Member Reviews

Good Samaritans is a book told from different POV.
The narrator did a superb job bringing the book and the characters alive.
Some great twists in this book and I have to admit this is the first Will Carver book i've listened to. I don't think it will be my last.

It does feel like a dark and disturbing read with twists.

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Thanks to net gallery and the publisher for my review copy. The story is told throught the eyes of different characters pov. Seth calls complete strangers at night when he can't sleep. His wife waits in the wings sorting out whatever mess he makes.Alex is the guy at samaritans.
Each character was well written and read perfectly . It look a while for the story and characters to gell together in my mind but when they did the twists and turns kept coming. The narrator got me hooked as he chapters were short but so many in total. The ending blew me away. Sadly i cpupd imagine the events could be very true to life.
A solid 4 star listen

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Why has it taken me so long to get to this Will Carver book? I think I’ve read every one he written since, but this totally blew me away. It is sensational! Absolutely loved it, and it’s jumped to my all-time favourite book of his. It’s full of the Carver cynicism, sharp insightfulness and full-on characters we all love. And I adored all the unexpected twists. Good Samaritans manages to be horrifically dark, but at the same time almost humorous. Carver’s world view is scathing and judgmental, but also matter-of-fact. I’m ashamed to admit that I was actually quite looking forward to the details of a certain murder in this book – that’s how deeply his twisted characters affected me. I also really enjoyed meeting some of the characters and places that I met in subsequent Carver books. Do yourself a favour and read this. If some of his later books were a little ‘out there’ for you, you’ll love this comparatively pared back novel, in which we’re introduced to Detective Sergeant Pace. It’s definitely a five star read (or in this case, listen).

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This is a tense and gripping thriller that kept me listening and the narrator did an excellent job in making me feel the tension and the fear.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this arc, all opinions are mine

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I was expecting an edgy psychological thriller but it just did not meet that in any shape or form for me so I gave up half way through
The plot started off well and it uncovered a good twist but all the sex scenes just spoilt it for me it came across as a very grubby Mills & Boon rather than a thriller
I didn't like any of the characters and as part of a detective series there was very little mention of Detective Sergeant Pace or the actual investigation

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Will Carver manages to write the most brilliant original thrillers and this is no exception. Normally I prefer to read but on this occasion, I tried the audio version. It is very good and the narrator is excellent. Highly recommended.

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This was an excellent read, thrilling, twisted and utterly terrifying.
We always wonder, as we pass by, who lives in that house, what goes on behind the closed doors?
This book will actually prevent us from thinking about that ever again. You will just scurry past because if the occupants are anything like this horrific and chilling tale, I simply don’t want to know.
Difficult to put down and completely engrossing this is definitely one for crime thriller fans.

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I’m afraid this simply wasn’t for me despite the premise being good and a decent narrator. I found the mix of characters rather confusing and most certainly unlikeable; perhaps it would be less confusing if it wasn’t in audio, but I found myself getting lost and rewinding quite a few times.

I’m also not so sure the ‘adult’ filth content particularly worked, it was kind of coarse and didn’t particularly add anything to the plot, and was rather gratuitous. Not an author I’ll be hunting out in future and quite a disappointment.

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Oh my word ... what a book ... absolutely brilliant and the best audiobook I have listened to this year so far and, I think, it will take something remarkable to beat it!

This is a very dark, disturbing and extremely gripping story that will draw you in, shake you around and spit you out the other side and all the while you're thinking, what the heck and why am I enjoying this so much?!?

It's all kinds of wrong but so right and deliciously wicked and addictive.

I'm not even going to go into the story - you'll just have to buy it - but what I will say is that the characters are scarily normal which makes them ultra creepy, the story is riveting and there's some great twists that I didn't see coming and the build up of tension is palpable.

There are graphic descriptions of murder, a lot about suicide, mental health and a number of sex scenes (maybe too many if I'm honest and this is my only negative) so if any of these are triggers for you, I would steer clear.

Would I have enjoyed it as much had I read the physical book? I'm not sure if I'm honest because the narrator made all the difference and was absolutely perfect and brilliant. I fell in love with his voice from the beginning ... it was so contradictory to the content of what he was reading that it made the story all the more creepy and disturbing.

I haven't read or listened to any of Will Carver's work before and after listening to Good Samaritans, I won't make that mistake again and I must thank Bolinda Audio and NetGalley for enabling me to listen to and share my thoughts of Good Samaritans and introducing me to another excellent author.

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This one is a dark, intriguing but griping storyline. It would also fall under the umbrella of disturbing and crazy and you will question what you’re reading but you can’t stop yourself from wanting to know more. It definitely has the creep factor and no character is off limits. The plot is told from multiple points of view. The characters are really well written but really not likeable but in a good way if that makes sense. They really add to the story. The author really did their homework with it comes to specific aspects of the storyline and what it entails. Its a fast paced read that will keep you engaged and turning those pages.

Thanks to Netgalley and Bolinda Audio for the opportunity to listen to #GoodSamaritans

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An addictively dark psychological thriller that I couldn’t stop listening to. This is very explicit with gore, murder and sex but it works with the dark twisted atmosphere that Carver creates. I thought this was so well written with such unique characters are linked in a way you can’t see at first but slowly unravels throughout the book. I thought this was a great thriller with a really tense atmosphere and great twists.

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This was good and dark just what I needed at this point . Will definitely look for more by this author and narrator.

I was given a free copy by netgalley and the publishers but the review is entirely my own.

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I read The Beresford by Will Carver last year and instantly knew that he was an author I was going to love. So I jumped at the chance to listen to this audiobook of one of his earlier releases.

Good Samaritans is another twisted and gripping thriller that you won't want to put down!

It's dark, graphic, explicit, and unapologetically brash. Maybe a little too crude in places? (Personally, I think the more details the better when it comes to murder and gore. But during sex, I'd rather not know!) But it all depends on your own resilience of gruesome details, and Carver's writing is exactly the tone of writing I love!

I read John Marrs' The Good Samaritan recently so thought this might weaken my enjoyment of this book ever so slightly. But while they both flutter around the same idea, they are wildly different, and there's just as much to love about Carver's take on a vaguely similar subject matter.

So if you love a dark and twisted story, Will Carver is definitely an author you need to try!

I really enjoyed Ciaran Saward's narration of the book. He continuously kept me hooked to the story and added a lot of personality to the different characters.

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Outstanding dark, sexy and complex thriller series.

When suicidal Hadley tries to call The Samaritans, she unwittingly ends up speaking to insomniac Seth as he trawls the phone book for someone to speak to during his long and lonely nights.

The conversation is a success for both of them and a relationship develops. But being married isn't the only secret Seth is hiding. Events take a sudden dark turn and it emerges that neither Seth, his marriage nor his wife are what they appear

A compelling and immersive read, with great flawed characters and the beginning of a brilliantly original series

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I absolutely loved this dark tale!

A tale of three main characters interwoven who all have very different intentions.

Ant is a Samaritan driven by wanting to save people, so much so he is willing to track down and follow a caller who hung up.

Seth is a married man who can't sleep. He is desperate to make a connection to someone and trawls the phonebook at night to find someone to talk to.

Maeve is his high-achieving wife who appears to be long-suffering. Her marriage to Seth is mundane but she does love him.

Someone is murdering women who apparently have no connection to each other. They are dumped, naked and thoroughly bleached inside and out making it tough for Detective Pace to find the culprit.

This story stormed along at a great pace and I loved the different personalities and incentives behind their each different goals. I don't want to give anything away but read it! You won't regret it.

Can't wait to read more by Will Carver. Thanks to everyone for the advance audio copy.

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4.5 stars! I was a bit confused at the beginning with all the different characters, but I soon got into this book and really enjoyed it! Loved the twists at the end too, kept me on my toes!

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Ant is a Samaritan, that is to say he is one of the voices callers to the charity line are greeted by when they’re seeking help. Callers are often desperate, sometimes suicidal. A close friend of Ant’s committed suicide, it affected him badly. Now he has a chance to help those headed for a similar end to their lives.

Seth isn’t a ‘real’ Samaritan, he’s an insomniac who, most nights, phones strangers hoping he’ll find someone willing to chat, to engage with. He’s married to Maeve, but it’s a dysfunctional union – she goes off to bed at night, aware of her husband’s proclivity.

Hadley is a troubled young woman, she’s looking for something but not finding it. She has suicidal tendencies.

Detective Sergeant Pace is investigating two murders. Both are women who have subsequently been thoroughly ‘bleached’ and then dumped far from their homes. There are no clues as to who carried out these dreadful acts.

How are these people linked? Are they, in fact, linked? We follow them alternately as they set about their daily (and nightly) business. But we don’t really get to know them. Their personalities somehow don’t come through and Pace, in particular, is almost portrayed as a non-person.

The tale is dark, very dark in places, and highly sexual – sometimes graphically so. Ciaran Saward, the narrator in the audio version I listened to, does a good job of maintaining the tension whilst his delivery also suggests that these people are actually rather ordinary, just a little quirky or bored, or perhaps simply tired. I couldn’t warm to any of the characters, but maybe I wasn’t supposed to.

It’s a mystery that shocked me and kept me guessing but with an ending I thought was somewhat telegraphed. It's somewhere between a three and a four star offering for me, but I've decided to round it up.

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Really engaging thriller with a premise so plausible it doesn’t bear thinking about. The first half of this had me racing through and while I wasn’t as enraptured by the rest I still really enjoyed how Carver wrapped the story up. The twists were effective and well thought out and the characters deeply flawed and intriguing. I will say my main gripe is the sheer amount of sex scenes as I’m normally unperturbed by this content but it really felt like every other scene something of this nature was being referred to. It got both repetitive and off putting and most of the time felt unnecessary to the plot or atmosphere of the story. Other than that, lots of points for Will Carver!

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Very detailed and explicit in parts, however the out lining story kept me invested and there were a few twists and turns! I felt the first half of the book was abit slow but it definitely speeded up in the second half! The narrator was great and did a great job with all the characters including the women.

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Oh My God. This book was a roller-coaster of emotion with so many twists and turns!

A dark psychological crime thriller which had me hooked straight away. Will Carver has moved way up my list of favourite authors

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