Member Reviews

Wowowowowowow. Firstly, I'd like to say thank you to Ben and Second Sky Books for sending me an arc via netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Onto the review: WOW. I need book 2 now! I am balls deep in love with Cameron, despite what happened at the end, like bro, without spoiling anything, it was not his fault.
I love the world, i love the writing, and i love everything. I love that no one in the book cared that 2 men were married. It was never even mentioned. I appreciate it so much.
This book was literally the definition of if merlin and arthur got together in the BBC show. If you like dragons, multiple love interests, a sexy prince and a sexy dragon riding spy, magic, so much gayness and quotes that will make you kick your legs and scream, THIS. BOOK. IS. PERFECT. FOR. YOU. Now go and read it 🫶🏼

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Heir to Thorn and Flame starts off a series with a lot of promise- but not a lot of satisfaction. The story felt at times to reflect a rush world with characters who were not nearly as developed as I'd hoped. I came for a romance- with dragons- where a twink leads a himbo around with the crook of his little finger. Not exactly what I got.... I will be checking out the next book to see if I'm going to get MORE.

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Magic, royalty, queer romance, and dragons? This definitely sounded like my cup of tea, and having previously enjoyed other books by Ben Alderson, I didn't hesitate to pick this up.

I thoroughly enjoyed the magic system and the world building in Heir to Thorn and Flame. Max was a great main character in the sense that he was caught up in events and much less in control than is sometimes the case in fantasy. He was given time to feel paralyzed by the choices, and it took him a good portion of the novel to gain more agency. He essentially felt more real to me than characters that go from zero to saving the world within the space of a few chapters.
As far as the two love interests, Prince Camron and Simion, are concerned, the latter didn't get as much room in this story as I would have liked, but I am intrigued by how the relationships between these characters will evolve. I'm also hopeful that we'll get to see more of the dragons in the next installment, and will definitely be picking up Heir to Frost and Storm when it comes out later this year!

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I thought this book was fun. It has a lot of commonalities with other romantasy series so it would definitely be in the comfort zone for people that know they love that sub genre. However, there were some aspects that were refreshing such as how the main character doesn't start out as "tough" or the one that has to be responsible for everybody else in their life, as I feel like that set up gets overdone. I also liked how the relationships between the main character and the different people in his life were developed. The magic was mostly generic, but did have a couple cool aspects to it. One thing that I can't decide if it is good or bad, is that the pacing was really really fast. For a typical book in the genre that I've seen, the point we get to at about a third into the book is where I would typically see the first book end, or if not there then there was also another point later in the book that I thought seemed like a typical ending point. I'm not sure how I feel about how quick we flew through everything. That being said, I did enjoy how things concluded for this book. The only distinct flaw I can think of is that I overall really enjoyed the main character, but fairly early on in the book he made some choices that completely ruined my respect for him and ability to fully root for him, so the only way I could like him moving forward was by pretending that that scene didn't happen. To sum up my experience, when the next one comes out I would be interested in reading the sequel if I was in another one of my moods where I can't read anything that requires a lot of focus.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for sending me an ARC for this book!

Ben Alderson has completely blown me away. I should have known this book was perfect for me, as it has everything I could possibly want: queer romance, fantasy, dragons, twists and turns, betrayal, etc.

From beginning to end, I was on the edge of my seat. The main character, Max, accidentally murders the heir to the throne and must assume his identity. Naturally, this results in several shocking events, including an arranged marriage to Prince Camron.

I cannot recommend this book enough! I am so excited for the sequel! 10/10

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I was a little hesitant to pick this up as I wasn’t a fan of the previous book I had read from this author (Lord of Eternal Night) however I’m really glad that I did as I thoroughly enjoyed this one.

Heir to Thorn and Flame is a well written fantasy with a great cast of characters with so many twists and turns it definitely kept me interested. Max was a great MC who you couldn’t help but root for. The magic system and world building were also done really well. If I had one complaint it would be that the pacing felt a little off at times.

Definitely will be picking up the next book in the series when it comes out.

Thanks to NetGalley and Second Sky for giving me an eArc in exchange for a review

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This was a really great book and I enjoyed every second of it.

The characters were really well written and the plot very interesting. I liked the world building and the story itself felt very original.

Looking forward to the other books in the series.

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What a ride. I would say that the prose itself didn't always do it for me, but in terms of sheer magical chaos and political intrigue, it never let up. I was 5% in going "ugh please don't make this guy have a redemption arc, he sucks." Friends, fear not. Every time I thought I saw the next twist coming, I was wrong, because something much more upsetting and unhinged happened, and I mean that in the best, most sadistic possible way. I might loosely say that this book reminded me of a queer Game of Thrones with like... four Red Wedding-level scenes. It was relentless. I loved it. I did sometimes want Max to pull himself together and think clearly for 0.2 seconds, but honestly, it probably wouldn't have helped him much given how out of control every other sociopath in this book turned out to be. This was my first Ben Alderson book, and I'll be back for more now that I know what I'm getting myself into. Incredibly fun to read.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC!

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i got access to this book through netgalley in exchange for an honest review
I liked this story, but i have a couple issues with the characters. some of them (like camron, simion, and beatrice) all felt extremely flat to me. it was like they were trying to be much more in the MCs life, but weren’t quite there. I liked the plot, and the writing style is good but not my favorite. will i keep reading the series? probably. would i recommend this to anyone? yeah, it was good representation even if the characters felt a little 2D.

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Oof okay this book was a HOT MESS. First, the stuff I liked: the magic system was cool, and the world building twists revealed at the end were very cool. But that was basically it! The first half of the book really could have been condensed a lot; it felt very unnecessary to see Maximus get tortured for 150 pages. I also felt like the ending was more of a bait and switch than a twist. It felt rushed and one note, and honestly I wanted WAY more tension between Max and Simion throughout.

rep: two side characters of color

spice: none

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Thank you to NetGalley and Second Sky for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Reading Heir to Thorn and Flame at times felt like reading two separate books. On the one hand, there is the book that matches the premise: a boy, Maxwell, becomes aware that he has powers that he does not fully understand and is made a pawn in a political game that he has no control over, falling into an arranged marriage along the way and having to hide the truth of his identity for the safety of those he loves. On the other hand, there is the second book: a boy, Maxwell, becomes aware that he has powers that he does not fully understand, and is then hunted by outside forces for reasons he will soon become aware of, while those around him are harmed or put in danger until he is forced to face the truth of his circumstances. On their own, any one of those stories would have been interesting. Together, though, they become a bit of a mess. In trying to tell two separate stories, each feels half complete.

In all of this, Maxwell himself is a strange main character to talk about. He has very little agency in the story, and most events just seem to happen to him rather than him moving the story forward himself. As such, the moments that he does try and regain some agency tend to fall a little flat. Moments of friendship with other characters also felt clunky because the reader is just told that they're friends rather than seeing that relationship develop over time. Finally, seeing Maxwell instantly feel intrigued by -- and attracted to -- both Simion and Camron was a bit disappointing. Neither relationship really had time to grow enough for me to feel invested in the way that his relationship with these two evolves.

In terms of the plot itself, it has the potential to expand into something really engaging. I was certainly far more invested into the world building than I was into the interpersonal relationships of the characters. However, I found myself frustrated by a number of conversations that just went nowhere. Maxwell would be told to follow someone/ run somewhere/ do something, and when he would ask why (which is also the opportunity to tell the reader why), he would just be told "there isn't time to explain." Then, those characters would argue back and forth for entirely too long without really accomplishing anything. If there is time to argue, there is time to explain, even a little bit. It's a minor issue, admittedly, but it happened often enough for me to notice it and for it to be grating.

Although this book is marked as an adult fantasy, it is written in a very young adult style, which is often at contrast with the subject matter such as an attempted sexual assault, death, torture, and more. Heir to Thorn and Flame isn't afraid to go to some very dark places. When those moments hit, they really hit. The tension was high and the stakes felt very real. However, I don't really think those moments were explored enough after the fact for them to make enough of an impact on the characters or the overall plot.

If you're interested in a queer dark fantasy that is setting the groundwork for what could turn out to be a very strong series, then this book is for you. If you're like me, however, and are hoping for a deeper exploration of those dark themes in a way that would better match an adult fantasy rather than a young adult fantasy, then this might not be the right read for you.

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I've never met a Ben Alderson book i didn't love. I will continue to eat up hibooks for breakfast lunch and dinner and I cannot get over the knack he has for developing magic systems that fully make me forget about the characters and spend God knows how long thinking of myself in them. this book had me foaming at the mouth for the second and I'm truly devastated that I have to wait for it, a problem I've notably had with two authors alone, the other being Kellin Graves, which if you enjoy Alderson you will absolutely enjoy Grave's Rowan Blood series. I have multiple times gone from Darkmourn to Rowan Blood and now I get I'm adding COBB to that comfort readathon list.

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This one started strong. Maximus was a good character and the world-building was good. But it withered a bit as it kept going. By the end, I was skimming just to finish. Max just became an angry puppet to just about everyone. I really wanted to like this one more than I did.

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Wow. This was just such a fun read! Magic and romance is all I ever want in a book and this had heaps of both. I throughly enjoyed this book and am beyond excited that this is the first in what I can only hope is a lengthy series. I adored the plot twists and how we were being feed exciting details of the magic system. I have many questions (good ones) that I hope I will get the answers to in the next book!

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"Heir to Thorn & Flame" by Ben Alderson is an epic and exhilarating MM fantasy romance that kept me on the edge of my seat and reading late into the night. The story unfolds with a gripping premise: Max, once a servant, is now forced to take on the identity of the heir to the throne, including entering into an arranged marriage with the alluring yet dangerous Prince Camron. The plot is rife with action, violence, and surprising twists that kept me eagerly turning pages, hungry for more.

One of the standout elements of this book is the compelling and diverse cast of characters, especially the two love interests, Camron and Simion. Both men are captivating in their own right, and their contrasting personalities make for a captivating dynamic with Max. The slow-burn romance between them adds an extra layer of tension to an already adventurous tale.

The world-building in "Heir to Thorn & Flame" is rich and immersive, transporting readers to a magical realm filled with political intrigue and hidden secrets. I was fascinated by the intricacies of the magical nobles' society and the power struggles that unfold throughout the story. Ben Alderson has crafted a masterful and enchanting world that readers will want to explore further.

As the story reaches its thrilling climax, the book leaves readers eager to see how the relationships between Max, Camron, and Simion will evolve after the events of this book. "Heir to Thorn & Flame" is a must-read for fans of fantasy romance, offering a perfect blend of passion, adventure, and found family that will leave you wanting more. I highly recommend this novel to anyone seeking a captivating and fun-filled journey through a world of magic, love, and intrigue.

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Heir to Thorne and Flame by Ben Alderson is the first book I finished in August and it was a good one! I really enjoyed this MM fantasy, it reminded me of the fantasy books I fell in love with from Karen Miller and Trudi Canavan AND its on KU here.

Max is an engaging and endearing MC in a clever and twisty plot. I do think he needs to be developed more as this novel dunked us straight in with his story with little lead up which in my opinion did affect the pacing as there is a lot of world building and character/relationship development to squeeze in - a hard balance to achieve!

However, the way the plot unfolds kept me reading and I'm in need of reading book two immediately after finishing this one late at night. And speaking of development, I'm not usually a fan of love triangles but I do like an arranged marriage and this book ends on a bit of a cliff hanger in that regard

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Thanks to publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Fantasy tv show and movies are my favourite things to watch but I rarely read fantasy books but the cover to this is just so captivating I had to request to read and review it.

Max is a servant for King Gathrax and his family , he’s the lowest of the low in everyone’s eyes. Max loves sneakily reading in the Library and living another life in the books (servants aren’t allowed to read).

Julian Gathrax is the eldest child of the family and he’s the next in line to rule the Kingdom and he’s vicious and cruel towards Max whenever he gets the opportunity.

When Max finally snaps and takes his revenge he uses a rare kind of magic that he didn’t even know he had, rather than being punished he has to take Julian’s place and enter an arranged marriage with Prince Cameron.

What an epic adventure this was, I devoured every single page so quick.

It read like my favourite Fantasy Tv Shows and Movies it was that good.

The shocks and twists just kept coming and I was cheering on Max all the way through and felt so sorry for him when he had to deal with all the heartbreak and deceit.

The author creates the perfect fantasy world that you’ll know and love in just a few short pages and I can’t wait to read more.

This MM Fantasy Romance is so good I’ll definitely have a HUGE Book Hangover.

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Thank you Netgalley, Ben Anderson, and Second Sky for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

I really wanted to like this book. But I think that it just wasn’t for me. I ended up DNFing it at 10%, as such I will not be giving it a star rating on Goodreads, or StoryGraph.

When I read a book the details can make or break it for me. Especially when it comes to the author describing characters / being consistent with their description’s. For me it didn’t help build my image of the character. And yes someone can be short and have long legs, but I don’t know it just didn’t do it for me.

For example: when describing Maximus

“I might not have been riddled with muscle, but my compact height could over power him.” vs “long legs and narrow build.”

The book also started off very uncomfortable? There was little to no preamble between him and the prince before what happened in the woods.

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'Heir to Thorn and Flame' is the first book in the War of the Wood series. I am no stranger to Ben Alderson's style and even though this story may not quite reach the heights of 'Lord of Eternal Night', it undeniably serves as a fantastic kick-off to the series. Mages, dragons, familial bonds and treacherous betrayals . . . what is not to like?
Accidentally killing the heir to the throne, Max is forced to wear his mantle and marry Prince Camron. Plagued by uncertainty and torn between loyalties, he finds himself in a precarious position as his parents remain captive in the clutches of his enemies. Whom should he trust? Dangerously attractive Camron or Simion the dragon riding spy or his loyal but secretive friend, Beatrice? Delving further into the plot will only spoil your reading experience, and thus, I better refrain from divulging any more details.
I should warn you though . .. there is sort of a love triangle in the beginning which is almost resolved towards the end. Aaah!! I do hope that the author will pick that plot point again . . . at present my sympathies lay with the (presumed) villain. Sigh! Can't wait to read the next one.

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I don't read a whole lot of fantasy, but when I read that there were going to be magic and dragons in this book, I thought that sounds like something I want to read.

Heir To Thorn And Flame combines action and romance in equal measures to make a captivating read.

Max is a wonderful character who you just root for throughout. He's had a tough life working for the cruel Gathrax family. That all changes when he discovers his magic abilities and is forced to wed a handsome prince from a neighbouring kingdom. And that's just the start of his troubles.

There is so much packed into this story, that's never a dull moment! Greed, betrayal and secrets run rampant throughout the story. I also enjoyed the magic system, which I hope we will find out more about in the next book.

Romance wise, it felt at times like Max's feelings went from zero to one hundred in the blink of an eye, but of course that's just my opinion as I'm very much a fan of slow burn romances.

A well-written fantasy that has me intrigued for more!

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