Member Reviews

I'll admit, I went into this book cautiously because it looked like an insta-love influencer story; and I'm not really into either of those things. I was pleasantly surprised! The characters were young influencers, yes, but they were well drawn, understandable and experienced character growth.

Also, the book was just the right length. We got to know the characters and their situation, we saw how their relationship began, and then blossomed.

I enjoyed the details about #vanlife and traveling the West Coast. This was an enjoyable book - thanks!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Sweet and fun!

Coral is a Youtuber living her dream by sharing her van life and adventures with her followers. The only issue is, if she can't get more followers soon, her parents will force her to give it up. She sees in Ruby, another vlogger although not in the same style, and her rescue dog an opportunity to boost her audience. The two decide to team up for a road trip but aren't ready for their followers to ship them together quite so hard. Is a fake relationship the best way for them to get what they need?

This book has one of my favorite tropes: fake relationship, and on top of that, it's sapphic. So of course, I was in from the start and I was not disappointed. The story was really addictive and compelling and I really liked how real and relatable both women were. They went from strangers to friends to something more and it was super fun and heartwarming to see their feelings develop throughout the story despite how different they are. I was hooked from the first page and didn't want to put the book down because of how exciting and unique the story was. I honestly loved everything about this and I fell in love with Coral and Ruby (and the dog of course) and their unusual lives. I felt like I was driving along with them and it was just amazing.

I highly recommend this great and fun sapphic romance!

"Coral might have laughed if only her heart weren't on the brink of shattering into a million pieces."

TW: sexually explicit scenes, homophobia, harrasment/bullying (social media)

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This book has a very contemporary story. We lived in world of clics, TikToc, followers etc.

Two women with different backround stories, but comon goal - win more followers, go on road trip. I really liked the the story that shows, what some people are willing to do, for more clicks. This book has a happy end, but how many doesn´t.

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I'm not really a huge fan of contemporary romance, so maybe this one is on me, but I did not enjoy myself.
The characters felt so uninspired and the romance was bland. I love fake dating/fake relationships-- and I really feel that this book needed some sort of reaction from the real people in their lives. That's where the fun in fake dating/fake romances! Having to put on a show for the people that know you! Where's the mutual pining? I think it would have worked better if Coral was crushing on Ruby before they met. Or they had a mutual crush they were trying to hide! I don't know! Give me some sort of conflict-- that's what makes it fun!-- and there was so little meaningful conflict.
The most interesting the book got was at the very end, where we got a smidge of conflict-- and I started to buy in!-- and then it was over.

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This cute romance makes me want to hit the road! All the camp sites and nature descriptions are just so gorgeous and peaceful. I enjoyed those elements almost as much as I enjoyed watching adventure-seeking Coral and intentional-living Ruby fall for each other. Fake dating and close proximity are some of my favorite tropes, so this romance was an easy sell. But, seriously! The two women have such a great complement of personality traits; I was just buzzing for them to acknowledge their feelings. And can we talk about Calvin? Who can resist a sweet rescue dog with a back story? No one! Seeing that sweet boy come to trust Coral melted my heart! It was a great, fun read with just the right amount of spice. I immediately added more books from author Tiana Warner onto my reading list!

Thank you #NetGalley and @ylva_publishing for a chance to read & review this book!

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So I have recently fallen down a fake dating trope hole and I don't seem to be an closer to coming out of it and I don't care.

This book is that rom-com Planner/wild child love story with a cute doggo in the mix. It also has a little spice which helps. A great book for holiday reading or those who are hopeless for a fake dating book.

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I did not finish this one, it was not for me, I couldn't relate to the characters, and just did not care for the story.

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The Road Trip Agreement is essentially a novel about following your dreams in the face of opposition. The dreams may not be big ones in others’ eyes and the opposition may come in the form parental and financial pressure, but that doesn’t make it less important.

Both Carol and Ruby want to make a living from the precarious and fickle social media audiences that follow their channels devoted to van life. Their audiences watch them indulge their fantasy of a seemingly carefree life travelling around the country.

Although both protagonists live and travel in a van, their approach is quite different. Ruby has a meticulous and minimalist approach, creating culinary masterpieces from her cramped van kitchen. Carol has a more freewheeling, adventurous style, filming her feats of derring-do.

Both young women are struggling to make ends meet from their enterprises so team up in an effort to build their audiences. When they realise that their audiences are assuming they are a couple which piques interest from a broader audience, they start a fake relationship.

I couldn’t relate to the social media aspect of the novel, but the heart of it is about finding your place in the world and dealing with family relationships, and that I could relate to. I’m not the target demographic for the book, but I found it entertaining nonetheless. It’s a good read.

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The main characters in this book are Coral & Ruby. Coral and Ruby both are vloggers that are all about van life. Coral's parents bought her van because she wanted to try to do this vlogging. However, her parents gave her an ultimatum that she needs to have enough followers and money by her birthday. She is not doing well. She follows Ruby and sees that she has a lot more followers than she does. She has a great idea of them doing a road trip and maybe they can both benefit. Coral contacts Ruby and Ruby agrees that it might be a good idea. What Coral doesn't know is Ruby's van has died and she is not doing well financially because she is helping her mother out.
The road trip is going well and the followers are loving it and loving Coral and Ruby's vlogs. The followers are starting to see that the two women has chemistry together. Coral and Ruby decide that they will play along and pretend that they are together. That is until they are found out. The trip ends and they part ways. What they didn't realize on the road is that they both are not ready for the trip to end.
I would recommend.
I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was fine. I liked the banter and learning from each other, but i'm not sure the couple was as engrossing for me to root for, not really sure.

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thank you to Ylva Publishing and netgalley for an e-arc in exchange for an honest review. This was such a cute book.. I loved the story between the two characters .

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Two vanlife creators, Coral and Ruby. Both need followers so that they can make money (for two different reasons). Coral is adventurous, but, her parents have given her a deadline. Ruby has been successfully doing vanlife, until recently, when everything started hitting the fan. So, they take a road trip together. They start as friends, but, get closer, then Coral comes up with the idea to fake a relationship. But, they also start actually falling in love too (of course, I mean, it is a romance, heh...).

My favorite part was probably that it was a different sort of setting. And the romance beats were very lesfic romance beats. It was a fun and a super quick read.

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People are always trying to have their few moments of fame but for Coral Lavoie and Ruby Hayashi it’s a way of life. Traveling in their vans, posting daily about their days. Where to travel, where to stay and of course meeting interesting people.
Now how they go about meeting these new souls are completely different. Coral likes people and she’s always trying to show the adventures one can have just traveling. She has made a deal with her parents that if they buy her a van, she goes on the road, posting all the way she’s hoping to make enough money to keep herself a float. Time is passing and she still doesn’t have enough followers to pay for her to keep going. She needs to up her followers and one way of doing that is to team up with another person and make some things happen to up her numbers.
Ruby is different, she’s an introvert and if it wasn’t for her dog Calvin she’d never get as far as she was now. Ruby has over a million followers but she’s scared they might stop watching if she doesn’tchange up the format. Coral gives her a call with the proposal for the two of them to travel with each other, giving both women more chances of adding to their numbers.
Ms Warner has done a great job of telling Ruby and Coral’s story. With characters you can’t help but like. Very, very nice read.
ARC via NetGalley/YLVA Publishing

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Confession : I hate camping and vanlife doesn’t attract me at all. Plus Coral and Ruby are respectively 23 and 24 and I don’t really read new adult novel but realized it only after started reading. Still, It was a good opportunity to get out of my comfort zone.
Now that it’s said, Ruby and Coral are both passionate with travelling and freedom that vanlife can offer, and they are both content creators. Quickly, they realize like each other but stay professional and it was really cute to read. I also liked how being opposite both bring them some balance in their life. It’s only when they realize their community want them to be together that they decide to fake their relationship.
They are both pressured to have views and suscribers but that aspect of social media and influencer with its pression and sometimes fakeness is not my favorite thing. It took a bit too much place in their story for my taste. That’s why despite Coral and Ruby being really cute, I wish I could feel their passion and feelings a bit more. Nevertheless, this book was cute and easy to read, I just wasn't the right target. Solild 3.5 Stars to me

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Welcome to the freedom of van life!

I was hooked from the very first word of summary. And the cover looked so promising that I couldnt help myself.

And it was a real good read! Even though theyre both Youtube vloggers, Coral and Ruby are so different from each other. Coral is all about adventure while Ruby lives her zen life with a cute rescue dog.

There is a small detail in the book so real that i like: When Ruby worrying about her channel being "boring" because of flawless videos, she's scared of showing mistakes and hardness in her career. She shared the thought with her friends Annie & Parm. Parm said" ... Nobody on social media is truthful all the time. It's just the way it works." Sometimes when i watch a channel, as a viewer I only see That person in a perfectly directed film, I cant help but wonder if their life is 100% like that. I dont know, but this book kinda contain some real thought of content creator and social media life, and thats good.

Generally, such an adorable story for me. Tiana Warner always come with cute plot that I love so much!

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i'm blushing.

thank you to netgalley and the author for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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A really fun and sweet adventure!

Coral and Ruby both run vanlife vlogs but one appears more successful than the other. Desperate to keep her van as per the agreement with her parents, Coral approaches Ruby with an idea to take a road trip together. Ruby is hesitant of Coral finding out the truth about why she agreed, but in hopes of boosting both of the audiences, it’s not only a trip they end up sharing.

I loved this so much! It was fun, filled with sweet moments and a little heartache but lots of hope. Coral and Ruby were both dancing around one another’s truths but as they started to build trust they learned a lot about one another and how they could help each other with more than just a boost in ratings because of the trip. When their followers’ comments give Coral and idea for them to fake a relationship, you just know that it has the potential to end in tears, but that combined with them trying to hide the real truth about their reasons for asking and agreeing to the situation is what kept me hooked.

There were great moments and imagery throughout their trip, and some truly lovely experiences, like how Coral was understanding of Ruby’s instructions regarding her rescue dog, and them sharing moments that were genuine even though they told themselves it was for the camera. Immediately, from that first meeting you just get this tingly sense they are meant to be and will be good for one another. I was rooting for Coral and Ruby just as much as they’re fans, because not only were they two of the sweetest and kindest people, but they really cared about other’s and deserved the success and happiness they’d find together both professionally and personally.

So great and hopefully not Ruby and Coral’s last adventure as I would love to join them on another!

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This was an interesting glimpse into the lives of two YouTube content creators who were trying to “make it”. The writing flowed really well, the road trip stops had been depicted as if you were right there, and the two leads had a lot of chemistry. It was great to see them, two women in their early twenties, grow as the story went on. I particularly liked Calvin the dog who was adorable. Definitely an author worth keeping an eye on.

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This was a pretty enjoyable read. I didn't expect any great feels from a 10 day trip but the chemistry worked and it was well written.

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This was cute! Fake dating tropes are my favorite! I read this in one sitting because I had to know how it ended. Ruby was a great complex character and complimented Coral’s character so well. Overall this was a good romance book! I loved the realistic outlook on social media and influencer culture as well as the quest for realistic freedom.

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