Member Reviews

Thanks Netgalley for the ARC (sorry late review).

Erin and Will seem to be the perfect couple. Happily married, beautiful daughter, lovely home, seemingly the perfect match. When the family dog Coco goes missing it seems to trigger a memory in Erin that derails everything. After weeks of drifting further apart and accusations from Erin they decide to go to couples therapy.
Maggie doesn't seem to be able to work out who is lying between the couple and when Erin mentions more memories it seems Maggie is only helping due to her own agenda. Then Erin is brought into hospital after a serious hit and run which leaves her life in the balance. Soon the secrets of the past begin to emerge but just who is lying and who will survive?

I did enjoy this book and found the twists really good but I sometimes felt it was dragging and repetitive hence the 4 stars although I would still recommend it.

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I didn't know if Erin was really mentally unstable or her husband, Will, was making her feel the way she did. I liked how the author built up the suspense, she gave little hints along the way, but never enough to fully solve the mystery. Through the different points of view I was kept engaged and it kept me racing to end to get my answers. Overall, this was a well written thriller and one of the best I've read to date by Heidi Perks. Bizarre book and bizarre plot. It’s a very strange book, and I don’t actually know if the psychology of the book is correct or not but everything is off in this book. I think the one thing annoyed about is this constant unknown that is displayed in front of us but never addressed, and then neatly revealed. I know it’s found in every book but right from the start is where we are dangled with it and it just gets super repetitive.

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Loved this book I really enjoyed I would read more by this author it made me cry and kept going and didn't want this book to end

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A very gripping read, full of twists and surprises. It's an addictive read, well paced and builds the tension nicely.

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Erin in found late one evening after a hit and run accident. She is in intensive care and in a coma. Erin and Will have been experiencing marriage problems so had begun therapy with Maggie. We learn that Erin has suppressed memories of a trauma that happened to her years ago and Maggie is trying to get her to reveal this. Maggie also has her own problems. She is still traumatised from the murder of her younger sister years ago. The man who was convicted over twenty years ago is due out on parole and wants to meet up with Maggie as he still declares he is innocent. As the investigation continues into Erin’s accident we discover how all their three lives are connected by the secrets from years ago. Another enjoyable read by Heidi Perks.
Thanks to Netgalley and a Penguin for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

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"The Last Resort" by Heidi Perkins is a suspenseful thriller that delves into the dark secrets of a seemingly idyllic vacation spot. The narrative centers around a family retreat that takes a sinister turn, revealing hidden agendas and betrayals. Perkins skillfully builds tension, immersing readers in a chilling atmosphere filled with unexpected twists. While the pacing is generally engaging, some plot elements may feel familiar to seasoned thriller readers. Overall, it's a captivating read that effectively explores themes of trust and deception. A solid choice for fans of psychological suspense. I would rate it 4 stars.

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Erin cannot explain why she suddenly distrusts her husband and feels in danger when around him. She just knows she no longer trusts him. Will is confused how his loving marriage has turned sour overnight. They embark on couples counselling, but it seems to only be making things worse and the counsellor seems to have her own agenda. When Erin is found on the verge of the road by a forest in the middle of the night and end up hospitalised in a coma, the suspect pool is contained to family, friends and those known to Erin. The answers to her hit and run take us into buried secrets and the root of all the problems. An addictive read. #thelastresort #heidiperks #netgalley

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This was a middle of the road read for me, I liked parts of it but the overall mystery of the book wasn’t enough to keep me hooked. I didn’t really warm to any of the characters so that may be the reason. I have enjoyed books by Heidi Perks before so I think this is just a little blip for me and I still be interested to see what she does next.

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This is the first book by Heidi Perks that I have read and it certainly won’t be the last. The book moved along with a good pace and I found the characters and the plot believable, Thoroughly enjoyed this twisty, gripping story . I felt though, that the synopsis was a bit misleading.

Thank you NetGalley and the Publishers, Random House UK for this ARC.

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I love Heidi Perks. Her writing style keeps you engaged and the characters are not boring! Great plot and very well written. Twists that you do not see coming. Definitely recommend this one.

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✨ psychological thriller
✨ Family Therapy
✨ detective work

✨ first time reading Heidi Perks book and never disappoints. She doesn’t have the twisted or gripping ending but it does make an impact ending.

✨this story actually have a unlikeable characters. It’s just doesn’t have the wow factor at some point but yet again it will hook you up for another chapter.


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What is happening between Erin and Will. The perfect couple with a beautiful life including a toddler and Erin’s beloved dog. So why has Erin started to feel scared of Will. Erin has so many conflicts going on in her head. A mother in law who is trying to take over, a best friend who doesn’t look at her the same was and then feelings or is it memories that are making her doubt Wills love for her. So they decide to seek therapy from Maggie who also has a dark history of her own. A sister that was murdered and her own guilt that she was not there. Is it a conscience that Maggie has become their couples therapist and what is she unravelling from Erin. I could not put this book down. Well read taking the reader from the past to present throughout.

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I was lucky to get this book from Netgalley. It was then titled “The Last Resort” now it seems to be changed to “For The Last Time”

This was an intriguing story which developed quite slowly at first.
Very good with some very unexpected twists.

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Another brilliant read by Heidi Perks, it gripped me from start to finish and I couldn’t put it down!

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I love Heidi Perks' books, The ones I have reviewed so far have been incredibly immersive. The Last Resort sounded so interesting and I couldn't wait to start it. I was constantly wanting to know what was going to happen, and was wondering who to trust and who was telling the truth,

The Last Resort is real, yet dark, realistic and immersive. It made me feel intrigued, immersed and uneasy.

Another brilliant Heidi Perks thriller!

Thanks to Heidi Perks and Random House UK, Cornerstone for my eARC in exchange for an honest and voluntary review,

5 stars

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Totally gripping from beginning to end. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Highly recommended
Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for allowing me to read this book

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Fantastic book, had suspense all throughout the storyline. Definitely gripping.

Thank you NetGalley for my complimentary copy in return for my honest review.

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The Last Resort is the third book I've read by Heidi Perks. I've enjoyed each of them for very different reasons. Her story's are compelling, rooted in real life struggles by relatable people. The characterisation is always first rate. In this case, just how far are you willing to go to discover the truth? That's the real question that is raised in The Last Resort.

Erin is madly in love with her husband, Will, until of course she's not. She becomes scared of him - this is all triggered on Valentines day when he tries to put a necklace around her neck and she flinches away from his touch. Then, her precious dog, Coco disappears and Erin immediately blames Will for her disappearance. She even goes so far as to think he might of killed the dog. She thinks she's going mad as everyone around her can't believe the things she's accusing her husband of. Her relationship with her best friend, Zoe also suffers due to it. She questions her sanity but at the end of the day, she knows she feels scared of her husband, something that seemed unfathomable only a few months previously.

Will suggests they see a marriage counsellor. He doesn't want their marriage deteriorating any further. He loves his wife, but she won't stop accusing him of things he knows for certain he hasn't done. What if this counsellor is making things worse though? What if she is leaning into Erin's delusions, what if she breaks her professional code of conduct and starts seeing Erin alone? What does she have to gain by seeing Erin away from her husband?

This story was a little hard for me to swallow. I felt like I had to suspend disbelief a little too much. It's an extremely slow burn and didn't really feel like it heated up until about 70% mark. I felt like the flipping back and forth to different time spots was a tad confusing and felt like the two heroine's were quite unlikable and couldn't really relate to either.

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A claustrophobic and suspenseful thriller with a gripping mystery and an atmospheric setting that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

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Suspense. Drama. Tension. Lies. A couple who's marriage is on the rocks visit a therapist, who simply can't get a handle on them. She's not sure which, if either, to believe. When one makes a comment about something that happened in the therapists life years before, she forgets trying to help their marriage, instead focuses on finding out her own truth. A real page-turner, with a delicious twist.

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