Member Reviews

I’m addicted already and very thankful that this is the first in a new series! I loved discovering Detective Sebastian Locke and Lucy, his partner in the investigation team.

Hayley DaSilva, a central character in this book, is scripted carefully and reflected well a person who had buried her traumas in order to survive. Seeing her rediscover who she was originally, was brilliantly and slowly revealed within the plot.

The dynamics between all the characters in this book worked so well, I felt I was standing there watching it all unfold.

This was never going to be an easy case for Seb and Lucy to solve, the ‘killer’ having confessed and been in prison for 15 years already. The grief behind this is quite palpable for the reader and the unknown threads kept me racing through the book, keen to see who really killed the DaSilva family.

A great read!

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My Rating: 2⭐️⭐️ strong start… but fizzled out and became mundane…

Goodreads synopsis:

Fifteen years ago, he confessed to the murder of his wife and children.

As a teenager, Hayley DaSilva walked into a nightmare; discovering the bodies of her mother, twin brother, and friend all brutally slaughtered in her home… and her nine-year-old brother missing. Her father, Leonard DaSilva, confessed to the murders, but Ethan was never seen again.

He lied. But why?

Now, Hayley has fled her dreadful past in Thamespark - until the call from Detective Sebastian Locke. Little bones uncovered in a shallow grave belong to Ethan… and the investigation reveals holes in the case that prove Leonard’s confession was false. He didn’t kill his family. So why did he say he did?

As DI Locke and the squad realise that a killer has been hiding in plain sight in the sleepy commuter town of Thamespark, the previously cold case becomes an urgent investigation. But as the squad gets closer to the truth of who really murdered the DaSilvas, it becomes clear that the culprit won’t hesitate to spill blood to keep their shocking secrets hidden…

This book had a strange start, I liked the switching POVs, this was done without headings at the top which may become confusing for some people who really need those spelt out… but honestly it was pretty easy to follow. I really liked the premise of this book… but it largely disappointed me by the end.

I think the writing itself wasn’t too bad… it captivated me well enough from the beginning and there were no major issues… at the beginning you could feel the emotion in the writing. From about half way things kind of went downhill. I felt like the story was going around in circles a bit just to try to confuse the reader.

It really annoyed me that Hayley returned to her hometown which she hadn’t been to for 15 years or so but then just picked up right where she left off with certain friendships, frenemies and relationships… so much time had passed yet it was like she had never left. I found that to be a bit of a cop out… of course things had changed. She had changed… she was in a loveless marriage as arm candy… surely she would be less likely to trust people at the very least.

The police procedural part of this book was quite good… except that the big reveal / baddie was unveiled by some citizens gone rogue style detective work… Hayley just happened to work it out randomly… and of course she runs off into the night to confront the murderer of her whole entire family… ALONE!!! Why wouldn’t she…

I don’t really have too much to say…this book was fine… but not great. I think some of my GoodReads friends would probably like it… but those of you that have similar tastes to me… not so much… Pink, Carol, Anne - don’t bother it would be a lacklustre read for you I think.

I may consider reading book two just to give this author another try because like I said the writing was actually quite good for most of the book. I did like DI Sebastian Locke, he is a single dad trying to raise a teenage daughter… which is a new take on single parent that I haven’t read much and is nice to see a loving dad for a change. He did dip out on the investigation a lot to go home to his daughter which is great for her but not so much for the investigation. I also thought the dynamic between him and his partner was a good one… there were some loose ends that could have been tied up though…

As mentioned this was just missing something… but I didn’t hate it.

Thank you to Hera Books, NetGalley and the author for an advanced copy for an honest review.

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This is so incredibly well written. I loved the opening pages and the cop's perspective. It was a hard read for me because I have worked for the police department and because I have my own trauma. But I still enjoyed it. I am so hoping I get approved for the audiobook. I want to try it that way too.

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While this was an enjoyable read, the dialogue (both internal and external) seemed a bit bland at times which made it hard to empathize with the characters. I am quite surprised by the identity of the murderer when it came down to it, though I do wish they spent a bit of time in the actual arrest portion of the plot. Seemed to just graze over it. Overall I think Lucy was my favorite, a newbie just trying to come up in her career. Hope she got promoted by the time everything was said and done

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This is the first book featuring DI Sebastian Locke, written by N. J. MacKay, and has the potential to become a compelling series. Locke is tenacious and determined to solve a 15-year-old cold case. He is not afraid to show incompetence in the original police investigation and present-day coverups. He empathizes with the victims and is relentless in his search for justice. His home background is complex.

While a teenager, Hayley stumbles home after a night of revelry, alcohol, and drugs with friends and rivals. Entering her home, she discovers a horrifying scene. She sees the bodies of her mother, twin brother, and his friend brutally slaughtered. Her 9-year-old brother Ethan is missing and was never found. The father, Leonard DaSilva, is quickly arrested and confesses to the crime. He has been serving time in prison ever since.

In present time, 15 years later, Ethan's remains are discovered buried about forty minutes distant from the original murder scene. Locke soon concludes that the case was mishandled and that DaSilva is innocent. Why did he confess?

The cold case now becomes an urgent, active investigation under Locke and his skilled team. The true killer has been living free all this time. Reviewing the original case files, they find contradictions in the evidence, suspects not questioned, and missing interview records. The case was quickly closed when the father confessed to the crime.

When friends, neighbours, contacts of the family, and other suspects are questioned anew by Locke's team, some shocking surprises and twists become evident. Many characters are brought into the story. This requires much concentration so the reader can follow the relationships, connections, and possible motives for the crime. Some will commit more violence to keep their involvement in a vicious crime secret. Can Locke help free an innocent man and relieve the surviving daughter of a lifetime of anger, guilt and despair?

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC for this police procedural/ mystery. The publication is set for September 7.

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DI Sebastian Locke #1

Fifteen years ago, he confessed to the murder of his wife and children. As a teenager Haley DaSilva walked int a nightmare; discovering the bodies of her mother, twin brother and friend all brutally slaughtered in her home.... and her nine-year-old brother missing. Her father, Leonard DaSilva, confessed to the murders, but Eathan was never seen again, He lied, but why? Now, Haley has fled her dreadful past in Thamespark - until the call DI Sebastian Locke. Little bones uncovered in a shallow grave belong to Ethan.... and the investigation reveals holes in the case that proves Leonard's confession was false. He didn't kill his family. So why did he say he did?

I would like to thank #NetGalley #HeraBooks and the author #NJMcKay for my ARC of #TheQuietDead in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the first book I have read from this author but won't be my last. Good twists and turns. I love a good detective series and this fits the bill.

Interesting from the very beginning. I think it is a great first book of the series. Kept me interested and wanting more throughout!!

Thank you to Netgalley and Hera Books for the ARC!!

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This was a good read. It started out strong and the investigation started almost immediately. As the story progressed, I became more and more intrigued and could not put it down. I felt like a real detective trying to solve this 15-year-old case alongside DI Locke and Detective Lucy- I was pulled in and captivated. This was so much more than innocent man wrongly convicted but also highlights police corruption, drug abuse amongst teens and adults, broken homes, greed, jealousy, alcohol abuse and so many other details that really ties the story together brilliantly. As we get deeper and deeper into this read things really become captivating and as we get closer to revealing who the real killer is I found myself incapable of being able to put this book down. Sadly, this is where things started to go downhill for me. When the main female character (Hayley) realizes who killed her family and after failing to get in touch with the two leading detectives, proceeds to face the killer and confront them on her own that seemed highly illogical to me. Especially considering that we know this person is the killer of 3 people. That never makes sense to me when authors do that. Another flaw for me was the ending. After such an in-depth storyline I expected an epic ending, and I didn't get that. Instead, I got a constant back and forth of confessions from different POVs and a weird scuffle and then bam it's over. Extremely underwhelming for me.
With that being said I would still recommend this book and say it was a good read despite its little flaws.
Thank you to Netgalley and Publishers for my eARC copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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Excellent, really enjoyed this book. Hailey has rebuilt her life after the most horrific loss happened to her and she lost her family in a terrible crime. Now, questions are popping up about how and why they died and if it was all as clean cut as the police made out. A great character in the lead detective and really good tea, around him helping solve the case. Very well written, some excellent twists and had me gripped to the every end. Sooo good!!!!

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. It didn't disappoint! Must read!!

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The beginning of this book started at a leisurely pace, gradually weaving its way into a series of unexpected shifts and winding paths.
The characters found their way into my affections, and I'm eagerly anticipating any forthcoming instalments that showcase the endeavours of DI Locke. His resolute determination and meticulous thoroughness infused the narrative with a relentless energy that reverberated throughout. Recommended!

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Good book! This book had a bit of everything! It had suspense, Action, intrigue, mystery, revenge, murder, great who done it, great plot twist, and some crazy twists and turns! The storyline was very interesting and kept me glued to my Kindle! I definitely recommend reading this book as it was well worth reading! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me

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A family is murdered and the only survivors are the Father who confessed to the crime and the eldest daughter who found them.
A discovery of the missing body of the youngest boy opens up questions about the original investigation.
A good holiday read. I enjoyed the flipping between different view points between different characters and was second guessing who was the real killer until the end.

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What a breath of fresh air! The premise is original, the characters are well written.... even if they're not always likeable but I loved that it's so much more than just a police procedural and we get to also see the private life and complications of the main character. There's also plenty twists and turns and I couldnt wait to see how it wad all going to play out. A really amazing and unique story

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I liked this a lot. Lots of twists and unexpected details, with some horribly unlikeable characters! The main detective DI Sebastian Locke is very likeable, as he mixes being a detective with being a dad to a teenage daughter helped by his mother in law. I liked that aspect of the book too. I hope he will go on to star in more books as I think he has an interesting story to tell.

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This is a good start to a new series, featuring DI Seb Locke. The characterisation is really good and believable, although the book starts off at a very slow pace. The plot concept was interesting, a man locked up for murdering his family 15 years ago and there were plenty of twists and turns throughout. The book is well written and flows nicely, right to the last page. I definitely recommend the read and look forward to the next installment. Thanks to Net Galley for my ARC.

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The Quite Dead by @nikimackaywriter is a fantastic 5 ⭐ read..

Fifteen years ago Leonard DaSilva confessed to killing his wife and sons leaving his only surviving child his daughter Hayley devastated. but Leonard lied and now DI Sebastian Locke is reopening the case and the hunt is on to find the real killer before its too late..

I absolutely loved The Quite Dead from start to finish, I thought the story was brilliant I loved the character of DI Seb Locke I liked his family dynamic consisting of Seb his daughter Tilly and his mother in-law, it was refreshing to read about a single father who's working a demanding job along with the responsibilities of raising a teenage daughter also I liked the relationship he has with his mother in-law and I'm looking forward to reading more about the trio and how their family develops.

and of course there's Seb's wife & Tilly's mum Charile who's not in the picture at the moment but there's huge potential for a great story if and when that happens, I loved this story it was believable and I liked the character of Hayley DaSilva I enjoyed her journey I really did feel her emotions I literally had goosebumps when Hayley was talking I felt her pain of losing her family and of her letting her dad back in her life it got to the point where I couldn't put the book down, as the story was progressing with a mix of suspicious suspects each with a motive and secret I didn't have a clue who did it and I was shocked when the truth came out.

I loved the ending it was a perfect fit for the story and Hayley DaSilva, this is another brilliant book by Niki Mackay I love her style of writing and how she writes each character you can see the passion she has for each character she writes for and in yet to read a book by Niki Mackay that I don't like and I very much doubt that will happen. I highly recommend this book its utterly brilliant and totally unputdownable..

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This book definitely had my thoughts all over the place. It kept me guessing. It was a good thriller. I just had a hard time keeping everyone straight other than the main characters. I think it was well written. This didn’t exactly feel like the start of a new series about DI Locke but will be interested to see how his character develops as the series continues.

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Thanks to netgalley and canelo for this arc. I most definately got into this book..
Three children and a mother wiped out, the husband in prison for their murders. But did he do it? Hayleys little brother ethans body was never found.. DI sebastian loch and his new dc lucy quinn are tasked with re investigating the murders as in the original case corners were most definately cut. Will seb and lucy get justice for ethan and his family?? And how are hayleys childood friends involved?? Great police procedural, i hope there will be more to come in this series. I read this quite quickly as i became engrossed in the characters and the storyline. More please nj mackay

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This is the first book I have read by this author, having received an ARC from Netgalley.

I was completely hooked from the start and loved the characters and storyline. It was well paced and kept me wanting to read on to find out what was coming next.

Can't wait to read more from this author and especially DI Locke.

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