Member Reviews

Thank you to net galley and Second Sky for this opportunity to read rate and review this arc which will be available sept 15,2023!

Oh how I dug the story! Let me count the ways

1.) slow burn
2.) intense plot
3.) magic and monsters
4.) enemies to lovers trope

Check, check, check and check. Also Indian mythology? Yes please and thank you

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Thank you to NetGalley and Second Sky for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for my review.

This book! I am officially a fan of Nisha j. Tuli and The Nightfire Series. After reading the ACOTAR series followed by The Fourth Wing, I was in a rut! I needed fantasy, suspense, a heroine who kicked ass, and some romantic tension. I tired a few of the TikTok recommendations and none really filled that gap. Enter Heart of Night and Fire! This is exactly what I needed to fill the void! This entire series is going to be a wild ride. Zarya is the heroine I needed. She's fierce and smart and I'm eagerly awaiting to see where her journey goes. I would absolutely recommend this series to anyone who loves world building and descriptive story telling without the slow burn. This book gets right to the story and I'm here for it!

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Thank you Netgalley, Second Sky, and Nisha J. Tuli for an arc of 'Heart of Night and Fire' in exchange for an honest review.

Things I did enjoy: Indian mythology, the descriptions of food and clothing, and the overall atmosphere was reminiscent of one of my favourite duologies 'We Hunt the Flame'.

Unfortunately I DNF'd this book at 31%. I was quite excited for this one knowing it's rich with Indian mythology but that was all that had me trying to push through. I can't justify giving this book a 1 star because I didn't get far enough in to personally determine if it's worthy of that rating, so I'm giving it a bump up to 2 stars.

This book is labelled at adult/new adult but it struggled to break free of a YA narrative/voice. I know many people enjoy these types of books - if you enjoyed the writing style in Fourth Wing you might enjoy this book - but it's just not for me. I'm not looking for YA when I pick up an adult novel. I've seen some reviews state that the narrative does improve but that's not enough for me to try and continue.

The main character Zarya is understandably angry at her situation in the beginning, she has spent her entire life trapped within a magic barrier, but it consumes her entire character to the point where it was just boring and tiring to read about... I didn't get far enough into the book to speak on any romance, but the other relationships and meetings within this book felt forced. They were just all conveniently there. The only character I was truly interested in disappears in the beginning of the book.

The foreshadowing in this book is also pretty heavy handed, I don't know that I need to finish it to understand where everything is going.

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I loved this Indian inspired fantasy. Zarya has been kept a prisoner her whole life, and when her guardian mysteriously disappears, she takes her chance at freedom. In a city plagued by a growing blight of demons, Zarya finds friendship and more as she helps defend the city. But why was she kept hidden all this time, and why was she told to keep her magic a secret? I loved the ending and can’t wait to read more.

This was such a fun read for me. Zarya is a down to earth character who is craving love, friendship, family, and most importantly answers. I love the friendships she makes and definitely can’t wait to read more about Rabin! Plenty of action means the story is quite fast paced and entertaining. My only criticism is that the world building and magic system wasn’t as fully explained as I would like, but I’m sure there will be more on this in future books.

You will like this book is you’re a fan of:
- [ ] Found family
- [ ] Elemental magic
- [ ] Hidden secrets
- [ ] Indian inspired mythology

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5 🌟 I was HOOOOOKED by the first chapter! The plot twists, the representation, the magic and world building, the history, the banter!!! It was all phenomenally done, I'm a forever fan now and I'll be buying all your books

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Oh my goodness, I had high hopes going into this book because I LOVED Trial of the Sun Queen and Rule of the Aurora King and I was not disappointed!!!

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First of all, I’d like to thank NetGalley and Second Sky for the ARC!

This book was so much fun to read. I was absolutely enthralled by all the Indian and South Asian inspired lore and culture. I loved it! From the clothing to the food to the buildings and cities, it painted a beautiful and colorful picture of the world they live in. The world building was so well done, and I could easily see it all unfolding in my mind. There were so many unique elements to the story and setting, and I really enjoyed that!

The characters were all so well written. Zarya, the FMC is so likable. She’s witty, curious, smart, so thoughtful and mature for someone who grew up in isolation, and just an all around baddie. She was raised in the swamps, far from society by a man who kept her bound to their cottage and the surrounding area. He taught her to fight and defend herself, but never taught her about her past or why she was never allowed to leave.

One day, the man mysteriously disappears and Zarya finds that the magical wards that have kept her trapped have vanished and she sets off on an epic adventure in search of the life she’s always dreamed of and answers about who she really is. Along the way she meets 2 men, Yasen and Vikram, who will turn her world upside down and help her along her journey of discovering things about love, friendship, her past, her abilities and who she really is.

I loved Zarya’s journey, and the found family aspect of this story. Each character was so interesting and I loved their own individual journeys as well. There are handsome warriors, magical beings in political power, a powerful tree queen, a growing blight that is attacking their world, and twists and turns and challenges around everyone corner and it easily kept me on my toes. You’ll find family secrets, hidden powers, unknown identities and a dark and mysterious MMC that get introduced at the end that I NEED to learn more about! After that ending, I’m hoping book two will be coming in the near future because I’m dying to see what happens next!

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Rating: ☆☆☆

Firstly, I need to appreciate the Indian cultural representation in this entire book. From the costumes to the food, every detail was phenomenal and relatable as an Indian myself. I could vividly imagine the splash of colours, the aroma of food, sparkling fashion and the hierarchical architecture. This felt like a story in MY universe with the dedication hitting right at home.

|| "For every brown girl who wanted to be the chosen one too." ||

•~•~•~•~• Plot •~•~•~•~•
This book revolves around a girl, who has been isolated her entire life, escaping into the world only to find that her existence beholds so much more than she can understand. Hidden away behind secrets, Zarya is on a mission to find her identity and the truth which her guardian had taken so many years to suppress. She is also in a land that fights against magic so dark and violent, whose key to safety might also lay in her hands. The book leads us into the journey of Zarya.
•~•~•~•~• ◇◇◇ •~•~•~•~•

This book had so much potential but the writing was a bit let down for me in terms of how the events were threaded through. I felt the author took me to a cliff as so many scenes had great intensity but then pushed me right down when the scene ends. The events seemed too predictable and basic. It was a book where you can suspect an event miles away making it devoid of the surprise element in most cases. However, the ending was really good with intense fight scenes, magic, dragon and plot reveals (yep, the only place where I was actually surprised).

I was also expecting a slow-burn romance here and ended up with nothing. The initial romance subplot which confused me so much (until ahem ahem turned out to be ahem ahem) had me rolling my eyes, to be honest. Where was the angst? Where was the enemies-to-lovers plot here? I barely saw the MMC and I wanted more of their scenes. I can see how it's gonna turn out to be, so I am waiting for it because I am sure all this angst is gonna be packed up in book 2 and Nisha, I am craving for it pleaseeee😭❤

I am so much hopeful for the second book and mainly on the romance subplot too, because all that I missed out on this, need to be there! (*underlining the word 'need' here). The fact that this book actually has so much story but it did not hit the right notes because of a basic flow, is pretty sad for me. However, I am looking forward to Zarya's story hoping at least the next one has more depth.

I thank Netgally, Second Sky and Nisha J Tuli for the eARC.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


This was so delicious and addictive that I have no words except OMFG!!!

Zarya has become one of my most beloved and favorite characters ever. She's so real and relatable. She has been yearning for connection, love, and real family bonds her entire life, and she doesn't see it as a weakness. She's incredible, for a lack of a better word. Fearless and determined to forge her own path. Her comebacks and attitude are so delightful. She has sass but not too much to be overbearing or feeling like the author is trying too much. Zarya is so full of life and emotions. In this book, she literally feels everything.

Yasen, dear goodness, I'll go anywhere for you and with you. I'll protect you with my life. Zarya said at one point that his laugh is precious, and I couldn't agree more. He's grown up in such a hard way, with only Vikram to hold onto. He may be everyone's favorite trainer but he's so lonely at the end of the day, forced to wear an armor of aloofness and distance. His friendship with Zarya was absolutely beautiful, from start to finish. So pure and beguiling. Also, don't leave these two together at a bar 😂 Or rather, please do. We can all ogle tall, dark, and handsome men 😂

Vikram...I didn't like what he did *not saying more because this is spoiler-free* so I have a hard time to say something positive. I do understand him and I do feel for him, and I'm sure I'll pity him even more in the second and other books in the series, but damn, his action didn't sit with me. It's good that Zarya is thick-skinned.

The world-building was mesmerizing. The author did an amazing job at describing things without explaining them, especially not in long, dense paragraphs. I loved the Indian influences.

All in all, the author did everything right and deliciously! The romance scenes were delightful, and the chemistry between characters felt true and sizzling *friendships, romance, and rivalry relationships*. I really have to commend the author for that. Every relationship, every scene between characters felt so true and natural as if everyone was a real person. The magic was amazing!!!! It's original and authentic and very smart! The plot didn't let you breathe, and the writing was beautiful without being dense! Tight pacing, no plot holes, excellent character arcs!


Nisha J. Tuli is a phenomenal writer, and I want to devour her other books like I devoured this one. I couldn't put it down and now I fear for my sanity.... Book two, please come now 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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Tuli has created a vibrant world filled with magic, mythology and wonder, taking inspiration from India and South Asia. You can feel the heat and humidity, and smell the food and spices wafting in the air.

However, as successful as Tuli’s world building is, I felt it might have been at the expense of her character development. She gives a lot of attention to aesthetics, but there was unfortunately, I felt, a lack of depth to their personalities, which came across as a little too two dimensional.

The main character is initially portrayed as a strong female lead, however throughout the book she continually needs saving by strapping handsome men. After reading many other fantasy books with genuinely strong female leads, it was disappointing to see one that relied so heavily on her male counterparts.

That said, it is by no means a bad book. Tuli writes action and adventure that draws you in and keeps you guessing. It’s fast paced and easy to read. I think this would suit anyone looking for something in between Young Adult and Adult Fantasy. It feels like a nice crossover.

Thank you to NetGalley and Second Sky Books for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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So grateful to Netgalley for sending me this arc.
I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and can’t wait for the next book to come out. It was my first time reading Nisha’s books and I will definitely be reading more. The ending was so so good!

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Thanks for Netgalley and Second Sky for providing me with the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

An enjoyable read! Loved the MFC. I liked how Indian culture was used in this story. I liked that I learned about the culture while I read. The world building was so good. The slow burn romance was good as well but I felt the chemistry between the two could have been better. I would be willing to read the next book.

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Zarya is 20 years old and is being guarded on the southern coastline of Rahajhan. The cottage on the beach is her own personal prison. Her guardian, Row, set a magical border to keep her in and the demons out. Waking one morning, she finds Row missing and the boundaries of her confinement gone. She is free. But who can she trust? Where can she go? She has so many questions and no one to answer them.

This is the first book in the Night Fire Quartet and I think Tuli did a great job capturing my interest! The world building was great and I’m new to fantasy so I felt like I had to reread some things to make sure I was getting it right. Tuli has a way with words and her descriptions of the world make you feel like you are right there with the characters.

I did feel like it took a bit to get the love interest introduced in the book but I think it’s definitely setting up for the next book. It does end on a slight cliffhanger and I can’t wait to see what the characters do in the next book.

Thank you NetGalley and Second Sky for an ARC of this book in exchange for a honest review.

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Absolutely phenomenal read; I love the character growth and how each experiences growth. The clothing and culture is described so vibrantly I can see it! I can't wait to read the next book!

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big thank you to netgalley, the publisher and author for this arc.

5 stars.

wow this was so good!! i so thoroughly enjoyed this book, and i literally cannot wait for the next one. like i want it NOW. i'm so serious.

despite not having seen much of the world, i feel like enough has been established already. i'm excited to see what places this story is going to take us, beyond the walls of dharati.

i also just loved the characters so much. yasen??? one of my favorite book best friends. the way he warmed up to zarya was everything. and just in general, the character arcs, watching the relationships grow between zarya and all of her friends was so heartwarming. i loved it. AND OMG i really need the next book purely for rabin!!!! i need to know what he's going to be like, and i just need to read more of him in general!! give me all the tall dark handsome broody vibes!!!!!

ANYWAYS. i need the next book and i need it now. i needed it yesterday. miss nisha you have a new fan, and i am definitely reading your other books.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this arc.

The premise for this book was so interesting and hooked me from the start! Our FMC, Zarya, has been hidden by her guardian for 20 years, for reasons he refuses to explain. She is magically kept within a small plot of land and trains, along with her guardian's mentee, in physical combat. Fairly early on, Zarya is able to 'escape' her magical imprisonment and leaves for the wide unknown world, ready to experience all it has to offer. This is where the story really picked up, and Zarya meets many fascinating and important characters.

The pacing and slow-burn romance were great, and the characters are dynamic and do change throughout the story. That said, Zarya was a bit childish at times, even up through the end, and I'd love to see her mature in the next volume.

Overall, a great story and start to a series that I look forward to continuing!

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Thanks for Netgalley and Second Sky for providing me with the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This book follows the story of our FMC Zarya who was kept in some beachside cottage for most her life by two dudes without any explanation as to why. Suddenly the magic that kept her in place disappeared and she was free to discover new grounds and who she really is.

Although it took me a while to get into this book (roughly 35%) I fell in love with this vibrant, exciting and wonderful world. The world building is spectacular and the magic system is original and so very interesting and I got extremely hooked into the story and couldn’t wait to find out more.
I found the magic wielders really intriguing and can’t wait to read more about them and their talents in future books in this series, as I am sure this will be developed further.

Generally the FMC was sympathetic and reasonable with her decision making and although things kept happening around her without her being the main impetus I did like her a lot and found myself rooting for her to succeed. Not a big fan of Vikram/Aarav but can’t wait to find out more about Rabin and his backstory and what’s his connection with the FMC.

I say things kept happening but things REALLY kept happening permanently, this was a true page tuner and I wasn’t able to put this down at all especially towards the end. I enjoyed the romance aspect, pacing, but most of all I enjoyed the magic and the world, especially the world. It was amazing

As a first installment of this series I genuinely can’t wait to return to this vibrant and exciting world and progress through the adventure with the characters that have grown on me so much. This was a solid foundation and I can’t even imagine where the story could even go from here - all I know is that I may have found an author to add to my favs list and I will defo be looking at her other works in short order.

>> Review also posted on Goodreads

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I was excited to read this since I really enjoyed the trial of the sun queen and to have it be heavily influenced with Indian culture and folklore But I felt like the pace was a lot slower in this book. I’m hoping it’s only like that because it’s the first book I the series. I wish the magic system was alittle but more explained throughout the story instead of waiting til the end. I’m hoping to see the characters more fleshed out as the series continues.

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“To every brown girl who wanted to be the chosen one too.”
I love this dedication. (even though i’m very white lol) This book is based on Indian mythology and I am here for it. I personally didn’t know much of the lore before reading this book, but i had fun researching as I read.
Zarya was held hostage in a cottage by the sea, raised by Row. The only guardian/ parent she had ever know, he trained her how to fight and defend herself. Her only other companion was Aarav, who was more like a brother she never wanted. When Row disappears and she realizes she could leave, she runs for it. She has so much anger for both Row and Aarav, but she’s able to push past that and all of the trauma she had in order to help people. I loved being able to watch her mature and figure things out, and make friends and connections throughout the book. The only issue I had was it took so long to introduce the main love interest (rabin), and it’s very much giving slow burn/ enemies to lovers vibes especially for the second book. And when she finally revealed who rabin actually is?? What a plot twist. I can’t wait to see how everything unfolds in the next book.
I received this as an ARC for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed the world building and culture in this book!

-Enemies to Lovers
-Found Family ♥️
-Soo many secrets & Lies 👀
-Slow burn 🔥

Zarya is a strong FMC who takes absolutely no shit off anyone which I LOVE!
Vikram was very sweet and accommodating from the minute he came into the picture which did make me wonder if he was what he seemed, after finding about everything that has been planned for him and Amrita I really did feel sad as he really is just as lovely as he appears!
Yasen- I loved Yasen, there was just something about him that made me want to read more about him and I hope to see so much more from him in the next book!
When Rabin showed up I was literally sat here like 😱 what a plot twist! I can’t wait to see what happens between Zarya and Rabin!
I loved the slow burn and all the secrets! I was constantly trying to guess what might happen and surprised when actually something completely different happened!

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