Member Reviews

It's never too early to read a Christmas story, and I really enjoyed this one. The cozy, Christmassy atmosphere, the (dating) drama, the quest for love, but most of all, the intergenerational (is that a word?) friendships. A very entertaining, magical read, and I wish I could see the gingerbread Christmas village for real.

I got this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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The annual Wheaton gingerbread exhibit is facing a decline in interest. The gingerbread grotto needs a new home, or it may have to close its doors forever.

Sixty-four-year-old Margi, who’s Mother was the event's founder, is considering leaving village life behind and moving to Birmingham to be closer to her niece. Margi has lost her Christmas spirit and decides that this will be her last gingerbread village creation. However, she finds support from her friend Izzy, niece Lucy, Fern, the shy farmer's daughter, and Patrick, the dependable school caretaker.

A tale of rediscovering joy, love, and the magic of Christmas through the efforts of a close-knit group of friends and family.

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I have read a few books from Kiley Dunbar and have always found them warm and cosy. This was another beautifully romantic festive read. This has definitely rocketed near the top of my favourite holiday reads. It will make you believe in the magic of christmas and fill you full of warm good vibes.

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I had one major problem reading this is that I want to eat gingerbread all the time when I was reading it and even when I wasn’t (I love gingerbread especially with a cup of tea, makes the tea taste even nicer too) so as much as I have to thank Kiley Dunbar for this wonderful read, I also hold her partly responsible for my overconsumption of gingerbread men. (For selfish reasons completely unrelated to the author I will also probably be using this book as a scapegoat until probably Christmas 🤣)

Obviously the idea of a gingerbread village to me is so cute, and I want to go and visit one, I love model villages anyway whenever I used to go on holiday if somewhere we visited had one I’d ask to visit, I think there is always something very sweet and lovely about miniature things, I love dollhouses, miniature villages, anything kawaii, I think that the Japanese idea of chibi making something small, makes it instantly cute is so true with me anyway. For those, are you wondering I wouldn’t decimate the gingerbread Christmas village like some gingerbread obsessed Godzilla, I would hold myself back, because I would think it was so lovely I couldn’t to destroy it, I’ve made a gingerbread house before and I find I can’t bare to eat them.

Anyway, enough with my obsession, although clearly I needed to be in this book to give the lovely Margi a helping hand ! This book is a wonderful story, I do love a Christmas romcom, this gave me everything I could have wanted, but even more that I didn’t know I needed. It’s a story about living the life you want, the one that will make you happy, about finding yourself and learning (which I need to do more of too) not to let what others think of you or yourself hold you back from living your life to be true to you. I found this an especially uplifting read for me as someone now in their mid forties, as it reinforces this to be true no matter what point of life you’re at.

Although Margi is a more mature main character, I loved how multi-generational it is, that there is a youthful spirit to the book, not related to the younger characters and I think that’s important as it’s only our bodies that age, not our minds, personalities and loves. I thought it was so beautiful that Kiley reflected that in her writing. I cannot leave this review without mentioning one of my favourite things an any story, the community support, I loved the fact it was given new life in this, that the community spirit hadn’t died, it was almost like Scrooge in A Christmas Carol, it needed to be reminded of love, life and how it feels and it was so beautiful and magical to read it unfold. If you want a story to make you feel warm inside, to remind you that age is just a number and to put a huge smile not just on your face, but in your soul, then you need to read The Gingerbread Christmas Village.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Lovely festive rom-com! Just the ticket for the cosy nights coming up. I’ve read a few from this author and all so great. This would go on my re-reads for Christmas lists.

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I love all of Kiley Dunbar's books so this was a no brainer for me.

A lovely Christmas rom com that overcomes the problems of socity and age gap romance.
Aswell as a lovely Christmas tradition in a Cotswolds village to hold a gingerbread grotto in the village hall.
When things go wrong at the last minute and the village rally together to get it back on in time.
A lovely Christmas read

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Is there anything better than a good cosy Christmas read, especially now the cooling weather means cosy blankets, hot chocolate and gingerbread?

I've read several of Dunbar's books and really enjoyed them, and being an everything Christmas kinda girl couldn't wait to immerse myself in this one. It didn't disappoint, it's heartwarming, full of charm and community spirit.

The characters are warm, relatable and easy to become invested in, and I loved Margi, it's not that often a book is about an older lady.

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would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for this lovely christmassy book

now where to start with this one...its a feel good book about christmas but its so much more than that, its about traditions and the coming together of people, family and friends

the annual gingerbread village held in a village hall for many a year made by friends and family and any money raised went to families who needed that extra bit of help but as the years went by so did the enthusiasm for it but something is about to change

i have to say i loved this story i did when i first started it wonder where it was going to go but it covers everything you would want in a christmas story and a lot more, it covers ageism and turning 60 and peoples perceptions of what others should be doing, but i for one am holding onto the image of sliding into my coffin and people also saying omg what has she been up to now.... and thats what i get from this book, i want to rock that look

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I’ve read so many festive romances now, and I can’t begin to tell you how refreshing it is to read one from an older woman’s perspective. These types of books are always about young or middle-aged characters, but The Gingerbread Christmas Village is about Margi, who is 65. Love and happiness aren’t just for younger people, and this book proves it.

I adore books set in small towns, especially festive ones, and what could possibly be more small town than the Cotswolds? The village sounded stunning, and the fact that Margi’s family has been creating a gingerbread version of the town for over 60 years is just too cute.

The concept of this book was wonderful. I really enjoyed all of the gingerbread talk, and the different types of relationships displayed were very interesting. It was quite a slow-moving story, and I did find myself checking how much time was left a few times, but once the ball got rolling, it was moving at a decent pace.

This isn’t really part of the review, but I loved how much Birmingham was mentioned. I haven’t lived there for quite some time now, but it’s still home in a way.

I liked that the stereotype of an age-gap relationship being between a younger woman and an older man was flipped. To be honest, Margi didn’t even come across as over 60; her narrative sounded quite young (don’t ask me to explain this; I’m not sure I could). Even though she went through quite a few hardships during the story, she stayed spirited and passionate. Well, mostly. I’m not going into detail here, though, as it’s a huge spoiler.

The cast of characters in The Gingerbread Christmas Village were an absolute delight. It was very funny to me that teenager Fern dressed and acted more like an old woman than Margi did; she was definitely my favourite. I also liked that certain pairings really brought some characters out of their shells. The characters were definitely the best part.

Overall, I enjoyed The Gingerbread Christmas Village. The story was a little all over the place, but the endearing characters more than made up for it. If you are looking for a festive romance with older main characters, I’d definitely recommend it.

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Every year I look forward to starting to read Christmas books and after reading several books by this author that I loved so much I knew this one would be a delight.
I mean just seeing the word gingerbread in the title you envision Christmassy goodness.
I was delighted to discover this book features a sixty-something heroine.
I just loved Margi, she's had her knocks, and she starts out with her spunk lost. She's a middle-aged lady she's had good and bad in life including a humiliation and none of us likes that.
She's a relatable character, she worries, and has her insecurities but she sees the positive and works towards it. She needs a confidence booster and gets it in a big way.
The author does descriptions right, her small-town Christmas time feel was just right. While Margi may have lost her spunk when we start out, she's got that sparkle back in her eyes by books end. Warm and welcoming this book will be a welcome addition to your holiday reading.

Pub Date 31 Aug 2023
I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.

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This book is a perfect addition to your holiday reading list! Margi is thinking it is time to give up running the annual gingerbread village exhibition as interest seems to be dwindling. This situation and the lack of a love life, is leaving Margi lacking in Christmas spirit. Friends and family are determined to turn things around. A heartwarming festive read!

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Synopsis: For many years, the village of Wheaton has held a gingerbread exhibition as part of their Christmas celebrations. Each year attendance increased and the “gingerbread town” grew more and more elaborate. However, recently Margi, the event’s founder, has tired of the village, it’s lack of eligible men and of the exhibit and has decided that this will be her last year putting it on as she has plans to sell her home and leave the village. Her friends, however, are determined to get Margi’s Christmas spirit back again (and maybe a man too!).

My thoughts: The reader gets what the tin says – this is a cozy Christmas story with romance, about a 60-something year old woman getting her mojo back. It was exactly as I expected and want to read in a “Christmas cozy”. It was refreshing to see a Christmas romance centering on an older woman with many of the author’s main characters being around the same age but instead of limiting their power and achievements, the author showcases the fact that they still have lots of life in them still.

I gave this book 4 stars out of 5 – a strong cozy Christmas read. Thank you to Netgalley and Hera Publishers for a review copy of this book.

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This is an absolutely gorgeous Christmas. Although it was August when I read it, I felt cosy and festive.
I really love all things Gingerbread, so I knew that I had to read this book. It didn't disappoint. It is such a lovely heartwarming read.
It was refreshing to read a book with an older protagonist. Margi. There is a multi generational cast of characters who all come together to help Margi.
Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for my ARC.

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My goodness, if you – like me – are a fan of Christmas reading, this gorgeous book really is going to give you all the feels you could possibly be looking for. It really is the loveliest story, with that wonderful feeling of community that the author always does so well – and, as if that’s not enough, lead character Margi is a 64-year-old who entirely embodies that “never too late” spirit that I always so enjoy.

Last year, Margi made a big mistake – swept away by romance, a man who promised so much – and is still hurting about the humiliation that followed. She feels everyone is now laughing at her – or pitying her, which might just be worse – and (although no-one else knows yet…) she’s seriously contemplating leaving the lovely Cotswold village of Wheaton for a fresh start in Birmingham, living closer to her only family. But first, there’s an important job to do – her mother started the annual tradition of constructing a gingerbread Christmas village and, this year, Margi really wants what may be her last to be the best they’ve ever built.

Even the initial fundraising for the ingredients proves difficult – there’s strong competition from the Christmas extravaganza at nearby Dunham Gravey, with its lightshow and fireworks – and the community seems to have forgotten (and there are those who don’t even want to find out) the way their display at the neglected Village Hall has always drawn the community together. With the help of the most supportive friends – Izz at the cafe, her new employee Fern, niece Lucy (visiting unexpectedly), local handyman Patrick – they’re almost there, when disaster strikes. And what happens next… I really mustn’t tell you the story, but the way individuals step forward and the community pulls together made this book the most perfect Christmas read.

And running through it all is Margi’s own story. There are days when she feels distinctly past her best, accepting the onset of old age, feeling there’s little left to look forward to – but it doesn’t stop her heart beating rather faster when Patrick is around. But he’s a fair bit younger than her, and she’s sure he’d never see her as more than a friend – so niece Lucy encourages her to try some on-line dating, with a few experiences that convince her that her coupling-up days are over. But yes, there is a romance – and, with a few very real obstacles along the way, one that was absolutely everything I wanted it to be.

And then there’s the whole community of the village – the characterisation in this book is just superb, every individual (however minor their role) so wonderfully drawn, every one of them with their own stories. And I really loved the way they’re drawn from across the generations – the lovely relationships between them, the friendships so real, the warmth and support and small acts of kindness so very moving. There’s a particular authenticity to the emotional content – there were moments that broke my heart – but plenty of lightness and humour that made my heart sing. And was it all as Christmassy as I wanted it to be? Oh yes, it was simply perfect – infused with the aroma of baking gingerbread, and with that all-embracing warmth of the season.

Emotional, beautifully observed, written from the heart, and the most wonderful story, this is one you really must add to your Christmas reading list – I promise you’ll love it as much as I did.

(Review also copied to Amazon UK, but link not yet available)

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This was a really good Christmas romance. It has all the feels good, cozy vibes you'd want for a Christmas read. Margi, the MC, is in her 60s. She is not in the Christmas spirit this year. She lives in the small Wheaton village and has a special part in the annual Christmas celebration. She puts together a Gingerbread Village Exhibit. Now she feels like it's just not as popular as it has been in the past. She gathers some of her friends and family to help her out this year to try and bring back some enthusiasm for it. She also has a man that she's interested in which makes for a cute romance. I really enjoyed these characters and the setting was fun.

Out August 31.

Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for the gifted copy. All opinions are my own. My review will be posted on Instagram, Bookbub, Goodreads, and Amazon once it publishes.

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A Christmas rom com is good for any time of the year and this one definitely did not disappoint! This touching story was wonderfully created and crafted in such a manner to draw you in and turning pages until the end. A wonderful story of finding your way, no matter your age, to the path that you have been drawn to follow and not letting preconceived notions (of others and yourself) keep you from living your best life with the person that makes you happy. As with most Christmas stories, a happily ever after is included, but it won't look the same as all happy endings. Some will find comfort with a significant other while others find comfort in themselves. This story is especially compelling as it is multigenerational and for once the younger characters are the back story characters that impact the story, but leave the older characters to be front and center. As an aging reader, it was nice to see older characters getting a "part two" to life. While I am not yet the same age as the central characters, I do often worry about what the future will hold and whether I'll walk into my golden years hand in hand with my love or on my own. This story brings hope, independence and standing up for yourself to the forefront and makes this story all that much more compelling. I am quickly become a fan of this author and can't wait to see what she writes next.

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I quite enjoyed this book although I felt it was a little slow in parts. But the characters were great fun and I loved the way there was a big age difference yet everyone supported each other x a proper feel good xmas read x thanks Netgalley x

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This was my first festive novel of the year, and what a great one to start with. It gave me all the cosy feelgoodness that I wanted, as well as a massive craving for gingerbread.

Margi is in her sixties and has been carrying the gingerbread village tradition in her village for most of her life. After being left by her new husband she has lost her love for Christmas and village life and is looking to move away. With limited help to create the gingerbread village she decides this will be her last year, and then disaster strikes and even that is under threat.

I loved the characters in this book. They represented multiple ages and friendships across different generations. The main group of characters, Margi, Patrick, Izzy, Lucy and Fern are all lovable and are each facing a different struggle but pull together which not only helps them individually but also to save the gingerbread village and pull the community together.

And I absolutely love this cover!

This is a typical Kiley Dunbar book. It is easy to read, there are great characters in a lovely setting, it is festive and feelgood and all of this left me reading it with a smile on my face.

Grab a blanket and a hot chocolate and cosy up with this festive book.

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A story of traditions; traditions passed down through families and towns, and how they can be both a blessing and a curse. I enjoyed The Gingerbread Christmas Village and it is the first for me by this author. The main character, Margi, has come to the point where she is tired and weary of bearing the load of creating the gingerbread village. The story weaves the history and the current happenings well, giving the reader some insight as to how Margi comes to her own expectations based on memories from her youth. A good reminder for all of us to keep it simple. The "Christmas light spectacular" scenes were some of my favorites, as I loved the details and magic they conveyed. A good read!

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What a beautiful story, I am sure everyone will enjoy this. It is a bit different from other Christmas stories and this is well worth 5 stars, I recommend this to all.

Thanks to Netgalley and publisher for this ARC

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