Member Reviews

Gripping psychological thriller which switches between present day and the previous six months Erin and Will are happily married with a young daughter but suddenly little things about Will's behaviour start to scare Erin and put her on edge.

There's something about the way he touches her and the suspicious way her dog went missing, but even her best friend doesn't believe her and the overbearing mother in law doesn't help.

They decide to try seeing a couples counsellor and the story unfolds across dual timelines, following Erin and the counsellor as they each try to understand what is going on.

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Erin and Will are having problems in their marriage for the past six months. Erin doesn’t trust him and thinks he’s cheating on her, she has been having flashbacks and feels that she is in danger. They decide to have couples therapy as the “last resort”.
Maggie is their therapist; she cannot work out who is telling the truth and who isn’t, but she seems to have an agenda.
So much is in this book, I did have to stop and digest different parts, it was quite a dark read.
I liked Erin, but I didn’t particularly like Will, he seemed so shady like he was saying things to appease Erin rather than meaning them.
This book switches from the present where Erin has been the victim of a hit and run and is fighting for her life, to the past and leading up to that moment.
This kept my brain ticking throughout, an excellent psychological thriller, that was emotional and shocking.

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Who can you trust if not your... therapist?

This story basically counts down on the past 6 months of Erin and Maggie's lives once Erin enters Maggie's office with her husband, Will.

I loooove dual-POV, and this did not disappoint. When Erin's dog Coco goes missing, it set off a chain of events that would lead to her being in a hit and run accident... I had so many theories for this book, with the twists and turns, it was hard to pin one down!

The layers get peeled each chapter, but not without raising more questions as time passes. It contains a bit of 'he said, she said' when it comes to Will and Erin discussing their viewpoints, and I found myself believing Erin!

This is for sure a page turner, and you have to stick with it to the end. I promise it won't disappoint. The reveal at the end was nothing I expected, and I'll be reading more of Heidi's books!

Thank you NetGalley and Random House UK for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Can you really trust your therapist?

Erin’s and Will’s marriage is a disaster so they decide on therapy to resolve their issues but what would you do if your therapist had an ulterior motive?

I really enjoyed this book. It had so many twists and turns that I didn’t know what would happen next!

This kept my interest right until the end and I stayed up until the early hours as I had to know what happened!

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The storyline was original, the characters and their backstories were flawless, the back and forth timeline and POV style of storytelling were well executed and the writing was fantastic. The pacing was great and added to the suspense. You could really feel the storing building with urgency as it progressed, and I enjoyed how both timelines intersected at the end

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The last resort kept me guessing all the way through. Who was responsible for the hit and run? Who killed Lily? I honestly had no idea! The characters were well written and I loved how it flipped between characters and timelines!

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Excellent storyline, well plotted. A great past and present narrative that converge together slowly to reveal the mystery.

All through the story I was wondering what the link between Erin and Maggie was, apart from the fact that Maggie was Erin's counsellor. Many a time I did think I had it solved but as per usual I figured things out mere pages before the revelation itself.

Well done Heidi Perks another cracker of a book

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Firstly this is a very fast paced page turner that is hard to put down. This is the first book that I have read of this author. We follow Erin and Will who seem to be having marriage problems all of a sudden and their councillor Maggie who has a disturbing history of her own. Gradually we are involved in the mystery of the murder of Maggie’s sister twenty three years ago. I read a lot of psychological thrillers and I understand that there might be unrealistic situations just to keep the plot going. There are a lot of coincidences in this novel that are unbelievable. I struggled with the quick deterioration of Will and Erin’s marriage and the connection with the therapist. It was all a bit convenient. I though the ending was good and I didn’t guess the outcome .A mixed reaction from me .

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An enjoyable read following the progress or lack of, as Erin and Will have couples therapy after Erin starts to mistrust Will for no apparent reason. Maggie, their therapist appears to have an ulterior motive to finding out what happened in the past. Lots of unexpected twists and turns making it a good read.

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The Last Resort

I don’t recall reading one of Heidi Perks books before - though how that is possible I don’t know. This domestic thriller revolves around Erin - a married mother of a little girl who is involved in a hit and run accident that leaves her fighting for her life.
Erin is one of those characters I find myself swaying between understanding and wanting to shake. A series of events prior to the hit & run cause her to start to distrust her husband Will, a man she has never had cause to doubt. Then when her dog goes missing Erin wonders if she really knows her husband at all. Estranged from her family Erin only has her best friend Zoe and Will’s interfering mum for support. So they start some couple’s counselling to help Erin deal with the issues toward her husband.
I loved the style of this book. We go between 3 POV - detective Lindsey, Erin and her therapist Maggie. It’s really twisty, a great domestic thriller looking into family dynamics, therapy and how our past can shape us. I’ll be reading more of Heidi’s books in the future. Four stars.

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I usually love a Heidi Perks book!
I enjoyed this book, but got a little bit lost at times with the amount of characters, and what felt like erratic plot twists at times.

Overall i enjoyed reading, but definitely not my fav Perks read! Just OK!

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This is one for the slow burn, psychological thriller fans.

Erin and Will’s marriage is struggling and they seek out counselling to help them work through their problems. But does their therapist Maggie have their best interests at heart?

Told through multi perspectives and timelines, this book has some great twists and very atmospheric writing, slowly building the narrative to the epic conclusion.

This was 3.5 stars for me, rounded up to 4.

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I absolutely loved this book . It was full of mystery from start to finish with interesting characters . I loved they way the book travelled back and forward in the story to give it just the right amount of tension. I would highly recommend this book and give it 5 stars . Can’t wait for the next from this author

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Erin & Will Harding seemed a happy couple with a young child, so how did she end up with her life in the balance after a hit & run? Months earlier the cracks seemed to suddenly appear in their marriage. Erin suddenly became very mistrustful of Will, she was scared of him but this seemed to have come out of nowhere. The couple decide to go for couple's therapy in an attempt to save their marriage. Maggie Day has a good reputation & seems easy to talk to, but when Erin says something that resonates with events in Maggie's past it seems that her ethics go by the wayside as she tries to probe Erin's memories for answers.

This was a terrific read that kept me guessing. Thanks to Netgalley & the publisher for letting me read & review this book.

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Enjoyed this book having spent a few weeks in a reading slump - plenty of twists to stay guessing all through.
Easy timeline and characters to follow, definitely recommend.

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After Erin is involved in a hit and run, the book jumps back six months to the start of the chain of events that left her lying in the road. Six months ago, Will and Erin’s marriage starts to fall apart, after their family dog goes missing, everything in Erin’s life starts to unravel. As she begins doubting her husband’s character, motives, and honesty, they decide to start couple’s therapy to try save their marriage. Enter Maggie Day, as the therapist starts to delve into their lives, Erin unknowingly shares things that inextricably link their lives together.

As Maggie starts to push for answers, she drives Erin to the brink, and what follows is a plot full of twists and turns as long buried secrets are finally revealed.

It is a slow burn, but the final chapters are worth the wait.

Many thanks to NetGalley, Random House UK, Cornerstone and Penguin for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

3.5 stars, rounded up to 4.

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As always with this author a twisty, tense read. Erin begins to experience feelings that her husband Will is dangerous. These come seemingly from nowhere, beginning when Will fastens a new necklace on her on Valentines Day. Then her dog goes missing and Erin blames Will. They seek couples counselling from Maggie Day. Maggie's 14 year old sister was murdered 23 years previously. Maggie is consumed by the murder and her life is still affected by it. What is the connection? And do Erin's feelings towards Will have a basis in fact? What trauma is she repressing. There is of course, a twist at the end which I'm not sure I saw coming. An excellent read. #netgallet #thelastresort

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"I am questioning the man I love, and this in itself scares me. But now it has got its claws into me and it won't let go. Because if I pass it off, I find I'm left with a lingering uncertainty – a 'What if I am right'?"

When a woman is found badly injured by the side of the road after a hit-and-run accident, police are interested. What was she doing by herself in the early hours of the morning seemingly in the middle of nowhere? Who hit her and then failed to stop?

Rewind six months. Erin and Will have a happy marriage and a beautiful little girl. Until one day, when Will tries to give Erin a Valentine's gift she has an odd reaction – suddenly, she's slightly afraid of her husband for seemingly no reason. She doubts his motives: could he be behind her beloved dog's disappearance? Is she safe around him?

The two decide to go to couples therapy to try and resolve their issues, but it doesn't seem to help. Their therapist, Maggie, believes one or both of them are holding something back. Maggie herself has a dark past. Decades ago, her 14-year-old sister was murdered. She's never let that affect her professional life, not until Erin lets a detail slip that has Maggie questioning everything she thought about what happened to her sister.

This is definitely a one-sitting kind of domestic suspense novel although it wasn't as tense as I usually like books in this genre. I was keen to understand the deepening mystery of why Erin suddenly and increasingly didn't trust her very loving husband. I also thought the author was deft at misdirection: I believed one answer was true and turned out to be wrong. I did find the denouement a bit unbelievable – people just don't forgive each other as easily as that (or maybe I'm just someone who likes a grudge!).

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This was a bit too much of a slow burner for me. Also, struggled to get behind either of the main characters and started skimming just to get to the end and find out what was going on.

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I have enjoyed reading several books written b yHeidi Perks and this was no exception.
This was a pschological thriller told over 2 timelines. Just when I thought I had worked out who had killed Maggie's sister, another twist in the story meant I was wrong.
A heartbreaking story and a surprising ending.
I definitely recommend reading this book
Thank you to Netgalley, Heidi Perks and Random House UK, Cornerstone for this ARC I received in exchange for an honest review.

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