Member Reviews

I really enjoy Sarah Hawley's romantic fantasy titles. fun characters, witty dialogue and great romance make for easy reading that is also hard to put down. The second book in the series was Just as enjoyable as the first and had the added bonus or an unhinged mother demon and a pack of Jock werewolves. What more could you ask for really?!

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Second in the Glimmer falls series. Calladia is riding high on her defeat of the demon Asteroth and can think of nothing better than getting drunk and starting a bar brawl. But on her way home from said bar she runs into someone in trouble and whales in with both fists, only to discover that the victim is none other than Asteroth.
But he doesn't know who she is, let alone that he tried to suck the soil out of her best friend and had his ass roundly kicked by her.
As Calladia spends time trying to help Asteroth regain his memories and discover why he's been kicked out of the council, she starts to wonder if she really wants him to go back to his former self because amnesiac Asteroth is actually exactly her type.

Following on almost exactly from the first book, you really do need to have read A Witches Guide to Fake Dating a Demon to get all of the nuances of events.
Calladia and Asteroth were only side characters in the previous book and so it was wonderful to watch their characters grow and their romance blossom. The romance aspect was done delicately and never felt heavy handed or fake and even the "I hate how hot he is" only added to the falling in love rather than making it feel like insta-lust or infatuation. The two of them really connected and we were along for the ride.
But the one who stole the show was Lilith.
As the mother of all demons you expected her to be bloodthirsty and aggressive, but her devotion to her son and her delightful madness made her such a joy to read. I have no idea if her historical tentacle porn on AO3 is a real thing and, to be honest, I'm scared to look- but it was hilarious.
The quest to recover his memories was a great backdrop to their falling in love and the diverse cast of magical creatures was lovely. I adore Hawley's worldbuilding.
I wouldn't call it deep literature but for a cosy paranormal romance it ticked all the boxes.

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I was so excited to receive the second book in this series! I’m a sucker for those interconnected series where it follows a group of friends and we get snippets of past characters in future books - there must be a name for this genre of books right? Let me know if you know! 💬

These books are so entertaining to read. They’re really lighthearted, funny, with a strong plot and a sprinkling of spice 🌶️

I like how the first chapter is a recap of the first book - I really appreciate when a book does this as I often have the memory of a goldfish 😂

This book follows Calladia, who is a friend of Mariel from the first book, and Astaroth who is the enemy of Ozroth from the first book. Astaroth is banished to the mortal world and loses his memory - I’ll leave it there to avoid any spoilers! 📖

If you enjoy the one bed, enemies to lovers, touch her and die tropes then you’ll love this paranormal romcom.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an eARC in exchange for my honest review ❤️

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This was another one of those books that I requested and then wasn't sure about once I'd been approved. I'm so glad I read it!
Now, I didn't read the first book so I'm not entirely sure how much of a redemption arc Astaroth needed but this is definitely how you do it. He sounds like he was one cold SOB in the previous book in this series but I absolutely loved him and that only grew as I got further into the story.
Calladia was an absolute BAMF and I loved her so much!

I'm definitely going to read more by this author, despite it not being my usual bag, because this was just so well written and engaging! I loved it!!

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A witchy/demon rom com, featuring a quest to try to restore the demons memories. This follows Calladia and Astaroths from Book 1s, love story. It was ok, the boom could’ve been 100 pages shorter and still told the same story. FMC gave “I’m not like other girls” which I didn’t really like. Smut was decent.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publish for a e-ARC in exchange for a review 🥰

Such a fun wee addition in this entertaining series!
I love the dynamic between Calladia and Astaroth, with some snarky light hearted banter and some spicy scenes - it made for such a charmingly cheesey read! Contemporary romances mixed with supernatural elements are one of my favourites and I actually really liked the insta-love romance, it worked so well in this instance.

This series is a fun, refreshing take and makes for an easy entertaining read

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This book was a perfect escape to get lost in. I was hooked on to it through and through. I laughed, I cried, and I was engaged throughout their entire journey. The banter and the romance was chefs kiss. I was swept away by it. This book definitely deserves all the golden stars and more!!

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This was a fantastic addition to the Glimmer Falls series. Callinda was an excellent heroine and I found her emotional healing touching. The enemies to lovers romance was fiery and passionate, exactly what I expected from characters such as these. I loved the sub plot of the turmoil on the demon plain. I’m excited for the next instalment in this series.

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Such a wonderful book, I loved the plot, and oh my god the characters were so amazing!! I definitely will be recommending it!!

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Thanks so much to Netgalley and Orion Publishing Group, Gollancz for sending me an e-arc copy of this book in return for my honest review.

I was so excited to receive this as I also read an advance copy of the previous book in the series, ‘A Witchs Guide to Fake Dating a Demon’ by Sarah Hawley and I absolutely loved this. I got so excited when I got the email to confirm I had this 😂😂

Again like the previous book, it’s just an easy to read and lighthearted romance about a demons redemption arc. Enter Astaroth (the villain in the last book) who ends up getting booted from the demon realm and landing near Calladia who was the witch that kicked his ass. But, plot twist, he’s lost his memories and can’t remember anything that’s happened over the last few centuries. You follow his story, trying to get his memories back and fighting for redemption in the eyes of the witch he’s falling for.

The romance in this book was pretty close to top tier, you know how much I love enemies to lovers. You watch Calladia realise how much he has changed since the memories have gone, and you watch them fall in love. However, it just felt like it happened a bit quickly for me and felt a bit insta-love which I usually don’t like. The chemistry was glorious and the spice was pretty good too! However, sometimes it did come across a bit cheesy… but you gotta love a bit of cheese!

Overall, this book is a great addition to the Glimmer Falls series and I can’t wait to read the next. I would 100% recommend this to any romance readers.

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In this second instalment in the Glimmer Falls series, we have Calladia and Astaroth's story. It keeps the same lightness and humour of book 1, and I loved the characters' enemies-to-lovers journey.

Calladia is a witch, and quite powerful. So when her friend needed help in dealing with a demon, she didn't hesitate to kick his bum. But now said demon has appeared in front of her, and he can't remember what happened to him. But with another demon tries to kill Astaroth, Calladia saves him, and now the two are stuck together. The demons are coming from both now, and the two need to work together to help Astaroth regain his memories and stop a demon genocide.

I love Astaroth and Calladia's banter. They are perfect for each other, and you can read the chemistry between the two. In book 1, Astaroth was the bad guy, but in this book, we see more of him, and we get to learn why he turned that way.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this eARC of 'A Demon's Guide to Wooing a Witch' by Sarah Hawley.

This is the second in the Glimmer Falls series by Sarah Hawley and I must say, I was disappointed. I highly enjoyed book 1 of this series so when I received the ARC of 'A Demon's Guide to Wooing a Witch' I was giddy with excitement. But sadly, it didn't woo me as much as book one. Certain scenes were fun but it just wasn't as enjoyable.

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Earlier in the year I read the first book in this series, A Witch’s Guide to Fake Dating a Demon and I immediately fell in love with Mariel and Ozroth. When this book came across my dashboard I wasn’t sure what to expect. Astaroth hadn’t exactly been introduced to the audience as a sympathetic character with any redeeming qualities - at all. And though Calladia was a fantastic and supportive friend to Mariel, that’s all she was.

Well, this book surprised me. I am not a huge fan of the redemption arc as a full story - as a rule - however, Astaroth actually made for an intriguing and enigmatic MMC. I enjoyed the love story because it wasn’t a rehashing of Oz and Mariel’s story (which I have found can sometimes be the case when reading a sequel - and it is the cause of a considerable amount of frustration for me). Their story was theirs, the situation that they found themselves in was entirely unique to them and their individual lives and though we get the chance to revisit Glimmer Falls, Mariel, Oz, Themmie and Ben, we are introduced to a whole set of new characters that start to build this community into something fantastic.

I loved Lilith and her flirtations with Kai the sexy werewolf, and being given more insight into not only why Astaroth is the way he is but also why Calladia is so protective of herself and the life she has built.
Also, I found that there was an interesting comparison between Moloch (here I can’t help but think of the Season 1 episode of Buffy in which Willow is seduced by a demon on the internet) and Calladia’s own power-hungry politician mother.

The glimpse at Ben’s story in the preview at the very end makes me want to read his book too.

All in all an enjoyable read that is a fun follow-up to A Witch’s Guide to Fake Dating a Demon, a great way to spend a rainy afternoon indoors or a sunny day by the pool.

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I was buzzing to be back in Glimmer Falls! The first book was so much fun and this did not disappoint!

It was a sexy little number and I enjoyed it a lot! The dynamic between Astaroth and Calladia is so much fun and their back and forth banter is hysterical. Heavily enemies to lover with a perfect amount of spice!

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity of reading this in exchange for an honest review.

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I absolutely loved the first book and was thrilled to get a copy of the second instalment, and it didn't disappointed.
I found it a little tough to warm to the MMC after his actions in book 1 but quickly began rooting them!

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This was a fun and chemistry-filled enemies to lovers romance and I totally ate it up. I loved diving back into the same town but this time following Calladia and the demon Astaroth on their mission to recover his memories and defeat the demons after him. Calladia’s in a difficult situation worrying about the ethics of helping a demon who only earlier that week was trying to steal her best friend’s soul - something said demon doesn’t remember doing. Is he really the same demon without his memories? That remains to be seen but Calladia has plenty of one-on-one time with this confusing demon to work that out. There’s plenty of humour throughout this book and a few twists and turns along the way to keep things extra interesting as well. I enjoyed understanding more about Calladia and her insecurities and also seeing Astaroth break down her barriers as he spends more time with this complex and fierce witch. He built Calladia up where others had tried to tear her down and I loved that for her.

Amongst the romance and seductions there’s plenty of action and magic as well as some familiar faces, making this a great read and just what I needed!

I received a free copy of this book. All views are my own.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I love this ridiculously entertaining series - and I was delighted to get the ARC for the continuation. I didn't think it would be possible to love another demon as much as I did Ozroth in A Witch's Guide to Fake Dating a Demon, but enter Astaroth, the snarky, well-dressed, irritatingly handsome demon in the second Glimmer Falls book and consider me mistaken.

These books are so easy to read, light-hearted and fun with a great sprinkle of steamy scenes. It's like a mash-up of my favourite contemporary romances with a good helping of the supernatural thrown in. Are some moments incredibly cheesy? Yes! But it just adds to the overall charm of the books.

The romance between Calladia and Astaroth in A Demon's Guide to Wooing a Witch is so natural, even though it develops over a pretty small time scale. I'm not usually one for insta-love but it just works in this situation so well. There really is a thin line between love and hate, and these two prove it! The chemistry is marvellous.

As a British (English) person, I'm often wary of an American writer including a British character in their books. I noticed that Astaroth said 'bloody hell' a lot, and even commented on this to my friend - but then quickly realised I probably say 'bloody hell' ten times a day myself, so I can categorically say his language is very believable, ha!

Overall, the Glimmer Falls books are highly entertaining, fun reads that don't take themselves too seriously and deliver perfectly spiced romance with a supernatural element - what more could you want?

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Initially, I really enjoyed this book, with the enemy to lover trope picking up steam, lovely little paranormal characters, quite funny. But the plot was SO obvious, and the problems in their path so easily overcome that it felt very simplistic. And then...
The sex started. The entire back end of the book was a bonk fest. Now that's cool, if that is your fancy, but this felt as if it had been shoehorned in for no reason, and with no regard to the plot. This is a follow on to A Witch's Guide to Fake Dating a Demon, which I really enjoyed, but this felt like a rewrite of the same book, with the style of magic and the names changed. And maybe it was my mood when I was reading, but there was SO much more sex, really spicily described, that I enjoyed it less.
Still, I wouldn't NOT recommend it, just maybe be aware that there is a LOT of spice in here.

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Rounded up from 3.75 stars

I was very excited to read this book as I really enjoyed the first one. We return to Glimmer Falls just after Oz and Mariel's happily ever after. This time we follow Calladia as she finds Astaroth being beaten up in an alley with no memory of how he got there.

I definitely enjoyed parts of this books. I really enjoyed Calladia and Astaroth's relationship as it went from enemies to lovers. There were a lot of deep parts to both of those characters and I enjoyed seeing them grow together. I also liked the little bit thrown in about how you don't need to fit into gendered expectations to be the gender you are. Also it was pretty spicy.

The mail plot line is based around turmoil on the demon plane and the rights of individuals with mixed demon heritage (e.g. one demon and one human parent). While I think it was done well something didn't sit quite right with me. It took me a while but I realised that the lack of main characters from marginalised groups made it feel a little flat. There are mentions of people with marginalised identies in the human realm but they are often very minor characters or it isn't explored (as in Themmie's case). It is made to feel like the human realm is all fine and dandy and only the demons have issues. Which is fine cause it's fantasy but since there is a fight for hybrid demon rights it would have been nice to have conversations about rights in the human realm.

Overall I did have fun with the book though. I think that Sarah Hawley does a really great job writing complex characters as well as a great redemption arc. I also loved Calladia's emotional healing. Parts of that resonated a lot with me.

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Back in Glimmer Falls! In the last book we got a brief glimpse of Astaroth, a cut throat demon who had no scruples going about winning a wager by any means necessary. He’s the villain, the bad guy and the one who attempted to kill our main characters of previous. Imagine my surprise when we get a full book and narrative from Mr demonic evil himself. And it works! Really well.

I honestly never thought I’d like Astaroth, but he’s very easy to get to like. His story was intriguing from the start and coupled with his banishment to earth, makes for a very compelling plot. Calladia too is a pure kick ass character and I really enjoyed getting to see a story develop with her.

And the build up in this! Ooof, it had me hanging off every word. It got better and better as it went along until I was racing through the pages. The building tension between Astaroth and Calladia was tantalising. I was all for the enemy to lovers trope and how much Astaroth won me over is tantamount to this authors ability to spin a damn good tale. I really enjoyed it and loved the story development in this.

Magic, witches, beefy werewolves, sultry demons and a side of spice. Who would have thought a quest with your sworn enemy could turn out to have such a happy ending?

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