Member Reviews

*ARC provided through Netgalley in exchange for feedback.

DNF at 51%

This book sounded really interesting and was about a topic not as often discussed as many others. The cover art is also absolutely gorgeous. While elements of the story are really entertaining at times, and of course educational in some ways since it is historical fiction, I found the writing to often feel clunky and disheveled. There were many times where I had to go back and reread a sentence more than once to try and figure out what the author was trying to say. At other times scenes seemed to skip around almost at random, throwing you into the next one with no context. There were some other minor contextual issues I had from time to time. For example the book seems to treat muskets like rifles with marksmen hitting all their shots, when in reality they were very inaccurate. This could simply be a design choice for the book since it is fiction after all but it threw things off for me. Ultimately about 35% of the way through I had lost interest. I kept reading until 50% to give it a fair shake but decided to move on after that.

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