Member Reviews

I am so glad this book appeared in NetGalley, or I likely would never have run across it. It is a guidebook for personal legal documents a person should have for if they ever become incapacitated and for when they die. With a US focus regarding the laws, it would also serve other countries in the general outline of what kinds of information is needed. Covers topics like: how to assign someone to make medical and financial decisions for you, information on wills and trusts, and much more. It is written for novices and is designed to guide you to making informed decisions on how you want your life handled when you can't make those decisions. If you follow along and use this book as a workbook, you will end up with your legal matters much more ready for when something happens to you. I have already recommended this book to several friends and will to many more. I plan on reading it again and working through the steps to ensure my loved ones have the necessary instructions and legal authority to act the way I want them to, and that when I die, my estate passes to those I intend. I am so thankful the author has made this book so organized, clear, and understandable. I especially love that she included specific search phrases to google to get state-specific information. This is an invaluable resource for everyone, because as we all know, they don't teach this stuff in school.

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Are you prepared for the unexpected? Brace yourself for a life-changing read as Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me? unveils the hidden world of planning for significant life and death events. This remarkable guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools to protect yourself and your loved ones from unforeseen circumstances.

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An indispensable resource that every person should read, regardless of their age or life stage. This comprehensive guide illuminates the often misunderstood and overlooked realm of planning for significant life and death events, providing readers with the tools and knowledge to navigate these complex matters with confidence.

The book's strength lies in its clear and concise explanations. Complex legal concepts and topics are broken down into digestible information that is easy to understand, ensuring that readers grasp the crucial importance of financial and medical advance directives, asset management, long-term care options, estate planning, and more. The inclusion of examples further enhances comprehension, enabling readers to apply the knowledge to their own lives and circumstances.

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I think everyone should have a copy of this book especially communities of color. Honestly there was so much I didn't know but know I have a reference point.

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