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The Gingerbread Christmas Village
Kiley Dunbar


This was such a lovely Christmassy, feel good read.... that was a little bit unique.

Our main character, Marji, is on the older side - I say that with a bit of trepidation as at only 64, she's not that far off my own age! But in terms of love stories and romance books, we rarely see this age group well represented.
Often as someone's Mum or Nan, a side character in the main.
So this was really refreshing that Marji takes centre stage and shows us all that our 60's are going to bring new adventures!

I loved Margi so much.
Not looking forward to Christmas alone again, she decides that this will be her last year in the village and as such, her last one upholding the tradition of the Gingerbread Village exhibit which used to draw in the visitors.
With the help of an unlikely group of friends, will the exhibit be saved, will Margi find love and her Christmas spark again?

This touches on some real issues that lots of us face at this time of year and in current times - not quite the cost of living issues some are struggling with, but trying to fund the exhibit with the ever growing cost of ingredients and no guarantee that the visitors will come will be a concern for many this year.

I adored our love interest, Patrick - and that relationship and bond that the ladies (of varying ages) develop throughout the book.

My only complaint....I spent the whole book craving gingerbread!!
Will be adding ingredients to my next shop but am certain that I won't be creating anything quite so spectacular with my fair hands!

A lovely festive read to enjoy with a blanket and a hot chocolate (and definitely some gingerbread too!)

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This was a touching read that had a heart of Christmas. I could not relate as much to the older character but I still enjoyed the book nonetheless.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for a copy to honestly review.

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This was an unexpectedly warm, cozy Christmas story! I went into it initially thinking it would be silly and fluffy but it is not. It’s a well-rounded story with emotions, laughs, and all around good holiday and community feels. I enjoyed all the quirky town characters and the unexpected friendships that developed. If you enjoy Jenny Colgan books, this is a great one for you.

It was an easy but enjoyable read - definitely check it out this holiday season!

Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for an arc in exchange for my opinion.

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Honestly, I did not finish this.
It was a decent book, but not my cup of tea.

64-year-old Margi lost her Christmas Spirit. She lives in the town of Wheaton village in Cotswold. She is a baker who is in charge of the annual gingerbread exhibit. She reunites with an old friend and has a love interest.
I will likely give this book another chance, and if I do I will update my review.

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for a copy of this book.

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I've always loved Kiley's book and don't ever need to read the synopsis' to know I'm eventually going to pick it up and read and this one was no exception. I will admit I did struggle at first, given that the lead character is in her 60's, which is an age range I'm not used to reading, however when I got into the flow of it, it wasn't a problem and I had a really good time with this one. Plus the cover is just gorgeous!

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I normally really enjoy Kiley Dunbar’s books, but I really struggled to get into this book & didn’t really warm to the characters.
The storyline was interesting & I did finish the book, but sadly didn’t enjoy it as much as her other books.

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I have always loved Kiley's books and this one was the perfect mix of humour, romance, and Christmassy vibes - simply perfect!

The characters are so likeable and the little village in the Cotswolds sounds like a lovely place to live.

While the story was a bit predictable at times, it was still such a feel-good story and the way that the older ladies are represented and empowered was liberating - girl power!

Another wonderful read!

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Book Review: A Festive Delight: The Gingerbread Christmas Village by Kiley Dunbar

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 5 stars

The Gingerbread Christmas Village by Kiley Dunbar is a heartwarming and enchanting tale that captures the essence of the holiday spirit. Set in the picturesque Cotswold hamlet, this book takes readers on a delightful journey filled with gingerbread, love, and the magic of Christmas.

At the center of the story is Margi, a spirited woman in her sixties who has dedicated her life to organizing the annual Wheaton gingerbread exhibit and grotto. However, interest in the event has been waning, and Margi finds herself contemplating selling her home and leaving the village behind. Determined to make this year's gingerbread village the best yet, Margi teams up with her old friend Izzy, her niece Lucy, and Fern, a shy young farmer's daughter. Along the way, she also finds unexpected support from Patrick, the school caretaker.

One of the highlights of this book is its charming setting. Dunbar skillfully brings the Cotswold hamlet to life, painting vivid descriptions of the gingerbread exhibition and grotto. The author's attention to detail is evident, immersing readers in a world of sugary delights and festive decorations. It's impossible not to feel the magic of Christmas while reading this book.

The characters in The Gingerbread Christmas Village are likable and well-developed. Margi shines as a strong and determined protagonist who is not afraid to pursue her dreams. Her journey towards rediscovering her spark and Christmas spirit is relatable. The supporting characters add depth to the story, each bringing their unique personalities and challenges to the mix. Lucy's determination to find love for her aunt adds a touch of humor and warmth to the narrative.

The writing style is engaging and flows smoothly, making it an easy and enjoyable read. Dunbar's ability to create emotional connections between the characters and the readers is commendable. The book is heartwarming without being overly sentimental, striking a perfect balance between romance and family dynamics.

I absolutely adore the cover of this book. Its festive charm perfectly captures the essence of what lies within its pages. Moreover, the festive good feelings that permeate throughout the story make it an ideal read for the holiday season. This book is a perfect way to kickstart your festive reading, filling your heart with warmth and joy.

In conclusion, The Gingerbread Christmas Village is a delightful tale that celebrates love, friendship, and the magic of Christmas. With its charming setting, well-developed characters, and enchanting storyline, this book is bound to leave you with a smile on your face and a warm feeling in your heart. If you're looking for a festive read that will transport you to a world of gingerbread wonders, then this book is a must-read for you.

⚠️This review was written based on personal opinions and experiences with the book. Individual preferences may vary⚠️

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I think it was the second half of the book where the story really gets into its own, as I enjoyed reading about Christmas light trails, making plenty of Christmas gingerbread houses and the romantic sub-plot finally developing.

I did struggle to relate to the protagonist, Margi, who has a couple of decades on me! Despite being young at heart, I frequently forgot she was quite older and I have always struggled in the past to connect with characters that are so much older. Nonetheless, she is likeable in her charitable ways – always looking out for others and offering acts of kindness. The legacy of the Christmas grotto made entirely from gingerbread is something she has lived all her life, thanks to her mother’s baking skills, but this year, Margi seems to have run out of steam for such a consuming event.

For the first half of the novel, it is more about Margi trying to remove herself from the village. With dating apps that lead to disastrous meet-ups and looking to tell her friends about her lack of commitment, I found this part of the story to be the slowest. I thought it was lacking in the Christmas magic I was hoping for from Dunbar, leading to me not wholly enjoy it because of the inner conflict that Margi is experiencing.

Yet, when Margi’s friends all start to pull together for the sake of the village, I thought events really turned around. I loved reading about how the community supports the gingerbread grotto and the scenes of the baking made me feel rather peckish indeed. Dunbar packs these parts with plenty of warmth – not just from the ovens and ginger spice – and it caused the book to evolve into that true Christmas read. Furthermore, the scenes of the Christmas lights that Margi visits with Patrick were very atmospheric, reminding me of my own trips in the past. It was exactly what I was hoping for.

Everything comes good in this story – exactly as it should be – and I enjoyed how the writer fast-forwards a few months at the very end of the novel to show where the characters are. It added closure to the story and by this point, I felt invested in all the little sub-plots. If it wasn’t for the slow-ish start to the plot, I think I would have enjoyed it even more. However, one thing is for sure, it has started me thinking about gingerbread, baking, Christmas and, well, maybe even making a delightful little gingerbread house (perhaps without the dry ice)…

With thanks to Hera books and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a nice christmas read, the characters were of different ages and got on really well which was nice, i do thing if it was a Novella it would have been better as it just felt a little dragged out,

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While it took me a bit longer than expected to get into the story, this turned out to be a lighthearted holiday read. I loved the fact that the main character was a bit older (60s). I really liked the gingerbread Christmas village (and I'd love to see one in person!). I enjoy reading Christmas-themed stories all year long, so I was happy to check out this book which would be a nice addition to a holiday TBR list.

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A light hearted fun read of a traditional Christmas event in a tiny village combined with a romance between an older lady and a younger man. I enjoyed it.

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A brilliant read and one I really enjoyed. The characters are loveable and varied, the plot is one that is engaging and medium paced. I found myself completely drawn into the story and enjoyed the writing style.

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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This was such a feel good book. And even though I was in the west sweating through a boiling hot summer, reading about Christmas helped cool me down a bit. And let me say that I was surprised and pleased that the main character is a woman in her mid sixties. They are usually the supportive mother type with no life of her own. Not in this book!! Now I need to read more books from the author since I really enjoyed this one. Thank you NetGalley and publishers for the ARC. P.S. a suggestion to the publishing house - a glossary of British idioms would be super useful.

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Margi has had enough
She's finding village life too tough.
Broken relationships, no family near,
A fresh start needed - she thinks it is clear.

However, she's the leader for the folks who
A gingerbread village at Christmas bake and do.
So this year she wants it to be better than the rest
Hoping she'll finish, producing her best.

Village support has dwindled away,
There are only three regulars on any day.
Her best friends, Izzy and Patrick, too,
Are the only ones to help see it all through.

Then Lucy, her niece, comes to stay
And a farmer's daughter joins in one day.
With new determination and interest, too.
There are lots of surprises before dreams come true!

A heartwarming story of friendship and romance
Where different generations help each other's lives enhance.
There are long lasting disputes and secret plans, too,
To thwart them they have to pull together all through.

A gorgeous festive read, whatever the season,
Whatever your generation - or your reason!
A story where friendships and romance
Give a community healing and another chance.

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The plot of this book is lovely, it has all the Christmas feels. My biggest struggle was our female protagonist being in her 60s. I really struggled to relate to her. It wasn't until maybe 70% of the way through that I felt I was actually enjoying the book and not just 'reading' it. I did however love the gingerbread village (and it made me really crave gingerbread) and I enjoyed the online dating. This could have been a plotline all on it's own. At times I felt the characters were really built up and present only for some of them to fade again...Fern, Sully and Leo particularly. It ended as every Christmas book should, happily ever after but also paves the way for us to potentially return to Wheaton village another time. It was still a good Christmas book and I am not disappointed to have read it, and that this has started my Christmas books for the year.

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I received this book as an ARC from Hera Books through NetGalley and this review is based on my own opinion.

Since her parents have moved to Spain, Margi has taken the lead to make sure their famous Gingerbread Village will be ready for display every Christmas, but this year she is not feeling very christmassy at all and things don't go as she hoped. There is a new head of the school who doesn't want to co-operate, the venue is slowly falling apart and her love life isn't something she wants to talk about. Luckily her friends and family are there to help her but will the rest of the village change their minds?

The dating life of Margi is way too overwhelming, she goes from being divorced twice, to sort of being in love with her best friend Patrick, out of the blue she goes on 2 random dates, then starts liking Patricks brother to get with Patrick in the end.

Apart from that it was a lovely christmassy story and the characters were amazing, it really makes you feel as if you're part of their little village.

They vary from older characters to young ones who get along very well and it's lovely to see how some of the characters develop for the better.

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The Gingerbread Christmas Village by Kiley Dunbar

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to Rachel's Random Resources and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


The annual Wheaton gingerbread exhibit (a model village made of gingerbread) and grotto has been an important part of the sleepy Cotswold hamlet’s Christmas celebrations for decades. For years the gingerbread exhibition drew visitors from across the region and each year the model town grew more elaborate and ambitious but recently, interest has been dwindling. The gingerbread grotto needs to be rehomed or close forever. Sixty-four-year-old Margi, the event’s founder, has had enough of village life (and its total lack of eligible men) and is planning to sell up and head to Birmingham to live closer to her niece. She has lost her spark and her Christmas spirit and decides this will be her last gingerbread village, but despairs when she finds her only support is her old friend, Izzy, her niece Lucy from Birmingham, and Fern, the shy young farmer’s daughter. Oh, and Patrick, the gorgeous, reliable school caretaker. As if this wasn’t enough, Lucy is determined to get her out dating again and persuades her to try some online dating apps but Margi’s had her heart broken too many times and wonders if she has just missed her chance. Can they save the Gingerbread Grotto and can Margi get her old spark and her Christmas spirit back? 

My Opinion

A new Christmas book from Kiley Dunbar? This was a must read for me, you can't go wrong with a Kiley Dunbar book. This is such a lovely festive book, a real hug in a book. This is going to be a great book to read over the upcoming festive season, ideally with a hot chocolate and gingerbread nearby.

With this book, Kiley has written a feel-good Christmas novel that shows how community can come together when it is most needed. Kiley has created some great characters and I really enjoyed the thought of the Gingerbread Village. If you are looking for something to get you into the festive spirit, then look no further.

Rating: 4/5

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The Ginerbread Christmas Village was a great story and I devoured it in one sitting. I loved the fact that the main character in this story was older and seemed to have everything u der control. A perfect Christmas story. My thanks to netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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