Member Reviews
The Blizzard’s Secrets by DJanee has a civilization living up near snow that only certain people can survive in.
Can Daia protect her people?
Daia has sacrificed a lot of her time to become the next Commander of the Forces for Taliver’s safety. The Seer chose her to do this, and it was decided that she would become the next Commander. Daia stepped into the lion’s den of trickery, yet she found out much more than she had hoped. She is a great character, and it definitely shows that her training was excellent because of what she can do. Except what will she do to help her people?
Taliver is in a little pocket of fresh air that is sunny, green, and warm. The Tundra is nothing like that, and it is always snowing out there in the form of a blizzard. Also, only certain members of their civilization can survive out in the Tundra, and the others cannot. Daia is lucky she survived going into the Tundra the first time.
Four Stars for The Blizzard’s Secrets
My rating for The Blizzard’s Secrets by DJanee is four stars. DJanee has left me wanting more from this story, and to have this satisfied, perhaps it could have been a longer book. I loved everything about it but thought we could’ve seen more. I’m also still recommending it since it is a fantastic book.
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of The Blizzard’s Secrets by DJanee.
Until the next time,
Karen the Baroness
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The Blizzard’s Secrets has an interesting premise and setting, with the potential to have a unique and enjoyable world if more time was spent building and expanding on it. The main flaw I found with this book was the length; there was so much character and plot development and worldbuilding that definitely needed more space to be adequately explored and done justice. In my opinion, the story would have been much better if it had been spread over 300 pages as opposed to 130. I didn’t feel like I had enough time to come to know the characters and properly follow them on their journeys, so the plot twist didn’t impact me as much as it could have. I would be interested in reading the next release from this author as I felt this had so much potential, and it was pretty well-written; I just hope the pacing of the story is improved.
Thank you to NetGalley, the publishers, and the author for the Advanced Reader Copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
I received a free copy of this book from the Author, Publisher, NetGalley for my honest review. I really wanted to love this book more than I did but I just didn’t vibe with it. It’s a short fantasy about the size of a novella so it was an easy read fast paced read. I still think about the story and want to see what happens next. I think maybe I will read it again and hopefully be able to increase my rating.
Lies and deceit led the path of enlightening truth for the young Seer. This book was an interesting and mildly exciting short story, stained with a betrayal of the highest order. It wasn’t as captivating and engaging as I would have liked.
"The Blizzards Secrets" left me feeling somewhat unsatisfied as a reader. While the writing style was competent and error-free, the brevity of the narrative prevented me from forming a deep connection with the world, characters, or plot.
The author's skill in crafting sentences and paragraphs was clear throughout the book. Their ability to describe scenes and emotions was commendable, and the prose was fluid and easy to follow. The book was technically sound in its execution, with no noticeable issues that could detract from the reading experience.
However, it was the lack of depth and detail in the story that left me wanting more. The brevity of the book meant that there was little room for the world-building, character development, and plot exploration that typically draw readers into a narrative. As a result, I found it difficult to become emotionally invested in the characters' journeys or to fully immerse myself in the fictional world created by the author.
While "The Blizzards Secrets" cannot be categorized as a bad book, it came across as somewhat one-dimensional. The narrative lacked the complexity and depth that often make stories memorable. I believe that with a more expansive treatment of the plot and characters, this book had the potential to be much more engaging and satisfying. In its current form, it left me yearning for a deeper and more immersive reading experience.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me a free advanced copy of this book to read and review.
Thank you NetGalley and DJanee for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
I think there could have been more to this story.. much more. Daia is preparing for her induction ceremony as the new Commander of the Forces, which should be a big deal. She has been trained by the Seer for years just to receive this title. Even with the book not being very long, you learn little details such as what happened to the previous Seer and how the Ruler doesn't fully trust the Seer. Daia is tasked with following the Ruler and then further tasked by the Ruler to go and find his "brother". It is a mission that she shouldn't have come back from.
This book needed more.. more details, more history lessons, more of an explanation why the Blizzard was so bad outside of the city but not inside of it. Were the walls magical? It had me questioning everything and seemed to be put together some what sloppy-like. I was exited for this read but I got my hopes up with this one.
I would not recommend this to my followers.. I just feel it may need to be rewritten with some more details and thought as to who each character is and what role they actually play in this story.
This book was a lot of waste potential according to me. This could have been a full novel instead of a novella.
What confused me is the world setting tbh, like idk if it was set in medevial socity or mordern era. because the speech or speaking style is mordern but the world setting is set in medevial so, It is every confusing. Also, the history or what really happened is not properly explained as well as the timeline. After ther prologue we dont know if the story is dated back before the prologue or after the prologue. I feel like the book needs to be properly edited. Then, it would be a good book.
After training and hard work under the mentorship of Taliver's seer, Daia is ready to enter a new stage in her life and is preparing for her induction ceremony as the new commander of the forces. Days before the ceremony she discovers a dark secret in Taliver's past and decisions made by the ruler make her suspicions and concerned for the people. she soon takes matters into her own hands and seek the answers herself
2/5 stars — thank you netgalley, the author and publisher for an arc in exchange for an honest review! i really wanted to like it. in fact, i love novellas and short stories, but this wasn’t the one for me. the plot was too convenient, the fmc was way too self aware. it’s like there wasn’t a conflict during the story because she was able to predict most events or had seemingly random suspicions. this is a story that would’ve benefitted from a more fleshed out, better paced plot. there was no worldbuilding and nothing about the characters which really sucked the life out of all of this
Ringrazio l'autrice e netgalley per avermi mandato l'ARC.
Mi aspettavo molto di più. Dalla trama e dai vari commenti sembrava molto interessante: omicidi, segreti, suspense e tradimenti. Beh, io non li ho trovati. O meglio, c'erano ma non me li ha fatti vedere. Ne parla solo. Di quello che è successo, della verità, ma io volevo magari qualche flashback, qualcosa che me lo mostrasse. E invece è solo un lungo discorso.
Di azione ce n'è poca e niente e le vicende vengono narrate in modo veloce e frettoloso. Non mi veniva la voglia di continuare a leggerlo.
Non sono riuscita a simpatizzare con nessun personaggio, davvero troppo corto per riuscire a provare qualche emozione nei loro confronti.
L'unica cosa che mi è piaciuta è stato il plot twist finale che non mi aspettavo. Anche se avrei preferito continuasse ad andare avanti. Cosa succede dopo? Non lo sapremo mai. E' come se questo libro fosse un prologo per un altro libro, non l'ho sentito finito. Avrei preferito fosse più lungo e magari vedere come si comportava Daia sapendo la verità ma non potendo rivelarla a nessuno. E se qualche cittadino l'avesse scoperta? Cosa sarebbe successo? Una rivolta?
Insomma, non è stato il libro per me.
🇬🇧: I thank the author and netgalley for sending me the ARC.
I expected much more. From the plot and various comments it seemed very interesting: murders, secrets, suspense and betrayals. Well, I couldn’t find them. Well, they were there, but he didn’t show them to me. He just talks about it. About what happened, about the truth, but I wanted maybe some flashbacks, something to show me. It’s just a long speech.
Of action there is little and nothing and the events are told in a fast and hasty way. I did not want to continue reading it.
I could not sympathize with any character, really too short to be able to feel any emotion towards them.
The only thing I liked was the final plot twist that I didn’t expect. Although I would have preferred it to keep going. What happens next? We’ll never know. It’s like this book is a prologue to another book, I haven’t heard it finished. I wish it had been longer and maybe see how Daia behaved knowing the truth but not being able to reveal it to anyone. What if some citizen found out? What would have happened? A riot?
I mean, it wasn’t the book for me.
I received this ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review and unfortunately this book was not my cup of tea.
Our main character Daia, who has trained to be the Commander of Taliver, tells a story of her few days before her induction ceremony. Secrets start to unfold and Daia sets on a journey to uncover the truth. The premise of this story has captured me which is why I requested to this book along with its cover, however, reading the book, many of the circumstances felt too convenient to continue the plot.
Nevertheless, the main reason this book wasn't for me was due to its short length. For some people, this may be a great quick escape after 1000 page book, however, this felt too short for my taste. Due to the length of this, I felt that there wasn't enough time for world building which is a shame as I can see great potential in this story. I am eager to learn more about Taliver and it's background and the characters themselves as well. They were flat without personalities which meant that I wasn't as invested in their fate as I would have liked.
Overall, I have expected a little bit more of this book, however, given it's length the story wasn't for me. However, other people looking for quick escape may still enjoy it.
today i read The Blizzard’s Secrets by DJanée. the blizzard’s secrets is a novella following daia, a member of the community of taliver, as she uncovers one of its darkest secrets days before she is given a high title within taliver’s government.
the highlight of this story for me was its pacing. it felt very even, and it kept me wondering what was going to happen next. normally, i’m not a big fan of constant plot twists, but they felt natural and exciting here.
however, i was disappointed by the worldbuilding, which felt hollow to me. as i read, i learned bits and pieces about taliver, but it wasn’t enough to fully ground me in its world, which is almost required for what is presumably a high fantasy story. i understand that that’s likely a constraint that comes with writing a novella, but at the same time, i feel like there’s so many places that this story could go, and daia’s character could have gone in so many different directions as well. i would absolutely love to read a full novel following daia with this novella as its inciting conflict. as it is, i was left wanting so much more by the end. i also want to note that in netgalley, it was not immediately obvious to me that this is a novella. it’s simply called a quick read in its blurb.
if you enjoy novellas or you want a quick, engaging read, this is for you. just keep the worldbuilding in mind if that’s something that matters to you! thank you to netgalley for providing me access to this title in exchange for my review! the blizzard’s secrets is out september 19 of this year!
Recieved The Blizzard's Secret from NetGalley. Overall I liked the backbones of this book but I wish that it could have been fleshed out a little bit more. I would have liked more context or backstory on more of the characters to get to know them better. While reading the characters, I felt like I didn't really know them or what could their intentions possibly be so when things happen, I felt more like "is this something this character would do?, I'm not sure". It was a very quick read and I'm interested to see where the cliffhanger goes.
Lots of potential, too short.
Plot- 3/5🔆
Spice- 0/5🌶️
This is a short YA novella featuring Daia as she gets thrown into some political drama. I think this story had so much potential and had a good plot line, but the novella was too short to get much detail out of the story. It felt like things were moving very quickly, concluding perfectly, and overall it gave the story a two dimensional feel to it.
I overall enjoyed the Authors writing, just felt there was too much content jammed into a small novella.
I absolutely flew through this book I loved it that much!! The world-building was incredible and I felt like I was in the freezing Tundra with Daia 🥶(despite reading this in summer). I loved Daia the MC and feel like she was easy to connect with. She’s strong-willed, brave, and not afraid to speak her mind, which is the kind of thing I like to see in MC’s.
The plot twists were what sold it for me! 🤍 so much happened that I really didn’t expect, it kept me on my toes for sure and I couldn’t stop reading (even when it was 2:00am 🙈). On top of all of this, the cliff hanger at the end had me contemplating it for hours after finishing the book and left me wanting more.
This was a very beautifully written book, the words seemed to just flow seamlessly, making the reading experience very smooth and enjoyable (which is usually difficult for me because I have dyslexia and ADHD so my brain is all over the place 🤣).
Overall, I would highly recommend this book to anyone out there that wants to delve into a unique dystopian world.
There were parts I enjoyed but overall I was disappointed. Too short with few background facts. I did like Daia who has such potential! Thanks#netgalley and #Booksgosocial for the eARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are mine.
I’ll be honest… this book just wasn’t for me. I can definitely see the appeal that it would have to some, but I couldn’t get into it.
I feel that it would be a lot better as a full length book, because as it is, there was nothing to get attached to. You don’t know any of the characters well enough to care about them, and the world is just there. It exists. Because you don’t know anything about it. If the characters were fleshed out more and there was actual worldbuilding, I think it would be a lot better.
Something that also got on my nerves to no end was the constant repetition of certain phrases. Well, one specific phrase and it’s several variations. As is (the) custom. Ninety percent of the time this doesn’t need to be explained because anyone who reads fantasy that includes a kingdom/ruler knows that these things, usually signs of respect towards said ruler, are normal.
All in all, I can see the appeal some might find in it, but I didn’t find the appeal in the slightest.
This feels like it has loads of potential if it was fleshed out into a novel size. Loved the premise of the whole story but I felt like there was little time for world building or lore to be explored. Dialogue was also very minimal with some great opportunities to expand it to show the characters personalities more. This was a nice little adventure I would have loved for it to be longer and more intricate.
Everything about this book just felt rather matter-of-fact, two-dimensional, and too convenient in a way that didn't feel like fate, the way the plot would like you to think, but rather like the author was just trying to create twists for the sake of adding twists. There also wasn't enough world building for me, and everything felt very confined to the few people cast in this book, instead of leading me to believe that other people and lives and stories existed in the community outside of these main characters. While I'm sure this series will be for someone, that someone simply wasn't me.