Member Reviews

OK so I picked this up because I am a Kpop stan, and this was fun! The art style was cool and the overall story was laugh out loud funny! I have already begun hand selling this at the store.

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Whole lot of fanboy activity, not so much Yakuza activity. There’s some fun stuff with an enemy Yakuza, but not so much intensity to contrast the fanboy aspect. The characters’ dynamics are funny. Would totally read a sequel, it was getting good towards the end.

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So apart from the art style, this was fantastic. I think I read too much manga the colour was off-putting but knowing that yakuza are fan girls as well is kinda cute.

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*ARC provided by NetGalley in return for an honest review*

Looking to still ride the high from Way of the Househusband and My Babysitters' a Yakuza?
Well... I found you your next best read!

The art:
The art style is a bit refreshing as it follows more in-suit with action art styles, (Think Berserk, lots of detailing lines that create a harsh appearance but look wonderful for the point they're trying to make) while providing breaks that offer less detailing to relax your eyes.

The Plot:
The Yakuza's Bias follows a yakuza who, by-happenstance, got into K-Pop. And as every avid K-Pop fan does.... Discovered his Bias. The story offers a lot of humorous moments as we see our protagonist offer a ceremonial water to his bias, and even see some really sad, yet truthful, facts about the K-Pop industry. In an odd way, you discover how these two formed organizations, while vastly different in concept, actually can share quite a bit.

4 Stars for Yakuzas

As everyone knows, I'm a massive fan of yakuza stories. I just find them to be enjoyable and enthralling, and this story offered a lot of the details I adore. That being said, I did find it a bit rough to start, hence the knocked off star. But seriously, if you love Way of the Househusband, this carries a very similar campy rough-edged yakuza mc comedy that I think you'll enjoy.

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This was AMAZING. I know Teki Yatsuda meant for this to be a gag manga, but I related to Ken so much.

What did he like about his bias? His Existence.


Wishing he had knew about MNW from the beginning and the Hostess telling him they came into his life at the time he needed them to?


I was a casual kpop fan in the early 2000s and then the pandemic flung me into it and this manga really encapsulates the current state of this kinda of fandom.

Hilarious and cringe at the same time. But I can't wait to read the next volume. Thank you Netgalley and Kodansha for arc!

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Absolutely loved this manga. It was fresh and funny. It was quite different (in a good way) from what I imagined it to be from the summary. As someone who used to follow kpop and became aware of things in a fandom, this manga was quite relatable and hilarious. Would recommend, especially to kpop fans.

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If you like kpop and the way of the house husband this is the book for you! Sadly i only like the way of the house husband. While i love the humor my knowledge of the kpop fandom is minimal so i was a little uninterested which is hard since that is the whole plot of the story. Nonetheless the book itself was good.

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Wow, that was just so DIFFERENT, but in a good way! I was hesitant when I saw this title, but I decided to give it a try and I'm glad that I did! This was cute and funny and warning, it does have those who identify as Yakuza in it, so there IS violence, though it is usually shown in a campy way, it might not be appropriate for all ages.

I wonder if there are people out there who have an uber-serious profession and are incredibly dedicated to it that become SO into something else, in this case, a K-Pop idol, that they really do feel that way? It's stereotypical for tween/teen girls to get all screamy/fainty/crying/obsessive over a teen heartthrob/idol, but for a grown adult male in a super serious profession? What are the psychological underpinnings of that? It is FASCINATING to me.

So this manga, while with a silly premise to make one laugh, also made me THINK. I was not expecting that, at all.

I loved all of the characters, the story and the art while not overly memorable to me, wasn't bad. There were some timeline jumps that didn't have segues that I could follow easily, I think they were done that way to build suspense, but I wasn't a fan.

That being said, I highly recommend it if you are looking for something cute, funny and different from the usual.

4, I really enjoyed it, stars.

My thanks to NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for an eARC copy of this to read and review.

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A yakuza member becomes a k-pop fan. Yeah, you read that correctly lol. It was so silly but also so relatable that I found myself enjoying it immensely. Aaand he even has a bias. I am not as into k-poo as I was a few years ago but I remember that feeling of finding a favourite group, loving a bias with a hardcore love, keeping up with the news. Oh nostalgia! If you’ve read The way of a household husband I think you will also enjoy this one, I definitely recommend you check it out.
Thank you to NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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**ARC provided by Netgalley for honest review**

The Way of the Househusband series meets idol're welcome. The Yakuza's Bias 1 by Teki Yatsuda was a funny and even sweet comedy manga about a yakuza leader who accidently becomes a true fan of a kpop idol and how his lifestyle changes thereafter.

I truly enjoyed this creative volume, even only knowing the bare minimum about idol culture, this story was easy to follow and enjoy. This volume had great art and all the characters were fun and sassy and had distinct personalities. Would recommend!

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I recieved this arc in exchange for an honest review.
This was very different from any other mangas that I have read. I am curious on how this manga will continue. The art work was ok. Overall it was ok to read, but it did take me a while to read I just wasn't picking it up.

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Rating: 4 leaves out of 5
-Characters: 3.5/5
-Cover (plus art): 4.5/5
-Story: 3/5
-Writing: 5/5
Genre: Comedy/Contemporary
Type: Ebook/Manga
Worth?: Yeah

Hated|Disliked|It Was Okay|Liked|Loved

Want to thank Netgalley and publishers for giving me the chance to read this book.

I really don't know how I get into the Idol mangas, but this one was pretty funny. I did find it a wee bit creepy that a grown man was being a biased but the more I read the better it got, kinda. I love his reactions and interactions with the bosses daughter and just the people in general.

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<i>*Thanks to Kodansha Comics for giving me the ARC of this manga through NetGalley in exchange of a honest review*</i>

The yakuza's bias is a funny manga about a second in command of a yakuza group who gets obsessed with an idol of a korean boyband like BTS. He has a pretty dense personality and only knows the yakuza's lifestyle thus his stanning comes off at times as comical. I laughed here and there, but there were moments that i felt the author was trying too hard to land some jokes. While it has the vibes Way of the Househusband i think it's waaay more rough around the edges.

The art was alright, not a big fan nor dislike it.

Overall an ok read for anyone who wants to pass the time reading something lighthearted.

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This book was HILARIOUS and hysterical! I loved every minute of it and cannot wait for the second volume. I honestly think it was better than Way of the Househusband, but this definitely had its vibes.

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The Yakuza's Bias 1 by Teki Yatsuda

My rating:
[ 5 of 5 stars ]
I think this idea would definitely flow a lot better in anime format. Nonetheless, it was a lot of fun, nothing serious and a pretty quick read.

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Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher & author for a copy of this eARC.

Honestly I had no idea what was going on half of the time I was getting quite confused. The idea of the story was cute but wasn’t executed very well 🤷‍♀️ the art style was a bit messy here and there also.

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I really like the cuteness of this book, the situation is so improbable that it is absurd. Yes, a read alike for this is The Way of the Househusband. This has a unique context and the world building is quite easy to get into, and the art is good. I wouldn't mind reading more of this tale.

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Ken a Japanese gangster finds his priorities suddenly changing when he discovers his love for the K-pop idol Jun. I really enjoyed it and absolutely want to read more and more and more.

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A fun if a little zanny manga. It feels very similar to House husband but not as funny to me. Mainly because I'm not much into the Idol scene, so some of the jokes flew right past me. But it seems a lot of people really loved this one, and for good reason, if you get all the jokes I'm sure it hits harder. I will say the art is really solid with some funny as hell faces. Overall, a solid fun time, a 3 out of 5, but for fans of Idols this might be even higher.

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ARC provided by NetGalley.

This was such a fun and sweet manga. I loved the story of this hard yakuza man who just happens upon a K-pop group and becomes obsessed with one of the group members. It’s definitely a silly story but I really do love the idea that he enjoys them because they show a different sort of masculinity and honor. It had me laughing out loud and wishing there was more! The scene with the finger guns had me HOWLING. Highly recommend for anyone who needs a light hearted gangster manga after reading/watching banana fish 😋

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