Member Reviews

This was such an immersive and addictive read - I was thrown right into Zarya’s world beginning with her unusual and secretive imprisonment and following her out into the world as she makes friends and fights for her new city, under siege from a blight that brings demons and destruction alike. I found the complexity surrounding Zarya’s relationships with Row and Aarav, her pseudo family and full-time jailors, to be well written and added an extra depth to the story. Her character is understandably confused and angry, trying to find a place for herself in the world she always wanted to be in whilst trying to find answers about her family and her past. It’s easy to empathise with her and she’s definitely a character you’ll be rooting for!

I kept forgetting I’d finished the book, waking up in the night excited to pick it up and see what was going to happen next and then facing the disappointment realising I’d have to wait! There were some unexpected twists and some I thought I had predicted but turned out to have twists of their own so it definitely kept me on my toes and I’ll definitely be picking up the next book when it comes out (and probably some of Tuli’s other books in the meantime!).

I received a free copy of this book. All views are my own.

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Heart of Night and Fire sets up a very incredible story for the rest of the series.
I really liked how the world building takes place throughout the book instead of being dumped in the first few pages of the first chapter. It made it much easier to learn everything that was going on around me.
The attention to detail was truly fantastic. I felt like I was able to see everything clearly in my mind.
The magic and the historical lore that was created through the book was deeply rooted and enthralling.
Zarya, the FMC seems like the whole package. She is beautiful, innocent, brave, and friendly. She desperately wants to see the world around her and is on a personal journey to know more about who she is capable of being.
The supporting cast of characters offer a variety of personalities and seeing how they interacted with Zarya was fun. The romance side of the novel was slow burn, but I fully expect more out of that as the series continues.
Five stars for me as I will definitely be continuing the series and can't wait to read what happens next.
🌟Thanks NetGalley and Second Sky publishing for sending this book for review. All opinions are my own.🌟

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“She wanted more— she wanted all of him touching all of her body. This was nothing like the fishing boy in Lahar. This was alive and electric.”

Zarya is 20 years old, being guarded on the southern coastline of Rahajhan. The cottage on the beach is her own personal prison. Her guardian, Row, setting a border with powerful runes to keep her in and the demons out. Waking one morning, she finds Row missing and the boundaries of her confinement gone. She is free. But… Who can she trust? Where can she go? How will she find the answers to all her questions?

Nisha Tuli’s new series the Night Fire Quartet starts out strong with Heart of Night and Fire. The descriptions of the world make you feel like you could reach out and touch it, surrounding you with the sense that you are there in her world. She has set up her next book in the series to ramp up not only the romance but the action too. I can not wait to see where these characters go in the upcoming books.

This book would be perfect for those who love Sarah J. Mass and Carissa Broadbent. This would also be a good book for those stepping into the world of Fantasy Romance.

Stars: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice: 🌶️🌶️

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I honestly didn’t think I could love a book by Nisha as much as I love the Artefacts of Ouranos series…but I was wrong. Pleasantly wrong, in fact. Found family tropes, magic, romance, darkness, this book had it all.

This book was intriguing from start to finish, and I’m honestly upset that I have to wait so long for the next one. The world was an explosion of color from start to finish, and several times I found myself gaping at the pages, trying to wrap my head around the events happening.

I fell absolutely in love with Zarya and her friends from the beginning, and I CANNOT wait for the day I get to dive back into this world.

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Zarya has a forbidden secret. She escapes to Dharati where she discovers a new magical world. She is tempted by Rabin. Will she reveal her secret and save the city?
A terrific story. Love this magical world. I like the Indian mythology in the book. It's very interesting. The plot is great.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc

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I need the next part now!! Nisha J. Tuli, you have a new fan!

I loved this book so much! Finding out who Rabin is was a plot twist!🤯 I did not see that coming! I need to read more about Zarya and Rabin.

Zarya lives with Row in a cottage that is off by the Dakhani Sea. He is not her father but the only guardian she’s ever known. Yet he uses his magic to prevent her from ever leaving for 20 years. Later, in the book we discover the reasoning behind his ways and the dark secrets that have been hidden.

When she finally escapes, she saves Commander Vikram Ravana and Lieutenant Yasen Varghese while they are attacked by Naga. They are soldiers in Rani Vasvi’s army. They are also Rakshasas which are immoral species of elemental and known for drinking blood.

“You are lovely-truly, but as you might have just noticed, you aren’t really my type.”
Yasen was one of my favorite characters! I loved him so much! At first, they didn’t get along but over time they grew to have a wonderful friendship.

I loved when the peri was watching her discover her magic and was clapping each time she tried something new. Those little people made me want to have some around me lol

The slow burn and secrets made this book so good!!!🔥 I highly recommend!

Thank you Nisha J. Tuli, Second Sky, and Netgalley for the EARC! As always, my review is my opinion and thoughts. This review will be shared on my Instagram (Alexandriavwilliams_) and blog shortly.

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The story flowed well and the characters were well developed. I recommend this book and look forward to more from this author.

****Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for my honest review****

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