Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley for providing an ARC, this is my honest review.

This book had a lot of the parts needed to make an exciting fantasy read for me, but didn't really realise them for me. I can imagine that there would be people that this book appeals to, but that unfortunately isn't me. I found the characters to be a bit flat and their interactions to be somewhat forced, and not as charming as they thought they were.

There was some fun elements, I did still enjoy the magic system and the world building, I almost wish the book leaned harder into the more horror/ gruesome elements cause it tried sometimes, but they would be random scenes which didn't always feel congruent with the rest of the storys vibe. And somehow, despite theoretically being high stakes with dramatic and exciting things happening on page, it kind of dragged for me.

Unfortunately, just not the book for me. This one was 3 stars for me

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Mages? Royal plotting? Tragedy? Betrayal? DRAGONS?? I hadn’t expected to be sucked in so much so quickly but I didn’t want it to end. I wish I would’ve heard about this sooner when it was still called Lost Mage but I am so so glad I found and got the opportunity to read an ARC. I can’t wait for the second book as I need to know what happens next.

HIGHLY recommended.

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I've had Ben Alderson on my radar for the longest time so I am incredibly thankful to have gotten a chance to receive and ARC for one of his books and as a first time reader, I didn't know what to expect. The first act was heavier and more intense than I expected and while well worth it getting through and invested in the protagonist's well-being and character growth, it does make it a hard one to want to recommend to others. I would suggest everyone else reading this book to look into the trigger warnings ahead of time and as a suggestion, it would be nice to include a content warning page at the very beginning. Also I would more closer bill this as a "slow burn" type of romance as while there are romantic options, I feel most of the actual romance won't be happening until further along in the series. Again, not a bad thing, just misbilled. Small critiques aside, I am very excited to see where this series goes from here and I can't wait to dive into those sequels and to get into all of his previous work.

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Unfortunately, Heir to Thorn and Flame is a poorly written mess of a novel that reads like a clunky YA debut instead of the Adult fantasy romance it's marketed as.

The main character Max is essentially the only character of any actual substance (despite his dullness), as every side character is simply a one dimensional cutout there to abuse him either physically or emotionally. The novel begins with an attempted rape upon Max, interjects with a flashback of a previous attempted rape (from a different assailant), continues into a period of captivity with another different abuser, leading into a forced marriage and endlessly traumatizing violent murders. The author seems to constantly have Max suffering purely for the sake of it.

Intertwined with the horrors of Max's life are the promised romance plotlines, although they too are of course filled with angst. Will he choose between his handsome and mysterious arranged husband Camron, or his equally handsome and mysterious rescuer Simion? Ultimately it just doesn't matter - they're both lacking any real chemistry and also repeatedly mistreat Max as well. There's minimal connection between any of the characters, so sadly the novel can't even deliver on its most basic premise.

In addition, the novel is awkwardly paced with frequent predictable plot twists and the most basic barebones world building. It seemed as though the author couldn't decide between trying to write a high fantasy epic or a modern day drama, as the characters often shift back and forth in their manner of speech and usage of slang. There's a war looming, but nothing is fleshed out beyond the blandly named North and South regions fighting for power. Ruling monarchs are color coded in their red castles or wearing their blue dresses, with no other depth to their countries. It's just boring.

Truly, thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the eARC of this book. It's a shame it was such a letdown.

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I really, really wanted to like this book more than I did. I love the darkmourn universe and had similar expectations. Unfortunately, my two main gripes were I just didn’t like the MC, max, and I hate love triangles.

Starting with max, I just felt like he was a very inconsistent character. He’d be worrying about his parents one second, then the next does something he knows will put them, or others, in harms way.

Than the love triangle. I just don’t feel much for either of the two LIs because we don’t get to know them. Similarly, max doesn’t either so it feels just a bit insta-love, even if it isn’t quite love. Truthfully, they both felt like an afterthought to the main plot which has potential, even though I could do without a betrayal every other second. I need them to feel earned, not just there for the third twist in the book.

I’m interested in continuing the series but I do just hope it improves.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is incredible.

The characters are so well written and fleshed out that they are easy to fall in love with despite some of their deceptions. Max is beautifully presented main character that goes through so much but still come out stronger in the end.

The strong story arc is only made better by the abundance of twists and turns that keep you guessing until the end. The writing is easy to follow and creates an addictive flow to the book that you can’t put down. The ending is the best parts of completion and cliff hanger you expect from the first part of a trilogy. I can’t wait to read the next instalments of this series.

With M/M romances, arranged marriages, found families, mages, elemental magic, and not forgetting dragons, this book of a must read for anyone who enjoys YA fantasy.

I cannot recommend this book, and Ben Alderson’s other works, enough.

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Do you have one moment that changed the course of your life forever?
In Ben Alderson’s latest novel, Heir of Thorn and Flame, we follow Max, a servant to the prince of his land. One night, Max was attacked, and the result quickly changed the course of his life in ways he never imagined possible.
“Married to a ruthless prince…

For years, Max had to serve and obey the vicious magical nobles. Now he is one of them.
When the heir to the throne attacks him, Max accidentally responds with a lethal burst of magic. Max is certain he will be executed. But his power is too rare and precious for that…
Instead, the king forces him to become the boy he killed, taking on the identity and duties of the heir. That includes an arranged marriage—to the dangerously attractive Prince Camron.
Living a lie, Max knows he can trust no one. Not Camron. And definitely not Simion, a handsome, dragon-riding spy sent to test his loyalty.

As a deadly struggle for power begins and desire sparks, Max must protect his secret and his heart at all costs.” -Goodreads
My rating: 4.5/5
Y’all… This book was SO GOOD! It had mage magic, dragons, deceit, plot twists, romance, LGBTQIA+ representation, action, arranged marriage, multiple love interests, found power, heartbreak, and did I mention… DRAGONS?!
The humor in the beginning drew me in only to be almost immediately hit with plot twists. Just when you think you knew what would happen next, another twist was thrown! That’s not to mention the emotional rollercoaster the entire book kept me on. I couldn’t help but feel Max’s angry, joy, frustration, relief, and betrayal right along with him. The entire time I was guessing what would happen next all while rooting for Max to finally catch a break. The character development was spot on, and the magic system was well explained. The only reason I didn’t give a solid 5-star rating is I feel the last quarter of the book was a tad bit rushed. There was so much build up to the end result, but it happened a tad bit quickly for my taste. Otherwise, Heir of Thorn and Flame is bound to be your newest obsession!
P.S. There is a cliffhanger so prepare yourself!

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Thank You, Netgalley and Bookouture, Second Sky Books for the e-Galley.

Ben Alderson definitely knows how to write a great gay fantasy novel, a slow burn but oh so worth the wait, and it definitely had me reading well into the night.
And that ending........
Only criticism I wish there was more spicy parts *wink wink*

I just need to know one long do I have to wait for the second book?

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This was a good introduction to high fantasy for me, and it has made me intrigued enough to look into the genre further

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All I can say is this book was a roller coaster. It gripped me from the beginning. The details were gruesome and some of the characters actions were so twisted. The book was full of action and shocking revelations. I also loved the unique premise and intricate magic system.

Max was an awesome MC, I sympathised with him and could feel his confusion through the page about the whole situation. And I loved Simion, at first I was suspicious of him but as the book progressed, he grew on me.

This was an epic journey that I recommend if you want to read about witches and dragons. I was kept awake late into the night needing to find out what happens next. After that cliff hanger I need answers and excited for the next instalment.

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This was my first experience with Alder son's write and even tough it wasn't bad,it also wasn't good. The plots sounded too much familiar,course they were largely used before in the genre,but the characters and magical system kind of have maintained the book. I would recommend it to readers in search of forbidden romance,some tension and a good ending.
Thank you net galley for this ARC !

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This book, y’all, was amazing!!!!!!!! I devoured this and was always on my toes. I haven’t had the best luck recently with fantasy romance (besides Fourth Wing because well duh) and this, omg yes yes yes. I’ve always wanted to read a Ben Alderson book and this did not disappoint!!! (literally so excited to read the Darkmourn series),

The characters were so freaking good! Max was such a complex character and I absolutely loved him. Not gonna lie I was entranced by Simion the first time he appeared and was rooting for these two to get together, he’s so mysterious yet calming. I loved him so much. Camron was a shameless flirt, drunk or not. This man flirted with Max from the gecko and I wasn’t mad about it.

The twists in this book had me on the edge of my seat! I didn’t read the description and I recommend going in blind because I did and it was a wild ride, let me tell you. The whole thing with Julian and the king!?!?!! This King was lowkey insane for that. And then Camron!?! I don’t know what to feel about him but every time he would call Max ‘darling’ I cringed (if you know the scene I’m talking about then you get it, that ending was wild.) The end had me screaming, I just want Max and Simion to live happily ever after!! Is that too much to ask for?

Please read this if you love fantasy!!! It’s m/m with dragons, an arranged marriage, twists you won’t see coming, and murder (cause who doesn’t love that in books?) I beg of you to pick this up on July 31st! (Or preorder it now!) You’ll thank me later!

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Unfortunately this book does not work for me. The description grabbed my attention, but overall I was not drawn into this book. Mainly because the book is somewhat kneecapped by the marketing that lists it as an adult fantasy romance, when the book itself leans more towards YA territory, and the romance element itself only appears in fits and spurts. I went in with expectations that were not met, and I never really connected with the characters. Especially the main character, Maximus, who did not move along the plot so much as the plot moved him.

An enjoyable enough read, but at the end of the day I am not that interested in keeping up with the future installments.

My thanks to NetGalley for the advanced copy.

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I loved this book! It took me on a wild ride of emotions and ripped my heart out multiple times. Even so, it was beautiful and captivating. It has hooked it's claws into me and I cannot wait until the next book!

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Sigh I really wanted to like this book more. There are so many elements that individually sound great but when it is all said and done: this book walks that line between good silly and bad silly and I am not sure if I can decide which wins.

I really enjoyed part three and it was a breath of fast paced fresh air after the continual ups and downs of character, emotion, and plot of the first two parts. It almost felt like part 3 came first and the other two were meant to fill in the gaps to get us there.

In many ways I just need things a little less contradictory. The worldbuilding frequently got tied in knots. The romance went from nothing to I would give him everything (but not actually instalove). The characters go from trustworthy to lying to trustworthy to lying flip flopping over and over. And sadly I feel like Max doesn't have great agency. Everything happens to him and it made me feel like I was just being dragged along. Frustrating because I really did enjoy Max as a character and he deserves more action..

Would I read the next one? Eh solid maybe.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC.

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In "Heir to Thorn and Flame" by Ben Alderson, readers are transported to a world of treacherous magical nobles, where our protagonist Max finds himself thrust into a dangerous game of power and deception. Filled with thrilling twists, forbidden romance, and a captivating magical system, this novel is a compelling page-turner that will leave readers eager for more.

Max, who once served and obeyed the merciless magical nobles, suddenly finds himself becoming one of them when he accidentally unleashes a lethal burst of magic in response to an attack by the heir to the throne. Instead of execution, Max's rare and powerful magic earns him an unexpected fate. The king forces Max to assume the identity and responsibilities of the boy he killed, including an arranged marriage to the alluring Prince Camron.

Living a double life, Max is consumed by mistrust and secrecy, knowing that revealing his true self could have dire consequences. Amidst a deadly struggle for power and the constant threat of exposure, Max must navigate his growing desires while safeguarding both his heart and his secret from those who would exploit them. Along the way, he encounters Simion, a captivating dragon-riding spy sent to test his loyalty, further complicating his already precarious situation.

Ben Alderson weaves a tale that balances intricate world-building, political intrigue, and an emotionally charged romance. The author's vivid descriptions and immersive storytelling bring the magical world to life, allowing readers to easily immerse themselves in the story. The complex relationships and dynamics between the characters add depth to the narrative, and Max's internal struggle to navigate his new identity and retain his authenticity creates a compelling emotional arc.

The magical system in the book is both fascinating and well-developed, showcasing Alderson's creativity. The exploration of power, its consequences, and the ethics surrounding it adds another layer of complexity to the story. As the plot unfolds, the author skillfully builds suspense, keeping readers engaged and guessing until the final pages.

While "Heir to Thorn and Flame" is an engrossing read, some readers may find that certain plot twists and character developments are predictable or reminiscent of familiar tropes within the fantasy genre. However, Alderson's execution and the strength of the narrative compensate for any predictability, delivering a satisfying reading experience overall.

In conclusion, "Heir to Thorn and Flame" is a captivating fantasy novel that combines magic, political intrigue, and forbidden romance to great effect. Ben Alderson's richly imagined world, well-drawn characters, and skillful storytelling make this book a must-read for fans of the genre. Prepare to be enthralled by the twists and turns of Max's journey as he fights to protect his secret, navigate a dangerous game of power, and discover the true meaning of trust and love in a world filled with deception.

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Thank you for the arc!

This is both good and bad. It is a fun and light read, but also not what I thought when I requested it.
Let’s start with the good: word building interesting, liked the magic sistem, the story was easy to follow and fast to read.
The bad: I did not feel connected to a single character in here. Max is not for me, sometimes I would have slapped throught the pages. The relationships were meh, the triangle felt more a cheating trope.

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I have read an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review, thank you!

Ouch. Ever since I read Ben's first book, my ratings have been going down and it makes me sad.

First of all, this book is mismarketed as a fantasy romance, when there is very little romance. It is mostly fantasy with romance elements. The romance is mostly a wonky love triangle with a little bit of cheating thrown in, so watch out for that. I feel this is doing the book a disservice as romance readers will be disappointed and fantasy readers who could enjoy it for what it is, will not seek it out.

The book is about Max, who is a child of servants to the tyrannical king. He is a victim of abuse and sexual harassment from his son, who decides to hunt him down one day and as a result, gets killed y a rouge burst of magic Max didn't know he possessed. The king, instead of punishing Max for murdering his heir, decides to essentially kidnap him and force him to play the part of his son, while holding his parents' well-being over his head. And so begins a whole saga of Max trying to get his parents back and never succeeding because they are getting thrown around from one captor to another like a ping-pong ball. This is a really bad motivation because we see Max have a whole one meaningful interaction with his parents before they are taken, so the reader doesn't really feel connected to their relationship. Another issue is that the plot relies on the main character not being informed about anything. Even when there is enough time for him to learn about the situation, everyone decides to withhold information from him and expect him to make uninformed promises. It's very frustrating in the long run.

The plot of the book is not terrible but it is overridden by a lot of twists constantly pulling an "actually" on the reader. After a few times, it just feels cheap and like fuel for drama. Everybody loves a good twist but there's such thing as too many of them. Moreover, everything in the book strives to make Max feel miserable. The moment things start looking up for him, he is torn away from that situation and put into another terrible one. The boy just can't catch a break. Every good thing he has going on is either taken away or turns out to be actually bad. It's really tiresome after a while.

The characters are there either to serve as a plot device to make Max do stuff or they are there to be into him. There are 5 men who are into him during the plot of the book and two of them are creeps who try to assault him and one of them would probably try if given a chance. I don't know what purpose does it serve and it really grossed me out. When it comes to love interests, I only liked Camron. Simion had some fluctuating feelings about Max and I can't really see where did his feelings come from. The villains were very bland and didn't go out of the "evil person" trope. They also had some of the most ridiculous and short-sighted plans that I have seen in fantasy.
Max himself is very bland too. He has some badass moments but most of the time he is crying for his parents or talking about them. I didn't care for him much, which is a big issue for me, because I prefer solid characters than solid plot in my books.

The worldbuilding itself could have been good if it was used with a better plot and explained more. The whole idea of the South presenting a wrong picture of the North to their people and the main character going to find out how wrong he'd been is good. Unfortunately, the book tries to slam content that should be in two books into one and because of that, there is too much information that isn't developed enough. I feel the series would gain if the whole going to the North part was its own separate book. It would improve both the worldbuilding and the pacing.

When it comes to the writing style, I like Ben's style. It's easy and quick to read. Unfortunately, it didn't save this book for me. I think for now I'll stick to his romances because I fare much better in that department.

I'd still recommend this book to Ben's fans and also to people who like reading YA and NA fantasy series. I'm sure you will find something for yourself here. Make sure to check the trigger warnings and keep in mind that it does go more into the fantasy territory than stick to the romance. I can see a lot of people loved it and I'm sure it will find its fans. It just unfortunately wasn't for me.

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(2.25) this book followed the classic hero’s quest, and while I do appreciate the little tweaks done to subvert it, it was just familiar in a way that was boring. I felt little to no connection to any of the characters, and the writing style was stilting in a way that seemed almost inconsistent. I didn’t really see much character development in Max, and the so-called villains just were villains for the sake of being villains?? The plot seemed very dragged out as well, with sections that had action, but didn’t really advance anything.

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Thank you NetGalley, Second Sky, Bookouture Audio and Ben Alderson but providing me with an eARC and Audiobook eARC on Heir to Thorn and Flame 🔥

4.5/5 rounded up.

I absolutely looked this book. I ate it up. I have struggled through some books lately but this one had me engaged and speeding through it! It is also a 'homo-normative' universe, so no coming out struggles or homophobia for our characters.

I love a good chosen one trope and Maximus is a wonderful character for this trope. The start, the evil king, the evil Queen - all the evil everywhere but for our poor suffering Max. Loved it. I just felt for him and the holding of hope pushed me through the so very very hateable Villians

I always mark a fantasy/magic system on how confused I am by it. This one was great - never confused, got the vibe of the magic system and the kingdoms easily. Until we got our mid novel twist - which I was absolutely here for - but the point was a tiny bit lost on me. Also like a magical system that is rooted in the earth element which dragon's and other mystical beasts. Brilliant.

I preferred the book over the audiobook mainly just because of the 'not contemporary' voice acting - which of course reflects the fantasy of the book but is not really my vibe.

TL;DR: Gay high fantasy with plenty of twists.

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