Member Reviews

I’m going to start this review off by saying I have loved everything I’ve read by Sarah Ready and was super excited for Ghosted. Especially with the cover…it’s absolutely gorgeous.

However, Ghosted didn’t work at for me at all. The storyline was hokey at best. I didn’t buy the instalove. Also, the ending wasn’t my favorite.

I did like the main characters and side characters. Probably the highlight of the book.

Thanks to Netgalley and W.W. Crown for a copy of Ghosted in exchange of an honest review.

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First of all, I have to say that I truly enjoyed this book. It was so incredibly fun, and I was invested right from the start.

Having said that in a book with a possible time traveling dimension hopping ghost, the one thing I found unbelievable was that the former Miss Ohio is a Yankee fan. You don't just leave Ohio, move to New York, and suddenly decide the Yankees are your favorite baseball team. I refuse to believe that.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I was totally engrossed in Jillian and Daniel's love story. I couldn't wait to see how it all worked out.

This book was sweet, emotional, and completely swoon worthy!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Omg!!! That second epilogue!! My brain cannot 🤯🤯 I absolutely loved this book. Granted I got a little lost there for a second but just like our couple, I found my way back. Omg this book was reminding me of Layla by Colleen Hoover as it had a similar vibe but it was more fun and quirky. Our lead, Jillian, literally could not talk to men, which like mood 😂. And then there’s Daniel, our resident ghost or so we think. Anyways, it’s just a dating/relationships expert getting help from a ghost to resurrect her love life. But the longer they spend time together, leads them down a different impossible path or so they think. Their relationship was everything and their banter - 10/10. I adored this book from start to finish and I’m so sad it’s over.

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When Jillian, a shy journalist who writes relationship advice, moves in to her new apartment, she finds it’s already occupied… by a ghost. He has no memory of his life, but he believes that he’s supposed to help Jillian with her articles and with her love life in order for him to move on. But, she finds herself falling for him instead.

With a synopsis like that, I knew I would have to suspend disbelief. I thought this would be reminiscent of 2005’s Just Like Heaven with Mark Ruffalo and Reese Witherspoon. However, this was not that. The beginning of the book was fine, but then the plot sort of fell apart as if the author had this idea and then didn’t know how to execute it. It was far too long and hung up on extraneous details and side characters that didn’t add to main story. As far as romance, one of the characters is a ghost, so the steamy scenes were just cringey at best.

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Paranormal, nerding-out and romance. I enjoyed the story of Jillian and Daniel. There was a moment that I really got emotional, which doesn’t often happen for me. Daniel is a great book boyfriend! Her coworker, Ned, made me laugh more than all of the characters. Would love to see Sarah make a book about him! I see Jillian’s best friend, Serena, is getting her own book next, which should be very good.

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Thank you to NetGallery, the author and the publisher for giving me this ARC for my honest opinion. This plot was such a unique and I really didn’t know what was going to happen next. They way the author describes the love between these two? I loved all of it. I loved it from the start to the end. It was really everything.

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I was not prepared for the twists and turns of this story!

I thought the concept was really intriguing - ghost guy and mortal girl falls in love with one another? I mean, how in the world is that going to work? — IT DID KIND OF WORK FOR SOME TIME.

But wait— why’s the guy a ghost? Did he die? Or was he just between the living and the dead, perhaps in comatose in a hospital? He knows Jillian as a ghost, but Jillian has no idea who he is. So, how? I was full of questions on this one, alright.

But I enjoyed the dynamics of the main leads - their easy conversations, fun times and funny ones, and the sexual tension brewing up when, again, physical contact IS NOT POSSIBLE. Then *poof!* hunk ghost Daniel disappears for a long time for an unknown reason. I had to check how far a long I am in the book and to my surprise, I WASN’T EVEN HALFWAY. That means A LOT IS YET TO UNFOLD. Read on, dearies! 💯

For the most part, it seemed to not make sense. I kept on guessing, sometimes, confused, but also, it kept me on edge… it kept me curious, and constantly got me thinking: ‘I have to know how this ends. I have to know what happens next!’

Oh boy. Time travel being thrown into the equation confused me moooooore. It can be borderline silly but the whole reading experience had been light, fun and comfortable.

So, yeah… I think I will be looking forward to more of this from the author 🌻 (BTW, I DID LOVE THE SPACE BETWEEN WRITTEN BY THE SAME AUTHOR)

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Okay….. I REAAAAAAAALLLLLLY wanted to like this book. It reminded me of the movie “Just Like Heaven” with Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo. I was totally into it and on board until the ghostly shmex scenes. That was the first thing that completely lost me. Then there was time travel and alternate dimensions….. I don’t know. I finished it because I felt like I needed to know what happened, but honestly, it was just okay. It had so much potential, but it fell very flat for me. I didn’t like either of the main characters. Daniel was a douchebag and Jillian is an obsessed shy girl with no personality outside of her shyness and liking Star Trek. It lasted way longer than it needed to, and I was pretty disappointed by this book. The narrator Sarah Naughton did a great job with what she was given, though. She’s probably the only reason I finished the book.

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Sarah Ready has done it again! I read her latest book "The Space Between" in june and I just loved it! I was shocked when I saw her coming out with a new book so short after that amazing masterpiece. And wow, Ghosted didn't dissapoint me at all either!

I don't know where to begin with this story. It left me with so many emotions. I have never read a paranormal ghost romance story before, but I loved it! The chemistry between Jillian and Daniel as a ghost in the beginning was really everything. I have to say that I preferred him as a ghost more than a human.

I really liked Jillian's personality, that she was shy, nerdy (obsessed with Star Trek) and that she had a hard time talking to other men! Until Daniel steps into her life as a ghost and she just know that he has changed her life forever but then he dissappears all of a sudden and she doesn't know if she have just imagined everything or did he truly exist?

What a masterpiece! I almost forgot that I was reading a book, it felt like I was watching a movie that I didn't want to end. It was funny, heart-wrenching and so emotional. Recommend everyone reading this one!

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💥 Ghosted - ARC Review 💥

Are you a fan of the 2005 rom-com Just Like Heaven? Then do I have the book recommendation for you!

Jillian can't talk to men. Just can't (honestly can't blame her). Until Daniel.

Who just appears in her new...eclectic...apartment. Shirtless of course. But there's just one little problem...

Daniel is a ghost.

Perfect for anyone trying to dip their toe into paranormal romance or those of us well versed in the art of it. This was a perfect read after my trip to NYC, @sarahreadyauthor made me feel like I was back wandering the streets.

Thank you to @netgalley for the opportunity to read Ghosted early. My review and opinions are my own.

Ghosted is out September 26th.

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This was a paranormal romance where a dating columnist who is awkward speaking to men finds someone in her new flat that appears to be a ghost and she's the only person to see him. She finds that he is the only man that she's not awkward to talk to who also appears to be half naked everywhere he went which suggested he was like this when he died which made me think how he died like this.

There's two parts to the story where you see Daniels presence in Jillians life and how annoying he is to her at first by always being there but then he helps her by going on dates with other guys as if he was the guy she was talking to. I liked how he persuaded her to have a triple chocolate milkshake and bacon burger on her blind date so Daniel could look at it as if he was eating it himself. I was not expecting the second half to be like it was! I didn't know where the story was going to go with him appearing to be a ghost with how this love story was going to end without giving any spoilers...

It was done well how the two parts were opposite to one another how in the first part she was trying to get rid of him and in the second part he was trying to do the same to Jillian.

I like how the paranormal side felt different to other romances I've read so it felt a bit original.

Thank you Netgalley and W.W Crown, Independent Book Publishers Association for giving me a copy of this book in exchange for a honest review.

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I will be the first to say I do not typically consume much contemporary romance, and that which I do is usually by chance. I took a chance on this book and I am so glad I did! I loved Jillian and Daniel's story, and the unique take on "paranormal romance". When a book makes you feel a great range of emotions, makes you audibly say, "awww", cry ugly tears, etc. you know that it has struck a place in your heart. I enjoyed the descriptive language in this book mixed in with the story, the author does a fantastic job of setting the scenes this way, and while some readers might criticize it for being too deep into the sights, smells, very much parallels how Daniel interacts with the world and shares it with Jillian.

Prior to final publishing I would consider removal of the second epilogue in its entirety. Not because Daniel's point of view is not important, but because it does not make sense. The timeline of events is somewhat tricky in this book and I feel it wraps up nicely and makes the most sense with the first epilogue, I was satisfied, and my brain did not feel like I "missed" anything "physics-wise" shall we say. However, I went on to read the second epilogue and was thoroughly confused, when straight back into re-reading the first two chapters and it still did not make sense to me. I wish I had just stopped at the original epilogue and been happy with my HEA.

I would still recommend this book to anyone looking for a feel-good book with some twists you (may or) may not see coming. This is a fairly long book and I finished it in about 1.5 days because I kept coming back to it and was hooked!

Thank you NetGallery for providing the opportunity to review an advanced copy. All ratings and opinions are my own.

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Admittedly, I'm not a Trekkie. And while paranormal romance doesn't top my list of favorite genres, some of the books that top my favorites list fall in the realm of paranormal romance. That said, those facts had little influence on my rating and overall feelings about this title. Ultimately, this was just too long. I almost didn't read the final chapter, epilogue, or second epilogue from Daniel's pov because, by that point, not only did I not care much for either MC I was entirely indifferent to whether or not they ended up together in the end. I actually found myself hoping that Jillian would hit it off with the coffee cart guy just so we could end it there.

The author has a creative writing style with an initially compelling plot, albeit not at all believable. And not only for the paranormal aspect. I expected to be required to suspend belief to an extent, but there was nothing normal left on the page to tether it to. Everything, and I mean everything, was over. the. top. The descriptions, personalities, dialogue, Star Trek references — everything. Somehow Ready achieved excellent character development, even for supporting relationships. Maybe too much so. I didn't need to understand each character so deeply only to have already forgotten their names. I totally related with Daniel's confusion at times. Hayley and Bernardo's sub-story would have made for a great part two and kept this one more enjoyable.

Finally, the romance in this book tipped from cute to cringeworthy and never quite recovered. The ghostly sex scenes were detailed and uncomfortable enough to prevent me from appreciating the real thing when it happened. And although I will likely entertain reading another title by this author, this one may have ruined the paranormal trope for me for a while.

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I never knew what was going to happen at any point in this book. I thought it was pretty fast paced and then Daniel disappeared halfway through the book. I was so confused but I actually love everything that happened after that. She started questioning whether or not she actually imagined him and it was great. I still don't think the whole he was a ghost and timeline completely make sense, but I don't need it to.

I received an arc through netgalley.

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Ghosted is Sarah Ready’s latest stand-alone romance that’s a mixture of romantic comedy and angst. It’s different from her previous novels in both writing style and paranormal content.

Jillian “Jilly” Nejat is a 27-year-old extremely introverted New Yorker who writes a relationship column for a dying e-magazine. Her loving parents sent her to therapists throughout her childhood in an effort to get her to come out of her shell, but she still speaks only a little to other women. She met her best friend, Serena, at a Star Trek Convention when they were in middle school; Jilly is still a big Trekkie. She is incapable of talking to men and has the social life to prove it. She rarely makes it through a first date and is still a virgin.

When Jilly moves into a tiny, dirt-cheap studio apartment in the city, she is stunned by the décor. It looks like a sex den. Then a sexy, shirtless, six-pack wielding heartthrob appears inside her apartment and announces that he’s Daniel (no-last-name). Jillian figures that he must be a ghost (although Daniel denies that he’s dead) because she is able to converse with him. After accompanying Jilly on her 150th blind date, Daniel is convinced that it’s his afterlife mission to improve Jillian’s love life. He thinks that he can move on if he is successful in helping her. Jillian agrees because she doesn’t want or need a Lothario ghost haunting her living room.

Jilly’s advice column is causing the magazine to lose subscribers, so her boss gives her one month to turn it around. Daniel is eager to help her on that front as well. He goes with her to interviews, has practice dates, and suddenly Jillian realizes that she’s falling for him. But how can she maintain a real relationship with a ghost?

There are many hilarious scenes in this book, and Jilly’s best friend, Serena, and her colorful co-workers add extra humor and depth to the story. The scene at the psychic is priceless, as is Jilly and Daniels’s interview with the sex therapist. There’s a subplot involving two co-workers, Bernardo and Hayley, and I’m glad that situation was resolved in this story. Both Serena and Hayley’s characters are non-stereotypical females, and I appreciate them being characterized as successful people. I enjoyed all of the Star Trek references. Obviously I loved Ghosted but it took a long time to get to the happily-ever-after.

I received an Advance Review Copy (ARC) from NetGalley and W.W. Crown Publishing for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Not what I was expecting at all! I was totally sucked into this story and found it hard to put it down, I will certainly reading it again as I loved it!

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Ghosted is a Paranormal Romance and a beautiful story of Jillian(FMC) who falls in love with a ‘ghost’. Sarah Ready has woven this simple yet complicated premise into a delightful story with her immersive storytelling and bewitching plot twists. I really enjoyed the story, though there are some pitfalls for me. I found it very cringey. I literally skimmed through all the romantic and intimate scenes, because I couldn’t take it. And there was a pet peeve where everyone including Daniel(MMC) and the side characters were constantly praising the FMC, and it was for nothing actually. Yeah, I get it, she is an innocent character who is also very lovely and likable. But I think it could’ve been portrayed some other way like, in a scene where she is doing something ‘lovely and likable’, but not by others saying it out loud. But other than that it is a fun packed cute love story.

The story follows Jillian, who moves into her new apartment which is covered in mirrors from walls to ceiling, discovers that there is a man in the apartment with her. Although she is a relationship and dating columnist, she herself can’t talk to men and if she is put in such a situation , she will simply stare at them or stay silent. But Daniel,who is in the apartment, is an exception. She asks him who he is and questions him about his whereabouts which he can’t remember. That's when she realizes that he isn’t being reflected from the mirrors and he might be a ghost. Even if Daniel claims to know Jillian she is adamant that she has never met him before. From then on Daniel is following her wherever she goes. How does he know Jillian before he dies even if she doesn't recognize him? Why is he following her around even if she tells him to go away?

I also enjoyed the audiobook. The narrator has done an amazing job.

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I'll be very honest here, Sarah Ready is one of my top favorite authors now. Her writing is so good & the romance is extraordinary. Quite literally here.

This book, you can say, is divided into 2 halves. Both halves are very different yet very similar. Jillian & Daniel go on a wild, bizzare adventure of a lifetime that spans into alternate timelines. Their chemistry was SOO GOOD.

I did find the 1st half to be very fast-paced, but the 2nd half stole the show. The parallels of the 2 tinelines were crazy good & I'm still in awe of these star-crossed lovers.

And to have the full circle moment in the end was everything.
Fans of The Seven Year Slip & Dead Romantics, you'll love this.

Thank you Netgalley and publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I was immediately drawn in and engrossed in the story. This absolutely reads like a movie.
Emotional, sweet, swoon worthy and totally bingable.
Loved the connection to the Space Between (which I also read as an ARC).

I also have to note how much I love short chapters so this is an A+ on that front. Short chapters totally add to the binge-worthy aspect.


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First off, this ARC was provided by net galley & publishers for me to read in exchange for an honest review. THANK YOU, I really appreciate it.

I am so glad I saw @wanderingintopages review of this ARC that sent me to net galley to find it ❤️. This is my first paranormal and Sarah Ready book and I love this story! It’s so good because this book made me cry and I the emotions and angst it brought me was so on point👌🏻.

This is a beautiful story about love and loss and learning how to stand up for yourself YAS YAS YAAASSS 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

However, I only gave it 4 stars because it took me a number of chapters to really get into this book. I was worried at first with the star trek references and ghost MMC, but THEN IT JUST ALL CLICKED. And I TOTALLY GET IT. And I’m not eloquent enough to put what I feel for this book i to words other than it made it laugh out loud, it made me smirk, it MADE ME CRY. I am READY for another Sarah Ready Book please!

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