Member Reviews

A really intriguing read that deals with some complex issues about marriage, trust and who / what you can believe. It was cleverly plotted and the the characters stories were beautifully interwoven. I was really gripped and kept guessing right till the end.

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This was a complex story starting, from a forgotten memory and affecting so many peoples lives. Some really good characters and I was totally commited. When everything started to make sense it came tumbling down like a stack of cards. An absorbing story that had me enthralled from beginning to end.

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What a superb book and nothing less than I've come to expect from this author. Erin and Will seem to have the perfect marriage which us made even better when their daughter comes along. One day, out of the blue, Erin starts to have flashbacks and her erratic behaviour and suspicions about her husband start to impact their relationship. Eventually they decide to seek counselling to try and salvage their relationship and go to see a therapist called Maggie. Instead of improving things however, this seems to make things worse triggering even more flashbacks. Erin is convinced she has hidden memories about a girl who was murdered near her childhood home over 20 years ago and Maggie starts to work with her to retrieve her memories. However, is Maggie being as helpful as she seems or does she have hidden motives for trying to uncover the past. Kept me guessing until the very end

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I really enjoyed this book. Will and Erin have been happily married with a young daughter. When their dog disappears Erin seems to have a breakdown and no longer seems to trust Will and even feels scared of him. They decide to go for counselling, but when Erin describes a necklace she claims to have seen in Will's car the counsellor, Maggie, recognises it as the one missing after her sister's murder years ago. She is determined to find out what Erin knows. 6 months later Erin is involved in a hit and run accident. This is a fast paced story thatwill keep you gripped to the end.

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This book surprised me as it’s not my normal genre and I did find myself reaching for my kindle to read a bit more. I did think it was a run of the mill thriller but it’s not. It’s better.

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A captivating thriller following the lives of Erin and Will who pursue counselling when their marriage takes a nose-dive quite suddenly.
Gripping from the off with red herrings a plenty to keep the reader on their toes. Thanks to netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I’ve read a few novels by the author and this is definitely her best yet. I love novels which feature therapists and Maggie, the couples therapist in The Last Resort is a complex and interesting character with her own trauma and grief who completely crosses the boundaries and works unethically with her new clients Erin and Will. The latter come to Maggie as their relationship begins to break down after the disappearance of Erin’s dog. The novel moves across two timelines - when Erin and Will start therapy and a short time later when Erin is brought into hospital following a hit and run accident.
I was completely drawn into the novel and I didn’t know who to believe. I loved the characters of Erin and Maggie and the Dorset setting. The author builds the tension throughout the novel to an unexpected ending. A recommended read.
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this digital ARC.

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Having read previous books by Heid Perks my expectations were high and her latest offering certainly did not disappoint.
I was captivated from the first chapter and couldn't put the book down!
The story is told from multiple characters perspectives across different time periods. The focus is on Erin and her husband Will as they enter couples therapy to try and make sense of their relationship difficulties. Maggie, the therapist, carries her own baggage and her personal issues impinged on the therapeutic work with Erin and Will in a profound and mysterious way. What was it that linked these three characters and why was Erin experiencing feelings towards Will that didn't make sense in the presence?
Supporting characters were used effectively as red herrings along the way adding to the suspense and enjoyment of the read.
The ending was very cleverly crafted and not one I had predicted.
A highly recommended read.
I am grateful to NetGalley and the publishers for an ARC of this book and am leaving my honest review voluntarily.

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Erin and Will seem to be the prefect couple and then within months the marriage seems to be over. Erin is then found the victim of a hit and run.
The story is told from the viewpoints of several characters. The main ones are Erin and the couple’s therapist Maggie. Told in two timelines the present with the investigation of the hit and run, and the past when the marriage started to go wrong.
The story kept me engaged through as you don’t know who to believe. Is Erin losing her mind or is Will gaslighting her? It was a great read.
Thanks to Random House UK and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
#TheLastResort #NetGalley

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Erin and her husband Will are experiencing difficulties within their marriage, though Will doesn’t appear to know the reason. Things have become worse following the disappearance of their dog Coco, and Erin believes that Will was responsible.
When Erin is involved in a terrible car crash, the story gives background about the couple’s counselling sessions with Maggie, a therapist, but after several sessions she is unsure who is telling the truth. And Maggie has her own reasons for keeping therapy sessions running with Erin.
This twisty plot is told in several timeframes, and from different viewpoints. It becomes filled with suspense as the story unfolds, doubts about whether the car crash involving Erin was an accident or deliberate.
This is a grippingly intense, fast paced story which is filled with suspense. As it unfolds, several characters become less trustworthy than they seemed, with a background of secrets. This compelling skilfully written plot keeps you turning the pages, questioning who to believe. A real page turner.

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Wow ! This book has to be the best one I have read this year so far. Right from the start, I was hooked and needed to finish it quickly. The ending was amazing and had so many twists and turns. If you like a thriller that keeps you going until the last page, then you must read this. I NEVER would have guessed how it ended. This to me, is the sign of a 5 star read.

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A dark secret overshadows this whole story and taints the life of Erin without her. fully realising the truth. Is her husband a killer? Why is she getting flashbacks of someone trying to strangle her? As her life falls apart around her she tres to unravel.a 20 year old mystery which her counsellor is personally connected to. A thoroughly engrossing story about past wrongs, memory suppression, and broken relationships.

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Really enjoyed this new outing from Heidi Parks lots of twists and turns. The ending was a little different than expected but really ennoyable read

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I could not put this book down, I was hooked from the first chapter.
The story is told from multiple characters perspectives focusing on Erin and her husband Will and their marriage as it unravels. I really enjoyed the development of all the characters and how they were linked which I found very clever.
The ending was excellent and I did not guess the conclusion until right near the end due to lots of twists and red herrings which is a sign of a good book.
I would definitely recommend this book and give it 5 stars.
Thank you to Netgalley, Random House UK, Cornerstone and Heidi Perks for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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The Last Resort sees Erin and Will enter counselling after their relationship gets difficult. But which of their very different views of affairs should Maggie believe? The answers are in the past - and are far more complicated than might first appear.

This is a complex novel, told in two timelines and from multiple points of view. The reader learns of past events after seeing their repercussions. It takes a bit of thought to keep the whole thing straight, let alone work out who is telling the truth. But it's well written and the cast of characters all have their secrets to reveal.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book, although at times I found it just a little slow. It was quite complicated with many unexpected twists but it certainly kept me turning the pages. You have to suspend belief a little, but I would certainly highly recommend this for an engrossing read. Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read this gripping ARC.

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Thanks to Randomhouse UK and NetGalley for the ARC!

This was a roller coaster of a read, and perfect for anyone who wants a mystery thriller to sink their teeth into. It follows multiple POV'S, but is set in the present and the past. Our main characters are Erin, who starts to feel her marriage is breaking down and like she can't trust her husband, and Maggie, the therapist they see to try and salvage their marriage.

There's a lot of literal psychological stuff happening in this book, with the counselling and therapy. But you can start to put some things together before they happen. There's some great plot twists, and you really start to get a feel for the characters.

I felt sorry for Will, who was perpetually confused and hurt. Erin was a more complex character - I believed her but then also became annoyed by her as well. Pauline, Will's mother, was a piece of work and I disliked her intensely. Maggie...well, I absolutely hated Maggie. Quite frankly, someone who quite clearly has never gotten over something that happened over 20 years ago should not be in a position to talk through mental health with other people. Maggie was a truly awful character, who was willing to destroy anyone who got in her way and I just hated her so much.

That might seem all a generalisation, but if you read the story then you'll understand where I'm coming from. Maggie was a dangerous person, and she progressively became more unhinged.

Overall, I enjoyed this and it was quick read that had me zipping through it!

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This was a fab read poolside on holiday on Santorini! It had me engrossed pretty quickly! I really wasn’t sure where we were going with this, but loved how the storyline unfolded.

Whilst it just seems to be about Erin & Will’s marital problems, it soon becomes clear there’s another deeper story - but who was involved and can Erin remember?

Well written and I loved the pacing of it.

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I really liked the structure of this novel - you find out at the beginning that main character Erin has been in a hit and run and then travel back in time to find out how things got to that point, whilst also hearing from her family and friends in the present. This way of telling the story kept the pace up for me and kept me interested.

The characterisation was very good and the dialogue felt natural. The writing was descriptive enough for me to feel immersed in the story but not too wordy.

Overall it was a very good book and I enjoyed it. The only thing that stopped it from being a 5 star read for me was that there were a few too many coincidences and I had to suspend my disbelief just a little too much to fully get behind how everything turned out.

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Wow what an incredible read. This book was touching and heartbreaking at the same time. Erin and Will are experiencing marital difficulties. Erin is feeling distant from her husband which only worsens after her beloved dog goes missing. In a bid to save their marriage they decide to see a marriage counsellor. When Erin begins to recall things she believes her husband has been doing to Maggie their counsellor the professional lines are blurred, as a link to Maggies past is uncovered.

As a counsellor I love to read books that include therapists. The therapeutic aspect to the book was really realistic. I really enjoyed reading Maggie’s turmoil at breaking those professional boundaries to find out the truth about her sister. I found this really heartbreaking as well as Erin’s struggles to piece together her memories from the past. While everyone around her thought she was going mad. A real thrilling read with a satisfying ending.

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