Member Reviews

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

The Last Resort by Heidi Parks is a multi person two timeline psychological thriller that connects a hit and run, a missing dog, a couple going to marriage concealing and the death of a teenage girl a few years ago when her parents were away and she was being looked after by her older sister.

The Last resort by Heidi Parks, was for this reviewer was a pager turner of a psychological thriller, that had me gripped from the beginning when a nurse takes a call about a road traffic accident coming to the Hospital Emergency Room.

This leads the reader into a psychological thriller that had twists and turns all the way through, the novel as the two timeline story which may turn some readers off but Heidi Parks does use this technique in such a way that it enhances the plot rather than take readers out of the story.

If this was how the story was written with just the story switching from one timeline to the other then There would be no problem recommending this The Last Resort to any psychological thriller reader.

The only problem is that the way the book is written is not only having two timelines it has multiple perspectives as well which means for some readers including myself at times it feels difficult to keep up with whose or what timeline the narrative is in at the moment.

This had further difficulties when you had that there are two characters in the novel with similar names Maggie, and Margate (did not no this was a last name myself), however this could have been just me,

Having said that as the novel got further on it was also easier to track where the narrative was in the story.

In addition the way in which Heidi Parks brought all the different plot lines of the story together and had the odd red herring in their made The Last Resort a Psychological thriller a must read for readers who can handle a two timeline as well as a multi perspective novel.

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A tense, though somewhat erratic thriller in which the unravelling marriage of one couple, and the unresolved trauma of their therapist's sister intertwines, leading to deadly consequences. There were people who made some very questionable decisions at various points, but perhaps I'm being too harsh. The murderer wasn't hard to guess, so that wasn't a great surprise.

(Review copy from NetGalley)

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This book started off well and had me hooked however I felt it went off the boil towards the latter half of the book and the pace seemed to slow considerably. The two main characters were not that likeable and I found the ending slightly disappointing. Sorry but this book wasn’t for me. Thank you to NetGalley, Random House UK Cornerstone and the author for the chance to review.

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I enjoyed this book, I would look for reasons to go to bed just that little bit earlier so that I could read for a little longer. There was plenty of suspense in the pages of this book, the twists and turns kept me guessing right to the end. It was satisfying to see the story unfold through different characters and the multiple timelines made for an engrossing read. I could not figure out who to trust.

I would wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good thriller.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for an advance copy of this book in exchange for this review.

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Although I don't always get on with slower-paced domestic thrillers, I always find Heidi Perks's books so engaging. From the very start, The Last Resort had me fully invested with an interesting twist early on and strong characters who I was eager to peel back the layers of.

Told through two timelines, one before Erin's accident and one after, as well as through different characters, the narrative is a little complex but I liked getting snippets of information from all these different angles and slowly bringing them together.

I found it a little repetitive at times, so it could certainly have been condensed ever so slightly. But Perks takes you on a real twisty journey of lies, repressed memories, and dark pasts. I did kind of guess who was behind everything, but I had a lot of theories so my prediction changed frequently throughout.

Overall, this one was a thoroughly entertaining read, and a great thriller for anyone who enjoys slow-burning twists.

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This is a cunning weaving of stories. With a number of narrators and splitting between the present day and the past, the author leaves you trusting no one. A tense and clever thriller following a client and her therapist who both have secrets.

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This book is not for me. It swaps to and from different times, and from different characters' points of view. Quite a bit of repetition.

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I thought this was an interesting read with twists and turns as to who is telling the truth and we know who is lying. I didn't expect the ending to unfold as it did, which makes it a good read.

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This book was an incredible read which had me confused all the way about which of the narrators I could believe in which resulted in a jaw dropping moment towards the end as the truths start coming out!
The story is told to us by a few of the characters, mostly Erin and Maggie, over a few weeks in a then and now style where each chapter started by telling us who would be 'speaking' and when the events happened.
This is quite a difficult book to discuss without saying something that could be a spoiler due to the way the story weaves around itself in the telling and the reveals. The writing is just astounding, how the author wound this story without giving anything away that they didn't want us to know is an incredible talent.

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I've read some brilliant psychological thrillers and this one is no exception.

I was immediately drawn into the story. It begins on Valentine's Day when Erin's husband, Will, surprises her with a necklace. As he tries to put it on Erin shrinks away in fear. Why is she afraid of her husband? When the family dog vanishes Erin blames Will. Mistrust grows and their marriage starts to break down Erin and Will seek counselling but what is the link between them and therapist Maggie? Can Erin trust Will or is she delusional? Why is Maggie so interested in Erin's life and how is this linked to the murder of her sister years ago?

I loved the slow reveal as this story progressed and we are drawn deeper into these characters lives. I loved reading from the perspectives of Erin and Maggie and found this an unpredictable, twisty read. I really didn't know who to believe!! This was a brilliantly plotted thriller which I couldn't put down. I'm excited to read more books by this author!

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A slow burner with lots of twists and turns and untrustworthy characters. Highly recommended.

My thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.

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Erin and will have the perfect marriage, until suddenly out of the blue everything starts to go pear shaped, Erin cannot bare for her husband to touch her, she no longer trusts him and begins to accuse him of things he hasn’t done.

Erin and will decide to see a marriage counsellor Maggie to help them them with their problems. Maggie does her best to try and help Erin and will but little progress is being made, will starts to believe this is a waste of his time and together him and Erin decide to knock the counselling on the head.

However Maggie doesn’t want to give up on Erin just yet, in one of their sessions Erin mentions something related to Maggies past, something about her sister that she cannot let go of. Maggie will break all the rules for her sister and starts to meet with Erin on a one to one basis to get all the information out of Erin regarding her sister.

This book is told over a period of a few months and Lugers between a then and now. In the now chapters we see Erin has been involved in a hit and run. The police are trying to determine whether it is an accident or an attempted murder.

With so many secrets, twists and lies going on in this book anyone could be responsible for hitting Erin. And will Maggie be able to get the answers she so desperately needs out of Erin.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for an advance copy of this book in exchange for this review. For anyone looking for a good thriller with lots of twists, turns, secrets and lies then this is the book for you.

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Its always a guilty pleasure to eavesdrop on what's going on in other people's marriages, so the set up of therapy sessions for Erin and Will to try and fix a sudden glitch in their previously happy relationship was a perfect opportunity to find out more.

On an otherwise normal Valentines Day morning, Erin suddenly can't stand Will being near her or touching her. When he manages to lose her beloved dog later on the same day, suddenly all of the trust that she had in him previously is under question. Their marriage becomes more strained each day, as she constantly questions him. Will says that he doesn't know anything about it, and that's it was a terrible accident, but where have Erin's fears come from?

The story is told in multiple voices and across different time lines, so it both builds up the picture and muddies the waters perfectly. There are families and friendships on both sides of the marriage who all have their opinions.
And then of course there's therapist Maggie, who is there to listen to everyone without judgement or intervention.

I had no idea where the story was going to take me, and thoroughly enjoyed every twist and turn in the tale.

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The Last Resort 🖊️

By Heidi Perks


I got this book as an ARC through @netgalley so thanks to them! - it’s out in December if you want to grab a copy!

Erin can’t seem to trust her husband Will, she has no idea why, so they decide to start therapy to get to the bottom of things as they turn decidedly strange.

Their therapist Maggie is trying to work them out, while dealing with her own issues.. her sister who was murdered years ago.

Then Erin is victim of a hit and run.. so many coincidences, what’s going on? How are Will, Erin and Maggie connected?

Honestly I flew through this, nice little drama/thriller, the writing is so smooth, it just flows and kept me hooked. Ending was a mystery so that’s awesome.

A solid 3/5 for me!

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A very enjoyable read which I looked forward to getting back to each evening! Lots of suspense that left me guessing all the way through. Would recommend this to all thriller lovers! The only reason I didn't give 5 stars is because the ending felt a bit rushed but all in all a great read - thanks for the opportunity.

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This is my 2nd book I have had the pleasure to review of Heidi's. You are guaranteed a good plot, twists, turns and an unpredictable ending. Fabulous! If you love psychological thrillers, this author is the one for you.
The plot begins with a hit and run involving Erin. Why was Erin there at that time, in that place, on her own?
On the outside, Will and Erin were a 'perfect couple' although things were not that perfect, she had confided in her best freind. Her best freind had taken Will's side which had upset Erin.
Erin had been left mortified after Will had taken her beloved dog a walk and lost her, who loses a dog? She treated the dog like a child, this exacerbated the problems within their marriage.
They agreed to try couples therapy to help rescue their relationship. The therapist, Maggie also had issues herself and the plot thickens.....she gets kidnapped!
So there is kidnapping, Erin is seriously ill in hospital and lots of twists and turns. This book had me gripped from the start! If you want a good read, grab a copy.
Thanks to Netgalley and Random House Uk, Cornerstone for a copy in return for an Honest review.

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Erin and Will have the perfect, happy marriage - until suddenly they don't. Erin suddenly doesn't trust Will and everything falls apart. They agree to see a therapist and things start to fall apart even more. With an interfering mother-in-law, a best friend who can't support her, life spirals for Erin. The atmosphere is tense and the story spirals. A real page turner.
Many thanks to Netgalley/Heidi Perks/Random House UK for a digital copy of this title. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This is a dark and compelling psychological thriller which centres around a married couple, Erin and Will, who start couples therapy when Erin suddenly develops a paranoid distrust of her husband, triggered by him placing a necklace around her neck. This is followed by the mysterious disappearance of the family dog and a hit and run, which leaves Erin in a critical condition. Their therapist, Maggie, appears to have her own agenda and is seemingly abandoning her own code of ethics in trying to get to the root of what is going on. Memories of past traumas and clues relating to a historical unsolved murder emerge as the layers are revealed. This is a clever and well-plotted story which leaves the reader both in the dark and not knowing who to trust.

Thanks to the author, the publisher and to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this novel prior to publication.

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Erin and husband Will start couples therapy after their marriage starts to break down. Erin believes Will is essentially gas lighting her but Will denies this. They start seeing therapist Maggie, who isn’t sure who to believe. Following this, Erin is rushed to hospital following a hit and run accident.

2023 seems to be the year of therapy thrillers for me! I love Heidi Perks and this was another great book from her!

I binged it really quickly. Despite the multiple time lines and POVs, it was really easy to follow too! I did guess the ending and I did find it was a little rushed though!

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Erin and Will Harding seem to be the perfect couple. Happily married, living in a beautiful house with their daughter Sadie and their dog Coco.

On Valentines Day, Will gifts Erin a necklace, but Erin flinched when Will touched her neck. She suddenly feels incredible uncomfortable in the presence of her husband. Things go from bad to worse when Erin's beloved dog Coco goes missing, and Erin blames her husband. Her mistrust leads to the decision to start couple counselling.

They reach out to Maggie Day, but she can't work out whose version of truth she can trust.

Then Erin is brought into the hospital in a critical condition following a hit-and-run accident. Now, everyone is desperate to unravel the truth.

I was very excited to be able to read Heidi's six novel, and the Last Resort didn't disappoint.

I flew through the book. I wanted to find out why the therapist Maggie Day was so invested in Erin's life. She definitely had her own reasons to unravel the story.

The Last Resort is told in several POV and two different timelines. Cleverly done to reach the conclusion of what really happened.

This is a gripping, fast-paced story filled with suspense. A real page turner.

Many thanks to @Netgalleyuk, @penguinukbooks, and @heidiperks_author for the chance to read the ARC.

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