Member Reviews

Going into this book, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was gearing up to have my heart shattered and I’m happy I’d didn’t quite happen the way I was thinking. I really enjoyed Ghosted. I loved Jillian and Daniel so much. Their dynamic was entertaining and the chemistry was there from the start. This book kept me guessing until the very end. I wasn’t sure how they would make it work but they did. I adored the side characters as well. The office scenes were some of my favorites and made me laugh out loud. I really enjoyed this book and I cannot wait to read the next one!

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I absolutely LOVED this book! Ghosted will be the first book I’ve read by the author but if they’re all like this, it definitely won’t be my last. The chemistry between the two characters was just so swoon worthy & extremely cute, it made it hard to not fall for them. Jillian reminds me a lot of myself before meeting my husband, so maybe that’s why I loved the book so much. While I do agree that there were some parts that were unnecessarily detailed, making it longer than it needed to be, I was not ready for this one to end. Finding another romance book that I enjoyed as much as this one is gonna be hard… can we talk about a book hangover? I’ll be thinking about Jillian & Daniel for a long time! This book could easily be made into a movie, it really was just that good.

“I love you. Even when this life is done. I’ll always love you.”
Thank you NetGalley & publisher for an eARC of this title in exchange for an honest review.

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I read Sarah Ready's "Josh and Gemma Make a Baby" a couple of months ago and I absolutely adored it. I was so excited to read "Ghosted" because I wanna experience the same thing again. Sadly, this book didn't do it for me.

I feel like this could've been 100+ pages shorter. It was too long. There were a lot of annecessary descriptions about things and settings and it got boring too many times. There were also a lot of unimportant scenes that could have been omitted or shortened, at least.

I liked that it wasn't the typical ghost story but other than that, it was just 'meh' for me. I didn't really like the characters. I wasn't able to relate to them in any way. I didn't feel any emotions for them. I was just reading for the sake of finishing this book. I came to a point several times that I just wanted to DNF it.

Sorry but this book really got me exhausted. I wanted so badly to like it but it just wasn't for me.

✨ Thank you W.W. Crown and NetGalley for giving me an ARC in exchange for an honest review. ✨

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I was so excited when i found this new book from Sarah Ready, and i quickly requested it here to get the arc. The synopsis sounded quite promising hence i was looking forward to binge-read it. Unfortunately there were some things in the book that I didn't really like such as the insta-love, the shirtless ghost guy (why is he shirtless? It feels weird to me), the uninteresting FMC and also the chapters feel boring. I didn't feel interested in reading it anymore once i realized the plot isn't exactly what i expected it to be. However, i still pushed through the boom cause it would be a waste to not finish it after getting this arc. Hence, i decided to give this book 3 stars.

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC!

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I went into this book blind, not knowing what to expect. I’ve read books before where the main girl falls in love with a ghost (Dead Romantics being my favorite!) so I was wondering how this one how live up to the others. What kind of spin could Ready put on this plot? Well, I was not prepared for this one - it hits all the feels.

Also, that first sentence had me dying (no pun intended) right away!
“If I’d known my new apartment was a s3x maniacs love den, I would have never invited my parents along.”

Daniel is just the perfect guy. Sure he came across as a player in the beginning, but he has such a soft side - especially for Jill. By chapter ten he was telling her she was beautiful when she was doubting herself, and then he made her laugh for the rest of the evening. *Sigh* I just really like him. Even when we see him later in the novel he is just the perfect man for Jillian.

Jillian is such a likable character too. She’s just herself and doesn’t try to be someone she isn’t. Not everyone can say that, and I really admire her for it. When she comes out and explains why she can’t talk to men, my heart ached for her. She soon becomes a woman who is determined and would go to great lengths to win Daniel back.

Let’s talk about some of these chapters, y’all. The FEELS ARE REAL! Ugh, my heart went from fluttering to just plain old hurting. Chapter 21 was just breathtaking and such a beautiful scene. Chapters 22 and 27 had me reaching for the tissues. Not even halfway through the book and I was blubbering! The last half? Man I was broken and put back together more times that I can count.

There is no doubt in my mind that I will be picking up another book by Sarah Ready in my future. Her writing is phenomenal and reminds me somewhat of Ali Hazelwood’s style, but still uniquely her own. Dean Romantics used to be my favorite in this magical realism genre, but this one has surpassed that a million times.

I had many theories for how this one would play out. I was partially right about one aspect about who Daniel really is. However, once we got there, there was a whole new twist that completely wrecked me. Jill, my heart crumbled right with ya.

If you want a story that is like nothing you have read with no cliches that makes you have all the feels (laughing one moment while blushing and then crying the next) please pick up this book. I did not regret reading this one for one moment. I cannot say enough good things about this book. Utter perfection.

*An ARC was provided by NetGalley and the Publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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Ghosted by Sarah Ready
Jillian has just moved into a new studio apartment. Unfortunately this apartment is haunted by a hot, and also dead, man named Daniel, who doesn’t seem to accept that he is a ghost.
What I liked:
-I really liked Jillan. Every new thing I learned about her just endeared her to me more. 💜
-I was not quite sure how a whole “love story but one of them is a ghost” was going to play out, so it kept me intrigued.
-This book went a direction I was not quite expecting and I respect that.

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I recently read The Space Between by Sarah Ready, and I was excited to get my second book by her from NetGalley. Ghosted is a fantastic romantic novel, and I loved everything about the book! The characters (even the ghost) are so likeable and well-developed. I liked how the author developed the storyline, and the conclusion was so satisfying. I laughed and cried while reading the book, and I think that is the highest praise a romance novel can get! Thank you, NetGalley, for the advance reader copy of this fun book!

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A very cute read. Perfect if you just want to have a good time. The characters were so lovable and their relationship was well developed.

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This was a cute read and not what I expected at all. Thank you NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book. I chose to read this one because the premise of a girl falling in love with a ghost intrigued me. After all, how could a ghost and a person actually end up together? I won't give anything away, but the storylines kept me interested and it is an interesting and entertaining read.

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I *adore* Sarah Ready's writing, and I was hooked on this book almost from the first page -- another masterful story! In this story, we meet Jillian and Daniel, two people who seem to be as different as two people can be. Jillian moves into an oddly-decorated studio apartment in NYC, and Daniel the shirtless ghost appears almost immediately, following her everywhere she goes and pushing her out of her comfort zone by refusing to stop chattering at her.

Then... he disappears, just as she's realized she loves him. WHAT?!

I won't spoil anything that happens next, except to say that I had exactly zero hangups on the 'could this *really* happen?!' qualities of this story because I trusted Sarah Ready to navigate it with care and heart. She did, and I simply *loved* this story. It's one of my favorite novels of my reading year. I recommend enthusiastically!

Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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The characters were amazing and well written. At first, the premise was a little out of my "normal" reading comfort zone, but I LOVED this book. I cannot wait for the 2nd book.

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I seriously don't know if I have the words for how much I loved this! If I could rate this higher than five stars, I most DEFINITELY would. I NEED this book to be made into a movie ASAP! I'll admit it was a little slow going at first but then it grabbed me and wouldn't let me go until I finished it! The characters were so adorable and relatable and the twist at the end was unexpected. I've already started telling people about this book. PLEASE DON'T PASS THIS ONE UP!--100/10-- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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"You're like a flame. I'm drawn to you. Everyone else is muted, but you burn bright."

Spoiler alert:

I love the idea of this book and I really loved the beginning of the story, which is why it paints me to only give it two stars.
The first part of the book was so much fun. I really enjoyed it. The second part was too slow for my liking and boring.
I think that the story was a bit too drawn out, it could've been so much shorter. The ghostly making love scene was really really cringe. I didn't like the STALKING and I do not understand höw Daniel feel in love with her after all that. I'm all for a HEA but that doesn't always have to mean that everyone has to get married. All in all.. good concept, bad execution.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC!

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This book has such a pretty cover. I loved this book. I loved how this ghost shows up and he's there to help her get through her trauma. I loved that when he did that and left she started to miss him. I loved right when she started to miss him she met him in real person. I loved how she tried to change him to be just like how he was when he was a ghost. I loved this whole book it was such a good story line and I loved how she was able to save him and he was able to save her. This book was a little long but thank goodness for audio. Thank you to the author, publisher and netgalley for allowing me to read this as an arc for an honest review. I did also review this on Instagram

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Jilian works for an online magazine as a relationship/dating expert. But she can't even talk to a guy face to face. Her advices are not based on real life and she is about to lose her job. She has just moved to a tiny, a little bit creepy apartment in NYC, but there is someone already living there.

Daniel doesn't remember much from before. He is good-looking, always shirtless, and also a ghost. She is also the only guy Jilian can talk to. He starts to help her with her love life in hopes that he could move on, but with that much time spent together and all of the attention he gives her, she starts to fall for him.

I like Jilian's personality, her geekiness and that she always wants to follow her heart. Daniel is the complete opposite of her, he has a very realistic view of life, especially of dating. They are complete opposites, but that is what makes them work together so well.

I love the first half of the book. It's such an interesting premise, but I kind of lost interest in the last half, it could be a lot shorter.

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Don’t get me wrong I loved this book and would recommend it to the right People
This book is an rollercoaster to say the least there is so much about this book that left me wondering and questioning just aspects of the book
It was a great book I loved the characters together
The paranormal romance aspect definitely pulled me in instantly and kept me but it is also what almost lost me I love the paranormal and I love romance and I love paranormal romances I’m glad I stayed because I loved this book

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I loved this so much!!!! I couldn't stop reading it. This is one of my favorite romance books I've read recently. Love love love it! Such a great and different story line.
I just reviewed Ghosted by Sarah Ready. #Ghosted #NetGalley
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I was confused because the book started off creepy but the book cover is so colorful. But as I dive into the book even more, I enjoyed it. I love the whole mystery of who the ghost was. I also find it funny because of all the mirrors in the apartment.

Sarah Ready never fails to make me love and enjoy her works. I cannot wait to read more from her, for the meantime, I will pick up her backlist!

Thank you Netgalley for approving!

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I just found another favorite author!

Absolutely loved how this book made me both lol and cry. Very, very well written. 5⭐️

What I loved most- The funny banter and connection between the characters, especially the MCs, Jillian and Daniel. The author makes you care about all of them. With their unique personalities, eccentricities and their struggles with past traumas. She makes you connect with them.

I love an unpredictable book with a unique storyline and this book delivers. I did not expect any of the twist and turns. I couldn’t put it down! I’m excited for the next book in the series.

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This book follows a female journalist, who lives in NYC and writes advice columns about sex and dating but she herself is a virgin. When she moves into a new apartment by herself away from her parents, she meets a ghost. She's already dealing with bad mental health and grief from the death of her best friend.

This isn't your typical romance, it has a slight paranormal aspect to it which I absolutely loved. I would be very interested in a sequel and to read more books that the author has written. She really brings her characters to life on the page. And the romance and sex scenes are the die for. Would definitely reread this book because I coulent put it down the first time.

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