Member Reviews

Reviews have said this is like About a Boy meets Eleanor Oliphant. Though I haven't read the latter, I can most definitely agree that the story is similar to Nick Hornby's novel in many ways.

Loretta is fairly self-centred, not in an intentionally unkind way (though she has a pretty impressive ability to put her foot in it fairly regularly), she is just incredibly focused and intent on following her life plan. Phoebe is a lively six year old and is asleep on a chair at the airport when her mum, Kate, needs to go to the toilet and so asks Loretta (who is on her way to an important, promotion-securing meeting, to keep an eye on her. Things start to go wrong when Kate doesn't come back and continue to do so when Loretta realises she can't just carry on with her life as though this had never happened.

I won't say any more, other than that I loved this book. I read it in two sittings and continue to think about what the characters would be doing next, several days later. I like that none of the characters are perfect (or even close). Loretta doesn't swoop in and save the day and Phoebe doesn't suddenly adjust to her new life.

It is very similar to About a Boy in that it features an adult who is largely disinterested in children, a quirky child with an absent parent and a series of events that keep bringing them all back together. It even includes the line "if only relationships with proper human beings were this easy" (About a Boy film quote: "I wish relationships with proper human beings were that easy") when comparing relationships with children and other adults. I don't mean any of this in a negative way though. About a Boy is both one of my favourite books and my ultimate 'comfort' film and I return to both regularly. I fully expect to return to Swimming for Beginners too and look forward to getting my hardcopy when it's released.

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What a beautiful heartfelt story of Loretta who herself will agree with others that she is weird and quirky and likes to write lists. Loretta enjoys the simple things in life so when she meets Kate and Phoebe in the airport her life is turned upside down. This book makes you laugh and cry at the same time. You both love Loretta and shout at her choices at the same time. I would love to hear more about the tales of Loretta and Phoebe and the fun they get up too. Could not put this book down.

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This was a nice, heartfelt story. I do feel there were elements that were hard to believe, for example Loretta's colleagues being so vehement she should be in Phoebe's life. But, that's not to say it was quite sweet seeing their relationship blossom as they got to know each other and see how Loretta changed.

I give this 3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved Swimming for Beginners, it was a heartwarming story of a woman affected by trauma, being unlocked emotionally by a child in need. I loved the main character, although I don’t think the story needed the very slight sprinkling of romance. It was a brilliant book that made me laugh and cry.

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Although not apparent at first, this is a book about grief. That sounds quite upsetting and although I did feel emotional at times when reading the book, it was an enjoyable and interesting read . Lorretta, engaged to be married, is fairly unsociable . The relationship with her fiance is also more business like than emotional and their commitment to their careers means that they do not have a great deal of time together. When at the airport, travelling to the US for work, Lorretta comes into contact with a little girl and her mother. THe mother is found dying in the toilet whilst Lorretta is keeping an eye on her daughter.
Told from Lorretta's point of view, the reader is gradually introduced to events which have happened in her life and which have contributed to her relationships with her parents, fiance and coworkers now. She also starts to build a relationship with Phoebe (the little girl) recognizing something of herself in the way she is coping with the changes in her life. The book is a journey of self realization for Lorretta and there is lots of advice on how (and how not to) deal with grief .
I felt a connection to both the main characters (Lorretta and Phoebe) , some of the other characters, seen through Lorretta's eyes , such as Phoebe's grandma and Robert, did not seem so well rounded, though the effect of the events on their lives was evident .
Thanks to Net Galley for a great and thoughtful read . I will look out for more from this (new to me) author

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I read this book while on holiday and I have to say it is the perfect holiday read. It has a lovely, uplifting feel to it, while at the same time dealing with some serious, and at times, upsetting issues. The main character Loretta is an ambitious career lady woman who lacks the interpersonal skills that seem to come so easy to everyone else. She actually has to make a concerted effort to interact with her work colleagues on a social level by planning ahead on the questions she needs to ask each one of them each day. Loretta’s life is thrown into turmoil when she meets Phoebe, a young girl who becomes an orphan under her very eyes, and due to a sense of responsibility at first, she decides to give some of her time and attention to the 6-year old. With this, Loretta starts her own personal journey of change and growth and I thought the author achieved this beautifully.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an e-copy of this book in exchange for an impartial and honest review.

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Don't be mislead by the title, it's not about a group of swimmers, but a woman called Loretta, who is a bit of a control freak, so when she unexpectedly ends up with a six year old child to look after, her world is turned upside down. This was a lovely read, loved the characters and the storyline

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Loretta is a very ambitious advertising executive. She is very good at her job but not so good with people. She and her fiancé have their future planned out and this does not include children. Suddenly six year old Phoebe comes into Loretta’s life. Phoebe is also struggling with her peers and Loretta recognises something of herself in the little girl. During the course of the book Loretta learns a lot about herself and we learn what has made Loretta how she is. This is not my usual kind of read but I absolutely loved it. Loretta and Phoebe are such complex and in some ways difficult characters but I really felt an affinity for them both. Although the book covers grief, I found it ultimately uplifting. Thanks to Bedford Square Publishers and NetGalley for the ARC.

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I’d like to thank Bedford Square Publishers and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘Swimming For Beginners’ written by Nicola Gill in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

Loretta has a high-powered job at an Ad Agency and while waiting at the airport for her flight to New York her attention is drawn to six-year-old Phoebe who’s wearing fairy wings and sparkly boots. Her mother Kate asks Loretta if she’ll keep an eye on her daughter as she needs to go to a toilet but when she hasn’t returned after twelve minutes Loretta goes searching for her. It’s at this moment that not only does Loretta’s life change but Phoebe’s too.

‘Swimming For Beginners’ is a beautifully written emotional story that tugs at the heartstrings. It tells of Loretta whose life is planned with her fiancé Robert and a job she’s good at, although she finds it hard to build relationships with her colleagues. Then she meets Phoebe and although children have never figured in her life she can’t stop thinking of the little girl at the airport who never stops talking. As Loretta gradually becomes part of Phoebe’s life, it’s Phoebe who in turn helps Loretta come to terms with events that happened in her past. This is a lovely gentle story that’s brought tears to my eyes and makes me want to know how Loretta and Phoebe’s lives turn out.

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First I would like to thank NetGalley, publisher and to the author for offering me an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

An amazing book, very well written with an even more amazing story.

I was also amazed how Loretta, the main character manged to actually grow-up by the end of the book. The end also brought me into tears...

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Absolutely delightful, read this as a holiday read and I didn’t want it to end. Loretta was a complex character but she worked things out and it made a really good story.

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A heartbreakingly realistic story of a woman thrust into caring for an unrelated small child, and the disruption it brings to her life, whilst also slowly changing her. I really enjoyed this story and read it in 1 day. It wasn’t a perfect HEA, but somehow it made it more authentic. I’d recommend. 10/10

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An absolutely perfect book, this is such a juxtaposition of a book, both heart-warming and heart-breaking. This took me on a rollercoaster of emotions with there beautifully written characters and story. I highly recommend.

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What a fabulous read. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Heart wrenching at times, giving me all the feels. You truly never know what someone else is going through and all through the book it hints at something more, something deep and life changing. It broke my heart when I found out what it was. Recommend this read.

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This was PERFECT! Somehow witty, heartbreaking and heartwarming all at once. Loretta is a socially awkward career-woman who inadvertently gets drawn into the life of a grieving six-year-old. I was drawn to Loretta from the first page and only grew to love her more as the book went on. I adored this book, and I’m sure many others will too.

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A really great and fun read. I loved the characters and the story. Will look out for more from this author.

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Very emotional and heart warming.
Lorreta is socially awkward and has her life planned out with her fiancée which does not include children and she`s a workaholic.
She meets Phoebe and her mother at the airport and watches over Phoebe while her mother goes to the toilet but never returns, this changes Loretta`s life forever and turning her life upside down but for the better.

Loved this easy to read book with very lovable main characters it made me laugh and cry, would definitively recommend.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the ARC and I give my honest review.

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What a beautiful book. If you enjoyed Eleanor Oliphant and About a Boy this is definitely a book for you.
Loretta, a successful yet socially awkward advertising executive, has her whole world transformed by a chance encounter with a little girl at an airport. Phoebe's needs teach Loretta what are the most important things in life and enable her to process issues from her own past that have impacted on her life sub- consciously.
Truly heart- warming and highly recommended.
I am grateful to Netgalley and the publishers for an ARC of this book.

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Oh man, Loretta and little Pheobe just broke me. I devoured this read in one sitting. It’s full of heartache that I just couldn’t stop and the tears also followed!

The relationship between Loretta and Pheobe was a rollercoaster of emotions making me laugh and cry at the same time. Robert was just ugh, I don’t have anything to add about him lol and Christ was lovely.

I don’t want to leave any spoilers as I want other readers to experience it how I did, going in to this book not really knowing and finishing it still holding on to all that emotion. A Beautiful page turning relatable read from Nicola.

I have really enjoyed this read just gutted I’ve already finished it.

Thank you to NetGalley for the download.

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A bit of a slow start but I really enjoyed this book. If you liked Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, then you will enjoy this.

It features a slightly awkward, career focused, child fearing woman who finds herself after a sudden incident, having to change plans and tackle ghosts from the past as well as challenge any future pathways she may have set for herself.

I don't want to give anything away, hence the vague summary. However I would definitely recommend reading this as it is far more enjoyable than my explanation!!

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