Member Reviews

Tuli does it AGAIN! The new queen of romantasy has ARRIVED!
Her world building is so amazing and the stories are so dynamic!
This book puts us straight into Zarya's vivid world full of gorgeous and refreshing Indian themes. It's a unique take on some of the favorite tropes (monsters, vampires, morally gray captors, slow burn romance, hello!) that you won't be able to put down! Zarya faces hard battles and even harder truths, but will it be enough?

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I’ve been a fan of Nisha J. Tuli since her early writing days, and Heart of Night and Fire is my absolute favorite of hers! The vivid writing, intricate details, and complex characters create such an immersive experience that it feels like I’m right there in the story. This YA romantasy masterfully blends Indian and South Asian mythology, offering a captivating and richly woven narrative. It’s a perfect read for anyone looking to dive into a beautifully crafted world with a compelling storyline.

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Initially I thought this was going to totally be my jam. It had all the hallmarks of what I look for and enjoy in my books: desert fantasy, south Asian influence, mythology influence, cool magic and mythical creatures, a magical blight that slowly eats the land around it, and it was supposedly a "slow burn" romance (the only kind I can tolerate).

The beginning instantly grabbed my attention and sucked me in, starting right out with the mystery of Zarya's birth and her unusual magic. I was so curious to find out more. I love a good mind puzzle in my reads, and this promised to be a good one!

I also thoroughly enjoyed all the cultural influences that went into the world building, and it was a place I could see so clearly in my mind. The writing was so immersive and beautiful, and the descriptions of the various foods had me salivating and looking up recipes! It all sounded so wonderful, and rife with magical mystery. Tuli has some very unique descriptions that I was absolutely loving! So often you just come across the same old ones in every book. So it was quite refreshing to read her creatively thought up ones.

Sadly, all the good things I was loving about this book got overshadowed and shoved in a trunk once Zarya made it to the capital. Then everything is just reading through the hormone haze that's exploding from her character since she's led such a sheltered life before this. She goes gaga for every male that crosses her path, and goes all insta-gooey for one if not both of the main guys she traveled with to the city. Now again, this has been listed as a "slow burn" romance which I just wasn't seeing since it seemed insta-love from her first sighting of men. Sigh. I assume though that there is a later love interest that is where the "slow burn" romance comes into play. But seriously, why couldn't we just have that one, please and thank you -_-

I mean okay, Zarya has a supposed excuse for her hormone haze, but at the cost of everything going on, demon birds shitting giant eggs from the sky that almost kills her and the dude, you'd think she'd be more focused on the magical crisis threatening her life and all of the lives in the capital now that they've been made vulnerable?! Right??? Wrong! She instantly goes back to "omg I wonder when I'll get to finish that kiss we were having and maybe something more" *gags* So ridiculously unromantic in my opinion. Plus the fact, that I want to know more about the magical blight and the demon creatures that her insta-love interests. All the good stuff was just too buried even by the halfway point of the book! We never got back to the good stuff. True romance readers will still enjoy this one, but I'm not huge on romance. I was excited for the fantasy elements and plot , but those were sorely lacking after the initial start. I had to dnf at 49% and move on to a different book with a more promising plot.

Thank you Netgalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review

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I did not manage to read this unfortunately, due to unforeseeable issues at home but I have preordered this book as I’m interested in reading it once I get the opportunity.

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This book seriously had everything I’m looking for in a fantasy novel!

Slow burn. Magic. Enemies to lovers. ONE HORSE!!!

And Indian-Asian elements!

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4.5 stars! This was a terrific read! The world building was absolutely amazing, without it coming as a big info dump. The details wove together seamlessly. I absolutely loved the main character, Zarya! She never irritated me like some main characters can. The plot was interwoven with the romance very well - neither overpowered the other - which is what I prefer and appreciate! I must get my hands on the next book because while this one definitely got me hooked, there is still so much to know and this definitely didn’t feel “finished” by any means.

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This book once again proves that Nisha is the Queen of Romantasy! Her writing continues to improve, and each new book she releases reminds me why she's one of my instant-buy authors! The world she's created in Heart of Night and Fire is both interesting and engaging, with vivid descriptions that draw you in and keep you engrossed in both the setting and the story.

I appreciated how the action, adventure, and romance were well-balanced throughout the narrative and loved the found family aspect!

However, I did find myself a little frustrated by some of the decisions made by the FMC. I hope to see a little more growth from her in the next book and can't wait to pick it up.

Overall, I am excited to finish this series and see where Nisha takes us next!

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A wonderful fast-paced romantasy full of fairies, demons, vampires and more!
I loved our FMC and the world-building was great and easy to imagine.
I also loved the magic system.
Highly recommended.

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I regrettably had to dnf this book. I made multiple attempts to pick it up before giving up. While I love the setting, I wasn't captivated enough by the plot to continue. The characters also seemed so bland. I might give it another try later.

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Not the kind of book I usually read but once I got started couldn’t put it down! .I do hate was a cliffhanger. Zarya has been kept protected in this cottage all her life. When something happens to her caretaker she sets out on an adventure that you can only imagine!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Thank you for allowing me to review

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I am absolutely speechless. This was one of the best book I have read in last few months. I am so ready to start the next book. The story , the plat the characters, everything so just so, so good.

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Zarya has always known she was dangerous. Raised from childhood as a prisoner, she’s been trained to fight, but forbidden from using her magic. It’s a dangerous secret, though no one will explain why.

Her guardian, Row, has always set a border with powerful runes to keep her in and the demons out. But waking one morning, she finds Row missing and the boundaries of her confinement gone. She is free. But where can she go? How will she find the answers to all her questions? And who can she trust?

Escaping to the dazzling city of Dharati, Zarya discovers a new world of enchantment and intrigue. With the help of seductive, blood-drinking rakshasa and magic-weaving Aazheri sorcerers, she searches for answers.

But the city is under siege. Every night, dark creatures attack. And since Zarya’s arrival they are growing stronger. To protect her new home, Zarya joins the fight.

She knows she mustn’t get distracted. She’s only here to discover the truth. But since she arrived the demons have been growing bolder… Almost as if they're drawn to her presence.

As she battles on the walls and hunts through libraries for clues about her gifts, Zahara’s dreams are haunted by a mysterious stranger. Powerful, arrogant and handsome, Rabin sees through her secrets and ignites a desire she can’t resist. But can she trust him?

Zarya unearths the mysteries of her captivity, and learns of an evil ancient magic that threatens to destroy everything. Soon, she faces an impossible choice: unleash her own magic and save Dharati and her home, or surrender to the darkness that has been waiting for her for centuries.

This book drew heavily on Indian mythology, and I found myself looking up terms to draw connections to the culture and guess the author’s foreshadowing.

There were also a number of unique characters I loved right from the start. I was immediately drawn to Vikram and Yasen. Vikram was flirtatious and so helpful I was sure he’d end up Zarya’s love interest. Yasen was grumpy and short with her, but a ferocious fighter who ended up being as close as a sibling.

Heart of Night and Fire, Book One in the Nightfire quartet, is a strong beginning to a series that promises to captivate fantasy readers. I’m looking forward to her next offering.

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I will preface this by saying I havent been in a huge fantasy reading mood lately. Zarya, our protagonist, is living in a gilded prison yet yearning for the truth about her magic and her place in the world. Her escape to the city of Dharati is a soul-searching quest that is beautifully wrought and vividly narrated. One cannot help but marvel at the intricate world-building that Tuli has achieved, inspired by Indian mythology that adds a unique and rich flavor to the tale. For anyone craving a story that combines rich world-building, dynamic characters, and a plot that twists and turns in the most unexpected ways, this book is a must-read. I eagerly await the next installment.

Thank you Netgalley for this eARC!

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This book was super enjoyable! The plot pulled me in right away and I was immediately curious about the magic our main character (Zarya) needed to keep secret. She was confined with her guardian and his apprentice beyond the blight consuming their home city.
Because Zarya was so sheltered, she doesn't know much about the city she journeys to, or current events, so we get to learn these things with her. I appreciate this approach, as it feels more organic than a big exposition dump.
Heart of Night and Fire had a great mix of world building, found family, and enemies to lovers vibes. I enjoyed this book so much that I bought a copy for myself at Apollycon so I could meet the author and have her sign it!

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Loved this book.
It sat unread in my kindle library and when I started it I was so annoyed that I hadn’t picked it up earlier.
The balance between fantasy and romance was amazing. The story telling incredible.
Such a fun read, I couldn’t put it down! I read it in one sitting because of didn’t want to leave the world that had been created.

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This one expired before I got the opportunity to finish it :( I am definitely going to take the time to buy or borrow this book as it seemed every intriguing!

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I thought the premise of this book was quite intriguing. I love South Asian fantasy books that mix in mythology, however, I don't think I was the correct audience for this book. Being a 20-something-year-old, I think this book is catered more to a younger audience. Don't get me wrong, it was still a fun read, however, I found that the fantasy world could have used more building. I find that in many fantasy books, the first book flushes out the world-building details as a stepping stone for the next books, but I was missing details in this one. Additionally, I found the MC to be annoying and immature and the romance felt a bit forced. It's difficult for me to truly enjoy a book thoroughly if I cannot relate or empathize with the characters. I would still recommend this book to readers in their teens who might enjoy it more than I did.

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This story was amazing. I could not put this down. I don’t want to leave this world. The story was captivating, the characters were well developed and the world building was spot on.

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Beautiful lore, fantastic writing, wonderful world building! I recommend to everyone who liked the Trials series!

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I really enjoyed this beautiful story of Zaria. She is lonely, fierce, enraged and tired of being told what to do. Nisha creates an immersive world with a hodgepodge of Indian fashion, culture and names, mixed with fantasy and magic. And it works so well. I am intrigued by Zaria's family history and the potential romance with a certain character...

I am hopeful book 2 explores the vampiric aspects of Vikram and Yasan's "species".

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