Member Reviews

This was my second NetGally and i am so glad i got the opportunity to read it and i must say i am looking forward to finishing the series. Book two is out with Book three out September.

I really liked this book, it has a strong female lead Princess Faraine a Human with family magic and a King; Vor who is played as our Hero and a blue Trolde. (Troll) which is something very different to what i have read in the past. Most Fantasy Hero's are to be displayed as Elves or Wizards so to have a sexy Troll or Half troll was something very interesting and new to read.

I enjoyed the start of this book, following Faraine on her way back home after trouble in her lands who came into an ambush with her brother and became rescued by Kind Vol. As we all know what happens when one is rescued by a large handsome fantasy man....or Troll... Love and first sight. the love between Vol and Faraine was intense and it started really well but all love must have a turn. Vol becomes promised to Faraines Sister.

The chemistry between Faraine and Vor was really nice and good and i was looking forward to reading about a love behind the promise of marriage behind her sister. it gave me Scared by Emily Mcintire vibes. the story continued with Faraine wanting Vol and Vol wanting Faraine, though for his world he was committed to marry the sister he didnt love.

Halway through, the story took a twist with faraines brother coming to her with news of the death of her sister promised to Vol. the kingdom went crazy and devised a plan to glamour Faraine into her sisters appearance to deceive the king and keep the peace between the two worlds. Faraine wanted to tell the truth but for her family kept the secret until towards the end of the book, the secret came out and Vol was livid.

This book has been split into 3 and i really look forward to following the two on their path to love and peace in their worlds.

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Bride of the Shadow King was full of highs & lows for me. The story follows Faraine and Vor in dual POV, Faraine being human and Vor the trolde king.

I liked the dual POV, both characters had distinct voices and personalities. The writing was wonderful and flowed well and I found myself slipping into compulsive reading due to that.

What didn’t work for me was the plot unfortunately, nothing really happened and although I appreciate that the first book in a series usually contains a lot of set up for the rest of the series, in this case it felt almost detrimental to the story. Now I love a romantasy as much as anyone, if not more, but there are some aspects of this book that left me uneasy due to the plot containing, at best, dubious consent. The initial chemistry between the two main characters was good but then it just fizzled out and I ended up hoping for a different outcome.

Compared with other books in the adult romantasy genre, this book felt quite juvenile, in terms of plot, characters and writing style. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, more of an observation, but not really what I was expecting going into it given the sub-genre and comps used.

The books strongest point by far, is the world building and descriptions of that world. Sylvia has created such a unique world and she renders is beautifully, I am generally a very visual reader and her descriptions really transported me, I could picture the locations vividly down to the smallest details. The trolde locations especially were a favourite of mine, almost reminding me of animations or game graphics.

Thank you to Daphne Press and Netgalley for the opportunity to review this ARC.

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An enchanting tale of an arranged marriage gone wrong. Fariane is used to being the overlooked sister and when the Shadow King comes she is resigned to him marrying her sister despite their initial sizzling attraction. Then things change and Fariane must take her sister’s place.
This was a great slow burn romance with a few twists and turns. Vivid world building with likeable characters.
Fariane starts off timid and kind and we see her grow through the book.
I can’t wait for the next book!!!

Thank you to the author, publisher and netgalley for this arc in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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<i>“It is my belief that no thing of beauty should ever be caged, princess.</i>

Both humans and Troldes are in danger, for mostly unknown reasons, and hope to secure a future with an alliance, through a marriage between a Human princess and a Trolde king.

The romance starts quite early in the book, and from that point, it is full of pinning until the end. It might appear to be a bit insta love, but both characters POV help understand the relationship development, and make you root for them.

I really enjoyed the secondary characters, and appreciate their contribute to the story pace and dynamics.

I loved that the world building happens organically, and we discover everything along with the characters, never feeling overwhelmed with information.

There’s a part of the story that is not making much sense to me, or at least I’m not convinced of it, but I’ll have to wait and see.

Personally, this amount of angst, with no pay-off, leaves me quite anxious. I get very impatient, and just want to grab the characters heads and force them to speak and work their issues immediately.
I tend to favor a happy ending on the first book, instead of a slow burn romance throughout the series. In any case, I enjoyed the story and found the setting original and beautiful.

I am curious enough to discover more of this world and continue the series.

If you like Fae, slow burn and Romantasies full of angst, this book is for you. It is also a good fit for people who enjoyed The bridge kingdom.

3.5 ✨

<i>I would like to thanks Daphne Press and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.</i>

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“It is my belief that no thing of beauty should ever be caged, princess.”

Princess Faraine might be the oldest but she’s far from her fathers favourite, instead she’s been dismissed to a Covent and only being brought back to court to convince her beautiful younger sister to marry a Troll king. With the fate of two kingdoms on the balance and an unwilling bride who’s locked herself in a tower, Faraine already has her work cut out for herself, but when her journey home is interrupted by (what I can only sum up as) fire-breathing evil unicorn fae- Faraine finds another obstacle in her path. When a Troll King saves you from death on the way to marry your sister, you do not start developing feelings. No way. But also maybe?

The premise for this slow burn romantasy was a lot of fun, I read the first third in one sitting and genuinely fell in love with the idea of evil unicorns and magical princesses. World building that draws you in without a load of information dumping. However, plot wise not a lot develops from what you read in the blurb until the end, instead your left in angsty conflict with our FMC and MMC pining and duty pulling them in opposite directions. I’m not an angst person, I love the slow burn but struggled trying to wade through internal crisis inner monologues.

Vor is half human and not trusted by many of his court, his step-mum is trying to bring him down and his kingdom is under a threat he can’t pin down and he needs human magic to save everyone. Phew. It’s a lot. I sympathised and it made a change from the usual Alpha male MMC but I’m hoping we get to see him grow into his confidence and strength in the next instalment because I felt he embodied Troll Prince rather than Shadow King in this first introduction. There is very minimal use of shadows, and he seems so conflicted and lacking in confidence in his own rule that he came across as lacking in ‘King’ vibes.

I’m definitely interested in reading the next instalment, there’s some plot developments I need answers to and I’m ready for things to start happening for Vor and Faraine.

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I was lucky enough to receive a review copy of the fabulous Bride of the Shadow King and I was instantly addicted! The world building is incredible, the characters are amazing, and it’s full of my favourite tropes: forbidden love, arranged marriage and he falls first. It gave me The Bridge Kingdom vibes which is high praise indeed as that’s one of my all time favourite fantasy series!

Vor is fast becoming one of my favourite book boyfriends - he’s charming, witty, progressive, gentle and fiercely protective of his people. He sees the quiet strength in Faraine that others overlook and their slow burn relationship is achingly romantic and gave me butterflies. I loved Faraine and how sweet, kind and brave she was despite the terrible hand she’d been dealt. Never has a heroine deserved a happily ever after more.

The storyline was the perfect mixture of action, intrigue, romance and a sprinkle of heart break and I was enthralled by it from the first page. I can’t wait to devour the next book in the series.

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I am a big fan of Fantasy Romance so when I read the synopsis of Bride of the Shadow King, I knew it was exactly my kind of story. I have read books before by Sylvia Mercedes and always enjoyed them, so I really was looking forward to reading this, especially as I know the second book in the series, Vow of the Shadow King is due for release on the 23rd of October this year, I’m an impatient reader so I’m always happy when I know the next book won’t be a long wait, which I’m really glad for because I love this and I need the next book now.

I found the story to be so interesting, I just didn’t want to put it down at all once I picked it up, although not necessarily fast paced it hooks you and you just keep needing to know what will happen next. I adored the slow burn romance, I love it when authors put the time and effort in to create wonderful characters and care enough not to rush it, but to want them to develop over time and we grow our connection to them as readers, as their blossoming relationship does.

I admit I was a bit frustrated at times when I wanted to know more about the characters or their stories, but as I know their are more books to come I know I have to learn patience. I loved the fact I couldn’t necessarily predict where the story was going, what characters motives or actions would be and it definitely keeps you on the edge of your toes.I am so looking forward to the next book, already have it on preorder, so I can definitely recommend this book to lovers of Fantasy and Romance, you won’t regret picking it up, you just might regret not doing it sooner!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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the perfect mix of world-building and romance in a fantasy world.
Both characters are really strong and know what they should do, and what's their end goal but ...

if you like the bridge kindgom this will be your next fav book let me tell you!

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This book is going down as one of my favourite reads of 2023 so far, and I have a feeling that the next book could top it because where it was left off I can just imagine how amazing the next book will be in comparison.

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A great read!

I really enjoyed this book. It was a bit of a slow burn, but there was still enough going on to keep you engrossed in the plot. If you're in a reading slump, or you fancy something that's not too heavy, then this is a perfect book to pick up - there's romance, magic, mystery and conflict.

And the ending left me wanting more.

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3.5 if they allowed .5 ratings.

I flew through this one. But, there are some bones I have to pick with the blurb.

"When the handsome and enigmatic Shadow King comes seeking a bride, Faraine is not surprised that her sister is his choice." Well now, that's not exactly true. He even questions that he would have his choice of the King's daughters. "When he meets the lively Princess Ilsevel, he quickly agrees to a marriage arrangement." Also not totally true. There are circumstances around both agreeing that mean they 'quickly agree' which come to light after Faraine has to take her sister's place.

I think we all knew that there was going to some switch-a-roo happening, even without the bit in the blurb that said it does. I'm not sure we all knew HOW that would happen and I'll be honest, I had some eyebrow raising when Fariane is brought back to court the second time. Like, damn, just go all out then and there.

It's a dual POV, which is done well. We get some glimpses of scenes we read previously but with the dual POV, we get both sides. How they both feel walking into and out of an interaction, which gives us more into both characters emotions. I have to say as well, without these we'd miss out on some brilliant banter between Sul and Vor and Lyria and Fariane. Those two made things a lot more dynamic.

I have to note the two bits of writing that caught me were Fariane with her breathe she didn't know she was holding - I don't know why, I just hate that sentence and I swear it's everywhere - and 'An explosion of garbled roaring explores in the room above.' Yes, I hate when my explosions explode.

It was interesting to have a romantasy based on trolls/Trolde. It's usually elves, fairies, etc., at least in my experience. So that was a bonus.

I'm looking forward to seeing where things go. If you want to stay a little in suspense, don't read the two next book blurbs at the end.

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3.5 stars
I finished this book in less than 24 hours! This was such a compelling story that was filled with so much tension. The imagery was so vivid, I could picture it so clearly.
I absolutely loved the way each chapter switched between characters Vor and Faraine. The way you heard each point of view was really interesting to me and especially when words said in a language unknown to Faraine, were translated in the next chapter by Vor.
The cliffhanger - I was on the edge of my seat for at least the last four chapters. The last chapter however! I was not prepared for it.
Thank you so much to NetGalley and Daphne Press for access to this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Slow burn? Shadow king? Dual pov? All the make ups of a great book. The formatting for this ARC was a little bit off which made reading it difficult and confusing at times but the story itself is interesting and a good read! Mercedes throws us straight into the weird and magical world she has created and build the tension slowly and smoothly in a way I greatly appreciate. (Although, with it being a new world and not knowing much at the beginning I think a glossary might have been helpful to fully understand what’s happening right away).

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I really enjoyed this book! Overall there wasn't masses that happened, but the characters are all well fleshed out and there was some good ground work laid for the world building later in the series. I'm generally not a fan of the arranged marriage/in love with your siblings betrothed tropes but did not mind them as much in this book. I'm looking forward to picking up the sequel!

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👑From the very beginning it is what one expects from a romantasy: infact this is an easy read with the focus on the feelings of the characters more than the world building. However, the world the author shows us is full of magical and well described settings and the informations about the magic system and places is given to us gradually. In addition, I appreciated the author's ability to introduce several different races each with its own customs and traditions that they tries to maintain and at the same time share with others cultures.

👑Thanks to the double POV I found the two main characters well deepened in many aspects: in fact in addition to the feelings they have for each other we see them facing challenges, insecurities and making difficult choices in their daily lives. We have Faraine who has been treated unfairly by her family for too long but who,despite this, remains a kind person and determined to give everything she has for the people she cares about.
Then of course we have Vor who is half human and half Trolde: he cares deeply about his people and because of this he is willing to marry the woman he has no feelings toward. Needless to say, he is proves to be more human himself than the humans themselves: he is kind, caring and honest.

👑One thing that made me wrinkle my nose at first was the insta-love between the main characters because I'm not a big fan of this trope,but I have to say I liked it in this book! Initially I rolled my eyes at some of the cheesy phrases and behaviors that turned out to be too much considering that the two had only known each other for a day, but then the insta-love became a slow burn due to the various events and this only made me appreciate even more how the two "see" each other for real!

✨The plot was always simple and straightforward but then it took a completely unexpected turn and managed to surprise me with a couple of well-placed plot twists! So if you want a light, flowing book full of court intrigue,romance and magic this is the perfect read!

✨thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the arc copy

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This is Faraine and Vor’s story. They meet when Vor saves Faraine and her brother from a Fae attack on the way back to their family home. Faraine has been living in a convent after embarrassing her family from a failed engagement. Vor is on his own way to arrange a marriage with Faraine’s family to help save his people. There are some dark forces against both rulers and they need an an alliance. There are some suspenseful scenes, some sweet moments, and a few sad times…and this ends on a cliffy.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Bride of the Shadow King is a dark fantasy; with an engaging story and enjoyable characters:

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Firstly I’d like to thank Daphne Press and Netgalley for the eARC ❤️😘

Where do I even start with how much I loved this book? Well Vor obviously 😂😏 He’s perfection!! The author has written a MMC that’s thoughtful and respectful whilst at the same time being strong and almost paternal and incredibly towards his people - he’s entering an arranged marriage is to protect them!! I’m completely in love 😍😍 His feeling towards Faraine are completely genuine and super sweet which makes him even more lovely!!

Faraine (the FMC) is made to feel unwanted and unwelcome from the second she’s picked up by her brother which sets her story up as super interesting. She’s shunned by her family because of past events and they’ve never forgiven her. Vor, however, doesn’t seem to agree with them at all and takes to her pretty much immediately 😏❤️ I’m calling the trope in A Bride of the Shadow King instaslowburn as though they take to each other from the get go the obstacles that are in the way make it more of a slow burn situation 😏😅

The book is set up very well and is kinda in chunks with is great. You get a build up to the arranged marriage which gives you a chance to really get involved with not only everyone in the book but the politics as well. Whereas in other books everything is explained properly in A Bride of the Shadow King which is brilliant. You fully understand who is fighting with who, why they’re making alliances etc. and that allows you to fully immerse yourself in the court with not only Faraine but also with Vor when we go home with him later in the book 😏❤️

The longing and the romance is phenomenal ❤️❤️ It’s so steamy and they’re no actual sex!! Aaaaand Vor is super respectful asks for permission which is quite rare in romantasy!!

Overall I absolutely loved this book and I’m so excited for the next one!! I promise you’ll love it too!! ❤️❤️ 5✨

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Oh my goodness me, I don't think I have devoured a book like I did this.

From start to finish, I was transfixed by this book. From the world to the plot, to these intriguing characters. I honestly had so much joy reading this. I loved the changing povs between our two main characters Faraine and Vor. I especially love how from Faraine's POV we get to see how the world is for her as a human in both the human and the trolde. The same goes for Vor, I loved seeing the difference between him going to the human realm for the first time versus how he is in his own.

The slow burn was positively slow and burning, I can not tell you how many times I just wanted Faraine and Vor to be together. Honestly, it was painful in a good way, to read. The moment you feel like something good would happen between these two, something bad or terrible happens and the frustration kicks in.

The way the plot unfolded and unraveled into how the book ended left me brokenhearted and just wanting everything to go back to being good. But still, I kind of liked where the book was headed and I know for sure I need to read book 2 just to see if anything at all gets better for Faraine and Vor. My heart says yes, but my brain says it probably won't.

I never knew what to expect going into this book, but honestly so glad I picked it up as it did not disappoint!! I recommend this for those who was a book with easy to read writing, well developed characters and a unqiue world and magic system.

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4.5 stars

This book was so addictive and I quickly fell in love with the story and the characters! Honestly I could gush about this book for hours and I'm already desperate to read the next one as I need to know what happens. ⁣

I really liked the world building and think Sylvia has done an amazing job describing the scenic worlds that we get to see. I loved the character development for both of our main characters and I feel like have dual povs really helped increase this as we got to see how both sides were dealing with the situations they found themselves in. ⁣

If you're a fan of fantasy romance then I really recommend picking this one up! I'm eager to see what happens with Faraine and Vor in the next book! ⁣

Thank you so much to Daphne Press and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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