Member Reviews

This is such an important book to those who it is aimed at, and even as a grown up (just about!) I really enjoyed this and felt like I learnt some valuable lessons/tools/approaches to boundaries and taking space when needed. Another one that I feel strongly should feature in school libraries, alongside school reading lists!

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I love this book and have already bought it for the wellbeing library at the school where I work. It's so nice to see a book, written in such an engaging and accessible way, that promotes you being you and really makes you think. Are you going to that party because you actually want to? Or is it because you didn't know how to say no? Maybe you didn't want to offend someone or you're worried that you won't get invited again. There is a lot in this book about making sure that friendships are reciprocal and not based on just what the other person gets out of you. Highly recommended for anyone with or working with young people.

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I thought this book was brilliant. Aimed at teens, but still good as an adult (to a teenager as well).
The graphics were nicely used - breaking up long paragraphs and making it much easier to read, as if you weren't reading lots of information all at once.

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Book Review 📚
How To Say No by Michelle Elman - 4/5 ⭐

This is perfect for adolescents and young adults. Well, even adults. It gives you a brilliant understanding of why, even how, you should say no when it doesn't benefit you.

It talks to you about not having to say yes all the time, about not having to feel pressured. About being your own person and knowing when to say no and to who.

There is no reason as to why you should feel pressured, there's no reason to agree for the sake of it. This book gives you a perfect insight on exactly how to say no!

YAs and adolescents could really benefit from this if they feel pressured or guilty. It really does open the mind. It's a book I will recommend to adolescents and YAs.

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