Member Reviews

I was sent a copy of this book in return for an honest review.
I’m a big fan of Phyllida’s books and this one was as beautiful and well written as the others. There’s a lot of love in this book and I could almost feel myself transported to the sea. I’m already looking forward to the next book.
#NetGalley #TheStorytellerByTheSea

The book is told entirely from Melody’s point of view. This is a very character-driven story, and even though there is a big family secret it is Meldoy as a character that carries the story. Melody and Jules didn’t let the family secret tear them apart, in fact, it brought them closer than ever. The story has two timelines; the current timeline starts in 1988 but we also have flashbacks as far as 1968 and we move forward in time to 2023. As is usual for me I enjoyed the earlier timeline explaining what happened in the past much more.
Melody is a paradox she seems both older and younger than her years, she is stubborn and set in her ways like an older person might be yet she is also not very street-wise or versed in romance and the dating scene. Although there is a bit of a romance going on I was so glad the book wasn’t romance focused. I loved how much Melody grew as a character and a person, I cheered Melody on in her endeavours.
As sad as this story was at times it is ultimately a book about hope, letting go and moving on and letting people in. Melody’s love of the sea is second only to her love and devotion to her family. Her love for her family shone through every page I loved the coastal location and the author’s descriptions took me there. Phyllida Shrimpton certainly has a way of writing about time and place. I felt like I could feel the sea spray and smell the fishy air.
Heavy topical fare is dealt with in this tale; about the differently abled (like me as I am deaf), the environment, grief, and secrets. A memorable story I won’t soon forget and oh so poignant. I also have to say that I absolutely love the cover as it suits the wonderful story inside perfectly.

This book is essentially about grief and loss and how it can completely take over your life, and in places is so desperately sad that it is difficult to read. Having said that it is also joyous and life affirming with such likeable and believable characters - I so adored Melody, Flora, Milo and Julianna. By the end of the book I felt as though I’d enjoyed a weekend trip to the Devon coast, complete with cobwebs blown away. A simply gorgeous book that will stay with me for a long time. Phyllida Shrimpton does not disappoint ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Unfortunately this book didn’t quite deliver for me. There is a lot of jumping around and to and frowing which I didn’t enjoy. However for others this will be a book of drama and secrets. Thanks to the author and her publisher. Thanks also to NetGalley.

*5 Stars*
Copy kindly received via NetGalley for an honest review.
A very interesting read with great characters. Melody went through a lot of good and bad in her life. She had the determination to do things her way and I liked how things worked out for her. I liked the ending. Would recommend.

A lovely seaside story of both heartbreaking sadness and uplifting joyfulness. For anyone that has every cared for a family member this will resonate highly and highlight what a rewarding job it can be.
The story follows Melody and her childhood in a seaside town in flashbacks and her current situation of waiting for the only home she has ever known to be demolished. An ever just out of reach romantic touch keeps the story moving along as does family relationships that get to explored as Melody uncovers truths about her early existence.
Enjoyed this book so much.

First, thank you to the publisher and author for providing me with a digital ARC of this title via Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.
I wanted to like this one more that I did. It seemed to have promise, but for some reason, I never fully connected with the story. Every night, I couldn't remember what I had been reading and would take a bit to get back into it. I don't know if it was the book itself or maybe I just wasn't in the right mood, but it always remained forgetable. I enjoyed some of the characters and how the came together to support each other and their dwindling community. I liked the unexpected mystery between the cousins and how it also drew their family closer in the end. The book had a lot of good pieces, they just never all came together for me. Only three stars for me, but I woudn't dissuade someone from reading it.

Such a wonderful and delightful read. It is just perfect for lazy afternoons at the beach. Told over several timelines with a great cast of characters. I found it heartwarming, heartbreaking, but incredibly uplifting. I just loved the 80's vibes from the book. It was the perfect escape read.

I had a really hard time getting into this novel. The first several chapters had a lot of description and not a whole lot of action, so I found it hard to become absorbed, like I usually like to. It took me a while, but eventually I was able to enjoy the storyteller aspect of this book.
Thanks to NetGalley, the author and publisher for an advanced reading copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Thank you NetGalley for my advanced reading copy of The Storyteller by the Sea by Phyllidia Shrimpton.
Overall rating 3 stars.
There is a lot to unpack with this book. I feel three stars is very generous in this instance. I would not recommend this book.
To describe this book in a nutshell would be a puzzle that was smooshed together to make it fit, when in fact, it was glaringly mismatched with a lot of loose pieces.
The book simply does not flow in one direction. There is a lot of jumping around. Having flashbacks from past to present did not help, only making things more confusing.
Making matters worse for the storyline was towards the end throwing conflict at the main character to see what was going to stick. There appeared to be big info dumps as the character went back to the past which did not really enhance the story in my opinion.
I wasn’t sure if this was a romance or not. The romance between a childhood sweetheart and the main character was practically nonexistent until the end which was disappointing and leaving the reader feeling the romance was forced to fill the pages. It missed an opportunity to weave through the romance.
The main character lacks agency and strength. I felt Melody was kind of weak and her story was not compelling enough after the first part of the story. It was hard to cheer for her or see her actually evolve or overcome obstacles. It fell flat for me. I think because the character is being hit with so much conflict but not actually dealing with it made it hard to make it to the end of the book.
There was no need for her cousin in the book who although was at a loose end also was more of a stronger character.
To improve the story I would suggest part one: forget about past and present chapters. The idea of Melody taking care of Milo, her disabled brother to stand on its own. The idea has merit here. There could be an exploration of her work and why the man she falls in love with in cannot have a relationship.
Part two: progress the story forward after the grief that has befallen her. She’s now free but must deal with grief.
Part three: she evolves and can build a relationship.

What a poignant story of transformation and emotional healing, wrapped in the warmth of nostalgia, love and longing. This novel proved to be quite a pleasant surprise as I had never read any books by author Phylidda Shrimpton before this one. I am delighted to say it delivered on all counts in plot, characters, atmosphere and setting. The descriptions are vivid and definitely strike the emotional heart strings. It is so well-written, it was easy to be transported to the quaint coastal village in Devon.
The Storyteller By the Sea first caught my attention with its gorgeous cover and title. From the first page, I was drawn in quickly to the tumultuous lives of the main cast. I felt a strong connection to the story, its message and main character Melody. I also grew up in a small coastal village with the pull of the sea strong on my heart and often scavenged the beaches for coastal treasures to make pieces of art. I could hear the imaginary surf sounds in the shells and the music of the waves. I played piano and guitar with those natural sounds behind me. So, walking in Melody’s shoes was easy for me (even her name is appropriate!). Though I did not have the disadvantage of seeing my actual dwelling taken over by a large developer who wanted to build high rise apartments. But I did see another industry swallow up the cove in front of my house! And it affected the sea-life that had so beautifully survived there for hundreds of years. It is very sad to see the destruction of nature – its value and innocence disregarded. And Melody, understandably, wanted to preserve her piece of paradise.
The theme of change resounds through this novel. It is never easy when forced upon us. For the villagers, it was the destruction of a close knit community. It meant they had to find new homes, with many forced into aged care. As for Melody, it left her homeless. Without family to support her, the challenge was overwhelming. I was deeply sympathetic to her loss. This novel shows how memories are often attached to our dwellings. A place where our lives have played out: a roof that has sheltered our heads and nurtured our hearts. There are so many memories and ghosts tied up in Spindrift cottage for Melody— and to see it all evaporate— leaves her grief-stricken and overwhelmed. She feels as though she is losing her parents and brother all over again. She has tried to maintain their presence by holding on to the cottage and their belongings. The demolition means all that will be taken away.
There are other things about Melody we learn, that are positive. She is gifted in the arts. She makes treasures from items brought in by the sea. She also has the ability to tell stories to lift children’s hearts and to put some magic in their lives. How she gets to develop this talent is amazing. I loved reading about her story-telling abilities and the wonderful tales she shares.
This novel has a fabulous cast of characters. The community gatherings are delightful and the support for each other is heart-warming. It is sad when they are torn apart by the changes that are occurring. There is nothing Melody can do to stop it but she turns to her neighbours and cousin, Juliana. And then there is a man she has grown up with. He's been a constant presence in her life. Their relationship gets shaken and the changes separate them physically for a while but eventually these events clarify the next steps she must take.
The Storyteller By The Sea is a beautiful story about grief, love, loss, starting over, change, family secrets and healing of broken hearts. The story sweeps backwards and forwards like the waves on the sand in timelines (between the 50's to current), delivering its gems and pieces of history. It concludes on a warm note and I truly had tears of both joy and sorrow before turning the last page. I highly recommend this story with heart, nostalgia and imagination. 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thanks to publisher Aria & Aries and Netgalley for my review copy.

This is the first book I’ve read by this author and I enjoyed the time spent with Melody and Milo, on the seaside in Shelley Exmouth England. This heartwarming, emotional, and ultimately uplifting story is told over several timelines from the late 1950s with a lot of time spent in the 1980’s and then wrapping up in present day. I loved the author’s exploration of home and community, and especially loved the 1980’s sections, as I was a teenager of the 80’s. Although you might shed a tear or two, this book is worth the read.
Thanks to NetGalley and Aria & Aries for an eARC in exchange for an honest opinion.

It was an interesting book. It’s set mostly in the 80’s with some flashbacks. It’s a story of endurance and loss. It’s also a story of starting over and opening up oneself to the possibilities. It’s a good book. I read and reviewed an advanced free copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

What an amazing book, it covered so many topics grief, family secrets, regeneration, job loses. Loved the whole beach theme, brilliantly written really tugged at the heart strings, everything Melody had been through. Could not out it down. Thank you netgalley for the advanced copy

A lovely story by the seaside, a tranquil and idyllic town and the perfect place for Melody to spend her days. But the developers what to come in and Melody could loose it all.
This is a book about life, community, family and friendships and about living in a seaside town. It is a great holiday read yet still has a bit of substance in the form of some drama and secrets, changes and how life can throw you curve balls and you must stick together to deal with them.
A wonderful heart-warming read which I really enjoyed.
Thank you NetGalley and Aria & Aries for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

This was a delight to read. Reminded me of holidays - in fact, reading it was just like taking a trip to the seaside, and that setting came very much to life while I was reading. It was also a very heartwarming story to read, though it did have me tearful in places.

A very poetic, very British novel full of love of the ocean about loss, pain and not being able to let go. Sometimes the way to a new start and to a new love is very long.

4.5 stars
Exmouth, Devon, June 1988.
Melody combs the seashore for “treasures“ to take back to her beloved bungalow, “Spindrift“, located by the sea. She weaves each item into a story. However, while the magic of her home endures, a harsh reality creeps in and she can’t ignore the real world or the secrets that she’s keeping. The story is told over several timelines from the 1950s onwards.
This is another lovely book by this wonderful storyteller to lose myself in from the realities of the real world. I alternate between having a smile on my face to tears rolling down my cheeks! First of all, via the fantastic setting of Shelley, Exmouth, there’s a thought-provoking exploration of what your home means to you and what makes a community. This 1980s community is brilliant and I love spending time with them, especially when Mrs Galespie is on the page, she’s a hoot! Everyone needs a Mrs Galespie as a neighbour!
The characterisation is outstanding with free spirit Melody at the centre and her cousin Juliana who are such a terrific contrast to each other but who share an unbreakable bond. The extended family are all wonderfully portrayed and the author takes you on an emotional journey through them. It has joy, resilience and overwhelming selfless love, but also heartbreak and sadness. How Melody becomes the storyteller by the sea is so poignant, but yet at the same time it’s uplifting. Here are the strongest and closest of connections.
This novel really captures the 80s vibe (and my heart), big hair, neon and all but also the wider context of massive change and upheaval as old traditional industries take their last gasps of breath. “Spindrift” comes alive too, as it’s chockablock with Melody’s
I daresay the book follows a certain predictable path but it’s one I’m more than happy to tread as it’s a delightful book from beginning to end.
With thanks to NetGalley and especially to Aria and Aries for the much appreciated arc in return for an honest review.

I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Lovely book about family, community, and home. I love the characters, the storylines, and the vivid descriptions.

I couldn't put this bittersweet
book down..
A wonderful descriptive coastal story of a family with a special needs child. An emotional roller coaster of a tale. Full of loss, love and hope.for all of the family. An very uplifting book..