Member Reviews

I would like to thank the author, the publisher and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read an ARC of this book. I thoroughly enjoyed it, the characters were well drawn and it kept me guessing right up to the end. I would definitely recommend this book.

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I think I must've been reading a different book to all of the other reviewers. I unfortunately didn't find this fast paced or exciting at all. I found it very slow to being with and just a bit odd to be honest how a seemingly very much in love couple fell apart within 24hrs with the wife having flashbacks from her past coming from nowhere. I was unable to warm to any of the characters which is usually where I find biggest fault as I don't find that I'm routing or supporting anyone. They all treated each very disrespectfully and I didn't like how justice wasn't served. I certainly wouldn't expect my husband to behave that way if I was showing signs of a mental breakdown, no matter how much pressure he was under, he would never act that gas lighting way towards me.
I continued through as I was curious how the story would pan out and it did end with 1 final twist I didn't see coming, again, I found this quite sad and justice not served too so all in all I was left feeling a bit deflated at #TheLastResort 2.5 stars rounded to 3, thank you for the advanced copy #NetGalley

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I thought I had read this author’s work before but, having looked at her back catalogue, I obviously haven’t; that will be rectified. This latest psychological/domestic thriller is a standalone & an excellent read.

Erin & Will are married & have started couples therapy. Neither of them are sure why there are tensions in their marriage but it soon becomes clear to their therapist that Erin has suppressed memories. Maggie, the therapist, has her own demons to deal with relating to the murder of her younger sister some twenty years before.

Told from multiple POVs & timelines, this is a tension filled read; don’t be put off by the slow start. Recommended.

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The Last Resort is a great psychological thriller with a different theme.
Erin and Will are having problems, they’ve had a happy marriage for a few years but Erin is starting to think she doesn’t know her own husband. They start seeing Maggie a couples counsellor but after something Erin says it becomes apparent that the sessions are based around what Maggie wants to find out and not how to help Erin and Will as a couple. Maggie needs to find out who to trust and how she is going to do it. Then Erin is involved in a hit and run and the truth needs to be revealed sooner rather than later.
This was a really good read that after a slump got me back into it. I enjoyed the twists and then when I thought I’d got it……no I hadn’t. The storyline was original and one I enjoyed.
I would like to thank Netgalley and Random House UK, Cornerstone for this ARC I received in exchange for an honest review.

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If you want a highly entertaining, fast-paced, edge of your seat read with clues as rare as winning the lotto, Heidi Perks is always a safe bet!
This was another great read!!

A 34-year-old woman, Erin Harding, is found unconscious after a hit and run. Nobody knows how she got there and what happened to her.
Then the story jumps 6 months back and we meet a happily married Erin and her husband Will.
It is Valentine's Day but it is also the day that things start unraveling in this marriage with Erin suddenly getting premonitions of impending danger.
"There's a simmering deep in the pit of my stomach - that sensation you get when you think something bad is going to happen, only you don't know what."

What is real and what is not? Will their visits to Maggie Day, a couple's therapist, help their relationship or will it cause more confusion?
Some things are just too painful to remember.....

Thank you to Netgalley and Random House UK, Cornerstone for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion

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The Last Resort by Heidi Perks was a book that just kept me turning the pages and I could not turn then quick enough as it was so good, especially as it is about relationships and their secrets. From the outside Erin and Will has a perfect marriage but when it starts to fall apart they go and get help from a marriage therapist called Maggie. She tries to help them especially to open up to each other which will hopefully mend their relationship. However, Maggie becomes concerned when Erin mentions something connected to Maggie's past which has left Maggie disturbed and confused!

Why does Erin know anything about Maggie’s long-missing sister?

How is Erin connected to her?

Maggie has now become obsessed with what Erin has told her and is no longer interested in helping them!

Six months go by and Erin is involved in a hit and run accident, she is in critical condition and may not survive!

Was this a horrible accident or did someone purposefully hurt her?

WoW.....Pages turning but I can't read it quick enough!!! But, we all know secrets will come out in the end and it doesn't matter how hard you try to hide them.......they will pop up when you at least expect them!

This book was so good with brilliant twists and turns that will have you thrown about in your seat!! I loved it!

I highly recommend this book 5 star read!

Big thank you to Netgalley and Random House for my ARC IN exchange for a honest review.

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A cleverly written story telling of a couple who all of a sudden find their marriage disintegrating due to the wife and attend counselling to help them find a way back which has greater detriment to them than was expected. Set in two timelines with reference to the past as well, you are drawn into the story , not quite sure who to believe . Add to that an interfering mother in law ( and most of us will have had one of those!) and a best friend who finds her pal isn't who she thought she was, and we have a gripping tale of love and loss.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC to review

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A gripping read. I found this book very hard to put down when I started it, full of twists and turns that keep you hooked from the very first page.

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Heidi Perks is so good at bringing you into the story and keeping you hooked until the end, I have enjoyed very book I have read by her,

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The Last Resort is a fantastic read. It really got me hooked from start to finish. I loved all the twists and turns and the extremely shocking ending.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my ARC.

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An excellent physiological thriller. A cast of characters that you find yourself shouting at in your head, a twisty turny plot that keeps you guessing and a true case of “Physician, heal thyself”

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I’ve never read anything by this Author before. The blurb sounded good so I thought I’d give it a go.

It had a great storyline which kept me turning the pages to find out what was going to happen next. I wasn’t keen on some of the characters though, but my thoughts of these characters had changed by the ending. I really enjoyed reading this and I will definitely be reading more of this Author’s writing.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this ebook in exchange for my honest review.

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This is a fantastic, nail biting book that keeps you guessing right up until the last few pages. This is my favourite book by this author.

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I was never sure where this one was going, but the end was worth waiting for!

Erin and Will had a happy marriage - until they didn't, and Will doesn't know why. Come to that, Erin's not sure either. Seeking couples counselling in order to save their marriage, they become clients of Maggie Day and even she struggles to work out whose truth is the real one . . .

I've read a few books by this author before and really enjoyed them which drew me to this but I admit to struggling a bit. However, it's well worth sticking with! There is a lot going on and I thought I had it all worked out; in fact, I was busy patting myself on the back for doing so when I realised that I had got it wrong (again). I do love a book which ticks all the boxes and leaves no unanwered questions, and this one does just that. A terrific thriller and, for me, 4.5*.

My thanks to the publisher for my copy via NetGalley; this is - as always - my honest, original and unbiased review.

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‘Therapy was meant to save them - what if it kills them?’ - cover tag line.

My thanks to Random House U.K. Cornerstone for an eARC via NetGalley of ‘The Last Resort’ by Heidi Perks.

Her latest domestic noir opens at an emergency department as 34-year-old Erin Harding is brought in following a hit-and-run accident. She was found on the roadside by Harberry Woods just after midnight. What was she doing there on foot at that time of night? Will she ever regain consciousness?

Five months ago Erin and her husband, Will, began couples therapy hoping to fix the rift that had appeared out of nowhere in their marriage. Their therapist is Maggie Day, who finds their case intriguing especially as Erin seems to have suppressed memories.

Maggie herself is haunted by the murder of her younger sister, Lily. The man who had been convicted of the crime has been in prison for the last twenty-three years and is up for parole. He asks to meet with Maggie and claims that he is innocent. This causes Maggie a great deal of stress.

As with many thrillers of this type, the story moves between various characters’ viewpoints as well as the past and present.

As with other novels by Heidi Perks I was quickly caught up in the lives of her characters. Once started it was difficult to put down and I finished it in a day.

Overall, I found ‘The Last Resort’ a slow burn domestic noir containing a number of satisfying twists.

3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

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A brilliant thriller that keeps you turning the pages until the shocking ending. Tense and keeps you guessing. Really enjoyed it!

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I was excited to read the latest book by Heidi Perks and this one didn't let me down. It starts with Erin in a coma, a victim of a hit and run car accident. Then it goes back to the 6 months leading up to the accident, told by various people. Lots of twists and a plausible story and characters. Satisfying ending.

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The last resort by Heidi Perks.
Two people.
Two sides of the story.
Whose do you trust?
This was a really good read. Twisty and gripping. I couldn't put it down. The story is told across multiple timelines; the present day and from six months ago, working up to the present day. I had no clue who to believe. 4*.

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This was such an enjoyable read, I’ve heard others describe it as a slow burn, but I thought that it built up really well & the way that it was written kept me guessing throughout the entire book. Whilst the revealing of the actual suspect was itself a slow burner, there was so much else going on with the characters that it kept the pace going really nicely.

I suspected Literally almost every single character involved in this book however, I never suspected a character who ended up being. Towards the end, the suspect was revealed in a twist, however, there was another twist, which was completely unexpected, but worked so well, and had me even more shocked than I was before.

I found this book to be quite fast paced, I’d say between medium and fast. It kept me gripped and I didn’t feel bored at any point whilst reading it.
The chapter lengths for longer than what I’m used to, and I struggle to keep focused on the chapters are relatively short. But the book was so gripping, but I managed to keep my focus!

This is only the second book I’ve read by this author, I’m really looking forward to reading more by her!

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I have loved every one of Heidi Perks' previous novels, and The Last Resort is definitely up there with my favourites. The story starts with Erin, who is married to Will, and feeling that something is not quire right. Is it paranoia, as Will insists, or something more sinister?

Erin and Will seek help from counsellor Maggie, who has her own issues to deal with. Maggie's younger sister was murdered many years ago and the alleged killer has reached out to Maggie, wanting to speak to her.

The wonderful thing about Heidi Perks novel is that you're merrily reading away on one path, making your mind up about the different characters, and then bam, there's a massive twist that makes you question everything.

The Last Resort is one of those books that really keeps you hooked, and you'll find yourself thinking about it at random points during the day.

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