Member Reviews

While a skateboarder with narcolepsy is a worthwhile new character to the world of comics, this treatment is unreadably awkward, pitched at the very young who can actually waste their time on working out what the heck is actually happening in the majority of the frames. Certainly when the action starts the visual clarity is out the window, and this was an adult-proof pass for me. One and a half stars.

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it was very good written and with a cliffhanger that leave you wanting more, so pls if you got time read this graphic novel.

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Imaginez-vous vivre avec la narcolepsie. S'endormir à tout moment, n'importe où, surtout aux moments les plus critiques. C'est la réalité d'Andy, le protagoniste de la bande dessinée "The Dream Factor". Mais un jour, sa condition lui offre une opportunité inattendue : celle de découvrir l'existence de la "Dream Factory". Se faisant passer pour un stagiaire, l'adolescent s'infiltre dans cette organisation créée pour réguler les rêves et cauchemars de chacun. Avec des agents de sécurité à ses trousses, Andy est déterminé à découvrir pourquoi il s'endort si souvent...

Publié en tant que premier volume, "The Dream Factor" offre une aventure palpitante qui séduit par ses dessins sympathiques et dynamiques. L'histoire, bien que divertissante, reste en surface, ce qui est compréhensible compte tenu de sa nature de point de départ.

L'œuvre nous transporte dans un monde où les rêves et les cauchemars sont régis par une organisation secrète. Cette idée intrigue dès le début, offrant un terrain fertile pour l'imagination. L'auteur nous plonge dans un univers où les frontières entre la réalité et le rêve deviennent floues, où l'imagination est la seule limite.

Andy, en tant que personnage principal, est immédiatement attachant. Sa lutte contre sa narcolepsie le rend à la fois vulnérable et courageux, et sa détermination à découvrir la vérité le rend d'autant plus admirable. Les personnages secondaires ajoutent également de la profondeur à l'histoire, chacun apportant sa propre contribution à l'intrigue.

Cependant, malgré ses qualités indéniables, "The Dream Factor" reste en surface. Le récit offre un aperçu alléchant de l'univers créé par l'auteur, mais laisse le lecteur sur sa faim quant à l'approfondissement des enjeux et des personnages. Cependant, cela peut être pardonné dans le cadre d'un premier volume, car il pose les bases d'une série qui a le potentiel de devenir encore plus captivante au fil des tomes.

En conclusion, "The Dream Factor" est une bande dessinée qui captive dès les premières pages. Avec ses dessins dynamiques et son intrigue intrigante, elle promet une aventure passionnante dans le monde des rêves. Bien que l'histoire reste en surface dans ce premier volume, elle laisse présager un potentiel énorme pour les volumes à venir. Les lecteurs seront sûrement impatients de plonger plus profondément dans ce monde fascinant à mesure que la série se développe.

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The art style is absolutely stunning! The colour pallet and portrayed the story in a dream like manner that suited the story perfectly! I only wish that the whole thing was longer!! I would have loved for the story to have been fleshed out a little more as it felt a little rushed in places, it’s a wonderful so who wouldn’t want to stay in it longer.

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This is a well-drawn colour graphic novel about a young boy with narcolepsy whose nightmares suddenly take him to 'The Dream Factory'. Very original, but ends in a bit of a cliffhanger so have to wait for the next one to see any sort of full conclusion! Quite enjoyable!

<i>I received a complimentary copy of this graphic novel from Europe Comics via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review, which I leave voluntarily</i>

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Beautiful artwork but far too short. I think if this was longer it would have been more engaging and far less confusing.

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Absolutely gorgeous illustrations and color choices. Such a great story about dreams. It ends on a cliffhanger and makes me want to pick up the next book immediately!

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Certainly an odd story. While we don't see sleep disorders often in fiction for children, I'm not sure about the portrayal here. It leans hard into the fantastic. It's wild adventures in a surreal setting.

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I absolutely love graphic novels but this one fell a little bit short for me. I was confused and couldn't follow along with the story line throughout most of the book, I just felt like it was all over the place. I did think that the art was unique and I really enjoyed flipping back through a second time just to appreciate the art. I always love to see a book where an illness is brought into the light. I may go back again in the future to look at this book and see if I can understand it better than the first time that I read it.

Thank you to Netgalley, Europe Comics, and the author for a digital ARC of this book!

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The illustrations are out of this world beautiful, and the colors work so well for the dreamy landscape of the dream world. A lot of pivotal moments happen in this short but easily loveable graphic novel. There is friendship, betrayal, what it feels like to be let down, determination, and love.

Narcolepsy rep, I love to see it! I think it would have been beneficial to have the character explain what Narcolepsy meant in the book since it's never explained and I find it unlikely that most children know what it is. There is a brief description in the synopsis "Andy falls asleep everywhere, all the time, especially at the most critical moments." However, I think it would have been beneficial for more explanation.

Overall, a fast-paced action graphic novel with beautiful illustrations. I think this book is perfect for its age range and has a lot to offer.

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This first volume sets the scene, with superb illustrations that have a sort of Zootopia vibe. Andy falls asleep at any moment because of his disease, narcolepsy. He has no control over this phenomenon, and one day finds himself in the Dream Factory. As he tries to understand his narcolepsy and find a solution, he becomes a risk to the Dream Factory, which hunts him down. The end of the comic opens on Volume 2, which should give us more information on the workings of the Dream Factory and, I hope, on Andy's narcolepsy. This little graphic novel is a delightful, easy read, thanks to the colorful, dreamlike illustrations that pay homage to the world of dreams.

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Thanks NetGalley and Europe Comics for this arc

2.5/5 stars rounded up

The art was really quite beautiful in this graphic novel, but the story was lacking to me. It really could have used an extra twenty or thirty pages to round out the story and make it more cohesive.

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Welcome Back!

This is already shaping up to be a busy week and it is only Monday. However, I have some really good reads I am excited to talk about this week. I am starting off our week with Dream Factory, an upcoming graphic novel that I had the opportunity to read as an E-ARC (thank you so much to the publisher for the e-ARC in exchange for my honest opinions). So without further ado, let’s jump straight into our first read of the week!


Andy has narcolepsy, so he can fall asleep anywhere at any time which can be pretty scary but also kind of prevents him from having good friends, and in middle school that is really hard. Andy lives with his grandmother and worries over her health just as much as she worries over his. When Andy starts having stronger narcoleptic episodes and ends up in a weird dream factory, his grandmother falls ill in the real world. Can Andy get out of the dream world in time to help her?

First I want to say the art in this graphic novel is absolutely awe-inspiring. The colors are bright and vivid when Andy’s in his dream world, and at home with his grandmother. Outside of the art, I loved Andy’s story. I felt the special bond between him and his grandmother and felt Andy’s concern for her and vice versa. I would love to see what happens to Andy and his grandmother next. I highly recommend giving it a try!

Goodreads Rating: 5 Stars

**Thank you so much to the publisher for the E-ARC!

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This book was thoroughly engrossing and ended way too soon. Andy is a kid with narcolepsy. He falls asleep at the drop of a hat. It impacts his life with his friends and with his grandmother. One day while sleeping, he exits his dreams into the dream factory that’s helping cause them and learns a little bit about the dream world. This book very much reminds me of The Phantom Tollbooth. It’s the way the story is told and the emotions behind it that have that nonsensical but makes perfect sense type of storytelling. The graphics are amazing and make one think of a Pixar movie. In fact, I would love to see this fully animated. The only negative is that it ends with a cliffhanger, and I desperately need book 2.

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Thank you so much for letting me read this graphic novel. This is a fun middle grade story that explains a serious condition in a very delicate and colorful way.

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Fun graphic novel about a boy who suffers from narcolepsy and then gets trapped in the dream factory. I liked the mechanics of the dream factory and the monitoring of dreams, an interesting idea.

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The color choices were very pretty and the art was cute. I think kids will like it because it balances being silly without crossing into too silly. It fits well for a story about dreams It does have a cliffhanger ending and I know some kids don't like that, but I fell like a lot will just want to immediately start book 2.

4 stars

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I really enjoyed this little strange graphic novel, though it was difficult to follow at the beginning. I get that this was on purpose as the main character didn’t know what was happening either but I think a bit more context could have been given to readers and it still would have had the same impact. Overall though, the artwork is absolutely beautiful and the story is really quite cute and unique. I will definitely be watching these creators in the future and you should check this out, if you have the time.

I would like to thank the publisher, creators, and Netgalley for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Andy has narcolepsy and his episodes seem to be getting worse. He finds himself trying to control the dream to make it stop, but instead finds himself inside The Dream Factory, evading those who would capture him for leaving his dream.

I liked the visuals and the idea of the dream factory. The chase aspect was fun, although it took awhile for the story to pick up and then it very abruptly ended? I’m guessing there are going to be more books in this series because otherwise it is a very incomplete story. Hoping to see how things turn out for Andy!

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The story follows a boy with narcolepsy who feels misunderstood as his friends aren't very empathetic towards his condition. Whilst having a narcoleptic episode, he comes across what he believes is where his dreams are being controlled from, The Dream Factory.

The art for this was very nice, however, the story was a little disjointed at times and didn't have much build up or explanation, therefore making it a little hard to follow the plot or care much about the characters.
I feel that it would benefit from being a bit longer and I know there is a book 2 planned from the way that this one ended and the fact that this one is called Book 1 so I hope that that will be taken into consideration.

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