Member Reviews

The perfect couple, or so it’s starts.
Erin and Will a happy couple with a small child, Sadie have a great life until Valentine’s Day.
Erin knows something is wrong, it comes over her in a wave. She can’t quite figure out what or why. Will her doting husband frustrated with her distance and accusations suggests they see a therapist.

Therapist Maggie has her own past to contend with, and seeing Erin and Will brings confusion and added questions. Who is telling the truth, and is everything as it seems?

This is my first Heidi Perks novel, and it won’t be my last.
I absolutely devoured this book. A well written book which flows so quickly you forget you’re reading. Twists I never saw coming and superbly executed from different perspectives over different time frames.
Will definitely be recommending this one.

Thanks Netgalley for my ARC in return for an honest review

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Very interesting storyline which kept me interested all the way through. Hidden memories can be confusing and lead to lots of doubt. Several times the book had me doubting who to trust. A very good read.

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I really enjoyed 'The Last Resort', for most of the book we are not sure which individual to believe and it made intriguing and exciting reading. A lot of this centres around Erin and Will, a seemingly strong couple who start to fall apart. They begin couples therapy with Maggie who struggles to get to the bottom of the cause of their issues. As therapy starts to make everything worse, we realise the truth may lie in the past.
Perks does a really great job of teasing enough of the plot to make sure readers are interested and then ensuring we want to keep reading and discover the secrets behind the marriage. There are quite a few twists in this, more than I was expecting and it only served to excitement to an already thrilling read.
A strong aspect of this book are the characters of Erin and Will, they are two ordinary, realistic people and it was easy to get to know them and feel for them as their lives start to dramatically change. They really carried the book for me.
Overall this was a really gripping, intense read.
Thank you to NetGalley and Random House UK for an advance copy.

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This is a thrilling story of memories surfacing, how they are dealt with and the effect that has on many people.
When Erin and Will have problems in their marriage as Erin believes Will has been violent and deceitful they visit a therapist, Maggie. Maggie herself has struggled for years with the death of her sister and the worlds of but he Erin and Maggie combine to disastrous ends.

This is a really well plotted book with lots of twists and excellent characters. There are clues all along and what seems obvious becomes ruled out and another path opens up.

Really enjoyed this and highly recommend it.

Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher and the author for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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The Last Resort
by Heidi Perks

Two people.
Two sides of the story.
Whose do you trust?

This was my first Heidi Perks but and I thought it was great, I'm excited to read more from her soon. I loved her writing style and how it went back and fourth in time giving you a good picture of their lives. Loved the fast paced, i couldnt put it down! The multiple POV's worked so well in this. I can't believe this book has been sitting on my Netgalley shelf for so long, i wish i had read it sooner!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher ❤

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Great story, very fast paced with lots of layers attached to it.
Characters were fabulous and interesting.
I really enjoyed it, this was the first book I have read by this author and it won't be the last one either.

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I read this book over two sittings. I loved the fast paced story. We meet Will and Erin who start marriage counselling when their marriage goes through a rocky patch, there are two sides to every story so who can you trust? Something in Erin’s past may be linked to their therapist, but can she be trusted?

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It a fast paced read to begin with and moves between past and present timelines. It had me engaged to begin with but it lost me somewhat in the middle as it felt extremely drawn out and a little repetitive at times. I do think it was cleverly written as I really wanted to know what was going on but I did find the outcome underwhelming. I can’t say I really cared for either of the female characters and at times it felt like Erin was throwing around accusations but with no basis for them so for the reader it came across as out of nowhere. It seemed a little far fetched at times and somewhat predictable. It was an ok read but the pace really dragged it out for me.

3.5/5 🌟🌟🌟/🌟

Thanks to Netgalley and Random House UK for the opportunity to read and review #TheLastResort

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This was a good story. I enjoyed it. Interesting layers of story and relationships.
It was not really the sort of story I was expecting from the start, but it developed well.

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There are 2 sides to every story, but the hard part is deciding which one to believe.

Erin and Will marraige is falling apart and suddenly Erin is scared of her husband but can't figure out why they start therapy with Maggie Day and she can't figure out what they are hiding and which one of them to believe

Is Erin really in danger, or is it all in her head.

This was a well written story with a clever and twisty plot that kept me guessing I do feel there were still some unanswered questions at the end but I had a great time reading this will definitely be reading more from this this author.

Thank you to Netgalley, Random House UK, and Heidi Perksbfor an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

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In the midst of a sudden rift in their marriage, Erin and Will turn to couples therapy in the hopes of mending their relationship. However, their therapist, Maggie, finds herself grappling with the challenge of discerning whose narrative holds the truth.

The narrative takes a dramatic turn when Erin is admitted to the hospital in critical condition after a hit-and-run incident. Now, the urgency to uncover the truth intensifies among those involved.

As suspicions arise, the pressing question emerges: If this incident wasn't an accident, then someone close to Erin may be accountable.

The E-Book could be improved and more user-friendly, such as links to the chapters, no significant gaps between words and a cover for the book would be better. It is very document-like instead of a book. A star has been deducted because of this.

This is a first for me by the author and one I enjoyed and I would read more of their work. The book cover is eye-catching and appealing and would spark my interest if in a bookshop. Thank you to the author, publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.

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Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this book.

I read this in one sitting. Kept me intrigued all the way through and I had no idea who to believe or where the story was going

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Erin and Will are having problems in their marriage so they decide to go for couples counselling and meet Maggie their counsellor.

Erin suddenly seems to be scared of her husband but does not know why. She then starts getting certain memories which seem to confirm her fears. Are these false memories or aimed at the wrong person? Maggie has problems of her own, her sister’s killer is up for parole and she starts to doubt his guilt. Erin is involved in a hit and run, who did it was it an accident or a deliberate attempt to keep her quiet?

I did enjoy this book and wanted to know what happens nd would have given it five stars but the multiple time lines for me, were confusing and irritating, felt it would have worked just a well with fewer timelines that kept jumping back and forth, but that may be just me.

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Thoroughly enjoyed this. Love it when the author draws you in and makes you distrust everyone.

Pacing is good, plot is unusual and makes you think.

Good read.

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Erin is having doubts about her husband and counselling becomes a way to save their marriage but will it be more harm than good. Maggie their therapist wants to help but are her intentions as pure as she seems then Erin is injured and the connections between them all must come to light.

Well there were a few twists along the way in this one. I hadn't figured them all out except Will's part in the story. The plot is a slow burn that jumps between the present and the start of their therapy journey. Its also told from both Maggie and Erin's viewpoint adding depth. The ending was clever and tied off most of the story. I would have liked more of a conclusion with Will's mother but it wasn't necessary. The characters aren't instantly likeable but I did feel for Erin. A twist filled story with an added mystery.

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I received an E-ARC with a request for my honest review.

This enthralling psychological thriller follows Will and his wife Erin, as they decide to see a therapist after Erin suddenly feels she can no longer trust her husband.

With Erin struggling to work out the reasons for her sudden distrust she hopes that their therapist Maggie will be able to help her find the answers.

In the present Erin is in hospital after a hit and run, with various family members visiting, the suspect list extends.

Who could be responsible? What will Erin remember?

This psychological thriller has you keep changing your mind throughout about who and what to believe.

When the truth starts emerging there are even more possibilities of who could have been responsible for Erin’s accident.

I liked that you start at the beginning with the accident and then go back to a few months before as Erin’s life starts to unravel and you slowly discover what leads up to that night.

Overall, an enthralling psychological thriller where a woman doesn’t know who she can trust.

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🎉 Happy New Year! 🎉


#TheLastResort by @heidiperks_author @penguinukbooks

➡️synopsis & GR 2023 year

Well I’ll start off 2024 with my last read of 2023…

This one was perhaps the best yet from this author. It grabbed my attention easily and kept my interest throughout. I loved the multiple points of view, how the author made you question every character and every motive they might have, all the while keeping you grounded with the plot.

I loved how you wanted to really like and relate to all the main characters, you’d just get close and then a curve ball would be thrown making you question your morals, judgement and overall ability to spot the bad guy!

I didn’t guess the ending till most of the reveals had taken place and which point I think you were meant to have worked it out tbh! I loved that I had this read to keep me entertained in the lazy no days between Xmas and NY I really really enjoyed it!

With thanks to the author #heidiperks, #penguinbooks and @netgalley for allowing us to read this one!




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For the Last Time is an intriguing domestic thriller by Heidi Perks. I've read this author before and this one was one of her best. A great fun to read chilling mystery featuring dual POV. The end and reveal was shocking and I didn't see coming. Thank you to the author, publisher and Netgalley for an early copy of this book.

Would recommend

4 stars

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The pace of this thriller was quite slow, with plenty of time taken to build up the tension and develop the characters and the relationships between them. This wasn't a novel where a lot happens, it is more about the unravelling of secrets and memories. I enjoyed it and will be looking out for more of Heidi Perks's novels in the future.

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Another gripping psychological thriller from the excellent Heidi Perks. When a couple find that their marriage is in trouble, they start couples counselling. Counsellor Maggie isn't sure who to believe, And then the wife is the victim of a hit and run. The story is full of surprises, shocks, lies and revelations, not only in the life of the couple but in Maggie's life too. Very enjoyable.

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