Member Reviews

Absolutely fantastic book! Couldn't put my kindle down. Can't wait for the next book from this author.

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The Shadow Girls is a fun supernatural mystery, and after two books, I have become invested in Rylan's story. I have many questions about her past that need answers, but I am enjoying the journey to get them. This is a great series, and I give this book a solid 4/5 stars.

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This book was so good! It was intriguing and really drawed me in. I'll be reading more of this authors work.

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If you are still in the mood for a spooky story after Halloween then look no further than the Rylan Flynn Mysteries.
Shadow Girls is a crime thriller with a heavy dose of supernatural elements.
Central to the story is Rylan Flynn, who is able to see and communicate with ghosts. Unfortunately, any spirits who haven't crossed over tend to be those who have been murdered or need help in some way.
Rylan's interactions with the spirits are very eerie especially those with ghosts who have been dead for a very long time as they seem out of place in time and it adds to the otherworldliness. Child ghosts make for particularly poignant reading and it is heartwarming when Rylan and her Dad help them cross over.
The mystery of the dead women in this book makes a very exciting yet tense and disturbing reading as it involves a very creepy little girl and her father. I was on tenterhooks for Bess' survival and had high hopes for her as Rylan was not experiencing any visits from her spirit.
The secondary storyline of Rylan helping a couple with a haunting is equally exciting and spooky. However, the living are more dangerous than the dead and getting involved means putting herself in harm's way more often than enough.
Rylan's family are protective of her however, her brother shows it the wrong way and they always seem to end up arguing. Rylan has a similar relationship with Detective Ford Pierce but I was glad to see him being more open-minded and actively seeking Rylan's help in finding Beth. I'm enjoying seeing their friendship develop slowly into something more.

The story ends with a little hint about the third book and if it was already published I'd be diving in right now.

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For Years a killer has been lurking in the small town of Ashby - when a young woman goes missing the last person to see her walking away with a stranger is Rylan Flynn , a woman with the gift of seeing spirits
Ashby's head detective Ford Pierce is reluctant to involve Rylan in the case , but her ability to see ghosts and the discovery of more bodies makes her help crucial .
If Bessie's is to be saved they must all work together because it might not just be Bessie's life on the line - Rylan herself might just be his next victim
This book is an enjoyable , entertaining read - I look forward to reading more Rylan Flynn books in the future

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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This was a fun, quick read for the autumn/spooky season. Rylan Flynn is able to see and communicate with spirits, which lets her lend her unique gift to the local police as they investigate the recent disappearance of a young woman. There were several different plots happening at once that eventually converged into the big mystery. The relationships could be further developed as I felt they were a little lacking. I also found it a little hard to believe that people would so readily, and happily, agree to have a seance in a cemetery at night, but I guess Rylan just has that good of friends and family? 😅😂 If you're looking for an enjoyable and fast paced paranormal mystery that isn't full of drama and confusing storylines, look no further! Thank you @netgalley for my copy!

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Rylan Flynn, who can see ghosts, has to help the police stop a serial killer kidnapping The Shadow Girls (ebook from Second Sky) , a task especially pressing since her friend has recently been kidnapped, and Rylan can only talk to ghosts of the previous victims. There’s also the ghost of a child waiting for her mother to return a century after her poisoning. This is a fun and promising series by Dawn Merriman .

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The Shadow Girls by Dawn Merriman is the second book in the new Rylan Flynn paranormal mystery series and what a brilliant book this was. It's a totally gripping from the very chapter till the very end. It's full of twists and turns from the very beginning and will have you sitting on the edge of your seat. I am loving the character Rylan Flynn.
I loved it.

I highly recommend this audiobook.

Big Thank you to Bookouture, and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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The shadow girls is the second Rylan Flynn novel and it follows on from the first books ending quite quickly but saying that it would work as a standalone novel quite well. Personally I think this one was better than the first as the characters are developing well and I like that their backstories are starting to develop.
The Rylan & Ford will they won’t they get together is sweet and I’m sure it will happen and give Rylan some peace from all the dead people she has to help.

I look forward to reading more from Dawn Merriman.

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Rylan was the last person to see Bess before she disappeared. The police are involved and fear for Bess' safety. But Rylan can speak to ghosts and has had no sign of Bess from the other side so believes she is still alive. She tries to help the police to find the missing woman but they discover other bodies instead...
The Shadow Girls is the second book to feature ghost hunter Rylan. I have previously read and reviewed the first book in the series, The Spirit Girls.
I LOVE Rylan. The ghosts, the faith, and her caring personality all combine to make her a fab lead character. I was completely swept up in the plot from beginning to end and loved the twists (I guessed the big one, but it didn't matter). There are engaging subplots as well which allows Rylan to help other spirits find peace.
Most of the book is written from Rylan's first person perspective but other chapters show Ford, Bess and others. This builds tension as we try to make sense of the missing woman situation but also gives us a contrast to Rylan's view. In particular, I like Ford's attempts to stay objective and professional.
The plot is completely captivating and wonderfully delivered through the narrative structure. I enjoyed the first book but I LOVED this one! The ghosts, supernatural and religious elements are handled sensitively and I found myself believing in the authenticity of the characters and situations despite the fact it is fictional.
The Shadow Girls is a brilliant paranormal murder and crime mystery

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A paranormal mystery thriller? Yes, please! Paranormal reads are some of my favourites, so I was definitely looking forward to reading The Shadow Girls. As a note: I did not read the first book in this series, and I’m happy to say that this book can certainly stand alone.

There were many things I enjoyed about this book! Rylan is plucky, resourceful and incredibly empathetic, exactly what you would want in a character who can communicate with those who are trapped in between this world and the next. How she connected with the supporting cast was well laid out, and all of the characters felt fully supported. I also really loved the actual paranormal activities! They were by far the most interesting part of the book.

That really was the extend to which I enjoyed the book. There were so many separate story-worthy events happening simultaneously, not all of them were fully developed. The author did work to tie all of the independent ghost events into the one main plot point, but some of it was a pretty far stretch. It also meant that we saw very little character development with all of the focus going into the ever-changing plot focus.

I do think the series has a lot of promise as the characters and concept are incredibly readable! I’m 100% going to give the next title a go to see if I connect a little better.

Thank you to NetGalley, Second Sky and Dawn Merriman for access to this eARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Review for 'The Shadow Girls' by Dawn Merriman.

Read and reviewed via NetGalley for Dawn Merriman, Second Sky Publishing, Bookouture publishers and Bookouture anonymous

Publication date 6th September 2023.

This is the second book I have read by this author. It is also the second book in the 'Rylan Flynn Mystery' series. It can be read as a standalone but to get the most of the character development I would recommend you read the books in order. I have previously read the first book in this epic series 'The Spirit Girls' and would highly recommend it!!!

This novel consists of 38 chapters. The chapters are short to medium in length so easy to read 'just one more chapter' before bed...OK, I know yeah right, but still just in case!


This book is extremely well written with vivid descriptions that really put you in the storyline, feeling the hair on your arms raise and putting you on the edge of your seat!!!

I would like to start by saying this book is more paranormal, thriller, ghost and horror than SciFi so if you are a paranormal, ghost story or love a spooky book that will raise the hair on your arms and not a SciFi or fantasy fan please give this book a read. Trust me, you really won't regret it!! In fact, it doesn't matter what genre you like to read give it a read!!!. Filled with suspense, murder, witchcraft, ghosts, murder, friendship, family, mystery and a sprinkle of romance in the air this book is an absolutely explosive and epic start to what promises to be an addictive must read series!! I absolutely love ,love, LOVED the unique storyline!! I have read so many books that it is getting harder and harder for me to find a truly unique plot but Dawn absolutely smashes it out of the park with this one!! I picked it up and even though I kept telling myself just one more chapter I just could not put it down as every time I went to something happened which meant I had to read just one more again until I ended up reading it in one sitting having been glued to my kindle for a few hours!! Dawn's evocative writing skills and descriptions really brought the storyline to life and I just cannot wait to get hooked into the next book in this fantastic new series!!! I absolutely loved the first book but Dawn absolutely blew it out of the water with this one!! Having gotten to know the characters in 'The Spirit Girls' this book is even more ram packed with action than 'The Spirit Girls'. I loved the twists and turns and the unexpected mind blowing bombshells that Dawn created with this absolutely epic read. This has got to be one of the best series I have read this year and I really hope Dawn is busy writing the third book in this one as I just cannot wait to see what is coming next for Riley, Mickey and Ford especially after the phone call Rylan receives at the end of this book!!! The mystery of what is in Keaton's room and why is continued in this book and Dawn has kept me on the edge of my seat trying to work it out!!! This book truly is an absolutely addictive page turner and if you are after a creepy book to keep you hooked then grab your copy now!!!!

Clear your schedules before turning a single page as this book is truly unputdownable!!!

Although this is the second book in the series I would have had absolutely no problems reading it without the other book. Any details or events that have previously happened are mentioned in just the right amount of detail to let a new reader know what has happened and yet not too much to bore a previous reader.

The characters are all strong, well rounded and realistic. I really enjoyed getting to meet Rylan Flynn again and discover even more about her past, her unique abilities and discovering how she feels about Ford. I love how she refuses to back down even when she has been threatened to stay away from crime scenes!! She has a great likeable personality and my heart goes out to her when her gift turns into a curse, especially in regards to her Mum. I also liked her friend and camerawoman Mickey and they have a great friendship even though there was some tension between them in this book. I also really like Ford and I cannot wait to see if it goes anywhere between him and Rylan, I've got my fingers and toes crossed that it does!! I was completely invested in all these characters as well as Rylan's Dad and Aunt Val who I am also looking forward to meeting again in the next book in this absolutely fantastic series. I'm just hoping it doesn't take that long too come out!! Hint, Hint Dawn 😉. Dawn's evocative writing skills really brought each of the characters to life and I am already missing them!! I am not a fan of Kaitlyn at all and think she can definitely be a bit of a brat at times. I did feel sorry for her for what she was going through but she is just so selfish, childish and demanding!!! I am still mega intrigued to what is going on in Keaton's room and am hoping Dawn goes into that more in the next book. I am also mega looking forward to meeting Declan in the next book and seeing how the dynamics will survive with the history between him and Riley!! I won't say anything about a certain character in particular who played a large part apart from psycho much!!!! And as for puppets don't even get me started!!! An absolutely fantastic group of characters that all work perfectly together to create this absolutely amazing and addictive series and I cannot wait to meet the majority of them again!!

I absolutely LOVED how this book ended and cannot wait to get stuck in to the third book in this absolutely amazing series.

This book is the BEST ghost thriller I have ever read!! The second best being the first book in this series 'The Spirit Girls '! This book really is a truly unique page turner that I picked up this morning and could not put it down until I finished!!!

Well done Dawn on yet another absolutely fantastic success and here is to what is guaranteed to be many more 🥂

Overall an absolutely addictive, action packed paranormal suspense packed thriller that will keep you turning the pages until you've devoured the book in hours!!

229 pages.

This book is just £2.99 to purchase on kindle, free with kindle unlimited and £7.99 in paperback via Amazon which I think is an absolute bargain for this book!!!

Rated 5/5 (I LOVED it ) on Goodreads, Instagram, Amazon UK and Amazon US and on over 30 Facebook pages plus my blog on Facebook.

Feel free to add me on Goodreads or follow me on my website or Facebook for more reviews

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

This book was so gripping! I loved the paranormal aspect of this book and it was just the right amount of creepy which is perfect for fall. I have really become invested in Rylan as a character and really want to learn more about her and the dark presence in her home. I loved the inclusion of the perspective of the missing person because it really added to the creepy factor in the book. I am really looking forward to the next installment in this series.

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I received this book as an ARC from NetGalley. I really like Dawn's writing style. I will be going back to read book 1! This is a great series!

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This is the second in the Rylan Flynn paranormal mystery series. While it can be read as a standalone, I'd highly recommend reading The Spirit Girls first for a fuller picture.

The book follows straight on from the previous one after it's discovered that Rylan was one of the last people to see a missing woman. There are many sceptics of Rylan's ability to see ghosts, so she is constantly sidelined by Detective Ford, unable to help with the case. That won't stop her from finding the truth.

Shadow Girls is a fast-paced, never a dull moment, paranormal mystery.

I really enjoy the mix of mystery and paranormal in this series. It's not too over the top or too scary and the ghostly goings on blend nicely with the mystery.

Rylan is still the kind hearted yet naïve woman from the first book. I hope there will be a bit more character development as the series goes on as I feel there's so much potential there.

There were times throughout the story where I thought things were going a bit fast and I wanted it to slow down a little.

The ending gave us a tantalising peek into the next mystery and I am very much looking forward to it!

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Ryan Flynn returns in The Shadow Girls, the second instalment of the Rylan Flynn paranormal mystery series by Dawn Merriman. Once again, Merriman delivered a tale filled with suspense and ghostly phenomenons.

After my experience with The Spirit Girls, I couldn't wait to dive into The Shadow Girls. It was worth the wait. Before going into the review, I am providing a recap of Rylan's abilities. She sees and communicates with ghosts. She helps them to gain closure, thus allowing them to crossover. Not only that, but she does this with the help of her best friend and her father.

In this instalment, a young woman, named Bess, has gone missing and Rylan was the last person to see her. Rylan is unable to remember the details of that night. All she remembers was that she saw her leaving with a man, but she is unable to provide a description. A few days later, the police discovers human bones buried beneath a barn. Further investigation revealed that it belonged to a woman who went missing a few years ago. The bones also happened to belong to the spirit of the woman that Ryland had been communicating with in the basement of an abandoned church.  How is this woman's disappearance connected to Bess?

Now while Ryland can provide information regarding the investigation, Ford, the detective in charge, is reluctant in accepting her help. However, desperation to find Bess and to stop a killer in his tracks led him into accepting her help.

The Shadow Girls kept me engaged. The mystery surrounding Bess, the bones found in the abandon church as well as another missing woman was twisty and full of creeptastic surprises.

It's interesting to note Ryland's father is a pastor who believes in her gift and offers his help when it's needed. Her brother who works in the District Attorney's office is not keen on her involvement in the police investigation. Of course, the story features a few sceptics who view Ryland as a freak.

Ford and Ryland clearly like each other, but are dancing around their feelings. Based on the information received at the end, it would seem that readers can expect some drama where these two are concerned. I, for one, can't wait to see how it will play out.

Readers who enjoy mysteries with a paranormal vibe will get a kick out of this series.

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My favorite part of this series is Rylan's courage to be her self. The town may not support her. Her massive crush and potential Ford may struggle with his conviction of her skills yet remains open. Rylan just does her thing. As in helping ghosts cross over - and solve the mystery of their death.
This book offers suspense, an engaging caste of characters and ghosts. I love Rylan's determination to help.
Great read!

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This is an excellent mix of paranormal, horror and thriller. A twisty and dark story that kept me turning pages and on the edge till the end.
It surprised me with a number of twists, moved me and left me wishing I could read the next novel soon as the cliff-hanger is intriguing.
I was happy to catch up with Aunt Velma, Ford and the cast of characters. Rylan is more likeable even if I found myself thinking “Kiss him and make it clear”.
I hope that the romantic part will be solved soon as I’m not a fan of love-triangle and maybe-they-will-be-a-couple tropes as they usually takes the front seat and they bore me.
There wasn’t a lot of romance in this novel but there were a lot of ghosts and some parts were more horror-oriented. There’s a subplot that I found moving.
Ms Merriman did a good job in keeping the tension alive and making the horror part more psychological that slasher.
The characters evolved and the plot is tightly knitted and fast paced. There’s still a lot of questions about Rylan’s mother and other characters but hope they will be answered soon.
It’s an entertaining read and I can’t wait to read the next story
Many thanks to Second Sky for this digital copy, all opinions are mine

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My thanks to Second Sky for an eARC via NetGalley of ‘The Shadow Girls’ by Dawn Merriman.

This is the second book in a series of paranormal mysteries featuring Rylan Flynn, a young woman living in Ashby, Indiana who is able to see restless spirits. She regularly helps then cross over. With her friend Mickey she also runs a paranormal YouTube channel, ‘Beyond the Dead’.

A young woman, Bess Freeman, has disappeared and Rylan was the last person to see her. Given that Bess is normally quiet and shy, her friends and family are shocked to hear that she left a bar with a stranger. In addition, Bess is the cousin and business partner of Kaitlyn Freeman, the ex-fiancé of Ford Pierce, Ashby’s head detective. As established in ‘The Spirit Girls’, Rylan and Kaitlyn do not get on.

Ford and other members of the Ashby police are aware of Rylan’s gifts, though Ford is as ever reluctant for her to be involved. Still, Rylan was a witness to Bess’ last sighting and there’s hope that she can provide details of the man Bess left with.

Meanwhile, she and Mickey are investigating reports of the spirit of another young woman in the basement of an abandoned church. Then the police uncover human remains beneath a barn. This is just the start of a sinister case involving a killer who may have been lurking in Ashby for years. No further details to avoid spoilers.

I enjoyed ‘The Spirit Girls’ when I had read it in May and so was quite keen on reading more about Rylan and her world. While background is provided, I would suggest it is best to read the books in order.

Throughout the narrative perspective shifts between Rylan and Ford with occasional chapters, designated as ‘Earlier’ from Bess’ point of view.

Overall, I found ‘The Shadow Girls’ an engaging paranormal mystery that held my attention throughout. The final scene of the novel was an intriguing teaser for the upcoming third book. I can hardly wait.

4.5 stars rounded up to 5.

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I really enjoyed the first book of the series so I was really excited going into this book. I think this is a good continuation of the series and picks up right where the first book left off. This was just as twisty and turny as the first book and was an absolute ride with both suspenseful and tender moments throughout. This is an absolute gem and I would recommend this series. Special Thank You to Dawn Merriman, Second Sky, and NetGalley for allowing me to read a complimentary copy prior to publication in exchange for an honest review.

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