Member Reviews

A very good book whose plot twists shocked me. A must read for those looking for an Indian-inspired fantasy 👌

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What an exciting rollercoaster ride this was! Thanks to NetGalley and Second Sky for my ARC. I need the next book soon, please!!

I inhaled every word and images the book offered. They feel like I’m living out my own dreams and visions with Zarya. The world was fantastic, luscious, sultry, restless, almost feverish. If I could make up more adjectives to compliment it, I would.

All of Zarya’s emotions are still running through me. She is definitely the female character that dominates the plot and the reader’s mind in spite of everything else that happens in the book. I absolutely love her. The writing gives the characters, especially Zarya, so many layers: how they dress, how they walk, how they ask questions (love all the questions), how they make decisions.

The plot: wow. In the beginning, I was definitely skeptical due to reading too many fantasies back to back. It did feel too familiar—a restless strong willed female character breaking out of her prison. It felt too simple. But boy did I get hooked when the first significant attack came out of nowhere (trying to avoid spoilers here but you’ll know when you get there.”

The romance: I screamed out loud when Rabin happened. Trying so hard to not write too much about it. My dogs came over to check on me with this romance twist. That’s all I’m saying.

All the moments in between action are so deeply beautiful and human. I’d kill for these moments: the friendship, all the longings, hugs, drinks, almost-lovers moments. I could cry. They’re embedded in my mind now.

I need the next book!! (Had to say that twice). So happy to have found Nisha Tuli. I will be binging your works 😭😭

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Story Synopsis: With magical wards keeping her within a small range of their cottage, Zarya spent her entire life in a bubble. Her guardian, Row, said it was for her protection. Zarya felt imprisoned. One day, after several attempts at testing the limits of Row’s magical wards, Zarya discovers the magic is gone, and leaves her cottage for good. After her escape, Zarya ends up in the closest large city, where she is swept off her feet, meets the queen and court members, and discovers why she’s been kept away from the world for so many years.

Why does this book beguile? Shame on me for requesting an ARC that is the start of a four-book series! Especially one that’s billed as a “slow-burn fantasy romance.” I was left wanting more after I finished! Tuli does a great job of world-building by making the magic and characters approachable and imaginable but making it distinct. The reader will experience a range of emotions toward the characters, which made me enjoy the book more.

Admittedly, there were some slow parts, but by the end, I’m glad Tuli set the stage the way she did. I found many parallels with Sarah J. Maas books and S.A. Chakraborty books. Heart of Night and Fire is not quite on the same level as those fantasy books, but good for a quick, lighthearted read.

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~ARC Review~

3.5 Stars Rounded to a 4.

I really enjoyed this book and the plot. But there were a few things about the book that I didn't enjoy, and find issues with.

-The book is so fast paced we are missing so much plot and enjoyable storylines. it was a real let down with how much time the book speeds through. That time could have been used to develop the friendships and details of the plot.

-Enemies to lovers? Nowhere to be found. If anything it was a slight forbidden romance that ended and stopped with kissing. Which is fine but that was not what the description of the book stated.

-The MFC is so touch starved (same bestie) that she wants to kiss every man that comes her way. It's off putting to me, and again enemies to lovers? I thought over and over ok here we go, here's the enemies to lovers. But alas there was none.

-Slow burn? Nowhere to be found. There wasn't much burning at all, lukewarm at best. Again which is fine but all the descriptions state slow burn.

-Plothole regarding the MFC’s sexual history.

-Mentions of SA (not very detailed though if this topic affects you).

-The Queen's mythological existence and how it came to be. It doesn't make much sense and there wasn't much information given about it. I wished for more.



I enjoyed the MFC’s magic abilities though I wished we got to see her develop and use it more. We don't really get to see much of it at all. The book is so fast paced we don't get the chance to see her develop and what she can do.

I enjoyed her friendship with Yasen. I thought their friendship was cute but wished it had blossomed sooner and we got to see them hang out more/have more adventures. I wanted them to explore the city and what life is like there.

Again this book is so fast paced we don't get to see much of the characters' relationships develop. I had a very hard time caring about any of the characters when so much of the time in the book was fast-forwarded weeks and days.

I enjoyed the twists to the plot. The fact that the main love interest was “engaged” to be married off to the princess. The mythology behind how their union was supposed to work was interesting and I did enjoy that.

I really enjoyed the aspects of Rabin and Zarya. I wanted their love story the minute they came together. I hope it's explored and happens in the next book. He’s extremely mysterious and their connection is wonderful. I want them to be the end goal. I want to learn why he's a dragon and how he can shapeshift. Like how we haven't really heard one thing about shapeshifting at all. Why is he so powerful when his brother is not? How could they be in his mind/her mind together. Is either of their minds that place they meet? Or is it some dark plain that houses the darkness magic that's been locked away?

All in all I really did enjoy the story despite my issues with the plot and characters. I really can't wait to read more and hope the next book comes soon. I'm looking forward to it.

This is based on a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe are fair.

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Wow. Just wow. This book genuinely blew me and my expectations away.

“It wasn’t an unpleasant prison, but a firefly trapped in even the most ornate jar would die without air”

After being kept hidden from the world her whole life, one day Zayra is finally free from the confines she has known all her life. She discovers the mystery around her and who she is runs much deeper than she could have imagined. She finds herself on a dangerous but exhilarating adventure where she must navigate an entirely new world full of mages known as Aazheri, blood drinking but handsome Rakshasa and fairies as well as demons that want to destroy this newfound home. Somehow she finds herself at the centre of all of this, faced with a choice that could change everything.

The pacing in this book was perfect for me in terms of the balance between action, romance and world building. It kept me continually gripped without overwhelming me.

The way Indian culture, foods and mythology was written into this book was fantastic. I found myself learning loads without it taking anything away from the plot.

The world building was beautiful, the magic system and its subdivision with the different types of species was super interesting as well.

Zarya reminds me of some of my favourite FMC’s, she is strong, stubborn, full of raw emotion, loves romance novels and fancy clothes. Super relatable and well written.

This book was genuinely on par with Sarah J Maas universe and Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros for me in terms of being unputdownable.

I cannot wait for the next book.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This…was… an absolute glittering world of lush setting and gruesome monsters, and not one moment of it disappointed. The world was not overly large yet the detail brought it to life, and it felt immense without being wordy or overwhelming… which is a talent, and one I admire very much; the worldbuilding was excellent.

For me though this book stands in line with SJM wherein the prose may not be Rosh or Laini but the characters… the characters are everything and you are invested in EVERYthing they say and do. It is almost obscene how fast I cared about this cast, and even some of the sideline characters. And that ending!? Or the last 5 or so chapters I should say… now that a character I have heavy investment in (wink) and I can't wait to find out more… in book two! (panics at life-choices and the decision to read advanced copies, yet again).

4.5 stars rounded up, though I loved this book it did not tug my emotions enough for tears or despair, but it was still a lovely story, plot, cast and world that I look forward to returning to.

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From the very first page, Nisha's mastery of language becomes apparent, as she artfully chooses her words to establish an undeniable and powerful sense of magic that permeates every aspect of the story.
What sets this book apart from others is Nisha's unparalleled ability to acknowledge and beautifully describe the significance of even the smallest of moments.
At the core of this extraordinary adventure lies the character of Zarya - a protagonist whose fire to be more and see more is undeniably relatable. Her journey of self-discovery and growth is peppered with human flaws, making her a truly three-dimensional and authentic character. Importantly, Zarya doesn't shy away from her mistakes but embraces them with courage, taking full responsibility and seeking redemption. Her compassion for others and her desire to make the world a better place for all are qualities that leave an indelible mark on the reader's heart. Zarya's graciousness in forgiveness is not only a testament to her strength of character but also a beacon of hope, inspiring readers to strive for compassion and understanding in their own lives.

It is the perfect symphony of character development, world-building, and genuine emotions that elevates this book to new heights of literary excellence. The intricately crafted world springs to life, enveloping readers in a vivid tapestry of sights, sounds, and sensations. Every character, every emotion, every heartbeat feels authentic and deeply resonant, forging a connection between the reader and the narrative that is nothing short of magical.

Thank you Second Sky and NetGallery for this free ARC in exchange for a honest review

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I have to say I just love her writing. It is beautiful and captivating, and I loved how we are kept guessing about everyone.
Zarya is so perfectly flawed. Trying to find who she is and where she comes from while also figuring out who she wants to be is uplifting and heartbreaking at the same time.
I'll never figure out why elders feel the need to lie or hide information from young people. It always ends badly.
I love the friendships that are formed, and I even forgive the inevitable heartbreak.
With a great cast of characters, plenty of snarky banter. I can't wait to see what happens next.
I want to thank Netgalley, Second Sky, and Nisha J. Tuli for the arc. These are my honest thoughts, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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First, I would like to thank the author & NetGalley for the eARC opportunity. Like always, this review is voluntary & honest

This book was such a fantastic read, from start to finish.
I didn't want to put it down. The writing style transported me straight into pages, and I didn't want to leave.

The character development, world building, and authenticity of the emotions of the characters were incredible.
It was such an immersive book with lots of description and fight scenes.

This book had everything:
Hidden identity
Forbidden magic
Found family
Enemies to lovers

I need the next part now!!

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For years, Zarya has been trapped in a gilded prison. Her magic is forbidden, a dangerous secret—though nobody will explain why. Now she is ready to break free and find the truth.

Wonderful romantasy. Can't wait for the rest of the books.

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I was so excited to read this book after seeing it was inspired by Indian and South Asian folklore. I was glad to read something different than the run of the mill fantasy that mainly reads like ACOTAR fanfic, but ended up being sadly disappointed by this read. The world was immaculate, from the description of the clothing, food, and magical beasts but the plot line really brought the story down. The story felt too rushed, oftentimes large events happening in a few short paragraphs.

I tend to not enjoy the first book in a fantasy series as much and am hopeful the second will improve since the world created by the author is so unique and beautiful.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book!

First off, the things I loved:

- I'm Indian, so I loved the worldbuilding and mythology of this book. As an avid fantasy reader I always love to see my culture in this genre.
- The book had good forward momentum - I devoured this in a day because I was eager to know what Row was hiding from Zarya, what her magic was, etc.

What I didn't love/would love to see worked on in future books:
- Zarya is supposed to be almost 21 for most of the book but is written like a teen. We need more fantasy with protagonists in their 20s and 30s, but her inner monologue and thought processes seemed really juvenile and shallow. Her character just felt like it was lacking depth.
- The writing style. It felt like a LOT of tell vs. show. Things were overexplained (or not explained enough). The writing felt more like a first book, and this is not the author's first one.

All in all, I think I would give the sequel a shot, but I do think the writing could be better.

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Heart of Night and Fire is a beautiful, riveting book. If you enjoyed Tuli’s writing style in the Artefacts of Ouranos, prepare to fall in love with a whole new set of characters. I love that the story draws strongly on Indian culture as well, intricately weaving its own world that draws in readers of any background. X-rays is a heroine we can all get behind, and I look forward to seeing what new adventures she encounters in the next installment of the series.

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The end has me excited for the next book in this series. I really enjoy learning about myths and legends from different cultures.

"...enemies-to-lovers tension...", I didn't feel like there was any enemies-to-lover tension.

Thank you NetGalley and Second Sky.

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Oo a book based on Indian mythology and I'm definitely on-board ! A sheltered young woman suddenly freed and desperate to explore life and yes that's a winner too . So add some magic and evil creatures and this should be a five star read but actually not for this reader. Why ? Well we get a love interest who sadly is what I can only describe as a place holder to catch the readers interest ( throne of glass anyone ?) . The real romance is clearly going to be ahem a lot closer to home and that is why its not a perfect read for me. We do meet the guy she's clearly meant to be with but it's so fleeting that honestly it's not really possible to cheer for him. Our heroine Zarya, however is very much one I'm happy to get behind as she's brave, feisty and clearly happy to finally embrace freedom and life. I enjoyed the journey with supporting characters that added greatly to the fun However the revelations as this ends leave Zarya in more danger than she ever imagined but with people who just might be the family she's created if not those born of blood around her. A good beginning to this series and I look forward to reading more.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

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A beautiful world and an interesting story. I do feel as if the FMC’s emotions and thoughts were occasionally hard to follow, but the street still stood on its own

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Heart of Night and Fire is the first in a new fantasy romance series from Nisha J Tuli. Filled with excitement and oozing with myths and legends inspired by Indian and South Asian culture, this was a wonderful book to just lose yourself within.

For 20 years Zarya has been kept away from everyone with no clue as to why, but when the blight from the south brings more evil creatures and her carer, Row goes missing, Zarya suddenly finds she can go and discover the world she's only ever dreamed of.

This a stunning first book in the series, the whimsical world of the peri and the myths mingling with the darker legends gave me a feel of a Stephanie Garber, Caraval type of book, but with the exotic setting it's definitely a unique novel.

There's a wonderful cast of characters to fall in love with. I couldn't put this book down with all the plot twists and turns. Tuli does a brilliant job of bringing the world to life and her descriptions make you feel as though you're really there. I can't wait for book 2 to see how Zarya's story continues.

Thank you so much to Netgalley and the publishers for providing me with an e-arc in return for an honest review.

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This book transported me into a brand new world in the most beautiful way, and I cannot wait to read more!

Nisha's well chosen wording helps to establish the powerful sense of magic without outright stating it. She accurately and poetically captures the feeling of being trapped someplace that is - in a stilted sense - comfortable and homey, while feeling the immense need to explore and experience more, as well as the unsure feeling that comes after the excitement of finally leaving.
The way small moments are constantly acknowledged and quickly yet thoroughly described also struck me as something I don't come across frequently in my reading with other authors, and I have a deep appreciation for that in this book. It's a really great way to immerse the reader in the story.

Zarya was incredibly relatable in her fire to be more, to see more. But she was not without fault, and acknowledges and takes responsibility for her mistakes and does what she can to right them. She has a huge heart for the people and the desire to make things better for all, and her graciousness in forgiveness is something to strive for.

The chacter development, world building, and authenticity of the emotions of the characters have really set this book apart for me, and I'm so SO excited to read more from Nisha!

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This was a great start to a series and has a lot of potential moving forward. Since this was the first book in a fantasy series, there was a lot of world building. There were so many types of people, places, and creature names that I got majorly confused. Normally I’m good at keeping up because I’m used to reading fantasy but this one was overwhelming. I think a map and pronunciation guide would be very helpful.

I really loved all the inspiration Tuli took from Indian mythology. I can honestly say I’ve never read a book like this. The world was magical and beautiful.

The magic system is really interesting but it wasn’t shown as much as I would’ve liked. However, the build up to Zarya’s magical abilities and her family was very well done. I’m hoping to see more training and using her magic in the next book.

I’m happy the relationship between Zarya and Vikram didn’t last. I like both characters but I don’t think they had much chemistry. You could tell he was just a place holder for the main love interest. I did not like the whole brother thing though. I loathe when the FMC has a relationship with both brothers at some point. I’m hoping it doesn’t become a big deal in the next book because that’s gonna drive me nuts. I did really love everything else about Rabin though. He was barely in it which was a huge bummer. We better get more of him in book 2!

Overall this was a beautifully written book and I can’t wait to continue Zarya’s story!

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for sending me an ARC to review!

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I was enjoyable and entertaining. I did have some personal gripes with the overall plot execution and characters but it did hold my interest. I thought the world building was done well and I'm excited for the finished copy.

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