally stop and smell the flowers, watch the birds, and just exist without having to find solutions to the things that hurt us or that we don't understand. Love, love, love. Highly recommend.

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The Comfort of the Crows is a beautiful and touching view of our connection with the natural world around us. It reads so eloquently; each chapter describes one week in the life of the author's back yard and natural surroundings and her interaction and observations of it. There is one chapter for each week of the year. It reads as a sort of daily devotion, with so many wonderful and lyrical phrases and points to reflect upon. The author truly did a lot of her own self-reflection to create this masterpiece. It is nostalgic, devotional, informational, and also serves as a call to action. The author shares her experiences with the birds in her yard, the small creatures, the trees, the changing of seasons in the year but also the changing seasons of life. By describing happy memories as a parent with her young kids and neighborhood community around her, to adult children now out of the house, to losing parents and friends, she interweaves and relates these life experiences with the changing of the environment around her and the onward flow of life. I highlighted so many passages in this book, small little memories and emotions that I can very much identify with and also want to hold on to in my own changing of seasons in my life. This book is simply beautiful, I'm so thankful for the opportunity to have read this advance copy e-read. Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author!

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I think I first heard about Margaret Renkl from Ann Patchett, on her Parnassus bookstore instagram "Laydown Diaries". So, when I saw that there was a new book out by her, I requested it from NetGalley. I should preface this by saying that I know as little about birds, probably, as there is to know. I'm not proud of this. To be fair, we did once have a bird feeder outside our kitchen window. We purchased a bird book, but seldom identified anything more unusual than a goldfinch (NJ state bird, and nice Donna Tartt reference).

I'm saying that because it would be impossible to predict how completely I fell in love with this book. Renkl, thankfully, lives far away in Nashville, so she cannot drop by to reprimand us for our occasional use of chemicals on our very green patch of lawn. Or excoriate my husband for his unwavering love for his leaf blower. Aside from these transgressions—and my shame for potentially incurring Renkl's wrath—I loved her fierce defense of her wild, though carefully plotted surroundings. As soon as I finished the book, I ran out to buy a copy for someone I know who will appreciate it even more.

This book is so much more than it seems. It is a memoir, a manifesto, and a call to action, told in a lyrical, and, at times breathtaking voice that demands we look at the world beyond us, and do something, no matter how small, to make it better.

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THE COMFORT OF CROWS by Margaret Renkl chronicles "A Backyard Year" and contains 52 essays centered on plants and animals. Ann Patchett says it is about "the abundance of wonder in our own backyard." I particularly liked the story Renkl told of trying to trap an unwell fox – she writes so vividly; it was easy to imagine being the person checking the cage and worrying about survival. In addition to the quality writing (Renkl is a contributing opinion writer for The New York Times), there are fifty-two original color artworks by the author's brother, Billy Renkl. Those are truly beautiful, as is the colorful cover. Recommended as a non-fiction selection by LibraryReads in October 2023, this is a book worth experiencing. Family Action Network sponsored a session with Renkl about THE COMFORT OF CROWS two weeks ago. Here is a link to the video of that discussion between Margaret Renkl and nationally bestselling author Mary Laura Philpott:
More info:

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Thank you to NetGalley and Spiegel & Grau for the eGalley to review!

I was not even a quarter of the way through this book before it became my #1 favorite nonfiction title of the year. My heart genuinely soared reading each entry and a few times I even teared up with the love and inspiration that filled me due to the poetic way Renkl relays all these thoughts and observances. There are even "praise songs" intermittently throughout, odes to the very creatures being observed. Collage art is also included. This is no doubt a true and passionate, deeply human love letter to not just nature but to our own miraculous, lucky existence within that nature. How fortunate are we that we are a part of it and look at all the ways we can learn from our nonhuman neighbors!

Renkl states once that the world is burning and there is no time to put the water buckets down, but for just one hour to do so, listen, and do as the birds do--birds who have no faith in the future but build the future nonetheless. What a beautiful declaration to incite hope within us. I think that perfectly sums up the purpose of compiling these observations for the public. In a time where we are rapidly losing the beautiful diversity of our natural world, it is a rallying call to appreciate that which we still have.

I did have a minor issue with the mention of various pesticides and herbicides supposedly causing autism, as if it's a disease (as it's paired with asthma, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and several cancers in this writing). Plus, correlation does not equal causation, after all, and there is still no definitive proof of these poisons "causing" autism. Other than that, I didn't notice anything else that disappointed me.

This is certainly a title I will have in my personal collection and one that I will be sharing with others.

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Beautiful. Quiet. Wise. Comforting. Enlightening. I loved this book. I wish I would have read it more slowly because I miss it. Buying for everyone I know. Thanks to the publisher for sending it to me. What a gift.

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“The world will always be beautiful to those who look for beauty.”

I loved Renkl’s essay collection Late Migrations and was looking forward to her latest, The Comfort of Crows. It did not disappoint. Told in 52 chapters, it follows her thoughts and observations, as she studies the birds and the plant life in her backyard. Her first bird of that year was a crow. She writes beautifully and touches on many things like climate change and habitat loss. You will not have to be a birder to enjoy this lovely book.

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The most beautiful book! So comforting how Renkl takes the reader through the seasons of nature and shares insights from a deeply thinking naturalist..

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Thanks, NetGalley and Spiegel & Grau, for the digital review copy.

I started to read this as an e-book. I realized two things: (1) I needed a paper copy to immerse myself in the devotional-type layout and the spectacular illustrations, and (2) I needed to send a copy to my bestie’s parents. Luckily, while in Nashville, I found signed (!!) copies at @thebookshopnashville.

This book! It’s exquisite. Perfectly sized essays work through each week of the year accompanied by jaw-dropping illustrations and the occasional “praise song.” You will want to devour the whole thing in one sitting, then race back to the beginning to read one chapter per week, following Renkl in her naturalist explorations and musings.

“Driving due south in the spring is like speeding up time.”

“We are gentle with toads. They are as soft as a great-grandmother you can hold in your hand.”

“It is not a fox. It is a blur of falling leaves, red and gold. A phantom rush of wildness. A mirage of a miracle, pungent and swift.”

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This little book was so thoroughly lovely; in a lot of ways, it reminded me of Robin Wall Kimmerer's "Braiding Sweetgrass" (although the latter was even better), and was just a really lovely little read. Margaret Renkl's love for the natural world and her little corner of it shines through, and the illustrations by her brother make it a feast for the eyes and the artistic spirit even as the words conjure their own bit of magic. This would make a great addition to the collection of any reader who loves to spend time in the outdoors; it may also be a wonderful way to encourage a reluctant reader who has a naturalist's soul to sit down and page through.

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This book is absolutely and utterly beautiful. The essays are like poetry, it is a balm for the soul. I cannot praise it enough.

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The Comfort of Crows is a beautifully written book by Margaret Renkl. The book is a series of essays that span a year and are Renkl's musings and observations of the natural world around her. Renkl's prose is beautiful, and I really appreciate her observations. The book serves as a reminder to us to slow down and observe all of the glories of nature that are all around us, even in our own backyards.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy of this book.

4.5 stars

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A lovely companion took keep with you throughout the year. Renkyl's prose is lyrical without becoming saccharine or pretentious. The readings are short, little devotions for keeping present throughout the rest of your day. As you read the book do not be surprised if you find yourself noticing more of the world around you and appreciating the small bits of nature you witness.
Additionally, the art alone is worth getting the book. The pieces are mixed media collages that also demand you linger on the page, taking them in. If they were available as prints I would buy them for my home.

Thank you to NetGalley and Spiegal & Grau for an ARC copy. All opinions are my own.

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The Comfort of Crows by Margaret Renkl is a lovely book about the seasons and nature. There are 52 chapters that follow the plants and animals throughout the year. It is a lovely reminder to stop and notice the beauty around you all throughout the year. "What if resting, all by itself, is the real act of holiness? What if honoring the gift of our only life in this gorgeous world means taking time every week to slow down? To sleep? To breathe? The natural world has never needed us more than it needs us now, but we can't be of much use to it if we remain in a perpetual state of exhaustion and despair." Thanks to NetGalley for the free digital review copy. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you NetGalley for the chance to read The Comfort of Crows, written by Margaret Renkle.
This book tells a year-long story of the happenings in the author's yard, and I loved listening to it. The Comfort of Crows is a love story to nature. It shares what one can notice when slowing down, watching, listening. The evolution of seasons, the bugs, the birds, the light.
I've grown a greater appreciation for nature writing, and would group this with the poetry of Aimee Nezhukumatathil, and the insight of Katherine May.

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Thank you to Net Galley and Spiegel & Grau for the ARC in exchange for my honest review. These lovely essays contemplate the natural world, family and culture. Most are observations of the every day mundane outside her windows translated into the beautiful way she sees the world. She has an appreciation of the circle of life and witnesses it as she cares for all creatures, prey and predator. She has inspired me to have a pollinator garden instead of focusing on a fruit and vegetable garden. I love the way she observes the stillness in nature and so beautiful puts in down on paper. She also relates her observations of birds to her own family, and her own empty nest - the loss when the baby birds when they disappear from the nest as they're supposed to. Also, she tries to bring awareness for how were damaging the natural world such as when we spray pesticides in our yards, kill predators and pests. How can we live alongside all the many creatures that make up nature? She is one of my favorite writers of this genre. I highly recommend this!

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Margaret Renkl's THE COMFORT OF CROWS is a poetic, thought-provoking meditation on the world around us through the year of observations in her own surroundings. I felt like I was with her, delighting in the change of seasons, the particular sights and scents that strike her, how she wove what she saw into a larger perspective on life, living, and being present to your own experience. This book felt like poetry, like a wonderful escape into quiet and calm, slowing my monkey mind to see what I see and enjoy the world we share. I received a copy of this book and these opinions are my own, unbiased thoughts.

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Reading books by nature writers is always such a refreshing palate cleanser from the fast pace of current events and social media. I thoroughly enjoyed Renkl’s collection of observations and reflections on the wildlife on her residential plot of land. Some of my favorite takeaways: the value of an untidy garden, the antidepressant properties of freshly turned soil, and the tragedy of life imperiled by green lawns for fashion’s sake. As Renkl notes, we can’t single-handedly change America or solve climate change, but we can plant a garden. Renkl has been the custodian of her yard for decades, where she has provided a habitat for wildlife, raised her kids, and loved her spouse. The wisdom she’s gained in the process is brimming with meaning and value. Thank you to NetGalley and the the publisher for the opportunity to read in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved the experience of reading Margaret Renkl's "The Comfort of Crows." The book is a collection of short essays structured around the passing of a year. It carries with it the feeling of a journey through nature and time with frequent stops as suddenly you come upon a deep insight lying there in the path, or an idea you want to mull over, consider again and again, before moving on.

The essays are structured like a devotional, stepping through the year and pausing in each one to observe closely, be surprised, delight in something, or feel a grief. Throughout, Renkl challenges herself to do better as a steward of the natural world in her backyard, and invites you in to share those experiences of tending to some creature, or failing to save it, or feeling amazed as life's complexity reveals itself. The world, and its mysteries and joy and grief, all in a back yard, or right out the window, or in a trip to another well-loved house.

This is a book that invites re-reading, in whole or in snippets. The language is precise and rich, and the observations are sharp. The vision, even in these small places, is wide.

Thanks to #netgalley and #Spiegel&Grau for the ARC.

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Nature lover and self-proclaimed backyard enthusiast Margaret Renkl has joined with her brother Billy to create a series of essays and illustrations taking a reader through a year of birds, animals, plants, and insects in her backyard. With 52 essays, readers will travel through the seasons week by week as the buds arrive on the trees, the birds visit the feeders, or the day it is time to rake the fallen leaves.

Renkl’s backyard in Tennessee may be different from mine, but I still found comfort in the joy of my first robin sighting in late winter as she talked about robins working the ground for worms. Even though our temperatures may not completely match up, our seasons do and I found comfort in her musings on life in her backyard.

Renkl also mentions another season in her essays, the season of empty nesting. I have entered this new season of life as well and I found her words about the quiet house and “nesting in reverse”, giving away and cleaning out rooms and closets of grown children, to be a reminder to find the peace and joy of living in this new season.

I imagine Renkl’s backyard to be full of blooms in the summer and birds visiting her feeders year-round. Maybe a deer walking by or a squirrel burying an acorn for winter but always some sort of activity. Her detailed descriptions offer an image to appear in my mind and the illustrations by her brother at the end of every essay offer a beautiful wrapup to the week.

I related to Renkl’s statement, “So much of what I do in the yard is only ever an exercise in hope“. In the fall I plant a bulb with the hope it will push up and bloom in the spring. This summer, I hung out a new hummingbird feeder in the hopes of attracting them. They didn’t stop by this year, but there is hope again for next year.

For nature lovers, those entering a new season of life, or those who enjoy the beauty of their surroundings, I highly recommend this quiet book of weekly reflections. Who doesn’t have a few minutes each week to pause and reflect on the beauty of a sunset or the joy of a bird catching a worm? Renkel shares how they passed on their regular dishes to their sons and now eat on their wedding dishes for the first time as empty nesters in their quiet house. What kind of simple beauty can be added to your day?

Shop early for holidays and birthdays as I believe this is a wonderful gift idea. The author’s final paragraph states her hope for those who read her book:

“It is my dearest hope that you will do the same for your own wild neighbors. Rejoice and grieve. Do your best to help. Bear witness when you can’t. Remember the crows, who tell us that we belong to one another, and to them.”

Step outside and stop, ponder, and listen to the sounds and see the beauty of your own backyard, a local park, or a neighbor’s flower garden. If you wait for the perfect day, you might just miss something beautiful.

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