Member Reviews

A Demon's Guide to Wooing a Witch is the follow up to A Witches Guide to Fake Dating a Demon. They say that the sequel is never better than the original however, Hawley defies this curse.

Tropes: Enemies to lovers, amnesia and one bed.

Calladia Cunnington is feisty, sassy and unapologetically chaotic. Hawley does a great job bringing the character to life. Calladia starts the book being kicked out of the bar where Mariel and Oz (our main character from A Witches Guide to Fake Dating a Demon) are celebrating their relationship. Astaroth, our demon is being attacked that very same night, and wouldn't you guess is saved by Calladia, suffering from amnesia and new-found mortality Astaroth asks Calladia for help.

Of course, I had my issues with the book as well (the same issues I had with book 1), but as a sequel
I think it holds up well and is still an enjoyable read.

Thank you to Orion Publishing Group, Gollancz and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Just so delightful! I hope we get many more books set in this world with these characters, because they are SO much fun and very lighthearted. There's cheesy charm, great romance, and wonderful humour, not to mention I absolutely love the setting of Glimmer Falls.

Calladia and Astaroth had an amazing dynamic - he's lowkey (not even lowkey, honestly) obsessed with her and I am here for it! I loved their banter and bickering, and it made for some fantastic chemistry between the two of them.

There was also a very emotional underlying storyline surrounding Calladia and her mother, and I really loved seeing how that played out, and how you don't have to forgive someone for treating you horribly just because you're related to them.

Overall this is turning out to be one of my favourite series and I'm seriously excited for the next book!

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A fun read. The story of Astaroth and Calladia. Not my usual kind of read but I did enjoy reading it as I liked both of the main characters.

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I wasn't sure how this one would be after seeing Astaroth's character in A Witch's Guide to Fake Dating a Demon, but it worked better than I thought. The only problem I found was that Astaroth had a complete personality change in order to fall in love.

It made sense in the plot and he still had some of the same sass and snobbery that the original Astaroth had. And I don't think the plot would have ever worked with the original Astaroth. But I found myself wondering at several points whether amnesia really would have so much of an effect.

I liked both characters though and the enemies-to-lovers style of their relationship was satisfying., I love this world and I was really glad to spend more time in it.

Looking forward to seeing what happens in the next book!

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"A Demon's Guide to Wooing a Witch" by Sarah Hawley gets 2 stars from me. I really wanted to like this one, but it didn't quite live up to my expectations. The premise sounded promising, and there were moments that hinted at potential, but overall, the story didn't fully deliver. It's an interesting concept, but the execution felt lacking in depth.

I would like to thank the publisher for providing me with an ARC through NetGalley. As always, my opinions are entirely my own.

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Oh this was so fun!! I keep on loving this series so much. I enjoyed it even more than the first book and I loved the first book!! Can’t wait to get my hands on the third.

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This is such a fun, if slightly cheesy, paranormal romance. We have a badass, feisty female character, who isn’t afraid of a good fight and a male character who is completely enamored with said fighting spirit. Andrea I can’t forget to mention that it’s enemies to lovers.

This one starts off right where A Witch’s Guide to Fake Dating a Demon leaves off except we are now following the story of Calladia and Astaroth. After the end of the last book Astaroth has been banished from the demon plane and lost most of his memories, he’s also being hunted down by one of the other demons and once Calladia helps save him for a sticky situation she grudgingly decides to help him, despite her hatred of him. Of course from here on chaos ensures.

I enjoyed this one almost as much as the first, these characters are so well fleshed out, I love the relationships that build throughout the story. I love that this continues to build on the theme of standing up for yourself and taking control of your own life and for course we can’t not mention the spice throughout. I gave this 4 out of 5 stars.

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I adored this one as much as the first one. A book that can change my mind on someone I hated was so worth the read. I can't wait to see what Hawley does next.

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While this was a little difficult for me to get back into it was so lovely to come back to Glimmer Falls. This book perfectly reminded me why I love the Enemies to Lovers trope so much! The angst and pining with the actual undertones to deserved anger. Though at times I really hate the amnesia trope it was just perfection here!

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I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this book to others. I found this to be a very entertaining romance featuring wonderful characters. I loved that both had some extra abilities and seemed to understand and support each other. I hope to read more of this talented author’s work very soon!

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If you enjoyed A Witch’s Guide to Fake Dating a Demon, you are going to love A Demon’s Guide to Wooing a Witch (and if you haven’t read them, what are you waiting for?). There is a quest, magic, some tense moments and quite a few steamy ones, many wonderful magical creatures, laugh-out-loud scenes, and an adorable enemies-to-lovers romance.

The protagonists are a formerly powerful demon, Astaroth, now powerless, suffering from amnesia, kicked out from the demon’s council, and banished to Earth. Helping him, initially unwillingly, a lively witch, Calladia. After a first disastrous meeting in which they had almost killed each other, Calladia had never thought that she and that arrogant Astaroth would ally, but as they hike through the forest in search of the witch who could help them, she finds it hard to resist his charm, even as they are followed by their overbearing mothers, a group of wolves who haven’t yet decided if they want to kill them, her worried friends, and a group of demons who definitely wants to kill them.

A Demon’s Guide to Wooing a Witch is such a fun read. There is lots of action and adventure, romance and family drama. We meet again some of the characters from the first book, including Astaroth who now turns from villain to quite an adorable and swoony hero. I loved the chemistry between the two protagonists, how they turned from enemies to lovers, and their sexy banters. This is a charming and heartwarming novel that will make you laugh and swoon. Highly recommended!

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This was such a fun and easy book to read, i enjoyed the writing style and the storyline. Such a good book.

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A delightfully romantic sequel.

When Astaroth (legendary demon) is suffering from amnesia, feisty witch Calladia grudgingly agrees to help him find the witch who might be able to restore his memory. During this journey, romance blossoms and first impressions are challenged.

I found this sequel to be even more enjoyable than the first instalment. The characters felt more developed and the romance felt more realistic.

This is perfect for anyone after a cosy, magical romance.

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DNF @ 20%

I just couldn’t get into this book enough to finish it. I really liked the first book in this series but this one just didn’t grip me enough in the first 20%. I found Calladia quite an abrasive character and I couldn’t warm to her, and the execution of the amnesia plotline was already frustrating me. It’s a shame but ultimately it’s just wasn’t the book for me.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing a free copy of this book.

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I have to start this review by saying I was unaware that this was the second book in a series and I hadn’t read the first book, so I had no idea of the background behind Astaroth being kicked off the demon council and out of the demon realm and more importantly why the heroine Callandia was such a b!tch to him when she found him about to be unalived by another demon so you could say I went into A Demon’s Guide to Wooing a Witch in as much of the dark as Astaroth who had arrived on the mortal plain with a case of amnesia and a secret hidden deep in his memory. I enjoyed the premise of the story as this ill-matched paid set out to track down a life witch who might’ve been able to restore Astaroth’s memory and come up with a way to kill the demon who, after failing to kill them in Glimmer Falls, was now hot on their trail. Along the way they attract the attention of a pack of werewolf bounty hunters after Callandia got a bit stabby in a bar brawl. Where this book fell a little flat for me was with the character of Callandia. She just wasn’t likeable. She had obvious anger issues caused by her mommy issues and her inability to stand up to the dictator who had birthed her leading to her getting into fights and I couldn’t help but think this was to embarrass her mother, the mayor. I did enjoy the banter between her and Astaroth and I adored his mum, the blood thirsty Lilith. Perhaps if I’d read the first book and saw Astaroth when he was being evil, I might feel different about Callandia and feel a bit more sympathetic to her.

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After loving the first book, I couldn't wait to get back to Glimmer Falls and it did not disappoint!
The tropes and characters hit and I hope we get more

Thankyou for the arc

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The author must have a fantastic imagination, because the world building in this series is truly outstanding! There are too many amusing, comedic details to mention, but this book will have you chuckling from start to finish. It does need to be read after the first book in the series, to truly appreciate the story arc. In the first book, Astaroth was the villain of the piece, so I was a bit taken aback to see him get his own story. Calladia and Astaroth are both tough characters with a lot of baggage, so it’s very endearing when they start to drop their shields and be vulnerable with each other. There is a lot going on in this book, but for me it’s the over the top craziness and quirky characters that set it above other books in this genre.

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I found the first book in this series an average read with potential so I was hopeful for this one.

In the end I’d say it’s more of the same. I enjoyed Calladia as a main character. She’s a bit more of a go-getter than Marie. Astaroth as the demon love interest was a bit of an odd one, and leaned heavily on the trope of having amnesia to basically make him a clean slate. There’s plenty of sexual tension and the overarching story was ok, but nothing particularly surprising.

Overall it was a pretty nice, easy read, and I will probably go back for the next book.

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the publisher gave me early netgalley access to this book (I did not request it), presumably because I'd read and reviewed the previous book in the series, A Witch's Guide to Fake Dating a Demon.

Well, this is much the same. the icky whiteness of the first book is still there, as expected, and frankly the main two reasons why I even read this was because I wanted to maintain my review ratio on netgalley (please DO NOT send me books I didn't request ffs) and because I was curious about how fucking Astaroth was going to be a love interest in this one.

the answer: amnesia. Astaroth got a personality transplant.

final verdict: it was the same kind of fun and slightly ridiculous romp as the previous book, with colourful characters, lots of sexual tension, character growth, and a b-plot about hybrid demon rights in the face of rising demon facism on the demon plane. I didn't hate it. I just also can't ignore the giant white elephant in the room of the suspicious eurocentric and white magic system/history here. you can have this many different magical species and hybrids, but not a single mention of native americans or how they place in this world? disgusting.

so three stars from me. if not for the white elephant I would probably have given it five, but I'm having difficulties stomaching the insiduous white supremacy that form the foundation of this entire set-up. Do better.

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Enemies to lovers. Witchy Romance. Forced Proxemity. One Bed. Memory Loss.

When I tell you I was so excited at the end of the first book when I had the inkling these two crazies would be paired up! And the book certainly didn't disappoint.

I loved Calladia's bad ass nature and how she came to love herself enough to cut out the toxic people trying to bring her down.

Asteroth was actually super funny without his memory, instead of the brooding Demon we saw in the first one, we had a dry quickwitted gentleman.

I loved the ending, the fight for hybrids and the family of friends coming together.

I LOVED how Asteroth fell for Calladia, he worshiped his warrior queen and never tried to tame or change her.

I cannot wait for book 3!

TW : mentions of mental abuse from an ex

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