Member Reviews

This is a case where the star rating I am giving the book is based on my reaction, not to anything negative about the book. I don't think I'm the intended audience for this title. I want to know more about the history of how the Bible has come to us in its present form, not because I am questioning if the Bible is God's word. I wanted more depth, not necessarily academic, but not so basic. I actually gained more from the footnotes from the text. For the right reader, one asking the questions Lim addresses, this will be a good book.

Lim's account of how the Bible came to be formed into the book it is today and its history. This is an area probably too many Christians are ill informed about so this book will be a worthwhile addition to a biblical canonical library.

How was the Bible composed and compiled? What is the history behind the canon? What about books that we do not accept as part of the Bible? This book attempts to answer these and many more questions. The author Susan Lim shares her own journey with Scripture while diving into lots of historical research- all about the Bible.
If you are curious to learn more about Scripture and how the Bible came to be, this is a helpful book to read.

I enjoyed this book. I had never read a book on the historical nature or authenticity of the Bible and I thought this was a great introduction to that topic. Someone who has experience reading books of this nature may find this book repetitive, or not engaging with new information. But I found it as a engaging and fairly easy read. There were some areas that I wish there was some additional context, but I enjoyed the personal anecdotes woven in with the historical analysis.

Not only does Susan's love of the bible shine through, but her thorough and yet down to earth explanation of the whole process of how we have the bible we hold in our hands today is extremely well done. I knew of some of the background of the bible, but really diving into this book has put some missing pieces into place of why certain books are in our canon, and why certain books are not, especially the warning and worry of the "bishop of Alexandria, Athanasius penned his letter about his worry that a few 'simple' people would be 'beguiled' by taking the 'books termed apocryphal, and to mix them up with the divinely inspired scripture.' " Every aspect was considered from multiple individuals before a book was accepted into our canon, the reasons behind some of the questions, and ultimately the reason why they were deemed worthy. Very well done and so informative!
*I received a copy of this book from NetGalley. This review is my own opinion*

Historian Susan C. Lim lays out the history of the Bible, and why certain books were not canonized, in a way that I found very approachable as a non-academic.
The author has a clear love and reverence for the Scriptures which readers will likely find contagious. Without a belief in the Bible, she writes, “we cannot experience God as we should in the here and now.”
This is both an easy-to-digest primer on how the Bible was shaped, and a call to let it shape us.

Light of the Word
How Knowing the History of the Bible Illuminates Our Faith
by Susan C. Lim
Pub Date 05 Dec 2023
InterVarsity Press,IVP
Christian| Nonfiction \(Adult\)| Religion & Spirituality
Netgalley and InterVarsity Press sent me a copy of The Light of the World to review:
Christians generally acknowledge that the Bible is God's Word, but many of us don't believe it's trustworthy. Sometimes we're not sure if we believe what we read. But the more we learn about how Scripture came to be, the more power and truth we discover.
Historian Susan Lim explains how the Bible's history bolsters our faith and anchors us through history's ups and downs. Though Scripture can be messy and complicated at times, it also tells the story of God shepherding his people through the centuries. In Lim's book, he explains how Christians came to accept certain documents as inspired and not others, and how the Bible was assembled and canonized. As we receive and read Scripture, the same Spirit who oversaw its writing is at work actively in us, growing us in faith and maturity.
We can confess with confidence that Scripture is God's Word if we confess Jesus is Lord. The church through the ages has received and passed down sacred Scriptures, so we can also receive the living Word God still speaks through.
I give Light of the World five out of five stars!
Happy Reading!

TITLE: Light of the World: How Knowing the History of the Bible Illuminates Our Faith
AUTHOR: Susan C. Lim
GENRE: NonFiction; Spiritual; Christian; Religious
Really liked this illuminating history of the Christian faith and the Bible. I learned so much. Lots of notes were taken. Every Christian needs to read.

I am here for a book by an author who clearly loves and reveres the Word of God. Susan C. Lim’s passion for the Scriptures is contagious and shines brightly on the pages of this book.
The major premise of Light of the Word is that an unwavering belief in the sixty-six books of the Bible as the living Word of God is essential to the Christian walk.
Helpfully, she makes the necessary distinction between salvation and belief in the Scriptures:
“A nuanced knowledge of the Scriptures is not a prerequisite for salvation.
The first and second confessions, however, are inextricably linked because of Jesus, who is Lord and Savior, is also the Word of God.”
Lim describes the first confession as the moment of salvation, or confessing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who reconciles us to God. The second confession is confessing that every part of the Bible is actually true and the living, breathing Word of God.
The connection between the two may seem obvious, but Lim shares her story of a lingering disbelief in certain parts of the Bible and how it kept her from a joyful walk with Christ.
In this book, she gives the reader a birds’ eye view of how the Bible came to be the sixty-six books that orthodox Christianity understands as God’s Word. She explains how some have been accepted as part of the canon from the beginning, while some have been the cause of controversy. By understanding the place of each book in both its historical and theological importance, we can grow in confidence in our belief of the words of the Bible.
I appreciate that this book is accessible to those of us who may not pick up large tomes more likely to be found in seminary libraries than on our nightstands. Lim balances competency with warmth, and the result is a very readable book.
I recommend Light of the Word to those who want to grow in their understanding of the biblical canon’s formation, as well as those who suspect they may also have a lingering disbelief in certain parts of the Bible. May this book be a blessing to your walk with Christ as it was to me.
Thank you to Netgalley and Intervarsity Press for the advanced review copy. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Really enjoyed this book on the history of the Word of God. Filled with historical evidence of how we got the modern canon we see today. The author's personal story of her journey with faith and disillusionment really spoke to me, and the book is written in a way that speaks plain and full of truth. Highly recommend and might read twice! #lightoftheword #susanclim #netgalley #goodreads

The Christian faith is anchored on the Bible. Without the Word, we cannot know God and there is no Christianity of today. Without knowing the history of the Bible, we might not be able to fully appreciate the Truth. In fact, knowing the history of the Bible is to know the context of its formation. In Bible studies, one of the most important principles is to interpret the verses in context. That means recognizing the embedded meaning within the passage instead of mere verses alone. Context depends not only on literal meaning but also on literary forms. Other contextual considerations include cultural awareness, linguistic nuances, genre types, historical backgrounds, etc. Knowing the history of the Bible is like the study of the contextual origins of the Bible, that a good understanding will increase our faith and insight. It is the key to unlocking the Truth and build up our faith. Not only that, as far as the author is concerned, the Word has become her strength and refuge in many personal circumstances. Seeing the history of the Bible helps her to visualize her faith profoundly. In both her first and second confessions of faith, it was the Word that consistently guided and encouraged her. She begins with the angle of Scriptures and Salvation, to point out the reliability of the Bible even when many of us have expressed different types of doubts from time to time. Whatever it is, doubts do not negate salvation. Instead, they spur us to a deeper knowledge of the Word. She guides us through the origins of the canon, what it means, why it is important, and what it means for her personally.
In the same way, she points out how the Bible was inherited via Old Testament traditions, rooted in history, and carefully passed down from generation to generation. She encourages us to read the Bible not in some mechanical "life manual" but a living Word that we can "dance with the Lord." That means "absorbing, meditating, responding, and living out" the Word. Apart from the canon, she also covers the pseudepigrapha and apocryphal works, showing us why they do not belong to the canon. On how the Bible changes lives, she gives us the testimonies of Billy Graham and Charles Templeton, who used to serve together in many evangelistic events. Their paths shifted dramatically because of their fundamental disagreements over the way they see the Bible. Graham takes his doubts as a way to cultivate greater faith in God. Templeton's doubts led to his own downfall as he sank deeper into the valley of constant suspicions about the reliability of the Bible. On miracles, she gives us reasonable explanations on why the miracles in the Bible are believable. She does the same for the New Testament, giving us summaries of each book, providing historical evidence, the canonization process, with witness and support from the Church Fathers, and many believers of old.
My Thoughts
The Bible is not an easy book to read. For a modern audience to understand ancient texts is already a tall order. Add to that the many doubts about the reliability of the Bible, it can be daunting to those who are unfamiliar with the history of the Bible. For those who are long-term believers, it can also challenge them to move beyond any complacency and find ways to grow in their knowledge and understanding of the Bible.
Let me give three thoughts about what this book means to the believer, the doubter, and the skeptic. For the believer, this book raises good questions about the history and reliability of the Bible. Some believers do not ask enough questions to increase their understanding. That will be a pity because asking questions opens up many learning moments. For there is a kind of doubt that leads to faith. Believers should not be discouraged whenever they have doubts about the Bible or Christian faith. In fact, the Word of God is more than able to stand on its own. We need to be challenged to learn and to grow in appreciating how the Bible has survived the many formidable challenges of old. This book should equip believers with basic questions and tenets that underscore the reliability and authenticity of the Bible.
For the doubter, do not be afraid to let the doubts drive the search for Truth. This book is essentially written by a doubter, the author herself. Sharing her many moments of searching for answers, Susan Lim has done for the Bible what Lee Strobel has done for proving the authenticity of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Lim shows her own personal journey from confession to conviction, and from doubts to deeper faith. This is something that readers can take note of.
For the skeptic, I urge you to give this book a chance. Explore the points mentioned and the evidence shown. I do not presume that the book can provide all the answers that you are looking for. At least, see the reasons and evidence in the book as probable answers to any doubts you might have. Be honest about your default views. For many people, their default views are already biased in some ways. Whether it is a believer or unbeliever, secularist or skeptic, we all have some philosophical leanings or assumptions that we hold on to. Read this book with an open mind.
So whether you are a believer, a doubter, or a skeptic, have an open mind to give this book a read. Who knows, it might very well be a light to deeper insights about the Bible.
Susan C. Lim (PhD, UCLA) is a historian and writer. She has been a professor of history at Biola University in La Mirada, California, and is a speaker at conferences, churches, and retreats. She loves to share God's Word and serve at her home church, Mariners Church in Irvine, California. She resides in Southern California with her husband, Brian, and their two children.
Rating: 4.25 stars out of 5.
This book has been provided courtesy of InterVarsity Press via NetGalley without requiring a positive review. All opinions offered above are mine unless otherwise stated or implied.

I've never read a book that was so thoroughly researched, packed with thought-provoking information. The author took a huge dive into the history of how the books of the bible came to be and even makes you weigh the scale between if you believe in God's word or not. With the evidence presented it woulsnt be hard for you to make decision.
I recommend this book to non-believers as well aa believers. I plan on purchasing the physical copy when published, because it's definitely one I know I'll keep going back to.

Light of the word is a book that dives into the history of the writing and establishing the Bible canon. The author begins with their own story of coming to faith and later on finding herself doubting the innerancy of the Bible.
The book delves into the history of the Old Testament, disputed books and how the canon of the OT was established. Later it explores the New Testament and the history of the early church.
It is well written, offers opportunities for reflection, and it is suited for both new believers and and people who have been believers for some time.

This is a thought-provoking journey through the history and significance of the Bible. The author skillfully tackles the doubts many Christians face about its trustworthiness while shedding light on the divine guidance that shaped its formation. A good resource for anyone seeking a deeper connection with God and an understanding of the Bible's enduring power and relevance.

The Light of the Word by Susan C. Lim is a wonderful book on the history and origins of the Bible. She takes a subject that can be confusing and makes it easy to understand. As a Christian it is great to read so many factual examples of the authenticity of the Bible. I would recommend this book to new believers and lifetime believers. Thank you to the publisher and Netgally for allowing me to read this advanced copy. I enjoyed this book very much!

This is going to be a book that I go back to again and again. I am learning so much from it.
The writing style is perfect and it helps you take in what is being said. It has shown me so much about the word of God and how it fits into our worked perfectly today. I've always believed the Bible is the word of God, but this book has given me so many more reasons that it is and will help me talk to others about the Bible.

You need this book on your shelf - literal or your ebook shelf. A deceptively simple look at the bible as the word of God, the words breathed by God to show us the way to Him and to show us his love for us. A fantastic explanation of why the bible is indeed His word, what is in, what is out, what is allegory and what is linked to historical remains. An easy read and journey through the bible with personal anecdotes and a glimpse into the author’s life as well as a grounding in the world we live in,