Member Reviews

Quick and easy read. I think a lot of marriage thrillers end up feeling very samey but a fun read nonetheless!

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I don’t really want to write this review. The Truth About the Accident is the 2nd book by Nicole Trope that I have read. The 1st was The Family Across the Street and I really enjoyed that book. This one, though, was not for me. The Truth About the Accident is told from multiple perspectives and is centered around a rainy morning accident where Damon is struck by a car. He has been left hospitalized, in a coma, fighting for his life. His doting wife Marla is by his side as the police try to piece together what happened. Damon has not been a faithful husband and his mistresses are the other perspectives we see from. I am not sure what it was about this book, but I struggled to find it interesting. There wasn’t much here that kept me involved. The people were dull to me and I really didn’t care what happened to them. It’s not poorly written. I just fully found it uninteresting. I seem to be in the minority here as other reviewers seem to love it. I am giving it 2/5 stars and I hate to do that as I truly loved the other work by this author that I have read. This book will be published on June 30th 2023. Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for allowing me access to an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This review will be found on Instagram and Goodreads indefinitely.
Instagram book reviews @CandaceOnline

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Another brilliant read from Nicole Trope! The master storyteller has woven another fascinating domestic drama with so many twists and turns and coincidences along the way. Each story interweaves with the next until the whole truth is finally revealed. Loved it!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for this ARC!

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Thank you Bookouture and NetGalley for an UNBELIEVABLE read in The Truth About The Accident. This was some plot, my gosh the therapist talking to the wife, WHOA!!!! All in All a Fantastic novel, I LOVE books like this where you can’t wait for the pages to turn. Great women characters, awesome writing, just the whole package. This is why I jump when Nicole Tropes books come out. Thanks again.

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Damon Kennedy is struck by a car while crossing the street on a rainy day, he is now in a medically induced coma fighting for his life. The car that hit him sped off. While the police search for the hit and run driver, his wife Marla sits at his bedside reliving the day of the accident. She and Damon had argued that day, she hasn't been completely honest with the police.
Sonya, Damon's therapist, and Athena, one of Damon's mistresses, also have secrets they haven't told the police.
I absolutely love Nicole Trope's novels, however I struggled with finishing this one. It just didnt keep my interest as her other books have. None of the characters were likeable, the only chapters I really liked were from a mystery person's perspective. I hated that all the women were so naive and still loved Damon and were willing to forgive him. This was less thriller and more domestic drama. Not my favorite by this author, but I definitely look forward to more from her.

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for the advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Wow what a story! This is my first book by this author and it definitely will not be the last. I was engaged from the start, I love a story that follows multiple perspectives and this was no different. I really enjoyed the mystery woman and love how it was interwoven throughout the story. At times the characters made me frustrated that they could even possibly stay with this man, but that’s what made it a great book. I loved them and then was mad at them throughout. It was a quick read and I finished it in a day. I just had to know what would happen next and it did not disappoint. I give this book 5 out of 5 stars. Thank you netgalley and publisher for the advanced copy.

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Told from alternate perspectives of three women involved with one man. The man is hospitalized after a hit and run accident, leaving the reader trying to guess which woman is the culprit. The author throws in an unexpected twist at the end.

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The Truth About the Accident by Nicole Trope

Characters: 5/5
Pace: 5/5
Thrill/Mystery: 5/5
Enjoyment: 5/5

OMG, Nicole Trope has written a brilliant thriller that has alll the marks of a great movie. A family thriller that brings us to the hospital where a man lay on life support and his wife is not as upset as one would expect although nothing is really what the reader expects. Told with four POV’s you are taken to the past as well as the present but done so very fluidly. The ease of how the writer flip flops between is natural and perfect. There is a surprise unknown to the reader that will bring everything together and in such a way that will leave you breathless. The author gives the reader small hints throughput but is careful not to expose the real secret that brings the truth to the surface. This is one hell of a ride that you actually won’t see coming.

June 30 2023 get your copy,

Thank you to NetGalley as well as the author/publisher for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my unbiased and honest review.

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This story is told from four different points of view: Marla, Damon's wife; Athena, his mistress, Sonya, his therapist, and a mystery woman. After Damon is hit by a car and lying in a hospital bed in a medically induced coma, we find out the details of his relationship with each woman and the ensuing accident.

Damon was a lying, cheating scoundrel with no redeeming qualities, so I was rooting for the women as their stories unfolded. Sometimes, I find books written with multiple viewpoints confusing. This one was not because the characters were so well defined. I could even envision what each of them looked like.

This was a fast-paced, enjoyable story, and I plan on reading many more books by this author.

Thank you to NetGalley, Nicole Trope, and Bookouture for the ARC of this book! The publication date is June 30, 2023.

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This seemed interesting enough when I started it but it just plateaued and didn't get going. There was a lot of speculation and introspection by the women in the story and they kept going over the same thoughts again and again. I had some idea where the story was headed and I wasn't really motivated to get there.

I received this arc from netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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We follow 4 different POVs. Marla, who is Damon’s wife, Athena, who is Damon’s mistress, Sonya, who is Damon’s therapist, and a Mystery woman, who seems obsessed with Damon. We find out snippets of Damon’s infidelity along with finding out what really happened the day he was hit by a car slowly throughout the book.

Personally, I found all the characters unlikeable. They were all infatuated with Damon despite his inability to be honest or faithful. Not much was really happening throughout the book except these women that Damon had relationships with all revealing the details of their relationships. I thought it was predictable and underwhelming. The end wasn't even satisfying for me.

Despite that, this was a super quick read for me. I would check out other books by this author as I did like her writing style. I was just not a fan of this book.

Thank you NetGalley, Nicole Trope, and Bookouture for the ARC of this book!

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Nicole Trope delivers a fast paced domestic thriller with "The Truth About the Accident" This story about about 3 women wronged by a very bad man and what women will do to protect themselves and their children. I really enjoyed this book and look forward to reading other books by Ms. Trope.

Thank you to Bookouture and Netgalley for an advanced readers copy of this book for my honest review.

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The Truth about the Accident by Nicole Trope Relationship drama told in different POVs, Marla, Sonya, Athena, and a mystery woman. Slow paced, without much action, and repetitive at times, The characters were all shallow, self absorbed and unlikeable. Not a favorite of mine by this author.

Thank you to the author, Bookouture. and NetGalley for the opportunity to preview the book.

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The Truth About the Accident by Nicole Trope

Another great book by Nicole Trope!

Damon Kennedy has had a terrible accident; he has been hit by an unknown car and is lying in a hospital bed in a sedated comma. Who would hit an innocent man and just drive away. But Damon is not an innocent man, he is a classic womaniser who has been cheating on his wife, Marla, for many years.

Damon started attending therapy with Sonya. Damon says he wants to stop cheating on his wife but so far Sonya has not seen any positive progress from their therapy sessions instead she has discovered that Damon is a narcissist who uses his therapy time to brag about his conquests instead of finding a way to change.

Athena is pregnant with Damon’s child and is sure he is going to leave his wife and be with her.

The book tells how each character’s life pans out after Damon’s accident and as we learn more about each character’s life, we realise what really happened that day.

I would like to thank Net Galley and Bookouture for a copy of this eBook in exchange for an honest review

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A hit and run leaves Marla's husband in the hospital. You would think she'd be devastated, but instead, she seems almost relieved. What is the truth about this accident?

Another solid read from Nicole Trope! Not much of a thriller, this book was more of an expose on cheating husbands and the damage it causes for all those involved. None of the characters were particularly likeable, which sorta fueled my fire too see what happened and who was really responsible. I always reach for a Trope novel when I want something quick and twisty, and this fit the bill!

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The Truth about the Accident by Nicole Trope was unforgettable and impossible to stop reading. This story is full of suspense, revenge, suspicion, and tension. At the center of this story is Damon, a successful CEO, husband, and father. He is struck down in a hit and run accident, and is clinging to life in a coma in a local hospital. Damon appears to have everything together and to be a successful business man and devoted husband and father however, appearances can be deceiving. What was Damon doing walking on a busy highway in poor weather? Why can the car that hit him not be properly identified? Was it a random event or something more sinister? As the story unfolds, more main characters are introduced as they are intimately involved with Damon. This book was fast paced, suspenseful, and had many twists and turns. Yet another novel destined to be a best seller by Nicole Trope. If you enjoy a good psychological thriller, this book is for you. If I could give it more than 5 stars, I would! Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance review copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I devoured this book on a rainy day! Damon has quite a number of women in his life…a wife, a mistress, and a therapist/mistress. When he is injured in an accident, many questions arise! This one kept me turning pages. Loved it!

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This book was told from the viewpoints of 3 women mainly, the wife, the counselor, and the mistress. Man, does Damon get around. Damon is hit by a car early on and the rest of the story is while he’s in a coma and who hit him and why. These woman have to battle the demons inside of them, all while, trying to see how they incorporate into each other’s lives. All, while there is an unexpected surprise that none of them saw coming.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher and author for giving me this advanced reader copy.

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Domestic thrillers are my favorite when I’m not reading romance. The suspense, drama, secrets and lies. Let me tell you this book keeps you on your toes!! I enjoyed the characters and their interactions and I just couldn’t put this book down!

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The Truth About the Accident is a novel about a man in a coma after having been in a hit-and-run. With multiple points of view from his wife and mistresses, this is an engaging read that amps up the tension as the plot unfolds.

The characters are well-drawn and suit the unfolding story brilliantly with lots of tension and breath-holding twists and turns. The ending was great, I didn't see it coming at all. Well paced and very readable, really enjoyed this novel.

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