Member Reviews

3.5 (rounded down)⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thank you so much to Daphne Press and NetGalley for an e-arc of this book.

I enjoyed this book, and will be continuing with the series.

I do think the writing isn’t matured, in that the author is maybe still finding their footing, so I hope the next books improve there.

Lots of build up to the next book so I’m keen to see where it goes!

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I am obsessed with finding chronic illness represented in fiction, so had to check out this romantasy!

Main character Faraine has the ‘gift’ of empathy which constantly leaves her sensorily overwhelmed and suffering from chronic headaches. I love how this is handled realistically and sensitively, so was a little disappointed to find that she just needed to find her soulmate to be ‘cured’ of the debilitating effects of her condition… I wish that worked in real life too!

Both Faraine and Vor are really sympathetic main characters, as they are bowed down by self-doubt and heavy responsibilities and both focused on doing the right thing at great personal cost to themselves. Clearly a perfect match! So it’s really unfortunate when their respective duties get right in the way of true-love-at-first-sight and put a dampener on some sizzling hot chemistry and sweetly thoughtful courtship.

Aside from the relationship issues, the story is packed full of action and intrigue – the trolldefolk plagued by wild animal attacks and terrible poisonings; the human realm ravaged by fae marauders; political machinations on both sides; and, of course, our situation-crossed lovers, Faraine and Vor (and Sul, and Hael, and Lyria!). I really enjoyed getting to see both of the main character viewpoints in alternating chapters and was rooting for them to figure it all out as soon as possible so they could finally get it together. Sadly though – or happily, depending on your viewpoint – we will have to read on to find out as the book ends with something of a cliffhanger situation all round, leaving Faraine, Vor and the reader all wanting more!

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Apologies for the delay in emailing this information. Thank you for the chance to read this book. Unfortunately this was not for me. I have not posted a review as I could not complete this book. But if you would still like me to post a review, please let me know.

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I requested BRIDE OF THE SHADOW KING because of the arranged marriage angle, which I’m a big fan of as a trope. I really enjoy getting to see two people, almost always at odds and in a confinement space, struggling to overcome misunderstandings and get to know one another. BRIDE OF THE SHADOW KING took me a bit by surprise, because although it is an arranged marriage story, it didn’t really go down that route I was expecting, but I still really enjoyed it!
There’s not a huge amount of plot here, it’s very much a character-focused story with some interesting world-building hinted at yet never fully explored. I’d have like to have seen more of the troll kingdom, and learned more about the curses, ‘blessings’, and the three-way war that’s all going on in the background of the romance. I’m hoping there will be more of both plot and backstory in the next instalment, but even without them, Mercedes writing is incredibly readable and I fully enjoyed the journey the story took us on. There’s a nice range of antagonists and side characters, some genuinely dislikeable baddies, and some who really grew on me over the course of the story.
The book is chunky at around 500 pages, but its pacy and easy to digest, and honestly, I’d have guessed it was closer to the 300-350 page range.
Ultimately, BRIDE OF THE SHADOW KING was a light, enjoyable fantast romance and I’m looking forward to continuing the series.

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Arranged marriage fantasy romance.
The story was interesting and romantic
The world building was good and I liked the characters.
My main issue was how rushed the romance felt it could have been a little bit more slow burn.
Overall a good start to a trilogy

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I finished reading Bride of the shadow King with a smile because I loved it that much! It was one of the few books that made me giddy yet anxious at the same time. Can’t wait enough to dive into the book 2.

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Slow burn dual Pov Romantasy! Thoroughly enjoyed this read. Can’t wait moving straight on to book 2.

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I loved the start of this series so much. I loved the plot and I loved the characters. Beautifully described and I was hooked from the first chapter

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Thank you so much for allowing me to review this title!
I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to reading the rest of the series!
Thanks again and I hope to work with you again in the future!

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An interesting take on the fae/ human romance storyline. I found the characters difficult to get into although I warmed up to it as the story went on. It was an entertaining read.

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Sadly I DNFed at 51%

Once it became clear that Faraine was to take her sister’s place, while looking her sister, I knew I would just find the rest of the plot uncomfortable.

Plots that involved the MC having feelings possibly for two sisters, which from Goodread’s reviews sounds like what happens here, even though he doesn’t know it’s Faraine, just give me a yucky feeling.

I was also annoyed early on how he made a comment about whether perhaps he could grow to love Faraine’s looks but then instantly seemed to find her sister attractive.

I’m sure this is a storyline that will grip others, but it sadly wasn’t one for me.

Thank you Netgalley & the publishers for giving me a chance to read this!

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Bride of the Shadow King which is the first book in the trilogy written by Sylvia Mercedes is a perfect book for lovers of the Romantasy genre.

With the use of the fake/arranged marriage trope, Mercedes wrote it amazingly. A marriage to save their kingdoms but would destroy their hearts? Excellently executed.

The relationship between Faraine and Vor was written with passion and care. Despite Vor's lack of care during the beginning to marry a human bride, however, as soon as he sees his brides sister, Faraine he soon agrees. His need for Faraine grows and so does their relationship.

Personally, this book was well written and I had loved every moment.

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*Thank you so much to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the chance to review an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.*

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Living in an isolated convent, Faraine has learned to stay in the shadows and leave the spotlight for her perfect younger sister, Ilsevel. When an alliance with a neighbouring country is necessary, their father plans to marry Ilsevel to the Shadow King. When she refuses, Faraine is forced to leave seclusion to talk with her sister. On the way from the convent, she is attacked and then saved by the Shadow King...

This novel is an arranged marriage and slow-born romance tale. It is also the first book in a longer series, so the narrative is set up for further development. Although I enjoyed the romantic theme, the plot seemed entirely predictable. Also, the side characters were relatively flat, and the world-building could be more complex.

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I found this one slightly difficulty, especially with non-consensual themes which made me a bit uncomfortable. I wouldn't say I would recommend this to other people. I enjoyed the storyline up until that certain bit where I started to feel uncomfortable.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with this arc in exchange for this honest review.

Not fully sure if I like this book? Parts of it were really good, other parts weren’t so good. Might need to reread it to properly gather my thoughts.

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Bride of the Shadow King is basically what the blurb on goodreads says. I just didn’t really connect with the characters and the romance was a bit underwhelming. Overall an enjoyable read

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an e-ARC copy of this book, in exchange for this honest review.

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This was my fislrst book by Sylvia Mercedes, so I wasn't sure what to expect but I thoroughly enjoyed this book and cannot wait to carry on with the series! Would definitely recommend!

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Thank you to Netgalley and Daphne Press for this eARC.

Faraine is a human princess who has been sent away to a convent by her father, the king, due to a “gods gift” which allows her to feel others’ feelings, and also influence them. The book opens on her journey back to her family castle with her brother Theodre, however they are attacked. Luckily, they are rescued by some troldefolk, including Vor, the Shadow King. She and Vor instantly have a connection, for reasons yet unknown, however they are unable to act on this as he is travelling to the human kingdom for an arranged marriage with Faraine’s sister, Ilsevel. The reason for Faraine’s journey back to the castle is actually that they need her help (or rather, her powers) to convince Ilsevel to marry Vor.

Of course, before Ilsevel and Vor can go through with their marriage, something happens which leads Faraine to taking her sister’s place and travelling to the troldefolk kingdom. In doing so she deceives Vor and when he inevitably discovers this, he has to decide how to deal with the human king’s betrayal.

I enjoyed this story but didn’t love it. I found myself struggling to connect with the characters (particularly Faraine), and the story was basically the same as what was in the blurb which was a bit disappointing. I will likely continue with the rest of the series at some point to see what happens, but I don’t feel any particular rush to do so.

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*Ebook from NetGalley in exchange for honest review*

Ok so it started really really good. FMC was sassy but still she was willing to take he sisters place as soon as Shadow King would let her but.. They both didnt want to take the risk and start something together and that is why the second part of the book was.. sad and I was furious that she did not tell anything.

It was really good read, but I am not sure if I want to continue with series, too mad with the CH.

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