Member Reviews

With Heidi Perks you know you are in for a real treat. Murder, intrigue, plot twists, amazing characters and a well crafted story, and this was no exception. I LOVED it - it just took me time to get over my book hangover to write a review.

Erin and Will were the perfect couple, and so happy in their marriage. Then Erin's beloved dog goes missing whilst Will is supposed to be looking after it. This is not long after Will buying her a necklace and when he tries to put it on her she has a real feeling of dread. Erin's best friend has taken Will's side and she feels like she has no one to turn to. This is the start of the end for Erin and Will, and they decide to go to couples therapy with Maggie Day, who is herself in therapy.

When Erin is hit by a bit and run driver, and is critically ill in hospital, and Maggie has disappeared, the hunt is on to find out what happened to Maggie and who hit Erin, as it is looking a lot like murder.

A totally amazing book that will put you through the wringer, but you won't be able to put down.

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I’ve not read anything written by Heidi Perks before, I am pleased that has now changed, if all her books are as good as this one then I am excited to read more from her.

Will believed his marriage to Erin was pretty perfect, they had a lovely home with their perfect daughter, Sadie and their family dog Coco, until one Valentine’s Day everything comes crashing down when he goes to put on a necklace he bought Erin as a Valentine’s gift and she panics. This starts a chain of events where Will and Erin’s marriage starts to unravel. Erin begins to act irrationally and on the surface looks to be losing her mind. They both agree to couples counselling, where they meet Maggie. With a therapist who has such a sad and dark past is she really the right person to save Will and Erin or will this lady be the final straw to end a doomed marriage?

I found this book to be very well written, the characters were well articulated and I felt I could see them walking around as I turned each page. I genuinely didn’t know which way the writer was going to take us.
The story is written from the perspective of Erin and Maggie, in the now and multiple times in the past 2 months. Each chapter highlights who and which time we are in so I found it very easy to stay with the time we are in.

I never wanted to put this book down, I read late in to the night on multiple occasions, I enjoyed The Last Resort so much that I even found myself reading at my desk on my lunch break. So yes I would, and have already, recommended this book.

Thank you NetGalley for the advanced reading copy and introducing me to another writer.

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I always look forward to the latest Heidi Perks but this seemed to miss the mark a little. I would recommend it but not quite up to her usual standard.

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The first time I have read this Author but I enjoyed the style of writing. A solid four star read. Great premise. Good characters. Page turner. Plenty of suspense to keep me guessing Would definitely read the next novel. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to review it.

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Many thanks to NetGalley, Random House and Heidi Perks for my ARC of 'The Last Resort' in return for an honest review.

As a fan of Heidi Perks I was delighted to receive my copy and it did not disappoint.

Erin and Will are in couples therapy with Maggie in the hope that they can fix the rift that has appeared in their marriage. Then Erin is involved in a hit and run and ends up in hospital.

Another twisty tale.


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Will and Erin start seeing therapist Maggie, to try and repair their broken marriage. As Maggie tries to get to the bottom of their problems she can not work out who to trust. Erin is then involved in a hit and run where it is a race against time to work out the truth.

I’ve read most other books by this author and have really enjoyed them. I always know I am in for a great story with plenty of mystery. The Last Resort is a well written, clever story so keeps up the tally of good books by Heidi Perks. However saying this, it was not one of my favourites of hers. I found that although the characters were well written, I didn’t fully invest in them and did not love the conclusion. Overall though it was definitely an intriguing read, great for those who love domestic thrillers and written in different timeframes. 3.5 stars. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this copy in return for an honest review.

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I enjoyed the 'WHO DID IT' theme in this book. Had to sometimes reread certain parts as the different opinions, experiences, memories and beliefs as seen through each of the main characters at different times, could be a little confusing. This didn't take away from the enjoyment of the book, just extended my reading time. Would recommend

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Will and Erin are happily married until Valentines Day when Will tries to put a necklace around Erin's neck. She suddenly feels in danger. Things start to spiral, so they see Maggie, who is a therapist. It's not helping, and Erin keeps getting flashbacks.
She thinks her husband is dangerous, but he says she is making it up. Maggie doesn't know who to believe.
Then Erin is in a hit and run. What was she doing in the woods late at night?
This is told from multiple pov leading up to the hit and run.
This is an absolutely terrific read. I could not put it down until I found out what had happened and how it all linked together.
A very much he said/she said, I didn't know who to believe.
I did guess some of it, but it's cleverly written and a great twist at the end.
Highly recommend.
Thanks to Netgalley and Random House, uk for the ARC in return for an honest review.

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The first Heidi Perks that I’ve read.
This thriller is based on a couple who out of the blue and without explanation, started having marital problems after the family dog went missing. They started to visit a couples therapist who for no obvious reason was paranoid of why she in particular was sought out and that one of them was lying.
It’s a bit twisty with turns that keep you wanting to read and came together well at the end. There were a few red herrings or just some ends left unexplained.
Chapters focus on particular characters and go backwards and forwards to explain the story.
With thanks to #NetGalley, Randomhouse and Cornerstone UK for this preview read.

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One of Heidi Perks better books (they can be a bit bit and miss for me) and one I really enjoyed! The relationship between the main characters kept the tension high as we watch a husband and wife fight to save their marriage and the therapist who is trying to get to the bottom of their marital problems. I felt as much in the dark as they did as the twists slowly trickled through the narrative until the final shocking reveal.
Well written and completely engaging and entertaining. I just wish I knew where the dog had been!!!

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I usually love this authors books and the premise sounded good,I am not sure why it and me just didn’t ‘get on’ but did finish it and the writing was good but just felt uninvested in the main characters and what was happening,I do though look forward to the authors next book

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Couldn't get into this one but I love the premise. I might try it again at another time. Perhaps I will buy the paperback when it's out!

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For me this was just an ok read I think it was just a bit too slow for me although the ending was good and unexpected

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A good page turner. this book kept me engaged throughout and it was interesting to view the proceedings from different prospectives and the changes between now and then really helped to move the story along.
At first you wondered where Erin was heading with her accusations as they seemed to come out of the blue but as the story progressed and the details of the last three months was revealed then it all began to make more sense.
Various twists and turns and the author keeps the reader guessing right to the end but thankfully then leaves all loose ends covered.
I enjoyed it.

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Erin Harding had a good life, happy with husband Will and daughter Sadie. Six months later she’s involved in a hit and run.

I do love a Heidi Perks book. This is quite possibly the best yet and I’ve read many books by this author. This is a book that pulls you in from the first page and keeps you hooked until the very last page.

There are many layers to this one and the pieces come together perfectly. There is tension and suspense, with enough secrets to really keep you guessing about who to trust and what to believe.

The multiple perspectives give a great insight into the different events and characters that fill the pages. This is a gem, I definitely didn’t predict the way this was going to play out.

Perks is able to fully hook the reader, the writing pulls you in and keeps you hooked from the beginning. This is a book that plays out as if you are watching it play out ahead of you.

I loved everything about this book from beginning to end. This is one I have no hesitation in recommending.

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I have read and enjoyed others by this author but I lost interest about halfway through thus one. The couple seeks marriage cou selling but their therapist behaves unprofessionally and it doesn't fit with her character. The end was fairly predictable however getting there seemed like an endless plod.

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A couple with a secret go to therapy. There's a hit and run and the wife is injured. I found this a little too jumpy from one bit to the next and found it difficult to really engage in the story.

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The Last Resort is the latest suspense filled offering by Heidi Perks.

I was so excited to read this after thoroughly enjoying everything she’s written before. This book follows Will and Erin, who seemingly have the perfect marriage and enjoying family life with their beloved daughter Sadie.

However, Erin soon starts to doubt her husband and feels increasingly uneasy with him. They agree to couples therapy with Maggie and their lives unravel.

At the start, we learn Erin has been left for dead after a hit and run but who did it? Told from a multi POV and shifting timeline, the reader slowly learns of a teenager’s death, a daughter estranged from her family, an overpowering mother-in-law and a grieving sister.

This should have been a gripping read as it’s right up my street but although I enjoyed it, there was something missing. It might have been the best friend element- I felt that Zoe was introduced but not explored. Or possibly the relationship between Erin and her mum which I wanted to know more about. I know I’m being picky but I get invested into every character I read and there were a few questions left at the end of reading…

However, a fabulous author, great plot and I’d recommend. Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review

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It took me a while to get into this book. I wasn't sure who to believe or where the plot was heading. The further I got into it though, the more I had to stop myself from reading the final chapter to see what the end result was. This meant I just had to keep reading. The plot also pulled together the strings of the past affecting the present ( no spoilers)

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A couple find that that their marriage is in trouble and attempt to resolve the issues through counselling. The plot tends to jump back and forth which was frustrating. There were some twists and turns but I could not wait to finish the book and move on to something more engaging. Sadly not the authors best book. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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