Member Reviews

Rounded up from 3.75 stars
I was very excited to read this book as I really enjoyed the first one. We return to Glimmer Falls just after Oz and Mariel's happily ever after. This time we follow Calladia as she finds Astaroth being beaten up in an alley with no memory of how he got there.
I definitely enjoyed parts of this books. I really enjoyed Calladia and Astaroth's relationship as it went from enemies to lovers. There were a lot of deep parts to both of those characters and I enjoyed seeing them grow together. I also liked the little bit thrown in about how you don't need to fit into gendered expectations to be the gender you are. Also it was pretty spicy.
The mail plot line is based around turmoil on the demon plane and the rights of individuals with mixed demon heritage (e.g. one demon and one human parent). While I think it was done well something didn't sit quite right with me. It took me a while but I realised that the lack of main characters from marginalised groups made it feel a little flat. There are mentions of people with marginalised identies in the human realm but they are often very minor characters or it isn't explored (as in Themmie's case). It is made to feel like the human realm is all fine and dandy and only the demons have issues. Which is fine cause it's fantasy but since there is a fight for hybrid demon rights it would have been nice to have conversations about rights in the human realm.
Overall I did have fun with the book though. I think that Sarah Hawley does a really great job writing complex characters as well as a great redemption arc. I also loved Calladia's emotional healing. Parts of that resonated a lot with me.

Back in Glimmer Falls! In the last book we got a brief glimpse of Astaroth, a cut throat demon who had no scruples going about winning a wager by any means necessary. He’s the villain, the bad guy and the one who attempted to kill our main characters of previous. Imagine my surprise when we get a full book and narrative from Mr demonic evil himself. And it works! Really well.
I honestly never thought I’d like Astaroth, but he’s very easy to get to like. His story was intriguing from the start and coupled with his banishment to earth, makes for a very compelling plot. Calladia too is a pure kick ass character and I really enjoyed getting to see a story develop with her.
And the build up in this! Ooof, it had me hanging off every word. It got better and better as it went along until I was racing through the pages. The building tension between Astaroth and Calladia was tantalising. I was all for the enemy to lovers trope and how much Astaroth won me over is tantamount to this authors ability to spin a damn good tale. I really enjoyed it and loved the story development in this.
Magic, witches, beefy werewolves, sultry demons and a side of spice. Who would have thought a quest with your sworn enemy could turn out to have such a happy ending?

A perfect, cosy, witchy adventure that will keep you hooked to the end. I loved this even more than book one and am glad to see the series is set to continue.
A Demon’s Guide to Wooing a Witch had me laughing out loud on almost every page. Funny, fresh and sweetly romantic, this is the perfect comfort read. Lilith, of course, stole every scene she was in and had me cackling - I hope she and her tentacle fanfics get to come back again.

Huge, huge thanks to Orion Fiction (especially Javerya Iqbal, Marketing) and NetGalley for sending me an arc of A Demon’s Guide to Wooing a Witch by Sarah Hawley in exchange for my honest and unbiased review! I absolutely adored Sarah Hawley’s A Witch’s Guide to Fake Dating a Demon and was over the moon to receive the offer to read the second book set in the same world of Glimmer Falls!
If you’ve read the first book, you will remember that Astaroth was the guardian of Ozroth, a soul-bargaining demon who fell irretrievably in love with Mariel the nature witch. The consequence of this being that Astaroth failed to collect Mariel’s soul and lost his bet with fellow Demon High Council member Moloch. Moloch demands Astaroth’s banishment from the High Council and from the Demon plane, resulting in Astaroth finding himself dumped in Glimmer Falls with amnesia! If you do recall the first book, Astaroth was Ozroth and Mariel’s nemesis, so any redemption arc needs to be absolutely magical, and Hawley applies the amnesia trope brilliantly.
The other key protagonist in this story is Calladia Cunnington, who we met in Mariel and Ozroth’s story. She is a generalist witch, who packs one hell of a punch, definitely has significant anger issues but, marries these to a shiningly wonderful sense of loyalty to her friends and a complete lack of recognition of her own finer qualities; A lot of which can be attributed to her hateful mother and past history, which you will discover during this absolutely charming and heartfelt endearing romance.
Calladia finds herself ejected from the bar she was celebrating Mariel and Oz’s new relationship, as seen above, not a new experience for her. However, from this point events take a turn with Calladia thrown into the role of Azaroth’s saviour and so begins their quest to discover a cure for his amnesia. From here onwards, the events just flow with a great pace, supported by the banter between the two and a developing relationship actually becomes totally feasible.
Yes, there are some huge bust ups, a villain or two and a few adventures along the way but, there is also depth to the story, some hugely relatable heart-to-heart conversations and massive growth on the part of both protagonists. I absolutely loved this whole book and refused to put it down, so if you are looking for another cosy, fun, heart-warming, funny and downright fantastical (think rugby playing werewolves, shifters and a corgi-shifter – you have been warned, plus Lilith the Mother of All Demons,) this is definitely the book for you, it totally was for me! A fabulous 5 star read that I can guarantee I am pre-ordering and will pick up again!

A good read for a light summer read! It's a second opus to a great first one!
I love theses characters, their chemistry and their banter. It's an Ennemies-to-Lovers trope, and a good one. A solid four stars and a half!

Another super fun paranormal rom com, I think anyone would enjoy these books, they have charm, humour and a touch of fantasy. I love them. The characters are perfect and the story is fun. Love a cute whimsical romance 🥰

I really loved A Witches Guide to Fake Dating a Demon but I have to say Calladia snatched my heart in that book so I was thrilled to learn that A Demon's Guide to Wooing a Witch would be her story. I am absolutely weak for an unapologetically angry violent heroine and an MMC who thrives on her chaos and violence so Calladia and Astaroth were perfect vibes for me.
There are a million ways for women to fail to fit into the boxes that society creates for us but angry, violent, loud and hench AF is a particularly difficult thing to be as a woman without feeling like you're failing somehow. Add in an abusive ex and an abusive parent and Calladia's ability to take up space and be her unapologetic self is not only joyous but inspirational. I loved that her journey wasn't about having the courage to be herself and crotch punch anyone who didn't like it (because she had that nailed down) but rather about allowing herself to be vulnerable with someone who gloried in all the parts of her she'd always been told were too much.
Astaroth was great fun, I loved his commitment to an aesthetic, and his rakish behaviour. A redemption arc can be hard to pull off without glossing over past atrocities but this one really got there.
Overall a super fun, truly enjoyable read. Oh, and the spice was top tier. Loved it.