Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this gentle little thinker of a book.

Seren is quite happy working as a cook in a respite facility for the elderly. That she lives onsite as well and doesn't have a LOT of friends who are under 80, doesn't concern her much. She is frightened of going too far from home and so she tells herself that she is perfectly fine as she is.

Her brother Andrew is happily coupled up and when he suggests to Seren that she really needs to go out and find herself a partner, she doesn't take it well. He introduces her to some friends of his and they play games but it isn't really her thing. She joins an online dating agency and they tell her she is too boring.

Ned is the handyman who works with Seren, but even though he is perfectly nice, she feels like there are things about him that she just doesn't know.

The story of these two damaged people is the basis of this story. It is not angst filled by any means, there were also laughs to be had in this book as well, some of them loud chuckles and others wry grins.

Hard to categorise, but it felt like these two were really special just because they were such genuine human beings, flaws and all.

Of course, the star of the show was Kez, the border collie. Completely adorable and very, very smart :)

Also appreciated the recipes! If only all recipe books were written like this :)

5 stars from me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books.

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3.75- I am very drawn to books about chefs and kitchens (I hate cooking, so it’s funny that this is the case) and the title of this drew me in. It was cute, but it didn’t quite hit the mark for me.
Seren lives a very quiet life. She works as a chef and a housekeeper for an adult day care center where she is surrounded by wacky, funny, and caring octogenarians and nonagenarians. While Seren isn’t agoraphobic she has a tremendous fear of getting lost, so it helps that she lives in the flat above the kitchen of the day care center. When Ned, a handsome and kind guy, joins the day care staff as their van driver and handyman, Seren begins to wonder if there is more to life than just the walls of her home and work.
Overall I enjoyed this, but at times the writing fell flat and the ending felt rushed. I had a lot of compassion for Seren, but I felt her development happened way too quickly, but this goes hand in hand with the rushed ending. I loved all of the seniors at the day care center. I found all of the scenes with them to be quite humorous and I hope I can have their outlook on life when I grow older.
After every couple of chapters there was a very long recipe, and honestly I could have done without them. The directions in the recipe were so drawn out, it made reading it tedious. There was one baked good for which I really wanted a recipe (blondies with raspberry and white chocolate) but that one wasn’t included.
Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for an advanced copy of this. This book hits the shelves on June 9th.

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A truly heartwarming read, full of hope and optimism but with a fundamental message of acceptance snd inclusivity!
A wonderfully diverse range of characters many having their own issues/struggles regardless of age,gender,upbringing etc.
Seren leads a very insular life since being raised by her elder brother after her parents died, living and working in the same building and not venturing far from home.
Ned her work colleague at the elderly persons day centre has his own struggles to contend with but with the help of the adorable Kez they are brought together and in doing so start to heal, live, and love again.
A wonderful eclectic community, friends, family and a canine companion make for a really therapeutic healing environment and a second chance at life and love!
Thank you netgalley for this early read.

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A beautiful story with lovely, interesting, fresh characters, “The Recipe for Happiness”, by Jane Lovering (Boldwood Books), shows people dealing with serious issues without losing a positive outlook on life.
I loved both Seren and Ned, they are relatable, complex, yet down-to-earth, pragmatic characters.
The way the romantic relationship progressed was also compelling, a slow burn with some secrets, surprises, healing and a rambunctious, irresistible dog.
The story is fun, unique, with some sad parts and other very funny moments. The author’s sense of humor and the fact both leads don’t take themselves too seriously, despite the dramatic experiences, is refreshing.
I liked how the revelations about both leads take time to happen.
Ned’s understated charm and charisma, the painful experience he went through – poignantly actual – and his selflessness are compelling. The character’s vulnerability and darkness are weighed with his practical and sensible perspective on people and life.
Seren’s “contained life”, her dedication to the daycare center and the seniors, the insecurities and doubts, make her a wonderful heroine.
The secondary characters, the dog, Kez, the center, the landscape, the recipes, all make this a very amusing read.

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Jane Lovering’s books are always an auto-read for me, because she balances humour, realistic situations and serious topics so well. Once again this is the case with Seren, who thinks she should probably try to broaden her horizons (at least if her brother has his way) but theory and actuality are two very different things. As it turns out, her under-duress attempts have unexpected long-term results and the most important potential change to her life happens right under her nose.
All of the characters, major and minor, are so deftly drawn that they are easy to visualise - Holly and her elbows, the dignified but silent Mimi are just two of the minor ones that stand out - and they all invoke feelings in the reader from amusement to sympathy to annoyance. The laugh-inducing one-liners are there in abundance, but the counterpoint is the examination of mental health, PTSD in particular. Both Seren’s and Ned’s stories, when revealed, are heartbreaking. Even the happy ending comes with a caveat: mental health issues are always going to be a work in progress, their life situations will doubtless change, they’ll have to work at their happiness. I appreciate that balance. I also appreciate the recipes that pop up throughout, which is a lovely added touch!

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Loved this uplifting and well written book. Read in one sitting and couldn't put it down.

Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thanks to the publishers and Netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange for a review.

I'm afraid it's a DNF for me. I didn't like this at all. Sorry.

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I absolutely loved this book! This was absolutely heart warming and heart felt. I loved it so much!
I just reviewed The Recipe for Happiness by Jane Lovering. #TheRecipeforHappiness #NetGalley
[NetGalley URL]

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A really lovely feel good book. Full of new beginnings, love, friendship, family, new beginnings and happiness

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The recipe for happiness - Jane Lovering

Such an easy comforting read, I read this in one sitting whilst enjoying some sunshine in the garden. I really enjoyed Seren the main character and all the drama that surrounds her and the other characters. The food in this book made me extremely peckish, and the recipes sounded delicious, Also can we just appreciate the beautiful cover and the setting in the Yorkshire Moors! Thank you so much Netgalley, Jane Lovering and Boldwood Books for the e-arc in return for my honest thoughts and opinions.

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The Recipe for Happiness, has a bit of everything - drama, shenanigans, emotional and some life affirming moments which I enjoyed. This is a pretty short read which readers can enjoy in one sitting.

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It was OK and would give the book 2.5 stars. It just felt like something was missing. I didn't love any of the characters. I hated how Andrew and Greg constantly told Seren that she needed to get a life with hobbies. Greg has her join his Dungeon and Dragons group. Andrew has her help a dog trainer. This made no sense, since she doesn't even have a dog. It's such random stuff, which Seren has no interest in. They know she loves to cook and bake, why not find something she enjoys doing. Andrew knew the reason behind Seren's fear of getting lost, so why didn't he tell her the truth years ago. Ned and Seren's interactions together are so awkward. She's convinced that he lives in a car, is a murderer or spent time in prison. Possibly all three. Ned and Seren were perfect for each other, since they both were struggling with issues. Ned wants to help Seren overcome her problems, but isn't doing anything to help his. Kez was definitely my favorite. Seren's recipes sounded delicious.

Recommend giving the book a try. I really wanted to love it as much as the author's previous books that I read. Loved the cover of the book. Look forward to reading more books by the author.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Boldwood Books through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I really loved this book. Read in one setting. Loved that it was set in the North Yorkshire Moors. . I loved how each chapter began with a recipe . Seren and Andrew had a difficult childhood. Andrew was doing well but Seren was not coping . She cooked and lived above an old peoples day centre. Ned joined the team and both he and Seren had major issues but they worked through them and the ending was neat. The twists were surprising.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Boldwood for the opportunity to read Jane Lovering's The Recipe for Happiness.

Look for the usual delightful blend of humor and terrific characters we expect from Ms.Lovering, add in the coolest dog ever and there you have it - another charming Lovering novel.

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