Member Reviews

When cracks begin to appear in Erin and Will’s marriage they decide to go for couples counselling with Maggie but from the start it is clear that at least one of them is deceiving the others? Why is Erin suddenly scared of Will and who killed Maggie’s sister.?

This is a fast-paced thriller with characters that you can relate to. A great read

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance reading copy of this book with no obligation to review.

When I started this book i thought I had read it before but no, it was just that it is another book about a woman who begins to suspect that her husband has a dark secret etc.

Having said that, it's not a bad example of the genre. Erin is quite an appealing character, Maggie is interesting and Will is possibly a bit of a shady customer. I thought the situations and relationships (especially that of Erin and her mother in law) were believable, the dialogue is authentic and nothing is too far fetched.

It's a quick read and it's a page turner. The ending is a bit of a cheat I think and the mystery of Coco's whereabouts for the 2 months was not satisfactorily resolved. I don't see why it is called The Last Resort though.

Quite a good, quick read though. 3.5.

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Erin and Will were so happy, then everything started to go wrong and nobody knew why, so they signed up to couples therapy with therapist Maggie Day but, with not knowing whose side of the story to believe and also having problems of her own, Maggie doesn't know what she can do to help them, but something is getting her more involved than she should and she wants to work out what the connection is. Then Erin is involved in a hit and run and is in a critical condition, but was it just a tragic accident or did someone set out to intentionally hurt her?

The Last Resort is the latest domestic thriller by Perks and begins in the present day with Erin in hospital after being involved in a hit and run, the story then alternates between now and the six months leading up to the accident, told from the perspectives of Erin and Maggie where Erin and Will's marriage has hit the rocks seemingly for no apparent reason except she doesn't feel she can trust him anymore and can't pinpoint why, this is when Maggie is appointed as their therapist to try and get them back on track. This is a fast paced read with lots of unexpected twists along the way, which kept me on the edge of my seat, second guessing throughout and I read it in a matter of hours. It's an intriguing story full of secrets and lies and I didn't know who to trust at all. Another great read from this author which I recommend.

I'd like to thank Random House UK, Cornerstone and Netgalley for the approval, I will post my review on Goodreads now and Amazon on publication day.

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I liked this book. It was a good read and kept me interested. Thank you to the writer, publisher and NetGalley for letting me review this book

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I’d like to thank Random House UK, Cornerstone and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘The Last Resort’ written by Heidi Perks in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

Erin and Will’s marriage is suffering with Erin starting to distrust and even fear this man who she was totally in love with when they married. In need of help they start visiting couples’ therapist Maggie Day but despite listening to both sides Maggie can’t decide who to believe. Something Erin tells her makes Maggie wonder if she knows information about her sister Lily who was murdered twenty-three years ago that wasn’t made public at the time but she has to wait to find out more as Erin is rushed into hospital after being left on the road by a hit-and-run driver.

Heidi Perks is one of my favourite authors and there isn’t much she writes that I don’t enjoy so I’ve been looking forward to reading ‘The Last Resort’. I can honestly say it’s a brilliant thriller and one of her best with its involving plot and characters that are so believable it’s impossible to decide which of them is telling the truth. From page one I’ve been caught up in the tension and unable to stop reading in case the next twist gives me a clue. This is an exceptionally well-written thriller with a story that moves from the present time to six months previously, and I’ve been so hooked that I’ve finished it in twenty-four hours. I have no hesitation in recommending it to all readers who enjoy a thoroughly absorbing thriller.

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I've enjoyed Heidi Perks books in the past and started this one in the same frame of mind however it didn't grip me in the same way. It seemed a bit disjointed to me. We start with the story of Erin and Will then along comes Maggie the counsellor they see for their suddenly deteriorating marriage. Maggie has her own agenda and goes all out manipulating her client to achieve it! She really puts you off counselling! We also have a manipulative mother in law with her own agenda and several very disturbing minor (or are they) characters. Then there's Coco the disappearing dog. I didn't get that at all. The book is redeemed by a few good twists at the end but I was glad it wasn't my first by this author.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy. All opinions are my own.

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A bit slow in the beginning for me, a marriage in trouble or is it? A counsellor with her own agenda, who do you believe? Saying that the pace picked up and I couldn’t read it fast enough. Full of twists and turns with a great ending. Would thoroughly recommend.

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Another great read from Heidi Parks .Fast paced, told in different timelines a really gripping story ,who is telling the truth ?This book is an exciting page turner with some great twists altogether an enjoyable thriller .Thank you to NetGalley for my ARC

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An enjoyable read and an interesting topic of traumatic memories being suppressed. I enjoyed the multiple points of view and overall found it a satisfactory ending. My only gripe was that the dog’s disappearance and reappearance wasn’t really explained and I found that a bit confusing- maybe I missed something? Recommended.

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I was hooked from the first paragraph!
This book certainly kept me guessing who could have murdered Maggie’s sister Lily. Which one is guilty? Which one of them is insane and which one is innocent?
Such good and unexpected twists at the end.

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I absolutely loved this book, couldn't put it down and for me, was fast paced. Erin and Will have such a rocky relationship at the beginning, and I had many thoughts about Will. We watch it unfold and what happens in their marriage and I loved the character development throughout between these two. Erin, had my heart. I felt so bad for her and wanted answers for her.

Maggie was a mixed character for me, at times I really liked her. Then other times I wasn't sure what to think. But throughout, I felt sorry for her and wanted answers for her also regarding her sister.

Then the twist came along and boy I did NOT see that coming! I had tried and tried to guess throughout, but nope. I had no idea. It was brilliant. I don't want to say too much, but regarding Erin at the end and how that unfolds with the memories.. Wow.

Such a brilliant book and I will definitely be rereading with a different perspective! My only question is - what actually happened with the dog?? 🫤

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A lot of books usually either have a super good beginning or an amazing end. It's pretty rare for me to find one that has both but this defiantly had such a great beginning and all the way through pace that kept me wanting to keep reading like crazy and it also had an unforgettable ending.

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Erin and Will seem to have the perfect marriage, but suddenly they’re in crisis and decide to see a counsellor. Things get worse rather than better and Will and Erin are telling the counsellor conflicting things, who’s telling the truth?

I got into the story quite quickly and it held my interest. I found it an easy read with a few twists to keep you guessing. I thought I had it all sussed out, but I was wrong! I didn’t particularly like any of the characters, apart from the dog. 😂 I felt the characters were a bit cliche at times, the overbearing mother in law, the best friend who hasn’t been in touch so much, the attractive teacher and suspicions of an affair.

I felt some parts were a little far fetched, what on earth happened with the dog?! For such an important part of the story it didn’t seem to be explained very satisfactorily. I also thought it was maybe a bit of a stretch that they started seeing that particular counsellor who would be so connected to Erin’s past.

The cover is OK but doesn’t stand out compared to other books of the same genre, and I don’t think I would pick it up based on the cover alone.

Overall, I quite enjoyed this book and it was a quick read. A little far fetched at times with meh characters but still worth a read. Publishing on 7th December 2023. Thanks to Penguin Random House UK, Cornerstone, and NetGalley for my advance copy in exchange for a review.

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Erin loves her Husband Will but on valentines day when he attempts to put the necklace he's bought her around her neck she is suddenly and inexplicably repulsed by him. And when her beloved dog Coco goes missing she distrusts him even more. Deciding to seek help they meet Maggie Day, a therapist, to discuss their issues. Maggie has her own problems to deal with, namely the loss of her sister and the estrangement from her mum. Erin is then involved in a hit and run accident so the events of the last few months really come into play with everyone wondering who can be trusted.
This novel was a quick read as I couldn't put it down, all the characters were complex and I wondered many a time which of them was telling the truth. It's a gripping read.

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Murder and intrigue in this story told over different timelines. Atmospheric and moving.Erin and Will eventually decide to have counselling sessions to try and save their marriage, but all is not as it seems- certainly didn’t foresee the way the story ends.

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An okay read for me, not one of my favourite Heidi Perks novels. Slow to get going but the ending makes up for that. I had to really concentrate at the beginning as the story jumped from time to time with three different sides of the story being told.
Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read and share this book.

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A couples' marriage is in trouble and they decided to have counselling -but things aren't what they seem. The story does jump backwards and forwards, which made total sense to me, so long as I concentrated on who and when. Plenty of twists, which keep you wondering and then surprise you. Not the most engrossing book for me, but a good read.

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This just did not float my boat and I was really looking forward to it after seeing reviews and reading the synopsis. I just found it a bit dull to be honest and I ended up skim reading it. Thanks to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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The Last Resort tells the story of Erin and Will who start couples therapy with therapist Maggie when their seemingly perfect marriage starts to break down. Erin is convinced that Will is dangerous and Will is convinced Erin is going crazy – but which story should Maggie trust?

The book alternates perspectives between Erin and therapist Maggie which works well to keep the pace high and drip-feed information to the reader. These two perspectives are in flashback as both characters are unavailable to speak to in the present narrative. Instead, the present day is narrated by the police team who are also trying to work out who to trust. The fact that we know some of how the story ends - with a trip to the hospital and one character missing, really amps up the stakes.

I found myself sympathising with Erin and really feel that her husband should have been a little more understanding of her out of character outbursts. I think the lack of communication felt more like a plot device than a portrayal of a realistic marriage. I also found myself not really liking Maggie and found some of her behaviour, particularly towards the end of the book to be over the top and a little ridiculous.

The book did keep me gripped though and I flew through the pages to find out what had happened to the characters. I did not expect the ending, although I thought that one particular character felt a little shoe-horned into the plot to make the ending work. I also think this book has the wrong title – I’m not sure what ‘The Last Resort’ refers to and it makes it harder to recommend the book as I keep forgetting what it’s called!

Overall, The Last Resort is a gripping read, although it doesn’t feel realistic in places. Thank you to Netgalley & Random House UK - Cornerstone for the chance to read the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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"The Last Resort" by Heidi Perks is a gripping thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. Without giving away any spoilers, I can tell you that the story revolves around a couple, Erin and Will, who find themselves in a marriage on the brink. When they decide to seek couples therapy with Maggie, their therapist, the narrative takes off into a world of uncertainty and doubt.

The story is told from multiple perspectives and different timelines, which adds layers of complexity to the narrative. It keeps you guessing, and I couldn't help but wonder who was telling the truth. The twists and red herrings in the plot are masterfully done, making it a true page-turner.

What I particularly loved about "The Last Resort" was the depth of character development. Erin's vulnerability and Will's denial felt incredibly real, making it easy to get emotionally invested. The uncertainty surrounding their relationship keeps you guessing, and Maggie's complex character adds an extra layer of intrigue.

The story's pacing is expertly done, with well-placed hints and twists that will keep you turning the pages late into the night. The ending will leave you eagerly waiting for more. It's a cliffhanger that's both frustrating and tantalizing.

In a nutshell, "The Last Resort" is a must-read for fans of domestic dramas and psychological thrillers. I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys a story that keeps you guessing and challenges your perception of reality. If you're a fan of authors like Clare Mackintosh or Lisa Jewell, this book is right up your alley. Heidi Perks has crafted a compelling book that will leave you craving more. It's a five-star read that I can't recommend highly enough.

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