Member Reviews

I want to live in Holly Cross and be on the HCCC. What a picture the author builds for us when talking about this festive Christmas village and the community in it. I will admit I cried throughout the book, both happy and sad tears and fell in love with pretty much all of the characters. My problem...I'm left wanting to know more. I want to see what happens with the couples...I want to go back to Arthur and his little piece of happiness and I want to find out what Holly Cross does each and every year.

Bella Osborne just became my favourite Christmas author and I hope we get to go back to Holly Cross every year for Christmas. Thank you Netgalley, Bella Osborne and Aria and Aries for the opportunity to read this delight in return for an honest review.

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On the verge of losing the title of Real Estate Agent of the Month, Blythe makes a desparate but successful attempt to sell a house to Sam.

Set in the middle of the mmost Christmassy village in the country, Blythe must now convince Sam to join in the village's Christmas festivities. But... Sam absolutely hates Christmas.

I liked this book enough to give it 3 stars. But I felt some of the story was dragging on, making the ending feel like it was quick wrapping up loose ends. A shame!

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for my eARC in return for my honest review.

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First things first let's give credit to the beautiful stunning cover which totally made me want to dive into this book.

I enjoyed every aspect of this story from Blythe selling Sam a property in the most Christmas village to finding out how much Sam hates it, and that the property actually comes with a cat.

This is a cosy entertaining Christmas themed sparkly story, this was a pleasure to devour even in this hot weather.

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The perfect festive romance to curl up with!

Lovely easy to read story. Slightly predictable but aren't all books of this style.
Really enjoyable

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I quite enjoyed this festive offering from Bella Osborne, loved the mix of characters and the other little stories running through it. Brilliant ending brought a tear to my eye. Thank you netgalley for the advance copy. Side note can't believe the amount of reviewers getting there knees in a knot over one mention of Donald Trump. It was a passing comment and not worthy of a reduction in stars

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Blythe embellished the truth about a cottage to get her sales person of the month at her estate agent job. Sam who hates Christmas buys it not knowing the village is full of Christmas

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I didn't really like this book. It was a cute Christmas story but I just didn't really enjoy any of the characters. I felt like the MMC was a little too childish and the FMC was not much better. Also, I didn't really like the fact that one of the side characters had so much of the book dedicated to her story. It just felt out of place because the book was about a completely different person. If you're looking for a quick, holiday read then I would say this book could be good for you but don't expect anything that great.

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Sam, a self-proclaimed Christmas hater, relocates to Holly Cross, believing he's found his dream home. However, he soon discovers that Holly Cross is known for transforming into the most Christmassy village in the country every year.

Blythe, a real estate agent desperate to secure a sale, bends the truth to sell Sam a cottage in Holly Cross, not realising the extent of his Christmas aversion. Sam's presence jeopardises Holly Cross's chances of winning the title of Britain's Most Christmassy Village, and the villagers are not pleased.

As the town's festive reputation hangs in the balance, the villagers look to Blythe to resolve the situation. Amidst the chaos, Sam may find more than just a holiday nightmare in Holly Cross. A humorous tale of love, community, and the magic of Christmas.

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I love a good romance, and this one was wonderful! It had witty banter, and lovable characters. I was rooting for them the whole way through!

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One of my guilty pleasures that never fails to bring me comfort are holiday rom-coms, and The Perfect Christmas Village provided the same comfort. There were several layers of this plot that involved more than just the main 2 characters that resulted in a final plot twist I didn’t see coming. The grumpy, or in this case grinch, sunshine trope is really well executed and creates great banter between the 2 main characters. I found myself laughing out loud and looking forward to finding out what happens next. Plus, who doesn’t love a plot line involving an adorable cat. For anyone looking for a light rom com with a holiday theme this is a great pick.

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This book was a very cute Christmas romcom. The side characters (including the village) were cute and I loved Blythe and Sam's story. Made me want a mince pie!

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"Tis the season.... for a Christmas cynic to have his frozen heart melted by festive magic"

I only tend to choose a couple of Christmas books to read and review each year, as like Sam in this particular story, Christmas is not my favourite time of year, plus I often find the rom-com storylines a little too banal and 'cheesy'. Having spent almost thirty subsequent Christmas and New Year periods in Disney World, Florida, you might wonder why my non-committal attitude towards the season; which I can only really explain as the difference between the ready-made festivities laid on by Disney, versus the unimaginative British tradition of too many people crowded around too small a dining table, over-eating on what is usually, by the time it is all served up, a mildly lukewarm, full English roast dinner, followed by the fight for a semi-comfortable easy chair and an afternoon with the television on, playing to itself, while everyone talks over it. Call me 'Bah! Humbug' and I'll willing put my hands up to it!!

Anyway, let's see if the villagers of Holly Cross have more luck persuading Sam that he really does want to do Christmas after all...

It is late spring in the fictional, 'chocolate box' village of Holly Cross, Warwickshire. Amir and Blythe are competitors for top-dog sales position in the Happy Homes Estate Agency, which is owned and manged by Ludo. With only a weekend and Bank Holiday Monday to go before the end of the month, Blythe looks set to be knocked off pole position by a very smug Amir and it isn't sitting too well with her! Unusually for the profession, Ludo maintains a very strict code of ethics in his business, which puts the customer front and centre of every interaction and transaction, so when Blythe has the temerity to sell a property which isn't even on the market, Ludo is not best pleased when he finds out about it and removes all of Blythe's long service privileges and salesperson accolades, as punishment.

Blythe's potential client Sam Ashton, who is relocating from London and has very specific ideas of what he expects from a property, is also unaware of her deception, when he falls in love with the cottage she shows him, around the village green of Holly Cross, unaware that this is her last ditch attempt to bag that all important end-of-month sale. He is even more annoyed when he discovers too late, that despite him making it clear to Blythe just how much he dislikes the festive season, the cottage is located in one of the most Christmassy villages in the country, which regularly participates in a national Christmas competition, with each and every inhabitant being expected to take part in proceedings. Even more unfortunately for Sam, the previous owner of the property, an elderly gentleman called Murray, was one of the most staunch supporters of the HCCC (Holly Cross Christmas Committee), putting his own cottage up as a front and centre exhibit. So Sam is up against it almost from the very moment in September, when the sale finally completes and he moves in.

Following the recent break-up of her relationship, Blythe is now living back in Holly Cross herself, with her mother and stepfather. Her relationship with her birth father, who left the marital home when she was very young, is very stilted and never spontaneous, always a diarised event organised by his secretary and only happens once or twice a year. That he is a property guru in London, causes Blythe to feel she has something to prove, working as they do in arguably the same profession. She and Murray had been close friends, although he had been a very private person, so the mystery surrounding his life, continued unabated following his demise, made even more confusing when his daughter Denise arrives on the scene and evidence of the double life Murray was living becomes obvious.

Murray had also almost befriended a stray and very feral cat called Turpin, which Blythe had carried on feeding after his death, so she and Sam agree that the arrangement should continue, although things blow hot and cold between the two of them every time they meet, as everything about the village seems set to wind Sam up, making him wish he had never set eyes on either the place or the over-eager estate agent he finds himself falling for. When Sam does finally open up to Blythe about the reasons for his complete aversion to Christmas, she decides that this is going to be the year all that changes and Sam becomes a fully paid up member of the season of goodwill. However, we all know what happens to those best laid and well intentioned plans, don't we? So when everything contrives against the village celebrations this year, even Sam finds himself willingly playing his part to make the event the best it can possibly be for everyone.

And his reward?...

Author Bella Osborne's writing style was warm, fluent, and inviting, and whilst I couldn't escape the obvious fact that this engaging, multi-layered storyline was essentially about the ups and downs of an evolving and flourishing romance, with all the 'happy ever afters' that engendered, she cleverly managed to weave a couple of mysteries into the mix, which were such a good fit that they never threatened to overwhelm the heart and humour of the main event, but certainly added that much needed depth of interest for me personally. The chapters were also well-signposted, short and punchy, which meant that I was able to dip in and out of the storyline, as 'real life' dictated, without needing to backtrack for a recap; although as I became so engrossed by life and love in Holly Cross that I finished reading the book in less than forty-eight hours anyway, there was no chance of me being too side-tracked.

The colourful cast of quirky characters, while maybe appearing a little larger than life, I felt were probably truthfully drawn and an honest representation of the diverse mix of residents you would find in any such small and insular community in the UK. From Blythe's childhood friend, the garrulous, slightly scatty and straight-talking Vicky; to Norman the baker, who believes that all the ills of the world can be solved by feasting on one of his homemade delicious cakes or pastries. From the two mouse-like, elderly sisters who sit and knit for charity all day long; to the inimitable, larger than life Leonora, chair of the HCCC, a force to be reckoned with and someone who definitely takes no prisoners. There were inevitably some well-kept secrets, as you would expect, however each character was compelling, relatable, authentic and genuinely believable. Their addictive verve and the vibrant synergy between them, caused a few amusing moments, although I was always laughing with them and never at them! If the numerous events and the wonderful location are the threads which hold this community together, then the characters are definitely the very fabric and glue which gives it its strength and resilience.

Whilst Holly Cross in Warwickshire is a fictional location, the picturesque village of Eathorpe, which the author took as inspiration for this story, is very real. The physical footprint of the story is confined to this single, quite niche location, so for anyone looking for travel to far flung places, there may be slight disappointment. However, my journey as an 'armchair traveller' has never felt more cosy and comfortable, as Bella used the full palette of words at her disposal to capture the essence and heart-warming charm of village life through the seasons of the year, whilst bringing the sights, sounds and smells of Christmas magic to life, lifting the images off the pages and into my reading space, thus affording me an excellent visual depth and a profoundly perceptive and immersive sense of time and place, that I could almost step into.

This book has as its message, the importance of family, friends, and community spirit. Or as Blythe was heard to say “Holly Cross isn't about Christmas.. What it's really about is community. It's the people. Christmas is just an excuse. It gives them a purpose to get together, to support each other and create something special that benefits others. It's the people who make Holly Cross, not Christmas”

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Enormously cute. A competitive real estate agent needs to sell one more house to be #1 in the monthly rating. Finally on the weekend before the end of the month and the official town Christmas season gets a client and a sale. From there on things to downhill for the agent and the buyer. Funny and with lights!

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I always enjoy a Christmas story by Bella Osborne, so I was happy when I saw her book for 2023. I did have a bit of a difficult time getting into the story, since it began with focusing on a real estate office and the personnel (and personal) issues going on there. Also, the main character was very unlikeable to me at the start. I am very glad to admit that soon went away after a few chapters and the story began to explore other events going on in this very Christmassy village.

This is a lovely story about diving deeper into a person’s character than what is seen on the surface. Many of the people in the story do not show their true self to others. It was very interesting to experience getting to know them.

The town is all abuzz with trying to decorate everything in hopes of winning the award for the Perfect Christmas Village. All residents usually participate, but this year, there is a new resident that is a bit of a gump. That makes the story special, to see if the Christmas spirit can change him.

I want to thank Aria & Aries and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity of reading the advance reader copy, with no obligation to write a review. My review is written freely as a hobby, and is totally my own opinion, not influenced by receiving the ARC.

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This is an easy, enjoyable read set in the run up to Christmas within the fictional 'Holly Cross' village. It is humorous and entertaining but it also has a more serious storyline underneath as you try to work out why Sam is so averse to Christmas. There is also a bit of a mystery running throughout the book that is not revealed until the end so it will keep you reading...!

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The Perfect Christmas Village by Bella Osborne

Another great character driven book by this great author.
Her description of Holly Cross was so wonderful I could imagine one of those Christmas Villages you can buy as a decoration coming to life as Holly Cross !
Loved Blythe & ' bah humbug ' Sam , a perfect Christmas read or even a Christmas film.

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Holly Cross is the perfect Christmas village, and this year they want to win a national prize for their efforts.
Cue the arrival of Sam who moves into a cottage on the village green. Sam's a Christmas-hater. Clearly he has good reasons, but no other character bothers to ask why, they just cajole and trick him into joining in.
Blythe is the estate agent who sold the property to Sam, using deceit and dubious methods.
The storyline is lovely and Christmassy, however the characters of Blythe and some other key villagers were not likeable. Too much deception and lack of consideration for Sam's feelings put me off this book a bit.

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I just love a Christmas read and was delighted to be approved for the ARC.

We meet best friends Blythe and Vicky, who both live in a village called Holly Cross. Holly Cross residents love everything about Christmas, and the whole village gets involved in decorating the houses for the festive season.

Blythe is an ambitious estate agent who is trying to beat her colleagues Amir for estate agent of the month. Therefore, she sells a rececent becoming available cottage to Sam Ashton, but the only problem is that he hates everything about Christmas. Blythe has to try to convince Sam to get involved in the community to become Britain's Most Christmassy Village. Will she be able to convince him?

Vicky is a single mum to adorable Eden and always comes up with different ideas to earn money. She really gets thrown when former love Oliver turns up in the village again.

Bella Osborne has a great way of bringing to life the wide range of likeable & fun characters. This is a well-written story about a community coming together to raise money for charities, and Holly Cross village feels like the perfect place to live. The author definitely brought the story alive with her vivid descriptions, and I would love to be part of this community.

Holiday Rom-Com at its best!

Thank you Aria & Aries and Netgalleyuk for the advanced copy.

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The Perfect Christmas Village by Bella Osborne is the ideal book to put you in the mood for the holiday season.
This well-written story of the goings on in a small village that goes all in on Christmas in order to raise money for charities, features a wide range of likeable and fun characters and not one but two romances.
Osborne brings the setting of Holly Cross to vivid life, and her characters' drama keeps you turning the pages to the very end. If you are a fan of romances set around Christmas, this is the book for you!
I was flattered to be offered an ARC of #ThePerfectChristmasVillage from #Aria&Aries and #NetGalley.

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This perfect Christmas village puts you in a jolly mood. I enjoyed the focus on community and family, and how it all comes together. This is a sweet book that is age appropriate for most of my older teen students and up. I would recommend this for anyone needing a Christmas pick me up.

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