Member Reviews

Initially I found this a bit of a slow burner then all of a sudden watch out for the twists and turns , is anything or anyone what it seems ?

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A couple are having problems so go to see a counsellor in the hope it might help to resolve these. Interesting characters, including an interfering mother in law. Who to trust? And what connection is there to an historic unsolved death?
These questions and others had me racing through this book.

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This is a great book full of murder, intrigue, lies and love. Erin feels her marriage to Will is falling apart. For some reason she doesn’t trust him but can’t explain why or where the feeling is coming from. They decide to go for counselling with Maggie Day who has her own issues and struggles. The story is cleverly intertwined and makes for a real page turner

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Reviewed this under the title of For the Last Time. Duplicate review follows.

Erin and Will, along with toddler Sadie are a loving family, perfectly happy with their lives. On Valentine’s Day, Will breaks with their tradition of no gifts and presents Erin with a pendant imprinted with Sadie’s fingerprint. Erin is overjoyed, but when Will attempts to fasten the chain for Erin she has a “moment”, flinching away from him. Later the same day, Erin’s beloved dog Coco goes missing whilst in the care of Will, and yet again Erin feels something is not right. These episodes lead to problems and a couples counsellor, Maggie, is consulted and becomes the family confidant. Unfortunately Maggie has more issues than the warring couple!

An interesting slow burner, this becomes an involved, twisty plot with no one being quite who they seem. Is Will cheating? Is Patricia the interfering mother in law with an hidden agenda? Can Zoe be trusted? How many rules can Maggie break? Where does the murder of Lily fit in?

Though the outcome was no surprise, it was handled well and made a good read. Not one of Perks’ best books, but enjoyable all the same.

Thank you NetGalley.

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An enjoyable read. Erin and Will are having trouble in their marriage so seek the help of a therapist, Maggie. Erin and Maggie both have baggage from the past. The book is a bit slow to start with then romps through twists and turns to the final reveal..
Perks uses the ploy of two timelines with mostly Maggie and Erin telling their version of events. This at times becomes repetitive and on a couple of occasions I had to check that I hadn't started reading a section I had already read.

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I enjoyed reading this - compelling and pacy, though the twist was pretty evident early doors, with a key character shoehorned in to remind readers of their existence. Also, what happened to the dog?! Definitely needed a further explanation as to why she went missing and then came back!

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Erin and Will are married with a 3yr old daughter when things seem to go wrong with their marriage and they end up seeing a councillor Maggie.
Maggie discovers secrets that could be related to her long lost sister and try's to get the truth about her disappearance.
Erin ends up in a coma after a hit and run.
All the characters POV are heard and you just don`t know who to believe as you keep trying to guess from the beginning and can`t put the book down.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the ARC and I give my honest review.

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I'm a big fan of Heidi Perks and the twisted worlds she creates, but this one didn't quite do it for me. I found it difficult to believe in the characters and actions of Maggie and Erin, particularly in the latter's responses to Will. There has been a lot written about the consequences of repressed memories though, so perhaps the author was trying to highlight this in a fictional form.
I still look forward to reading more of her books
Thank you to netgalley and Random House for an advance copy of this book.

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I really enjoyed this book, it was quite a gripping read which leaves you questioning every character the whole way through and keeping you guessing and trying to work it out, right to the end of the book.

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Erin and Will Harding are the perfect couple. But on Valentines Day Will gives Erin a necklace as a present and when he tries to put it on her it makes her flinch. She suddenly feels uncomfortable and wary of her husband. But when Will asks what is wrong. She says she doesn’t know. It gets worse when Erin’s beloved dog Coco goes missing and Erin blames Will. Her mistrust of him elevates until they both decide to see a Marriage councillor to sort the problem out.
Maggie Day is now counselling their pair, but she doesn’t know who is telling the truth and because of this there doesn’t seem that the pair will resolves their problems. What are they both hiding? Also, when Erin describes the necklace, it is the same one her sister Lily had who was murdered over twenty years ago. Is Will her killer?
Thank you, the publisher, for a copy of The last resort by Heidi Perks. This another intriguing, gripping thriller from the author. I have read many of her books and she never disappoints. It is told in several point of views and two different timelines and this is cleverly interwoven together to have a great conclusion. 4 stars from me.

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Releasing repressed memories, and a therapist professionally in the wrong, are the themes of this novel. Erin seeks couples' counselling after she finds she's suddenly suspicious of her husband, and not feeling safe with him. Therapist Maggie's sister was murdered a few years ago and a man imprisoned for her death. But she has never heard the story around why Lily died, and believes Erin could hold the key.
An interesting proposition, but lacked pace. I never found Maggie very believable, particularly the way she reacted when she couldn't get Erin to talk to her. Erin's vagueness around why she suspected her husband became irritating.
Thanks to NetGalley for the advance copy.

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I found this book difficult to read as it jumped around timelines, from different characters perspective.,, Erin and Wills problems seemed very contrived, and in some places unbelievable. Not the best from this author.

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A story of a marriage declining rapidly. Is Erin paranoid or are these events happneing. a great with a dual time zone meeting to create a great twisty ending.

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Not the best book by Heidi. But a good one non the less. It was just missing something for me that makes the book pop. But still an enjoyable read.

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I finished this book fairly quickly which is good but I wasn't completely enamored with it. I really liked the first two thirds, the mystery and secrets and trying to guess what was going on but I didn't love the ending. I just thought it fell a bit flat but I did like how everything was nicely wrapped up.

I would still recommend however as it was an enjoyable read and I would read more by this author.

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What an exceptionally great, fast paced and unputdownable chilling novel by Heidi Perks.

The Last Resort is a gripping read which will leave you questioning every character the whole way through and still you’ll never figure it out until the end.

Thanks #Netgalley for my eArc of this one one before publication next year (18/01/2024) I was not disappointed

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Erin is brought to hospital in a critical condition by a hit and run accident. But who is responsible?
Two people, two sides of the story, but who do you trust?

Book is written in short chapters and timeline with dual POV. I enjoyed this twisty read, kept me interested. Descriptively written and good character development.

I enjoyed this read kept me guessing. I did guess one twist correctly, but one I didn't see coming.
If you enjoy twisty books that keep you guessing throughout I highly recommend this book.

Will definitely read more from this author.

I want to thank the publisher and #NetGalley for this Advanced readers copy of #TheLastResort.

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A really solid read. Would definitely recommend to those who love a good twisty, psychological thriller!

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I devoured this book!!! From beginning to end to was totally engrossed, I couldn't turn the pages quickly enough. Amazing story.

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Thoroughly enjoyable read. Couldn't put this down and lots of twists to this psychological thriller. A book to be recommended.

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