Member Reviews

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this Arc in exchange for an honest review.
If you like a paranormal rom com, mystery all wrapped into one then this is the book for you! I read this book in one sitting because I was so invested in these characters, I laughed and I cried with the characters and enjoyed every last second. It was a nice break from the heavy fantasy books I usually read and is a great palate cleanser - if you know what I mean.
This was the first book from Sarah Ready that I have read and it’s made me want to buy her other books to see if they are as good as this one. I would definitely recommend to anyone who is wanting a slightly different kind of romance novel.

I have to say, it's a real gem. The story revolves around Jillian Nejat, a dating expert who can't talk to men. Her life takes a wild turn when she moves into a shabby NYC apartment already inhabited by a handsome ghost named Daniel. Yup, you read that right—she's got a ghostly roommate on a mission to help her find love and resurrect her career. This book is an emotional rollercoaster, from laughs to tears. It's about self-discovery, forgiveness, and the power of connection. Jillian and Daniel's chemistry is palpable, even though they can't be together fully. The audiobook narration is spot on, too; I couldn't stop listening. If you're into unconventional love stories with heart, "Ghosted" is a must-read. Sarah Ready nails it again!

“I could find you anywhere,” he says dismissively. “You’re like a flame. I’m drawn to you. Everyone else is muted, but you burn bright.”
Five million stars! This book was amazing! It had many heartwarming and swoon-worthy moments like the one I quoted above! It was slow to start but once I got into it, I loved it.
The characters were very well written. Jillian, Hayley, and Fran were my favorites. They had me laughing hard many times! This is the first book I’ve read from this author, but I’ll be reading more of her books from now on!
I highly recommend this book to everyone!

This was a romance with a bit of sci-fi thrown in. Jillian is apparently a relationship “expert,” but she CANNOT even speak to men…unless they are dead. She moves into a new apartment [site unseen]—it’s covered in mirrors (possible sex pad?). AND it’s already occupied—by a ghost, Daniel. Since Daniel is dead, Jillian has no issues speaking to him. Daniel makes it his mission to turn Jillian’s dating life around.
I had moments where I really liked this book and moments where it felt like more of a chore to read. There was a bit too much science-fiction and Star-trek references for me and not enough “action.” I would recommend this book if you are into romance and Star-trek/the multiverse—but I certainly struggled to follow along to some of the references and overall this book did not suck me in.
The writing style itself was good, but the topics/content just wasn’t for me. I would definitely give this author another chance though!

Only Sarah Ready can make me fall in love with the ghost and cry for a man who didn't even exist. Yes I think you are intrigued by just reading these few lines and add the power of Sarah Ready's amazing writing, Ghosted is a clear winner .I cannot imagine how I existed as a romance reader before I stumbled upon the genius called Sarah Ready's writing. She has an epic way of bringing out the most powerful raw heart shattering feels from her characters & her story .Ghosted was no exception. This story is a powerhouse of all kinds of emotion I laughed. I swooned. I loved. I got heartbroken and at the end I am not sure why I am crying Maybe I am so overwhelmed with all the feels that I cannot help but break down into tears.
This is the story of Jillian who cannot talk to any male species in this world. Shehe is shy and naughty and adorable ..a Star Trek loving journalist who is still working for the paper she first started working after graduation. She gets the surprise of her lifetime when she moves into her new apartment in New York City with mirrored walls put up by the previous tenant.A shirtless man appearing in her apartment Out of nowhere and he's vanishes out of nowhere. Yes you guessed it right. Daniel is a ghost.But Gillian doesn't know what Daniel is doing in her apartment. Daniel. himself is not very sure what happened to his life unintended .Jillian thinks she has to get rid of Daniel and a psychic says it can only happen if Daniel helps her in some way because she thinks that's the reason Daniel is here and Daniel decides his duty is to help Jillian to get into dating other men but the problem is: as Jillian spends more time with a ghost she is falling in love with the ghost and Daniel is feeling the same but there is no future for them. Feelings come and feelings becomes stronger and then one day he just disappears .Will he come bac? is there any chance of happily ever after ?
So it was a very interesting idea. I don't think I have ever read such a plot and you think it will be difficult to fall for a ghost who cannot touch or who cannot do anything physical like a simple kiss for Gillian but Sarah Ready's genius really knows no bound. The way she brought everything,the way she manufactured every single tiny detail is enough to make me believe that Daniel is More real than anything in Jillian's life. It was exceptional. It was incredible and my heart was breaking over and over again for both Daniel and Jillian. I am not sure if New York is a recurring theme for Sarah Ready's book but here it plays a character itself as Daniel and Jillian explores the little delights of this big city together. I also loved the whole family of Daily Expose,the paper where Jillian works. they may be eccentric ,they may have their quirks and fights but together they are a family. Jillian is Such a sweet and shy and beautiful woman who is unsure of her feelings because of a tragic past. But then Daniel makes her see that she deserves every love, every devotion, every adoration for the kind of person she is . She doesn't need to change for getting a man. It is a joke that she is running the dauly exposes relationship column but Daniel is teaching her to fall in love and in the process they fall in love with each other .what can I say about Daniel .He is an amazing man and it captures nothing of his perfection .He is charming .He is so respectful of her choices And yet he is irresistible in an alpha way and I was so sad for him that he was floating around in this world and he cannot remember anything of his past but he feels that he knew Nillian from beforehand and then the mega twist comes after Daniel's disappearance.
I assure you there is a happily ever after and I assure you Jillian gets what she e wanted. She deserved an epic man an epic love and epic love story and she got it with Daniel
..how ?to know that You have to read the story because I won't be giving you any spoiler. I will tell you this much ,like jillian's physicist best friend, that there are certain things beyond science and reality . There are things those don't make sense yet they fit perfectly in the world .Jillian and Daniel's love story is exactly like that . it could have been impossible, it could have been a disaster but it ultimately ended up being angsty heart wrenching and life-changing love story. Jillian and Daniel has such a beautiful connection from the first day.that is each other.They push each other ,they brings out the best in each other , when they are together they are just so wholeheartedly happy that it is impossible not to smile like lunatic. You can feel the power and intensity of their connection coming off the pages. the chemistry would have been an awkward thing but Sarah Reddy again built it up in a effortlessly. I didn't know or expect that sex with a ghost could be so such a sublime experience . I can say this much Sarah ready always brings something fresh something phenomenal something overwhelming and all-consuming in her love stories and now I know I should not ever Miss A single romance by hurt if you are missing her books you are missing something big time
I reviewed an early copy voluntarily through Netgalley

How pretty is this cover?
I loved this book so much! It was sweet and heartwarming and emotional and funny! I couldn't put it down all weekend. A unique love story that kept me hooked until the very end!
Favorite line: "Everyone else is muted, but you burn bright."
Favorite part: the 2nd epilogue <3
Rating: 4.5/5
Audio: 5/5
Spice Level: 1.5/5
Holiday Vibes: Halloween, Valentine’s Day, Christmas

I do not even know where to start with this one. This was so good. I was hooked from the first chapter.
Daniel's character was utter perfection. As a ghost and as a human. Though I think he was my favourite as a ghost. He was cute, sexy and really funny. I was judging Jillian for falling in love with a ghost at first and then I fell in love with him too and now we're both romantic idiots.
The chemistry between Daniel and Jillian was so wonderfully presented. I actually cried when he didn't remember who she was. This book got me feeling raw emotions for people that don't even exist. Sure it happens with me a lot but this was just...wow.
Kudos to the author for that second epilogue. I didn't realize how much I needed that until I actually read it. I will most definitely be checking out Sarah's other books and will be keeping an eye out for any future projects.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC. Such a unique spin on a love story! I had to force myself to savor the story and not read it all the same day! Some of the physics, parallel dimension talk was a little over my pay grade but for my fellow dum-dums out there, don't worry, it won't bore you. You will enjoy the story and fall in love with Jillian and Daniel's unconventional love affair.

An interesting, fantastical spin on the romance genre. Though at times it is a bit slow-paced, and I think it could have ended earlier (the second half does drag a bit), overall it is a fun and enjoyable read with likeable characters and an interesting review of the world of dating

Jillian Nejat is a relationship columnist living in New York - except, she can't talk to men. She moves into a new apartment, only to discover she has a ghost named Daniel. Except, he's not spooky but very sexy, and for some reason, Jillian is able to talk to him. Daniel teaches Jillian how to be confident and assertive and the two form a connection, but Jillian realizes the one thing she wants is what she can't have because the man she loves is already dead. Or is he?
This is my third Sarah Ready book this year and I loved French Holiday and The Space Between so much. However, I think it's safe to say that paranormal romance is not for me. I think I knew that, but loved Ready's words so much that I decided to give the subgenre another chance but it just isn't for me! I found the paranormal elements hard to get into and it just didn't feel realistic to me, which duh, it's about a ghost, so why would it, but I think that is something I value in romance. Some elements of the story just didn't land for me, and it was a bit long for not much payoff in my opinion. If you like paranormal romances, this might be a great read for you!
TW: Death, mention of suicide, mention of stalking

You think you know how a book is going to go and then it twists a completely different way and blows your mind. At least that's what happened to me when I read Ghosted by Sarah Ready.
When Jillian and Daniel fall in love the biggest obstacle they have is not that she's incredibly shy and can't talk to men, it's that he is incorporeal. That's right folks, he's a ghost. That doesn't stop them from falling in love but it does make the reader think, how the heck are they going to get through this? Where is this heading and will they find their HEA if he's not real?
There's plenty of heartache in the first part of the book and the second part throws all expectations out the window.
This is one emotionally charged, unpredictable ride and I was there for every second. I loved Jillian as a character, with all her hangups, sensitivity and eventual bravery. Daniel ... he's awesome but I cannot say more or I will spoil the journey for you. Although this story can get pretty heavy at times, there are plenty of light-hearted and funny moments to enjoy, and Serena is part of many of them - I loved her the most.
There's also a lovely little side romance which I was completely invested in. The other characters are special in their own way.
If you are a bit of a Star Trek fan, then you will enjoy the references in this book, although as a light consumer of the show and movies, some of them went over my head.
I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley and all opinions in this review are my own.

So this isn’t my usual genre – I’m a crime/thriller kinda girl, but something about this book drew me in. I’m comfortable enough to admit I may just have been attracted to this book by the cover – I absolute LOVE the colours and loved the mystery with the title.
This story was simply MAGICAL. This is so much more than your average love story. The characters face into their fears, hurt, grief and are open about their struggles and give each topic enough respect that you genuinely feel their emotions. You feel the closeness, intimacy and vulnerability in both Jillian and Daniel and while you know in your mind this can’t possibly end the way you want it to, it encourages you to dream, wonder what if? And make you want to take that leap of faith and believe in true love. There were times where I was actually sobbing, but there were times when I didn’t realise I was crying – some moments were THAT tender.
I went into this really sceptical if I’m completely honest, but oh my – I was pleasantly surprised. This was a beautiful and unique story. Sarah - thank you for allowing me to spend time in Jillian’s world. I loved every minute of it!
I couldn't stop reading - 5 stars!

This book really had me wanting to continuously read it. I like how the story is basically one-of-a-kind and it's so intriguing. It did have me confused on a few parts but those were later explained. Although I'm not a science geek, I was at least able to understand pretty much all that was going on in the end.
Thanks to Netgalley and Independent Publishers for allowing me to review this book. I absolutely love it.

3.5 * rounded up to 4 stars.
WOW! Thats my first thought after finishing my first ghost romance story. This book is about an extremely shy woman who is unable to speak to men and happens to be an advise writer for a romance column lol. When she moves into her a new apartment and there is a man there she's surprised that she can talk to him, only he's a ghost. That is how this one begins and it did such a good job of grabbing my attention right from the beginning. There is a lot of humor and awkwardness that I was super into it from the start.
There is a bit of insta-love which isn't my favorite especially with adult characters as it doesn't seem very realistic to me, with these characters its pretty cute and I enjoyed their friendship. I overall enjoyed this book, it was a fun very atmospheric read. The NYC city vibes were well done and I felt I was immersed in the story while reading it. My main gripe was that it was a bit too long and too cheesy at times for my personal taste. It was a solid, fun and light romance that is a perfect read for fall!
Thank you to Netgalley, W.W. Crown, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) for granting me access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

The whiplash I had with this book! For the first 35% of it I was a little irritated because things were moving so freaking fast, ans some things didn't made sense. But boy, I was up for shock...and when it came I truly enjoyed the rest of the book. Loved that first Jillian was saved by Daniel, and later Daniel is saved by Jillian...completing the cicle. Also, that epilogue was so smart to be added.
There's something about Jillian's coworkers and their dynamic that really did something with me because I caught myself crying at some point - precious bunch. And Daniel grew on me after not liking him that much at the beginning.

Thank you NetGalley,, Sarah Ready, and W.W. Crown, Independent Book Publishers Association for letting me read and review this book!
This was my first Sarah Ready book and she has gained a new fan!
This book was not like anything I have read before, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect and I ended up loving it.
Ghosted is a paranormal romance,
Jillian writes articles about dating and relationships giving her advice on love.
The catch is she is socially awkward and although she is dating, she isn’t able to get through one conversation with her dates or have a successful relationship.
Then there is Daniel who struggling to cope with being dead and unexpectedly meets Jillian the only person who can see/hear him. He is convinced the only way he can move on is to help Jillian with dating and teaching her to be less awkward.
I love the connection Jillian and Daniel share and they sweet flirty moments between the two had me smiling.

Stars 3.5
Ghosted by Sarah Ready. I got this as an ARC book on netgalley, it sounded intriguing and I love paranormal reads. I haven't read anything by Sarah before and I really enjoyed this book and the story was very cleverly done. It definitely kept me intrigued to carry on reading, to find out what was going on and how it was possible.
So our two main characters Jillian Nejat and Daniel. Jillian is an expert on relationships and dating but she has a manger problem talking to actual men alive. Apart from Daniel a sexy man with no shirt on and a body of a god, who turns up in her dirt ridden apartment she just moved into. But the only problem is he is dead. Now funny enough this reminded me of a movie I've seen so many times. I love it, it's called Just Like Heaven, except in the movie the woman is a ghost and he moved into her apartment, and she keeps annoying him like turning up in his fridge haha. Daniel was sweet, I tell you if I was to meet a ghost I wouldn't mind it being Daniel, but he thinks it mission to help Jillian get over her fear of talking to men and find the perfect man for her so he can move on. Jillian obviously agrees and there is nothing more annoying than having a ghost with you all the time, but plans change as they both get closer to each other.
I was blown away by the ending, I thought I had guessed the ending but then bam. I sat there like, no way that was so clever. I loved how Sarah did this story, it got a bit slow in places, but it was well worth finishing just for that twist it was brilliant. Well worth reading if you want a light hearted and funny read, some scenes had me in stitches. There was also heart swooning romance too.

Ghosted by Sarah Ready is a paranormal romance with plot twists and a story with a happy ending.
This book is one of the most unique and interesting reads I've ever read this year! I thoroughly enjoyed being part of the journey of Jillian's and Daniel's love story. Their story is one of grief, acceptance, and also a little bit nerdy!
I love the quirks each characters have, as well as their banter and the ease of their relationship. I wanted to just keep reading this book and couldn't put it down! Sarah Ready has once again captured my attention with lots of heartache, hope, and affection towards her character.
I am not Star Trek fan but she definitely made me want to watch the whole enterprise!!!
There are a few reasons that I didn't give this book a full 5 stars and that is mostly because I wanted MORE!!! I wanted to read more of Daniel and more of the ending. I wanted more groveling, and I think it would have been nice if we could get Daniel's POV.
That being said, I love, love, love this book and am now a Sarah Ready STAN!

Ghosted is a paranormal romance about a girl named Jillian Nejat and the ghost she fell in love with.
Jillian moved to a new apartment, where she saw a man named Daniel, except he was not real; he was a ghost. She writes a dating advice column for a living, but in reality, she struggles to talk to men. Daniel is the only man with whom she talks freely and without any hesitation. Daniel helps her with her work and helps her overcome her fear of talking to men.
Jillian’s development was worth reading; she started gaining confidence, forgiving herself, and moving on from the past. I enjoyed the interaction between Jillian and Daniel and the bond they share. Jillian helps Daniel complete his unfinished business and move on. Daniel helps Jillian find a person with whom she can fall in love.
The premises of the book were very interesting with a different concept. I loved the plot; it was unpredictable and entertaining, and its pacing was good. It was a delightful read.

honest review.
jillian has just moved into a new apartment, and discovers that she has a ghost living there with her. his name is daniel, and he appears shirtless in just a pair of jeans, and he’s also super hot. jillian has a lot of trouble talking to men (i.e. literally has not spoken to a man in years). as they get to know each other, daniel helps jillian practice talking to men. in the process, they realize that they might like each other. the only problem is that daniel is not alive.
the first half of this book was so cute! that’s my favorite part about romance novels, watching the couple realize they have feelings for each other. the “lessons in dating” trope was really well-executed here.
the book could have ended around 200 pages earlier, imo. the last half of the book felt sooooo drawn out. it ended up having a sweet ending, but i wish it had ended earlier.
read ghosted if you’re looking for a sweet rom-com with some paranormal aspects! recommended to anyone who loves the “lessons in dating” trope and doesn’t mind long books.