Member Reviews

Thank you for my earc of this book. I loved the premise but found the writing a little frustrating so didn’t finish the book

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Such a lovely read, heartwarming and beautiful.

Thank you NetGalley for my complimentary copy in return for my honest review.

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This was the most beautiful book I have read in a long time I lost my sister when I was younger and I still feel some shame and guilt even though it was not my fault she died .Really well written and the description of there feelings are excellent .

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Thanks to Netgalley UK and Bedford Square Publishers for sending me this advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

I need to be honest; I wasn’t expecting what I got from this book. I thought it would be enjoyable, a 3-star book. However, I was left in awe of how beautiful this story is. I finished the book and found myself dealing with a mix of feelings. Happiness, and joy, but also longing for those characters that have made me cry, laugh, and be completely immersed in this book. I was dreading a reading slump for the past month and then I got this gem of a book in my hands.

The synopsis doesn’t give many details about the book, which is great. Reader, go into this book completely blind and fall in love with this story. It is so rare nowadays that I feel completely involved in one book, completely undisturbed by anything around me, without any preconceived ideas because I’ve read the tropes, or I feel like I know what is going to happen. Once you are an avid reader, few things can impress you or surprise you. So here I am. Impressed. Surprised.

It is so pretty when you can see a character growth step by step, in a way that feels so natural and realistic. Loretta and Phoebe’s relationship flourishes from trauma, but in such a beautiful way, gradually, full of ups and downs. The author created an introverted and quick character without making her annoying or mean, just showing how Loretta is a bit socially inept, but has a great heart. Phoebe’s character was also fantastically created by the author, showing a child that sounded so real that I could feel the difficulties in raising one. She has her perks, her tantrums, her sweetness, her naivetes, and her moments of energy and sadness. She is a 6-year-old girl trying to deal with adversities that can be hard for adults, so I was heartbroken for her so many times. It is easy to judge parents from an outside perspective when we don't have children until you are in charge of one and seeing how Loretta experienced that from her early encounters with Phoebe to the end of the book, it's so so so special. I don’t know how to recommend this book more than that because it truly left me speechless and not enough words can do justice, but in a nutshell: I adored this book.

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Well this was a thoroughly lovely read!
Loretta is a very prickly character, so much so, that I began to think quite early on that she was hiding something (and it all does become clear). I’ve met a fair few people like Loretta, people who don’t have great social skills and really struggle with small talk and work relationships - and in this day and age it should be noted and understood by employers. Not so much where Loretta works though.

Six year old Phoebe is a lovely child. Despite her trauma, she’s lively, talkative, charming and funny. Yes, she’s upset and cries - that’s just what you’d expect. I couldn’t help but think that her grandmother didn’t really help matters, but then she’s equally as upset. Which is why Loretta’s help is needed.

Phoebe is the making of Loretta. She not only makes her see that there’s more to life than her job, she also helps her to deal with her own past - and make some big changes in her life.

Swimming for Beginners is a feel-good read, it’s very sad in places and gives the reader ample opportunity to laugh as well. I loved it.

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At first I thought this was not my type of book, the main character, Loretta, was infuriating me with her indecision and lack of empathy. But I grew to like her and understand her, the reasons why she was like she was. Plus the little girl Phoebe was a child with no boundaries. the story turned out to be quite the heart wrencher in the end. Mother dies, child of 6 left in the care of a single, inexperienced woman, until the "services" and grandmother arrive. The story evolves and Loretta eventually turns full 180 with regard her feelings towards the little girl and family life verses professional career girl. Well written, describing the frustrations and feelings of all the characters.

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Loretta has her life perfectly planned out and this doesn't include children just yet but after a stranger asks her to look after her daughter in the airport and doesn't return

This book was outside my usual genre but I'm so glad that I read it. At times hilarious and also heart breaking I was gripped; an absolute must read.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of the novel in exchange for an honest review

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Thank you for the opportunity to review this new novel.

This was a hard one... entertaining but not believable at all. I struggled with it and eventually I put it down. As a reader there wasn't anything in the story that explained why Loretta became involved since she was so annoyed with Phoebe at the beginning. She didn't want her own children so why engage in her? I'm an outlier here and I encourage everyone to give this a try.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me a free advanced copy of this book to read and review.

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Loretta is adept at maintaining control over her life—steering clear of discomfort, pursuing a significant promotion at work, and planning to marry someone whose aspirations align seamlessly with hers. Children, however, do not factor into her meticulously crafted plans.

Everything takes an unexpected turn when a stranger in an airport entrusts Loretta with the care of her sleeping six-year-old, Phoebe, and then disappears. In that moment, Loretta realizes that not only will Phoebe's life be forever changed, but so will hers.

The entrance of this peculiar little person in fairy wings disrupts Loretta's carefully organized world, prompting her to question everything she thought she knew about herself. Nicola Gill's narrative invites readers on a heartwarming and relatable journey, exploring the transformative power of a child's love and its ability to transcend conventional notions of motherhood.

The E-Book could be improved and more user-friendly, such as links to the chapters, no significant gaps between words and a cover for the book would be better. It is very document-like instead of a book. A star has been deducted because of this.

This is a first for me by the author and one I enjoyed and I would read more of their work. The book cover is eye-catching and appealing and would spark my interest if it were in a bookshop. Thank you to the author, publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.


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Heartwarming sometimes feels like a slightly overused word, but if you’re looking for a book that is the epitome of the word - and an absolute delight - then this is it!

It is the story of Loretta, a successful if somewhat socially awkward advertising executive who is leading a very ordered life that includes a settled if somewhat predictable relationship with her eminently sensible fiancé Robert. But when six year old Phoebe comes barrelling into her life in the saddest of circumstances, Loretta’s perspective on life begins to change - and we also learn how events in her past have shaped her.

I loved the developing relationship between Loretta and Phoebe and watching an unfiltered six year old break down Loretta’s barriers made me laugh one minute and tear up the next as they both battle their own demons.

This is a book that has it all - fabulous characters, emotion, humour and an ending full of hope. I loved it!

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Loretta has life sorted. A job she is good at and a partner who she cohabits with. All ask for minimal social skills which suit her just fine. Until the day waiting for a business flight a small girl called Phoebe and her mother land in her world. Children don’t fit the life Loretta has carved out for herself, they can’t be compartmentalised nor are they self sufficient in the way she has learned to be. So it’s time for a rethink, whether Loretta likes it or not!
Perfect for fans of Eleanor Oliphant this book warms your heart as Loretta not only learns to make room for a real small child she also opens her heart to her own inner child. And maybe there is another way to live and actually enjoy life. Loretta just needs to learn the rules…
You’ll want to scoop up this unlikely pair and hug them, so it’s a strong 4 stars for this engaging read from me.

Thanks to Netgalley, the publishers; and author; Nicola Gill for this audiobook in exchange for my personal, honest review. This review will also appear on my bookstagram account

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"Swimming for Beginners" by Nicola Gill is a heartwarming and humorous journey of self-discovery. Gill's storytelling is endearing, with well-drawn characters embarking on a charming and inspiring tale of courage and personal growth. A delightful and relatable read.

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Swimming for Beginners" by Nicola Gill is the story about a rigid career woman whose life is upended by a small girl who needs her help. Funny, sad, hopeful & charming.

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Loretta lives a carefully controlled and planned life. She has a fiance with whom she shares a measured relationship. Surprises are not her thing. Loretta works hard, wants a promotion and is trying her best to fit in at work, even if this has her doing things that she does not enjoy. Loretta is traveling abroad to meet with a client when…she meets Phoebe at the airport and her life changes.

Readers get to know Loretta and Phoebe well. Their relationship will change both of them in ways that they were not expecting or prepared for.

Those who enjoy warmhearted stories with quirky protagonists, this novel is for you. The last heroine I enjoyed who reminded me of Loretta was in Lessons in Chemistry. Both of these women have their unique style and ways of living their lives.

I very much enjoyed this book and am delighted to recommend it.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Bedford Square Publishers for this title. All opinions are my own.

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Nicola Gill had me hooked with her debut novel, so I couldn't wait for this as soon as I heard about it.
I loved each of the characters - at first we see Loretta as awkward and clinical, never getting too close to anyone and just ticking things off her list, furthering her career, but as the book goes on we learn so much more about her. I loved seeing her relationship with Phoebe develop, and seeing Loretta learn more about herself.
I couldn't put this down - both heartbreaking and heartwarming.

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Thanks to netgalley for providing an advanced copy for the purpose of review

This was a heartwarming read that kept me hooked. So we'll written and the character development was a joy to read.

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I really enjoyed this book. Loretta has her life under control. She is hoping for a big promotion at work ans she is shortly to marry her fiance, Robert. Then one day, while waiting for a flight at the airport, a woman asks her to keep an eye on her 6 year old daughter, Phoebe. But tragedy strikes and the woman doesn't return. From that moment Loretta finds herself part of Phoebe's family, but the problem is she doesn't like children and never wants any of her own! This is a lovely, heart warming story which I thoroughly recommend. Thanks to NetGalley for a preview copy.
Copied to Goodreads.

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Loretta is an Accounts Manager at an Advertising Agency chasing promotion when she is told at an appraisal that she is not a team player.
Whilst waiting at the airport for a flight to New York to pitch to a potential new client she ends up looking after a 6 year old girl.
Her life is about to change and old memories come back to haunt her.
A delightful read.

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Reviews have said this is like About a Boy meets Eleanor Oliphant. Though I haven't read the latter, I can most definitely agree that the story is similar to Nick Hornby's novel in many ways.

Loretta is fairly self-centred, not in an intentionally unkind way (though she has a pretty impressive ability to put her foot in it fairly regularly), she is just incredibly focused and intent on following her life plan. Phoebe is a lively six year old and is asleep on a chair at the airport when her mum, Kate, needs to go to the toilet and so asks Loretta (who is on her way to an important, promotion-securing meeting, to keep an eye on her. Things start to go wrong when Kate doesn't come back and continue to do so when Loretta realises she can't just carry on with her life as though this had never happened.

I won't say any more, other than that I loved this book. I read it in two sittings and continue to think about what the characters would be doing next, several days later. I like that none of the characters are perfect (or even close). Loretta doesn't swoop in and save the day and Phoebe doesn't suddenly adjust to her new life.

It is very similar to About a Boy in that it features an adult who is largely disinterested in children, a quirky child with an absent parent and a series of events that keep bringing them all back together. It even includes the line "if only relationships with proper human beings were this easy" (About a Boy film quote: "I wish relationships with proper human beings were that easy") when comparing relationships with children and other adults. I don't mean any of this in a negative way though. About a Boy is both one of my favourite books and my ultimate 'comfort' film and I return to both regularly. I fully expect to return to Swimming for Beginners too and look forward to getting my hardcopy when it's released.

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