Member Reviews

As the blurb says “Loretta has her life under control. She’s chasing a big promotion, she’s marrying the “perfect man” and she has a flawless five-year plan. This plan does not include children. But when a complete stranger asks her to watch her six-year-old daughter in an airport, their lives will be changed forever.”

I adored this book from the very first page! I could immediately identify with the desire to stay at home with a takeaway and a book – preferably this very one. It’s funny, reflective and incredibly moving. There were tears.

Loretta says things you often think but don’t actually date to. Her social skills are different and she struggles to fit in but she’s a wonderful character and I warmed to her so much. As she changes through her relationship with Phoebe, you’re really rooting for both of them.

A brilliant story.

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Funny, touching and heart breaking- I loved this story! Loretta and Phoebe were both great characters that I felt empathy for and interest in. Tackling some difficult subjects such as death of a parent and sibling, love, loss and not quite fitting in, the author manages this with sensitivity, humour and relatability. I couldn’t put it down, desperate to know how the story unfolded - highly recommended!

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Great idea for a story! I liked the premise and the author did a good job telling us all about the main character and her life when she is left in charge of a young girl. The book flowed well and the emotions were felt! Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Having never read a book by this author, I was pleasantly surprised by just how much I enjoyed it.
Loretta, a slightly awkward ad executive, comes into the life of six-year old Phoebe and finds she discovers things about herself she didn't expect.
A lovely book. Will definitely check out more from this author.

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Loretta, a high-powered PR consultant, meets Phoebe, a precocious child at an airport, and this starts a relationship between the two of them, which causes a lot of changes to Loretta's life. A lovely read, Phoebe is a great character, and the book is really funny while giving some life lessons. Recommended.

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A really good, well written book. I enjoy a story that isn't always based around a romance, it's nice to look at different relationships and different perspectives and this book definitely does this. A woman who has seen her life in a very particular way, put in a situation where she is out of her depth and initially thinking she wants out, but over time realising that it's exactly what she needed. We can come into people's lives in the most unexpected ways, and they go on to have a huge impact on our lives, sometimes for the better as is the case her for Lorretta. The relationship between her and Phoebe is very heartwarming, In trying to help the little girl by teacher her to be more like herself when it comes to emotions, over time she realises that holding her emotions back isn't always for the best. Sometimes when you let people in, your life changes so much for the better. We don't always know just who or what we need until it crashes into our lives. This was a beautiful story.

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This was unexpectedly touching. The plot revolves around Loretta, a forthright, self-contained woman, As the narrative progresses we see her blossom as she faces and overcomes her own protective mechanisms to support a young orphaned girl. Other characters in the book are also well depicted and sympathetically portrayed. I will definitely look out for more from this author.

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This is such a lovely story of someone finding their true self. The main character's life has been blighted by an event in the past and as the story evolves she eventually forgives herself and finds she can be loved.

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I loved this book! I read it in one day and could not put it down. This book made me laugh and cry.

Loretta has her life sorted - predictable, organised and manageable. Until she meets 6 year old Phoebe at the airport and is drawn into her life after the sudden death of her mother. This quirky little girl with her angel wings challenges Loretta’s view of the world. As she becomes involved in her life, she comes to realise how sterile her own life is and is made to face her past.

Her father being seriously ill makes her open up to her mother and to look seriously at what she wants from her life.

Helping Phoebe to deal with her grief helps Loretta to face her own and to work out what is really important.

A book to be recommended.

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What a gorgeous novel. I ended this sobbing, with a huge smile on my face. I didn’t have any prior expectations of this and was completely wowed.

The characters are what really makes this and they are all crafted so beautifully, from awkward but driven Loretta, to the bundle of energy and sequins that is Phoebe, to nice guy Chris, exhausted Sylvia and hard nosed Robert (and all of the others)…everyone has their good bits and bad bits and this really helps to make the story so emotional but also uplifting.

Thank you Netgalley and Bedford Square, I adored this

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What a beautiful story.
A woman with her life planned, finds everything deraild by a young child.
After being present during a tragedy that has nothing to do with her, Loretta can't stop thinking about that little girl. Even though she has never had any interest in children in her life.
This was a lovely tale about how sometimes we need a catalyst to find that human compassion side within.
There are hints of different ASD behaviours in both the MC and the child, which was interesting to read.
And the way Loretta's connections with her colleagues, friends and loved ones, also evolves in a satisfying manner.
Many thanks to NetGalley and Bedford Square Publishers for an ARC.

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Definitely one for fans of Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine.

Loretta is such a wonderfully complex and lovable character to follow on the path of discovering herself not to be a vile, self-obsessed workaholic, but (shock horror) a loving, caring person who’s had a few challenges in life and not really been as gentle with herself as she perhaps should have been.

I loved how Gill unfolded the story, introducing each element with perfect timing and leaving me desperately turning the pages to find out what was going to happen next.

It’s very easy to identify with who Loretta is when we meet her: she wants a simple life, no unpleasantness, no drama and a good job title that will finally make her parents proud of her. She’s got a clean-cut, easy relationship, a job she’s passionate about and her noise-cancelling headphones to tune out all those pesky colleagues and their trials and tribulations.

Hell, it’s even easy to understand how she feels when a child is rabbiting on at her while she just wants to prepare for her flight.

But it’s so much more enjoyable to feel her inner turmoil and conflict with her as she navigates the twists and turns that follow her first meeting with Phoebe and the changes to her life that follow. God, I love Loretta. I love Phoebe. I love this book.

Gill’s strengths in this book: character development, breadcrumbing, small observations.

Quotes from the book that perfectly summarise the type of tale of transformation that Gill has crafted and really resonated with me:

- I want to be loved for what I am instead of what I’m not
- Your achievements are not you
- I chose the thing that matters

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Loretta is on her way to a super important business meeting in the United States, and while at the airport waiting for her departure gate to be announced, a stranger asks Loretta to keep an eye on her sleeping six-year-old, Phoebe whilst she goes to the ladies (WC for those who prefer that term). The stranger never comes back. The hastily appointed official social worker arrives and Loretta is free to go. Despite being prompted many times Loretta refuses to leave until Phoebe's relative to arrive.

"Big social gatherings are like running – I know they’re good for me but, God, they’re painful."

There are socially awkward situations throughout this book - including Loretta making lists on how to interact with her colleagues to appear more engaged and interested in their lives.
Throughout the story, Loretta is developing as a person, changing her priorities and realising that the life she is living and has set out to live may not be what she ACTUALLY wants to do.

Great book for escaping for a few hours and for opening our eyes and think about our own lives.

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I would like to thank the author, the publisher and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read an ARC of this book. This was a fabulous book that I literally could not put down and I read it in one sitting. It made me laugh but also made me cry and had such fabulous characters that I was sad that the book ended as I could no longer spend time in their company. I will be recommending this book to everyone I know.

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This was a sweet adorable story, I really really enjoyed it it made me laugh cry and feel all warm inside. Loretta reminds me so much of me it was a heartwarming lovely summer read and definitely worth a read

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Swimming for Beginners is a deeply raw, beautifully written and engaging book. I loved exploring Lorettas growth and changing life with her.
My only criticism would be the ending-it was left open to allow us our own thoughts but I would have loved more specifics about where Loretta goes from here!

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Wow! What a heartbreaking emotional story expertly written.
Loretta is not the same as everyone else she has shut down her feelings a long time ago but when along comes a little girl who’s mother has just died she becomes embroiled in her life and starts question her own life choices. This is an emotional journey of two people who are helping each other .
Great read

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Gosh I loved this . Not the story I expected . Some amazing twists.. You don’t realise how important it is to get on with your work colleagues . We all have secrets. Loretta was a good main character and I loved how her friendship with some one changed her life and I will say no more it would spoil it. It was a great read . In fact I could not put it down. Read it

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I did enjoy this book, with a few reservations. The situation begins with Loretta, en route to USA for the most important pitch of her career, who is unwittingly, and initially unwillingly, sucked into a tragic situation. The annoying little girl Phoebe, finds her way into Loretta’s heart, which thus far has been cold and hard.
The trials and tribulations for Loretta which result, are complex and demanding, and constantly pull her out of her comfort zone. It also plays havoc with her relationship with her fiancé, and plans for their imminent wedding.
I found the issues surrounding Loretta’s incredible social awkwardness a tad overdone, and thus not very believable for someone who has reached such a high level in a very demanding career.
The explanations of her background growing up , went some way to explain her attitude, but it still grated with me.
Phoebe is a fully rounded child, grief stricken and looking for adult commitment to ease her pain. She finds this in Loretta, but sadly not always for selfless reasons on Loretta’s part. This episode I also struggled with.
Altogether a good read, 3 stars from me.
My thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for my advance copy of this book.

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This is a lovely read about socially awkward Loretta who through fluke of bad luck finds herself feeling a responsibility for Phoebe, a struggling young girl after her work colleagues find out how she came to know her and encourage her to check on her well-being. Loretta has a very ordered life with an uncomplicated relationship with her fiancé who is very similar to her a job in which she thrives professionally and it eager to further herself in, she knows what to expect at most times and this suits her fine. Phoebe struggles with her emotions and is very loud and unpredictable which puts her personality totally at odds with that of Loretta but the story of this unlikely duo make for a beautiful and uplifting read especially when you start to get a greater understanding of Loretta. I found myself cringing at some of Loretta’s attempts to be more sociable and feeling so sad for Phoebe who was desperate for friendship, this does a great job of showing how difficult relationships can be at any age and how the most unexpected moments can change your life.

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